44 research outputs found

    Maximum lying bout duration affects the occurrence of shoulder lesions in sows

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    Shoulder lesions are caused by tissue breakdown of the skin and/or underlying tissue as a result of long lasting pressure. The lesions are commonly seen in sows during the period of lactation and contribute to poor animal welfare as well as affecting the consumers' attitudes towards the swine industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between prolonged recumbency during early lactation and development of shoulder lesions, in particular the lying bout time. Eighteen sows of Swedish Landrace were observed for 24 hours during the day of farrowing and day 2, 4, 9 and 11 after farrowing in May 2009. The data were analysed for correlations between the duration of the longest observed uninterrupted lying bout and the prevalence of shoulder lesions recorded at weaning (week 5)

    Animal Welfare and Meat Quality Assessment in Gas Stunning during Commercial Slaughter of Pigs Using Hypercapnic-Hypoxia (20% CO2 2% O-2) Compared to Acute Hypercapnia (90% CO2 in Air)

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    Simple Summary Animals must be stunned before slaughter to avoid fear, pain, and distress. In pigs, the most extensively used method is exposure to hypercapnia (high (>80%) concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2)). However, it produces irritation of the mucosa and a sense of breathlessness, reducing the welfare before slaughter. We investigated whether using hypercapnic-hypoxia (20% CO2 and less than 2% O-2) reduced aversion and discomfort compared to hypercapnia, and whether the quality of the stunning was adequate, meaning that no animals regain conscious after stunning. Moreover, we compared the impact of both stunning gases for meat and carcass quality. Our results suggest that both gases provoked aversion and discomfort, but these were lower in pigs stunned with the N-2 mixture compared to high CO2. On the other hand, the stun quality of the N-2 mixture was poorer than high CO2 stunning, given that more animals regained consciousness before sticking with the N-2 gas mixture. The stunning quality of the N-2 mixture, however, was improved when oxygen concentration was below 2%. Meat quality was slightly poorer in N-2 stunning compared to high CO2, with a higher percentage of carcasses showing pale, soft, and exudative pork.This study assessed aversion, stunning effectiveness, and product quality of nitrogen and carbon dioxide (CO2) mixtures used for stunning pigs. A total of 1852 slaughter pigs divided into two similar batches was assessed during routine slaughter in a Swedish commercial abattoir using either hypercapnic-hypoxia (20% CO2 and less than 2% O-2; 20C2O) or hypercapnia (90% CO2; 90C) gas mixtures. Behavioral indicators of aversion and discomfort were recorded. After exposure, the stunning quality was assessed through brainstem reflexes. After slaughter, the pH and electric conductivity of carcasses were assessed to estimate the incidence of pale, soft, and exudative (PSE) pork, and the presence of ecchymosis were inspected. Compared to 90C, pigs exposed to 20C2O showed a later (p < 0.05) onset of behaviors indicative of aversion, and a lower (p < 0.01) incidence of breathlessness. However, unconsciousness (i.e., losing posture) appeared earlier (p < 0.01) in 90C compared to 20C2O. In 90C, all (100%) pigs were adequately stunned, whereas in 20C2O a 7.4% of pigs showed signs of poor stunning, especially when oxygen concentrations were >2% (p < 0.001). The percentage of PSE carcasses was higher (p < 0.01) in 20C2O than 90C. In conclusion, compared to 90C, 20C2O reduced aversion and discomfort but showed lower stun effectiveness, especially when O-2 was above 2%, and a slightly poorer pork quality

    Associations between litter size and medical treatment of sows during farrowing and lactation

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    Sow litter sizes have increased recently, and there is a lack of data on the effect of litter size on sow health and sow medical treatment. This study investigated associations between litter size and medical treatment of sows, using data for a 10-year period from one Swedish research farm. The data comprised 1947 litters from 655 Yorkshire sows. Association between litter size and medical treatment of sows during farrowing and lactation investigated using a multivariable multilevel logistic regression model. We found that odds of medical treatment of sows decreased for each additional piglet born up to five piglets (odds ratio 0.50, p = .002). For litter sizes >= 5, the odds for each additional piglet born (odds ratio 1.11, p < .001). Problems with milk let-down in early lactation were the main reason for treatment. Results imply that sows with very small or very large litters may be less profitable

    The amount of straw for growing-finishing pigs considering the reduction of time spent in manipulative behavior

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    The behavior of rooting and digging is highly motivated in the pig. The motivation to perform this exploratory behavior is not reduced even after the dietary requirement has been fulfilled through feeding. The aim of this study was to identify the minimal amounts of straw needed to satisfy pig motivation for manipulation and reduce to a minimum the manipulating behavior of pigs directed toward pen mates. To determine the minimal amount of straw needed for conventional growing-finishing pigs, a study using 168 pigs provided with 7 different amounts of straw (20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 200 or 300 grams/ pig/ day) was performed. The straw was provided either once or four times per day. Behavior observations were made using focal animal sampling and continuous recording for one hour between 9 and 10 am and between 3 and 4 pm. The time spent by the pigs manipulating straw increased over 10% ranging up to 27% in all the pens receiving over 200g of straw per day compared to the range from 4-22% in pens receiving 20-100g of straw. Meanwhile, the time spent in redirected behavior decreased below 5% in all the pens receiving over 200g of straw per day. No significant differences were found when comparing pens provided with straw once or four times per day

    Animal handling and stress-related behaviour at mobile slaughter of cattle

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    By avoiding animal transportation, mobile slaughter may have the potential to reduce animal stress. In a cross-sectional study with elements of cohort design, we investigated relationships between animal handling and stress-related animal behaviours in connection with slaughter at two Swedish slaughter plants: a newly started small-scale on-farm mobile abattoir and a relatively large-scale stationary slaughterhouse. To the stationary plant, the animals were transported on average 99 km from farms, and one third of these animals spent one night in lairage before slaughter. Data were collected during processing of 298 animals at both plants during one year. Stockperson actions and animal behaviours were observed in the driveways (2.4-7.3m long) to the stun box. Data on season, hour of day, air temperature, animal breed, animal category, animal age, carcass weight and stockperson category (plant or farm) were also collected. We used Spearman rank correlation, principal-component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to develop a final generalised structural equation model, which contained six variables that represented observed animal backing; turning; slipping; eliminating; vocalising; and violent behaviour, regressed on a latent variable representing animal stress level. Stress level and animal behaviours were also regressed on five variables representing observed stockperson actions (touching, patting or hitting with hand; touching, patting or hitting with a tool; pushing; tail-twisting; and prodding with an electric goad) and on background variables including plant identity. The animal behaviours were modelled as counts per driveway length, clustered on farm identity. Marginal effects of stockperson actions and predictive margins of plants were calculated. The animals displayed backing and violent behaviour (kicking, goring or violent fighting) at significantly lower frequencies at the mobile plant than at the stationary one. In general, stockperson actions were significantly positively associated with animal behaviours, i.e. increased actions were associated with more frequent behaviours. Stockperson moving with tool, pushing and using electric goad were indirectly significantly associated with all animal behaviours via animal stress level. This study shows the importance of adequate cattle handling to limit pre-slaughter stress

    DjurvÀlfÀrd vid mobil slakt av nötkreatur

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    Stark eller lÄngvarig stress före slakt innebÀr sÀnkt djurvÀlfÀrd. En mobil slakterianlÀggning skulle kunna begrÀnsa stressen bland annat genom att transporten till ett centralt belÀget slakteri undviks. Under ett drygt Är studerades djurvÀlfÀrden och köttkvaliteten vid slakt av nötkreatur i ett mobilt slakteri med slakt pÄ ett storskaligt konventionellt slakteri som referens. De pÄvisade skillnaderna var huvudsakligen specifika för anlÀggningarna, snarare Àn generella för mobil och stationÀr slakt i allmÀnhet

    Koldioxidavlivning av vÀrphöns i inhysningsstallar

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    Dagens vĂ€rphöns producerar Ă€gg till en Ă„lder av c:a 75-80 veckor, varefter flocken avlivas eller slaktas och ersĂ€tts med unga, produktiva höns. I detta sammanhang brukar man benĂ€mna de Ă€ldre djuren som ”uttjĂ€nta” eller utslagshöns. Alltsedan de senaste 60 Ă„rens utveckling av den moderna köttraskycklingen har marknaden för kött och andra produkter frĂ„n vĂ€rphöns försĂ€mrats. UttjĂ€nta vĂ€rphöns har ocksĂ„ relativt skör benstomme, vilket bland annat medför köttkvalitetsproblem till följd av skador frĂ„n benfragment och djurskyddsproblem kopplat till risken för frakturer i samband med utlastning och transport. I mĂ„nga lĂ€nder har utslagshöns idag inget ekonomiskt vĂ€rde, utan att göra sig av med dem innebĂ€r istĂ€llet bĂ„de kostnader och arbete för producenten. En flock som ska transporteras till slakt mĂ„ste fĂ„ngas in med hjĂ€lp av handkraft, placeras i transportburar och köras till slakteri. Dessa arbets- och kostnadskrĂ€vande moment undviks vid gasavlivning i djurstallar, dĂ€r arbetet istĂ€llet bestĂ„r i att förbereda och assistera gasning samt att plocka ut och transportera döda djur. Med gasavlivning i stallet undviks riskerna för vingbrott och andra skador till följd av insamling av djuren, lastning i lĂ„dor, transport, urlastning och hantering vid bedövning vilka utgör pĂ„tagliga risker för försĂ€mrad djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd. Ett alternativ till slakt Ă€r sĂ„ledes att avliva uttjĂ€nta höns i de stallar dĂ€r de hĂ„lls, genom att administrera gas direkt i byggnaden. Detta tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt har anvĂ€nds det senaste Ă„rtiondet och var ursprungligen ett sĂ€tt att angripa problemet med storskalig avlivning av fjĂ€derfĂ€ i samband med smittsamma sjukdomsutbrott. Koldioxidavlivning av fjĂ€derfĂ€ har huvudsakligen studerats under förhĂ„llanden dĂ€r gas administreras i mer eller mindre kontrollerad atmosfĂ€r i ett begrĂ€nsat utrymme (s.k. Controlled Atmosphere Stunning/Killing, CAS/CAK), Endast ett fĂ„tal studier behandlar situationer dĂ€r gas administreras direkt i stallar. Även om det numera finns en generell acceptans av gasavlivning direkt i stallet som en jĂ€mförelsevis effektiv och djurskyddsmĂ€ssigt acceptabel metod för avlivning av höns och kycklingar sĂ„ finns det alltsĂ„ fortfarande en hel del skillnader vad gĂ€ller detaljerna. Det handlar bland annat om vad olika forskare anser om framför allt effekten av koldioxid pĂ„ djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden i förhĂ„llande till Ă€delgaser, betydelsen av koncentrationshöjning och inblandning av syre samt hur man bedömer relevansen av de traditionella vĂ€lfĂ€rdsindikatorerna. PĂ„gĂ„ende forskning fortgĂ„r för att utöka kunskaperna inom dessa omrĂ„den och med hjĂ€lp av förfinade mĂ€tmetoder stĂ€rks kunskaperna om intrĂ€dandet av medvetslöshet och död. Detta Ă€r av största vikt eftersom att indikatorerna mĂ„ste bedömas i förhĂ„llande till djurens medvetandegrad. För nĂ€rvarande saknas möjlighet till övervakning för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla djurvĂ€lfĂ€rden under gasavlivning. Den visuella kontrollen begrĂ€nsas i praktiken till att notera att gasen sprids i byggnaden samt en bedömning av djuren efter avslutad avlivning, medan det Ă€r mycket svĂ„rt att bedöma det pĂ„gĂ„ende förloppet hos enskilda djur. Genom att bĂ€ttre kunna förutsĂ€ga och kontrollera gaskoncentration och spridning kan Ă€ven bĂ€ttre kunskap och förutsĂ€gbarhet genereras i förhĂ„llande till bedövnings- och avlivningseffekt. Detta kan i sin tur medföra möjlighet till förbĂ€ttringar ur djurvĂ€lfĂ€rdssynpunkt, sĂ„vĂ€l som ur ekonomisk synpunkt, genom kostnadseffektivisering av gasningsförfarandet. Behovet av kunskapsökning inom dessa omrĂ„den ligger till grund för den aktuella studien. Studier av koldioxidavlivning och mĂ€tningar utfördes vid avlivning i kommersiella stallar. PĂ„ GĂ„rd 1 studerades avlivningen av uttjĂ€nta vĂ€rphöns i tvĂ„ likartade stallar (stall 1 och 2). I stall 1 observerades hönsen och temperatur mĂ€ttes pĂ„ ett antal stĂ€llen. I stall 2 gjordes enbart visuella studier. PĂ„ GĂ„rd 2 gjordes mĂ€tningar och observationer i samband med koldioxidavlivning av kalkoner och pĂ„ GĂ„rd 3 i samband med avlivning av uttjĂ€nta vĂ€rphöns. PĂ„ dessa gĂ„rdar gjordes mĂ€tningar av temperaturfördelning, koldioxidhalt och övertryck vid tillförsel av koldioxid. PĂ„ gĂ„rdarna 4 och 5 studerades beteendereaktioner och fördelning av gas vid avlivning med CO2 i ett av respektive gĂ„rds inhysningsstall för kommersiella vĂ€rphöns, som var i slutet av sin produktion. Slutsatser och rekommendationer med avseende pĂ„ tekniska aspekter MĂ€ngd gas och gasflöde ‱ Gjorda mĂ€tningar visar pĂ„ att en halt pĂ„ c:a 80 % koldioxid kan Ă„stadkommas i stallet dĂ„ mĂ€ngden gas berĂ€knas enligt den idag anvĂ€nda texten i föreskrifterna: ”MĂ€ngden koldioxid (kg) för att uppnĂ„ 80 % koncentration kan berĂ€knas med hjĂ€lp av formeln [stallvolym (m3) x 1,8 x 0,80]”. ‱ Koldioxidflöden av storleksordningen 400-600 kg/min anvĂ€nds idag. Vid val av gasflöde mĂ„ste tekniskt betraktat en snabb ökning av gashalterna i stallet vĂ€gas mot tryckökning, öppningsarea till det fria och tidsförlopp för sĂ€nkning av koldioxidhalterna efter gastillförsel till följd av ofrivillig ventilation. De idag anvĂ€nda flödena Ă€r en kompromiss som tycks fungera relativt vĂ€l. Med tanke pĂ„ bl.a. behov av öppningar och avklingning av gashalter bör lĂ€gre flöden (400 kg/min eller lĂ€gre) vĂ€ljas i mindre (c:a 50 m lĂ„nga) stallar och högre flöden (upp till c:a 600 kg/min) i större (c:a 100 m lĂ„nga) stallar. Metod för gasinblĂ„sning ‱ InblĂ„sning i munstycken (Éžinv 37 mm) i stallets lĂ€ngdriktning under kraftigt tryck sĂ„som sker idag ger vid aktuella flöden (400-600 kg CO2 per minut) upphov till en strĂ„le med kastlĂ€ngder av storleksordningen 30 m. I stallar med en lĂ€ngd pĂ„ 40-50 m finns i ett sĂ„dant system förutsĂ€ttning för att koldioxidhalterna skall öka ungefĂ€r samtidigt och med samma ökningstakt i hela stallet. ‱ InblĂ„sning i munstycken (Éžinv 37 mm) i stallets lĂ€ngdriktning och aktuella flöden (400-600 kg CO2 per minut) innebĂ€r för lĂ„nga stall (100 m) att det dröjer ett antal minuter innan koldioxidhalterna ökar i stallets bortre del. System dĂ€r gasen tillförs mitt pĂ„ lĂ„ngsidan i munstycken (T-rör) med öppningar riktade mot var sin gavel (flöden c:a 600 kg/min) kan dĂ„ ge en jĂ€mnare fördelning av koldioxiden. Öppningar till det fria ‱ Om öppningar till det fria Ă€r stora sjunker koldioxidhalterna snabbt efter avslutad gastillförsel. ‱ Övertrycket vid tillförsel av koldioxid behöver begrĂ€nsas för att undvika risk för skador. Ett lĂ€mpligt övertryck bör rimligen vara av storleksordningen 25 – 100 Pa. Enligt överslagsberĂ€kningar ger en öppningsarea pĂ„ 25 respektive 50 cm2 per kg koldioxid som tillförs per minut upphov till ett tryckfall pĂ„ c:a 100 respektive c:a 25 Pa. ‱ Om öppningar till det fria kan stĂ€ngas efter avslutad tillförsel av gas kan den ofrivilliga luftomsĂ€ttningen hĂ„llas lĂ„g och gaskoncentrationen kan hĂ„llas hög under lĂ„ng tid. ‱ SpĂ„rgasmĂ€tningar och teoretiska berĂ€kningar visar pĂ„ att ofrivillig ventilation ökar kraftigt med ökande vind. Om det Ă€r kraftig vind, Ă€r smĂ„ öppningar, som motsvarar tryckfall pĂ„ c:a 100 Pa eller nĂ„got mer att föredra. ‱ Öppningar i tak Ă€r att föredra dĂ„ de jĂ€mfört med öppningar i yttervĂ€ggarna ger avsevĂ€rt lĂ€gre ofrivillig luftomsĂ€ttning efter att gas slutat tillföras. En sĂ„dan lĂ€gre luftomsĂ€ttning innebĂ€r att gashalterna kan hĂ„llas höga under lĂ€ngre tid. ‱ Öppningar nĂ€ra platsen för inblĂ„sning av koldioxid bör om möjligt undvikas dĂ„ viss ökad risk för lĂ€ckage av uteluft in i stallet kan finnas i denna zon. Övrigt: ‱ De studerade fallen tyder pĂ„ att erforderlig mĂ€ngd koldioxid kan berĂ€knas felaktigt, dĂ„ folk kan missförstĂ„ formeln. Om 80 % koldioxid krĂ€vs kan texten: ”MĂ€ngden koldioxid (kg) för att uppnĂ„ 80 % koncentration kan berĂ€knas med hjĂ€lp av formeln [stallvolym (m3) x 1,44]” kanske vara bĂ€ttre. ‱ SĂ€kerhetsaspekter Ă€r viktiga och mĂ„ste beaktas. Den djurhĂ„llare som genomför koldioxidavlivning av fjĂ€derfĂ€ mĂ„ste vara vĂ€l införstĂ„dd med riskerna och kunna förmedla detta till berörd personal och andra inblandade. Slutsatser och rekommendationer med avseende pĂ„ djurvĂ€lfĂ€rdsaspekter ‱ En checklista för djurhĂ„llare som Ă€mnar genomföra koldioxidavlivning bör tas fram och distribueras, för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla att gasavlivningar av fjĂ€derfĂ€ i stall genomförs pĂ„ ett korrekt sĂ€tt och för att undvika misstag som kan medföra onödig fara eller skaderisk för mĂ€nniskor, andra djur eller utrustning. ‱ VeterinĂ€rens kontrollerande funktion bör stĂ€rkas med avseende pĂ„ förberedelser inför gasning, sĂ„som manipulering av ventilation, avskĂ€rmning framför gasinförseln samt tĂ€tning för att undvika gaslĂ€ckage till anslutande avdelningar. Kompetensutveckling av veterinĂ€rerna Ă€r angelĂ€get. ‱ Rutiner för nödsituationer borde ses över och vidareutvecklas (sĂ„som icke fullgod avlivningseffekt efter gasning samt Ă„tgĂ€rder vid eventuellt gaslĂ€ckage till andra avdelningar). ‱ Djur som befinner sig i omrĂ„det nĂ€ra platsen dĂ€r gas tillförs löper risk att skadas av gasstrĂ„len och i detta samt i andra kritiska omrĂ„den finns risk för mycket lĂ„ga temperaturer. Behovet av att spĂ€rra av omrĂ„det nĂ€rmast införingsröret eller vidta andra motsvarande Ă„tgĂ€rder mĂ„ste dĂ€rför betonas. ‱ Mot bakgrund av resultaten frĂ„n denna och andra studier kan omfattningen av det lidande som djuren genomgĂ„r i samband med planerad koldioxidavlivning i stallet anses vara mindre i förhĂ„llande till de alternativ som innebĂ€r hantering vid insamling, lastning, transport och slakt/avlivning pĂ„ annan plats Ă€n i stallet under förutsĂ€ttning att gasavlivningen utförts pĂ„ ett korrekt sĂ€tt. Dock kan hĂ€vdas att perioder av potentiellt ‱ Det finns ett stort behov av fortsatt forskning för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla relevansen av idag anvĂ€nda vĂ€lfĂ€rdsindikatorer i förhĂ„llande till intrĂ€dande av medvetslöshet. ‱ För att i framtida forskning generera vĂ€rdefulla mĂ€tningar och registreringar vid gasavlivning i stallet krĂ€vs utökat samarbete med teknisk expertis, för att bemĂ€stra problemet med köldrök. Vidare mĂ„ste sĂ„dan mĂ€tutrustning anvĂ€ndas som Ă€r tĂ„lig och vĂ€l lĂ€mpad för registrering i den extrema miljö som fjĂ€derfĂ€stallet utgö

    Effect of crate height during short-term confinement on the welfare and behaviour of turkeys

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    During transport from the farm to the slaughter house birds are often confined in crates with limited space. In this study we investigated how the confinement of male turkeys in crates of 40, 55 or 90 cm height for 6 h, affected the turkeys welfare. We used both behavioural observations and physiological measures and the study was carried out under experimental conditions. Thirty-six turkeys were placed singly in stationary crates for 6 h and during this time their behaviour was observed. The confinement for each bird was carried out twice on two separate occasions with around 1 week between confinements. The mean (±SE) weight of the birds in the first confinement period was 15.9 ± 0.2 kg and on the second occasion 17.3 ± 0.2 kg. Blood-samples were taken after the behaviour observations were finished and analyses of activities of creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) and lactate were carried out. The heterophil:lymphocyte ratio (H:L) was also determined. The behaviour observations revealed that birds in the 40 cm crates did not perform any standing (standing with straight legs), whereas birds in 55 and 90 cm crates spent 35.4 ± 4.3 and 42.2 ± 5.8% of the time, respectively, in this position. Conversely, birds in the 40 cm crates spent significantly more time in a low standing position (standing with the legs bent) than birds in the 55 and 90 cm crates. More stepping, turning and preening was performed in the 55 and 90 cm compared to the 40 cm crates, whereas more rising attempts were made in the 40 cm crates. Crate height had no effect on the activity of ASAT or CK activity or H:L ratio. There was a significant effect of crate height on the lactate with birds in the 55 cm crates having significantly lower lactate concentrations than birds in 40 cm crates, but there was no significant difference in lactate concentration between 55 and 90 cm or between the 40 and 90 cm crates. This may indicate that there was a difference between treatments on the anaerobic activity, although the effect of sampling procedure cannot be completely excluded. Thus the degree of confinement in the crates had little influence on the physiological measures taken, although there was a large effect on the birds’ behaviour. The 40 cm crates decreased the birds possibility to move and change their positions, whereas the 55 cm crates allowed the birds to stand up and move around almost as much as if kept in free height, even if they were not able to stretch their necks while standing.During transport from the farm to the slaughter house birds are often confined in crates with limited space. In this study we investigated how the confinement of male turkeys in crates of 40, 55 or 90 cm height for 6 h, affected the turkeys welfare. We used both behavioural observations and physiological measures and the study was carried out under experimental conditions. Thirty-six turkeys were placed singly in stationary crates for 6 h and during this time their behaviour was observed. The confinement for each bird was carried out twice on two separate occasions with around 1 week between confinements. The mean (±SE) weight of the birds in the first confinement period was 15.9 ± 0.2 kg and on the second occasion 17.3 ± 0.2 kg. Blood-samples were taken after the behaviour observations were finished and analyses of activities of creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) and lactate were carried out. The heterophil:lymphocyte ratio (H:L) was also determined. The behaviour observations revealed that birds in the 40 cm crates did not perform any standing (standing with straight legs), whereas birds in 55 and 90 cm crates spent 35.4 ± 4.3 and 42.2 ± 5.8% of the time, respectively, in this position. Conversely, birds in the 40 cm crates spent significantly more time in a low standing position (standing with the legs bent) than birds in the 55 and 90 cm crates. More stepping, turning and preening was performed in the 55 and 90 cm compared to the 40 cm crates, whereas more rising attempts were made in the 40 cm crates. Crate height had no effect on the activity of ASAT or CK activity or H:L ratio. There was a significant effect of crate height on the lactate with birds in the 55 cm crates having significantly lower lactate concentrations than birds in 40 cm crates, but there was no significant difference in lactate concentration between 55 and 90 cm or between the 40 and 90 cm crates. This may indicate that there was a difference between treatments on the anaerobic activity, although the effect of sampling procedure cannot be completely excluded. Thus the degree of confinement in the crates had little influence on the physiological measures taken, although there was a large effect on the birds’ behaviour. The 40 cm crates decreased the birds possibility to move and change their positions, whereas the 55 cm crates allowed the birds to stand up and move around almost as much as if kept in free height, even if they were not able to stretch their necks while standing.Peer reviewe

    Intensity of Oestrus Signalling Is the Most Relevant Indicator for Animal Well-Being in High-Producing Dairy Cows

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    Full signalling of oestrous behaviour is vital for proper timing of AI and good reproductive performance, currently jeopardized by shorter observations of oestrus behaviour. Alternative indicators including progesterone (P4) recordings on-farm are tested. Oestrous intensity of 37 heifers (H) and 30 1st-parity dairy cows (C1) either Swedish Red (32) or Swedish Holstein (35) with high genetic potential for milk production, was studied in relation to AI. P4-levels in blood or milk were monitored on-farm at 0, 7, and 20 d post-AI with a portable ELISA reader (eProCheck800). Avoidance distance and body condition were scored at day 7, and pregnancy diagnosed by P4 (day 20) and trans-rectal palpation (day 50). More heifers (46%) than C1-cows (10%) showed standing oestrus (strongest intensity, P < 0.05), leading to higher pregnancy rate at d50 (72% versus 37% for C1, P < 0.01) and calving rate (H: 64%, C1: 33%, P < 0.05). Avoidance distances were short (<1 m), reflecting good human-animal interaction. Visually-recorded standing oestrus yielded 4.8 fold higher odds of pregnancy, respectively 4.6-fold higher odds of calving. On-farm P4-recordings had complementary value yet less accuracy. Intensity of oestrus signalling relates to animal well-being, reflected in pregnancy-to-term being a good indicator for optimal welfare in high-producing dairy cattle

    The process of minimising medicine use through dialogue based animal health and welfare planning, Workshop report FIBL. In: CORE Organic project no. 1903 - ANIPLAN

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    The process of minimising medicine use through dialogue based animal health and welfare planning. Livestock are important in many organic farming systems, and it is an explicit goal to ensure high levels of animal health and welfare (AHW) through good management. In two previous EU network projects, NAHWOA & SAFO, it was concluded that this is not guaranteed merely by following organic standards. Both networks recommended implementation of individual animal health plans to stimulate organic farmers to improve AHW. These plans should include a systematic evaluation of AHW and be implemented through dialogue with each farmer in order to identify goals and plan improvements. 11 research institutions in 7 European countries have been involved in the ANIPLAN project with the main objective to minimise medicine use in organic dairy herds through active and well planned AHW promotion and disease prevention. The project consisted of 5 work packages, 4 of which comprised research activities building on current research projects, new applications across borders, exchange of knowledge, results and conclusions between participating countries, and adopting them to widely different contexts. International and national workshops have facilitated this exchange. In the project, animal health and welfare planning principles for organic dairy farms under diverse conditions were developed. Animal health and welfare assessments, based on the WelfareQuality parameters, were conducted in different types of organic dairy herds across Europe. Finally, guidelines for communication about animal health and welfare promotion in different settings were also developed relevant to both existing animal health advisory services or farmer groups such as the Danish Stable School system and the Dutch network program. These proceedings contain the presentations at the final workshop, which also included invited external guests. The proceedings also contain three reports which are deliverables of the project. They are focused on the process of planning for better animal health and welfare, and how farmers and facilitators manage this situation. The focus areas are animal health planning, AHW assessment using animal based parameters and development of advisory systems and farmer groups