578 research outputs found

    Prevalence of Camel Mastitis and Its Associated Risk Factors in and around Garowe District, Puntland, Somalia

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    Mastitis is one of the main issues that cause economic inefficiencies in dairy farms. It has numerous infectious and non-infectious origins and is divided into clinical and subclinical forms. A cross sectional study of camel mastitis was conducted on 88 lactating camels from Garowe District Puntland between May to August 2023 to estimate the prevalence and causes of mastitis, as well the risk factors involved on disease. Prevalence of mastitis was assessed by using California mastitis test (CMT) and bacterial cultured. The overall prevalence of mastitis at animal level was camels examined for mastitis was found a prevalence of 39.7% (35/88) in the current study. The overall quarter level prevalence was 47.7% (168/352). Among these 10(11.4%) and 25(28.4%) were found to be positive with clinical and sub-clinical mastitis respectively, based on clinical examination and mastitis indicator paper (Table 2). Regarding Result analysis showed that there was a statistically significant association (P<0.05) among four the risk factors (tick infected, wound stage of lactation and poor hygienic). Tick infestation and udder lesions were significantly associated with camel mastitis (P < 0.05). Bacteriological examination of CMT along with bacteriological culture methods were used. The study cultured a positive camel milk samples revealed that Staphylococcus spp was the major causative agents for both clinical and sub clinical camel mastitis (45.7%) followed by Streptococcus agalactiae (25.7%), E. coli (14.3%), Klebsiella spp. (8.6%) and Micrococcus (5.7%) respectively. The study demonstrated that camel mastitis is a problem which warrants appropriate control measures in order to improve the health of camels and quality of camel milk production in the study area. The isolation of genera of pathogenic bacteria from the camel milk samples suggests the need for strict hygienic measures during the production and handling of camel milk to reduce public health hazards. Furthermore, public education should be given to improve their awareness about the importance of proper herd health management and hygienic milking practices. In order to minimize the adverse effect of mastitis on the yield, quality of milk and zoonotic impact of the pathogen. The prevalence of camel mastitis in the study area was found to be significantly high. Therefore, implementation of integrated approaches has great importance in the study sites for the prevention and control of mastitis hence minimizing economic loss and prevents significant public health risks.&nbsp

    Diversity of Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Two Forest Sites from Kabylia of Djurdjura, Northern Algeria

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    The current study deals with the diversity of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Kabylia of Djurdjura. It has been carried out in two forest sites from the localities of Azeffoun and Assi-Youcef, Tizi Ouzou (northern Algeria). Two sampling methods were adopted: manual capture and pitfall traps. Various community metrics were used as key elements to assess ant biodiversity within the two study sites. They included the species richness, the relative abundance, the constancy, and the Shannon-Weaver and equitability indices. Our inventory allowed identifying 24 species belonging to 12 genera and three subfamilies, which are the Myrmicinae (58%), the Formicinae (34%), and the Dolichoderinae (08%). The highest species richness was registered for the two first subfamilies, while the subfamily Dolichoderinae dominated numerically. The Site of Azeffoun, which is more submitted to human activities, recorded higher values in the number of individuals, the species richness, and the Shannon-Weaver diversity index. However, the difference between the two sites consisted mainly of the rare species, such as Crematogaster laestrygon, Goniomma sp. and Palagiolepis sp., which were present in the Azeffoun site. The local site conditions certainly have played a key role in ant species occurrence within the two study areas. Azeffoun is more disturbed than Assi-Youcef, resulting in the recruitment of much more rare and accidental species in the first site. In contrast, the rate of accessory to omnipresent species is substantially higher in Assi-Youcef, which recorded a high species evenness. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report the ant genus Formica in Kabylia of Djurdjura

    Genetic comparisons of Egyptian date palm cultivars (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by RAPD-PCR

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    Random amplified polymorphic DNA technique was used to compare genetic material from four females date palm and four unknown male trees of Egyptian date palm. The genetic similarity between the four females date palm (Zaghloul, Amhat, Samany and Siwi) ranged from 87.5 to 98.9%. The banding profiles obtained suggested that both males 3 and 4 are genetically related to the four female cultivars. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(4): 86

    Efficacy of oral celecoxib and hyoscine butyl-bromide versus placebo during copper intrauterine device placement in women delivered only by elective cesarean section: a randomized controlled study

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of celecoxib to hyoscine butyl bromide (HBB) and placebo in reducing pain scores during placement of copper intrauterine devices (IUD) in parous women who have undergone elective cesarean section and who have had no previous vaginal deliveries. Methods: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial at a tertiary University hospital from April 2018 to September 2018. The study included women who had never delivered vaginally and who desired copper IUD insertion. We randomized the study participants in a 1:1:1 ratio to celecoxib, HBB or placebo groups. They took the tablets orally two hours before IUD insertion. The study outcomes were the self-reported pain measurements, using a 10-cm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), taken during tenaculum placement, sound insertion, IUD insertion and five minutes post-insertion, as well as an ease of insertion score. Results: The study included 105 women (n=35 in each group). The baseline characteristics were similar among all groups. The mean pain score in the celecoxib group was lower during IUD insertion than placebo (1.97 vs 4.34, p<0.001). Moreover, the ease of insertion score was significantly better with celecoxib [1.56 vs. 3.03, p< 0.001] than with placebo. Similarly, Women in the HBB group were more likely to report lower pain scores during IUD insertion (2.91 vs 4.34, p<0.001) and lower ease of insertion score [1.43 vs. 3.03, p< 0.001]. Conclusions: The use of celecoxib and HBB may both reduce the pain associated with copper IUD insertion among women with no previous vaginal delivery. However, celecoxib is better tolerated with fewer side effect

    The Impact of Big Data Analytics on Investment Efficiency and Financial Performance: Evidence from Saudi Stock Market

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    The paper investigates the determinants of adopting big data analytics (BDA) in the Saudi environment according to vision 2030, in addition to the impact of BDA on both investment efficiency and financial performance, we analyzed the academic accounting literature and provide a theoretical framework for each variable. Furthermore, to achieve our research objectives we developed three hypotheses and tested them through an empirical study based on three statistical models; our sample consisted of the largest 50 companies operating in the Saudi stock market for five years (2017-2021). Going further, our findings illustrated that (1) Firm Size, Cash Flows, Growth Opportunities, and Dividend Policy have a positive significant impact on the adoption of big data analytics (2) Leverage and Working Capital have a positive significant impact on the adoption of big data analytics (3) There is a positive impact of the adoptions of big data analytics on investment efficiency (4) There is a positive impact of the adoptions of big data analytics on the financial performance

    Evaluation of serotonin serum level in cases of alopecia areata and vitiligo

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    Background: There are cutaneous illnesses that could be exacerbated or precipitated by stress, including alopecia areata, psoriasis, and even vitiligo. Psychological sequelae mainly affected by serotonin have been studied among these patients.Objective: Assessment of blood serotonin levels in alopecia areata and vitiligo patients for psychological impacts. Patients and Methods: 15 individuals with vitiligo, 15 with alopecia areata, and 15 healthy age and sex matched controls were studied in this study. A modified version of the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) was used to quantify the stress index, and blood serotonin levels were also measured to study the role of stress in alopecia areata and vitiligo.Results: Patients who had alopecia areata as well as vitiligo had considerably greater serum serotonin levels than controls. In the vitiligo group, there was a strong positive connection between serum serotonin, the vitiligo area scoring index (VASI) score, and the stress index. On the other hand, no positive correlation was found between serum serotonin and both severity of alopecia tool (SALT) score and stress index in alopecia areata group. Conclusion: In both alopecia areata and vitiligo, psychological stress appears to play a significant role as a triggering factor and we should pay attention to psychiatric role to get proper treatment for such chronic diseases

    تطور دلالات مصطلح (الجمجمة) بين معجم العين ومعجم تاج العروس: دراسة تحليلية مقارنة Development of semantics of the word cranium, between the dictionary of Al -Ain to the dictionary of Taj Al-Aroos: an analytical and comparative study

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    تتناول الدراسة دلالات مصطلح الجمجمة، فتركّز على تتبع دلالاته من معجم العين إلى معجم تاج العروس، وقد حفلت المعاجم القديمة بالكثير من المصطلحات والتي انتقل بعضها من مستويات لغوية بحتة إلى مستويات علمية مصطلحية، كما تهدف الدراسة إلى إماطة اللثام عن التطور الحاصل في مثل هذه المصطلحات وذلك عن طريق دراسة التطور اللغوي بأحد مظاهره الثلاثة وهي التعميم (التوسيع) والتخصيص (التضييق) والانتقال، كما ستتناول الدراسة أوائل الدلالات الجديدة ومظانها، وستذكر مقدار التحول الدلالي مقارنة بالتحول الزمني لها، كما ستقوم باستقصاء الأدلة والشواهد ومناقشتها مناقشة نصية، وتصنيفها وفق أنواعها وكيفية توظيفها من أجل توليد الدلالة الجديدة، ومحاولة تقصّي هذه الشواهد في النهاية بدراسة كمية، وستناقش الدراسة استمرارية المعنى القديم من عدمه، ومحاولة رصد بدايات سقوط المعنى القديم وهيمنة المعنى الجديد، أو تتبع المشاركة في الاستمرارية بينهما، كما ستبحث الدراسة في الكلمات المرادفة للمفهوم من خلال المعاجم المختلفة ومحاولة دراستها تاريخيا، وستناقش دلالاتها الأخرى، وستحرص على معرفة تداخل هذه المصطلحات مع مصطلحات كتب الطب القديمة والتي ركّزنا فيها على كتابي الحاوي للرازي والقانون لابن سينا لقربهما زمنيا ونصيا من المعاجم اللغوية، كما ستحاول الدراسة البحث عن ترجمات أجنبية لهذه المصطلحات ومعرفة المصطلح المناسب حديثا لهذه الأمراض. The study deals with the semantics of the word cranium, focusing on tracking its connotations from the dictionary of Al -Ain to the dictionary of Taj Al-Aroos. The old dictionaries have been focused on many terms, some of which have moved from purely linguistic levels to scientific terminological levels. The study aims to reveal the development of such terms by studying linguistic development in one of its three manifestations which are generalization (expansion), allocation (narrowing) and transition. As the study will address the early new semantics and their models and will mention the amount of semantic transformation compared to its time shift. The study will also investigate and discuss the evidence and discuss it in textual discussion, categorize it according to its types and how to employ it in order to generate the new indication. It tries to investigate these evidences in the end by quantitative study. The study will discuss the continuity of the old meaning or not, try to monitor the beginnings of the fall of the old meaning and the dominance of the new meaning, or follow the participation in continuity between them. The study will look at the words synonymous with the concept through different dictionaries and try to study them historically, and will discuss their other connotations. It will be keen to know the overlap of these terms with the The old books of medicine, in which we focused on the book of Al-Hawi for al-Razi and the Law for Ibn Sina, because of their temporal and textual proximity to linguistic dictionaries. And the study will try to find foreign translations of these terms and find out the newly appropriate term for these diseases

    Association of the Arginase Ι with Bronchial Asthma

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    الهدف: الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو الكشف عن إنزيم ارجينز I ودوره في مرضى المصابين بالربو و دراسة علاقته بالربو القصبي. المواد والطرق: تم جمع عينات الدم من 100 مرضى مصابين بمرض الربو اللذين ادخلوا قسم الباطنية في مستشفى رزكاري التعليمي و 100 شخصاً من الاصحاء الذين ليس لديهم علامات سريرية سابقة لأي مرض حاد أو مزمن كمجموعة المقارنة. حيث تم ملء الاستبيان على أساس مرض الربو الناجم عن نوعه ومدة المرض وعمر المرضى والجنس والحالة السريرية للعائلة وظرف الحساسية. في مركز البحث الطبي تم فصل مصل الدم لإجراء فحص ARGΙ وايجاد علاقته مع الربو القصبي باستخدام تقنية مناعي مرتبط بالإنزيم (ELISA). تم تحديد نشاط ARGΙ وقياس تحويل الأرجينين إلى اورثنين واليوريا باستخدام مقياس قياس الألوان الكمية علي طول موجي490 نانومتر. النتائج: أظهرت النتائج الي وجود علاقة ايجابية بين ARGΙ والربو القصبي. لوحظ ارتفاع ملحوظ في مستوى الارجينيز في مصل الدم للمرضى الذين تتجاوز اعمارهم عن 81 سنة و قيمة متوسط و قيمة p (0.000); (100.16±19.77c),). كما لوحظ علاقة ملحوظ في مستوى الارجينيز مع مدة الاصابة بالمرض. حيث كان مستوى الارجينيز عالية في المرضى المصابة بالربو لأكثر من 20 سنة (82.48±38.81c), و قيمة p (0.01). كذلك لوحظ علاقة ملحوظ بين مستوى الارجينيز وأولئك الذين يعانون من أنواع الربو المستحث ومع ظرف الحساسية أيضا. ولكن لوحظ اختلاف غير معنوي في مستوى الارجينيز للمصل مع الحالة السريرية للعائلة لمرض الربو وجنس المريض. وأظهرت النتائج وجود ارتباط ملحوظ ل ARG Ι في تطويرمرض الربو في p ˂ 0.05.Objective The aim of this study was to detect the arginase Ι (ARG I) enzyme in asthma patients, clarify its role, in addition to examining the relationship of this enzyme with bronchial asthma. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 100 patients from the Department of Medicine in Rizgary Hospital in Erbil City, in addition to intact 100 volunteers; the introduced questionnaire was filled out on the basis of type-induced asthma, duration of the disease, age of the patients, gender, family history, and allergy condition, Serum was separated to perform Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in Medical Research Center to examine the association of ARGΙ with bronchial asthma. By ARG activity we can measure the conversion of arginine to ornithine and urea. By using a quantitative colorimetric assay at 490 nm, employing a QuantiChrom arginase assay kit (Bioassay Systems). Results: Our results depicted the association between ARGΙ and bronchial asthma: based on their age, significant elevation of serum arginase level was observed in the patients with ≥81 years old, which mean value (100.16±19.77c), p-value (0.000); also the duration of asthma ≥20 years (82.48±38.81c) , p-value (0.01) were remarkably affected; this sign was found in those with types of induced asthma and with allergy condition. &nbsp;But the non- significant difference in the frequency of abnormal serum arginase level was observed in those patients that have a family history of asthma disease and gender of the patients. This finding demonstrated a remarkable association of ARG Ι in the development of asthma at p ˂ 0.05

    Green Synthesis, Characterization, Antimicrobial and Anticancer Screening of New Metal Complexes Incorporating Schiff Base

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    A Schiff base ligand of o-vanillin and 4-aminoazobenzene and its transition metal complexes of Ni(II), Co(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), Mn(II), and Zr(IV) were prepared under microwave irradiation as a green approach compared to the conventional method. The structures of new compounds have been characterized and elucidated via elemental and spectroscopic analyses. In addition, magnetic susceptibility, electron spin resonance, and electronic spectra of the synthesized complexes explained their geometrical structures. The thermal stability of Cu(II), Zn(II), and Zr(IV) complexes was studied by thermo-gravimetric analyses (TGA). Coats–Redfern and Horowitz–Metzger equations were used to calculate the thermal and dehydration decomposition activities of proposed structures kinetically. Surface morphologies of the solid compounds were imaged by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The particle size of prepared complexes was measured by using a particle size analyzer at a diffraction angle of 10.9°. The geometry structures of the synthesized compounds were verified utilizing electronic spectra, ESR spectrum, and magnetic moment value. The newly synthesized compounds were screened for antimicrobial activity. Also, the anticancer activity of the free Schiff base ligand and its metal complexes were studied against two cell lines: human colon (HCT-116) and human liver cancer cells (HepG-2). The obtained results showed that the Cu(II) complex displayed the highest cytotoxic activity (IC50 = 18 and 22 μg/mL for HepG-2 and HCT, respectively) compared to the free Schiff base ligand.publishedVersio

    Optimizing density, dynamic viscosity, thermal conductivity and specific heat of a hybrid nanofluid obtained experimentally via ANFIS-based model and modern optimization

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    In this study, rGO/Co3O4 nanocomposite was synthesized, characterized, and then the thermophysical properties were obtained experimentally, after which the experimental data at varying values of temperature and particle loadings was used for optimization purposes. The study was concerned with different values of the controlling parameters. The in-situ/chemical reduction technique was used to synthesize the rGO/Co3O4 nanocomposite and then characterized with x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope, and magnetometry. The system was studied at temperature values ranging at 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 °C and with particle loadings of 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.2% wt%. The authors in this article have introduced a novel population-based algorithm that is known as Marine Predators Algorithm to obtain the optimal values of the controlling parameters (i.e., temperature and nanofluid mixture percentage) that minimize two controlled variables (i.e., density and viscosity) as well as maximize the other two controlled variables (thermal conductivity and specific heat). The rGO/Co3O4 nanocomposite nanofluid thermal conductivity and viscosity were investigated experimentally, and a maximum increment of 19.14% and 70.83% with 0.2% particle loadings at 60 °C was obtained. At 0.05%, 0.1%, and 0.2% particle loading wt%, the density increased by 0.115%, 0.23%, and 0.451% at a temperature of 20 °C; simultaneously, density increased by 0.117%%, 0.235%, and 0.469% at 60 °C, respectively as compared to water. At 0.2 wt%, the maximum decreased specific heat was 0.192% and 0.194% at 20 °C and 60 °C. When compared with water, no effect was observed with an increase in temperature/: a similar trend as that of the water was followed. The optimal values were found to be at a temperature of 60 °C and for 0.05% particle loading of the prepared nanofluid. However, among the conducted experiments, the optimizer pointed out that the optimal experiment was the one conducted at a temperature of 60 °C and a nanofluid percentage at 0.05. In conclusion, the proposed methodology of modelling with an artificial intelligence tool such as an adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system technique and then determining the optimal parameters with the marine predators algorithm accomplished the goal of the study with major success.publishe