38 research outputs found
Parhaiden värien valinta ihon pigmentin mukaan
Värit kuuluvat jokapäiväiseen elämään. Kauneudenhoitoala on visuaalinen eikä tulisi toimeen ilman väriosaamista. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli perehtyä kirjallisin menetelmin ihon sävyyn ja siihen sopiviin väreihin värianalyysin näkökulmasta. Yhteistyöyritys Kauneushoitola Pigmentin palveluihin kuuluvaa värianalyysia on pyritty kehittämään edellisten vuosien aikana. Yrityksessä kaivattiin kokonaisvaltaista ja perusteellista tietoa palvelusta ja siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Suomessa on useita värianalyysin tarjoajia, joiden menetelmät eroavat toisistaan. Kuluttajat ovat saattaneet saada poikkeavia lopputuloksia eri tekijöiden ja metodiikoiden parissa. Jokaisella ihmisellä on oma, uniikki tapa nähdä värejä ja tämä asettaa alalle haasteensa.
Ihmisen ihonväri syntyy geenien vaikutuksesta. Ihon väri saattaa muuttua eri tekijöiden vaikutuksesta. Värien näkemiseen vaikuttaa valo, näkö- ja väriaisti. Värinäköön saattaa tulla poikkeamia, jolloin värinäkökyky muuttuu. Muotivärit ohjaavat ihmisten värikäyttäytymistä trendivärien vaihtuessa sesongeittain. Ihon sävyssä voi olla kylmään tai lämpimään taittuva pigmentti. Muotivärien rajallinen tarjonta aiheuttaa suppeamman tarjonnan vaateväreissä. Kosmetiikassa tarjonta on monipuolinen. Opinnäytetyön tulokset toimivat pohjatietona ihmisille, jotka ovat värien kanssa tekemisissä. Tietoa voi hyödyntää jokapäiväisessä elämässä ymmärtämällä värien monipuolisen tarkastelutavan. Yhteistyöyritykselle tieto on arvokasta jatkosuunnitelmiin sekä sellaisenaan nykyisille asiakkaille.Choosing the right colours for the skin pigmentation
Colours are part of everyday life. The beauty industry is a visual environment dependent on the knowledge of colours. The aim of this thesis was to study the literature on skin tone and the colours that flatter a skin tone from the viewpoint of a colour analysis. The thesis was assigned by Beauty Salon Pigment where the colour analysis service has been developed during the past few years. The salon needed comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the service and the factors affecting it. In Finland there are several colour analysis providers whose methods differ from each other. Consumers may have had different analyses from different providers. People have their own unique ways to see the colours.
Genetic factors affect a person’s complexion. Skin color may change due to the impact of various factors. Colours are perceived according to the light, visual perception and colour vision. Trend colours that change every season may change people’s behavior as regards the colours. A skin tone can be a cold or a warm tone. The results of the thesis can be applied in everyday life. The results provide useful information to the collaboration partner company and its customers
Shifting of attentional set is inadequate in severe burnout : Evidence from an event-related potential study
Individuals with prolonged occupational stress often report difficulties in concentration. Work tasks often require the ability to switch back and forth between different contexts. Here, we studied the association between job burnout and task switching by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) time-locked to stimulus onset during a task with simultaneous cue-target presentation and unpredictable switches in the task. Participants were currently working people with severe, mild, or no burnout symptoms. In all groups, task performance was substantially slower immediately after task switch than during task repetition. However, the error rates were higher in the severe burnout group than in the mild burnout and control groups. Electrophysiological data revealed an increased parietal P3 response for the switch trials relative to repetition trials. Notably, the response was smaller in amplitude in the severe burnout group than in the other groups. The results suggest that severe burnout is associated with inadequate processing when rapid shifting of attention between tasks is required resulting in less accurate performance. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe
Inferior parietal lobule and early visual areas support elicitation of individualized meanings during narrative listening
Introduction: When listening to a narrative, the verbal expressions translate into meanings and flow of mental imagery. However, the same narrative can be heard quite differently based on differences in listeners' previous experiences and knowledge. We capitalized on such differences to disclose brain regions that support transformation of narrative into individualized propositional meanings and associated mental imagery by analyzing brain activity associated with behaviorally assessed individual meanings elicited by a narrative. Methods: Sixteen right-handed female subjects were instructed to list words that best described what had come to their minds while listening to an eight-minute narrative during functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The fMRI data were analyzed by calculating voxel-wise intersubject correlation (ISC) values. We used latent semantic analysis (LSA) enhanced with Wordnet knowledge to measure semantic similarity of the produced words between subjects. Finally, we predicted the ISC with the semantic similarity using representational similarity analysis. Results: We found that semantic similarity in these word listings between subjects, estimated using LSA combined with WordNet knowledge, predicting similarities in brain hemodynamic activity. Subject pairs whose individual semantics were similar also exhibited similar brain activity in the bilateral supramarginal and angular gyrus of the inferior parietal lobe, and in the occipital pole. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate, using a novel method to measure interindividual differences in semantics, brain mechanisms giving rise to semantics and associated imagery during narrative listening. During listening to a captivating narrative, the inferior parietal lobe and early visual cortical areas seem, thus, to support elicitation of individual meanings and flow of mental imagery.Peer reviewe
Retrieval of Forest Aboveground Biomass and Stem Volume with Airborne Scanning LiDAR
Airborne scanning LiDAR is a promising technique for efficient and accuratebiomass mapping due to its capacity for direct measurement of the three-dimensionalstructure of vegetation. A combination of individual tree detection (ITD) and an area-basedapproach (ABA) introduced in Vastaranta et al. [1] to map forest aboveground biomass(AGB) and stem volume (VOL) was investigated. The main objective of this study was totest the usability and accuracy of LiDAR in biomass mapping. The nearest neighbourmethod was used in the ABA imputations and the accuracy of the biomass estimation wasevaluated in the Finland, where single tree-level biomass models are available. The relativeroot-mean-squared errors (RMSEs) in plot-level AGB and VOL imputation were 24.9%and 26.4% when field measurements were used in training the ABA. When ITDmeasurements were used in training, the respective accuracies ranged between 28.5%–34.9%and 29.2%–34.0%. Overall, the results show that accurate plot-level AGB estimates can beachieved with the ABA. The reduction of bias in ABA estimates in AGB and VOL wasencouraging when visually corrected ITD (ITDvisual) was used in training. We conclude that itis not feasible to use ITDvisual in wall-to-wall forest biomass inventory, but it could provide acost-efficient application for acquiring training data for ABA in forest biomass mapping.JRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat
Behavioral and electrophysiological indicators of auditory distractibility in children with ADHD and comorbid ODD
Involuntary switching of attention to distracting sounds was studied by measuring effects of these events on auditory discrimination performance and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) in 6–11-year-old boys with Attention Deficit – Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and comorbid Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and in age-matched controls. The children were instructed to differentiate between two animal calls by pressing one response button, for example, to a dog bark and another button to a cat mew. These task-relevant sounds were presented from one of two loudspeakersinfront of the child, and there were occasional task-irrelevant changes in the sound location, that is, the loudspeaker. In addition, novel sounds (e.g., a sound of hammer,rain, or car horn) unrelated to the task were presented from a loudspeaker behind the child. The percentage of correct responses was lower for target sounds preceded by a novel sound than for targets not preceded by such sound in the ADHD group, but not in the control group. In both groups, a biphasic positive P3 a response was observed in ERPs to the novel sounds. The later part of the P3a appeared to continue longer over the frontal scalp areas in the ADHD group than in the controls presumably because a reorienting negativity (RON) ERP response following the P3a was smaller in the ADHD group than in the control group. This suggests that the children with ADHD had problemsin reorienting their attention to the current task after a distracting novel sound leading to deterioration of performance in this task. The present study also indicates that children with ADHD and comorbid ODD show same kind of distractibility as found in previous studies for children with ADHD without systematic comorbid ODD.Peer reviewe
Newborns discriminate novel from harmonic sounds: a study using magnetoencephalography
We investigated whether newborns respond differently to novel and deviant sounds during quiet sleep.
Twelve healthy neonates were presented with a three-stimulus oddball paradigm, consisting of frequent standard (76%), infrequent deviant (12%), and infrequent novel stimuli (12%). The standards and deviants were counterbalanced between the newborns and consisted of 500 and 750 Hz tones with two upper harmonics. The novel stimuli contained animal, human, and mechanical sounds. All stimuli had a duration of 300 ms and the stimulus onset asynchrony was 1 s. Evoked magnetic responses during quiet sleep were recorded and averaged offline.
Two deflections peaking at 345 and 615 ms after stimulus onset were observed in the evoked responses of most of the newborns. The first deflection was larger to novel and deviant stimuli than to the standard and, furthermore, larger to novel than to deviant stimuli. The second deflection was larger to novel and deviant stimuli than to standards, but did not differ between the novels and deviants.
The two deflections found in the present study reflect different mechanisms of auditory change detection and discriminative processes.
The early brain indicators of novelty detection may be crucial in assessing the normal and abnormal cortical function in newborns. Further, studying evoked magnetic fields to complex auditory stimulation in healthy newborns is needed for studying the newborns at-risk for cognitive or language problems
A global view of Pc3 wave activity in near-Earth space : Results from hybrid-Vlasov simulations
Ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves in the Pc3 range, with periods between 10-45 s, are routinely observed in Earth's dayside magnetosphere. They are thought to originate in the foreshock, which extends upstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock and is populated with shock-reflected particles. The foreshock is permeated with ULF waves generated by ion beam instabilities, most notably the "30-s " waves whose periods match those of the Pc3 waves and which are carried earthward by the solar wind flow. However, the global picture of Pc3 wave activity from the foreshock to the magnetosphere and its response to changing solar wind conditions is still poorly understood. In this study, we investigate the global distribution and properties of Pc3 waves across near-Earth space using global simulations performed with the hybrid-Vlasov model Vlasiator. The simulations enable us to study the waves in their global context, and compare their properties in the foreshock, magnetosheath and dayside magnetosphere, for different sets of upstream solar wind conditions. We find that in all three regions the Pc3 wave power peaks at higher frequencies when the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) strength is larger, consistent with previous studies. The Pc3 wave power is significantly enhanced in all three regions for higher solar wind Alfven Mach number. As this parameter is known to affect the shock properties but has little impact inside the magnetosphere, this brings further support to the magnetospheric waves originating in the foreshock. Other parameters that are found to influence the foreshock wave power are the solar wind density and the IMF cone angle. Inside the magnetosphere, the wave power distribution depends strongly on the IMF orientation, which controls the foreshock position upstream of the bow shock. The wave power is largest when the angle between the IMF and the Sun-Earth line is smallest, suggesting that wave generation and transmission are most efficient in these conditions.Peer reviewe