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    The sakinah family is an important thing that must be owned by every married couple in the household, the purpose of realizing a sakinah family is to create a sense of peace and comfort in the family. The development of the times affects a person's mindset and lifestyle, especially among teenagers in the concept of marriage. For this reason, Islamic boarding schools are here to bring the concept of thinking as a result of exemplary steps in realizing a sakinah family. The author conducted research on the efforts, and implementation of Islamic boarding schools in realizing a sakinah family at the SPMAA Turi Lamongan Islamic Boarding School Foundation. In data collection techniques, researchers used interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study focus on the efforts and implementation of Islamic boarding schools in realizing a sakinah family at the SPMAA Turi Lamongan Islamic Boarding School Foundation Kata kunci: Upaya Pesantren, Mewujudkan, Keluarga Sakina


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    ANALISIS BEBERAPA FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PENANAMAN MODAL ASING (PMA) PERSEKTOR EKONOMI DI INDONESIA Oleh : Alfa Mahesa Abstraksi Modal merupakan pendorong perkembangan ekonomi dan merupakan sumber untuk menaikan tenaga produksi yang semuanya membutuhkan kepandaian penduduknya dan mengadakan investasi dan mengolahnya, selain itu ditentukan pula adanya pendorong untuk mengadakan investasi atas dana yang diperoleh dari tabungan masyarakat maupun pinjaman luar negeri. Sehubungan dengan itu diperlukan upaya peningkatan pergerakan dana dari dalam negeri. Dalam upaya menumbuhkan perekonomian setiap negara senantiasa menciptakan iklim yang dapat menggairahkan investasi. Sasaran yang dituju bukan hanya masyarakat kalangan swasta dalam negeri, tapi juga investor asing. Penelitian ini menggunakan data skunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik Jawa Timur mulai tahun 1994-2008. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah Regresi Linier Berganda dengan menggunakan alat bantu computer program Statistic Program for Social Science (SPSS) Versi 13.0 yang menunjukkan pengaruh secara signifikan antara variabel bebas dan variable terikat. Dengan melihat hasil uji signifikasi Variabel Independen terhadap Penanaman Modal Asing tersebut di sektor Industri (Y1), Perdagangan (Y2), Pertanian (Y3) maka ( 1 ) Dapat diketahui bahwa Variabel Tingkat Suku Bunga Internasional (X1) merupakan Variabel yang paling dominan berpengaruh terhadap Penanaman Modal Asing. ( 2 ) Dengan melihat hasil koefesien Variable Independen Kurs Valas (X2) maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa sektor Perdagangan (Y2) yang mempunyai hasil koefesien yang lebih besar dari pada ketiga sektor yang lain. ( 3 ) Dengan melihat hasil koefesien Variabel Independen Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (X3) maka dapat disimpulan bahwa sektor Industri (Y1) merupakan sektor yang paling dominan dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Tingkat Suku Bunga Internasional (X1), Kurs Valuta Asing (X2), Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (X3) terhadap PMA sektor Industri Pengolahan (Y1), PMA sektor Perdagangan (Y2), PMA sektor Pertanian (Y3)

    Resources Group, LLC v. Nevada Association Services, Inc., 135 Nev. Adv. Op. 8 (Mar. 14, 2019)

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    The Court determined that each party in a quiet title action has the burden of demonstrating superior title. Further, once a bid is accepted and payment is made, the foreclosure sale is complete and title vests in the purchaser, and the person conducting the sale does not have discretion to refuse issuing the foreclosure deed. Lastly, the correct standard for determining whether to set aside a sale on equitable grounds is whether there has been some showing of fraud, unfairness, or oppression affecting the sale

    Phytochemical Investigation and Bioactivity Assessment of Medicinal Plant from Northern Nigeria

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    Boswellia dalzielii (Burseraceae) has ethnopharmacological importance and is claimed to have anti-infection and immunomodulatory effects. In the Northern part of Nigeria, a region with a tropical dry climate, an aqueous infusion of this plant is used in the treatment of infections and tumours. The traditional formulation method was mimicked under laboratory conditions, and the effect of temperature and the impact of endophytic microbes present in aqueous infusion of B. dalzielii was also investigated. Activity-guided fractionation against Staphylococcus aureus and its methicillin-resistant strain resulted in the identification of two antibacterial compounds namely gallic acid and pyrogallol. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration for pyrogallol and gallic acid against S. aureus growth are 508 and 753 ÎĽM, while against MRSA growth are 254 and 2032 ÎĽM, respectively. A growth Inhibition assay showed the activity of gallic acid as bacteriostatic, and pyrogallol as bacteriocidal against tested microorganisms. Interestingly, the bacteriocidal compound was found to arise by conversion of gallic acid by the endophyte Enterobacter cloacae. In addition, Pantoea spp was also isolated from the bark of B. Dalzielii. The sequences of both E. cloacae and Pantoea spp are deposited in the GenBank nucleotide database under the accession number MH764584 and MH764583, respectively. Similarly, activity-guided fractionation of B. Dalzielii bark against breast cancer cell line (MCF7) using MTT cytotoxicity assay resulted in the identification of a cytotoxic compound, catechol, and the half maximal effective concentration (EC50) observed was 86ÎĽM. The growth inhibition effect of catechol was observed to be time- and concentration- dependent. Endophytic Klebsiella pneumonia species (strain A and B) were shown to be responsible for bioconversion of protocatechuic acid to catechol. In addition, Pantoea agglomerans was also isolated from the bark of B. dalzielii. The sequences of Klebsiella pneumonia A, Klebsiella pneumonia B and Pantoea agglomerans are deposited in the GenBank nucleotide database under the accession number MH762022, MH762023 and MH762024, respectively. All isolated compounds were identified using HPLC, TLC, NMR, FTIR and HRMS.TETFUN

    Elevating occupational safety and health through e-learning with associated risk management : case: NRC Group Finland Oy

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    The purpose of this thesis is to elevate occupational safety and health (OSH) and safety culture through e-learning with associated risk management for the case company NRC Group Finland Oy. NRC Finland provides services in infrastructure construction and engineering and operates also as the biggest rail builder in Finland with customers such as government agencies, municipalities, industrial corporations and ports. By enhancing NRC Finland’s safety culture and profile through the new e-learning platform the goal is to demonstrate more active role regarding safety to outside as well as inside the company. The process will also include creating a new safety briefing material into the new training platform which will be used to brief NRC Finland’s visitors into safety procedures regarding railway industry. The theoretical background will cover and explain the definitions of e-learning, occupational safety and health, safety training, safety culture and risk management. The development task is as follows: how to develop and further improve safety culture regarding occupational safety and health. The research methodology used in this study is the qualitative research method, the purpose was to gain knowledge and new ideas. The two data collection methods that were chosen were a workshop and a survey. The workshop was conducted at NRC Finland with the managers and the purpose was to gain insight to what is the company’s goal regarding e-learning and other safety issues. The survey focused on getting the workers point of view regarding OSH e.g. safety training and safety culture, out of 44 survey recipients 18 replied to the survey. Based on the data that was collected it was apparent that the biggest concern shared by the workers was excessive rush at work which could potentially cause dangerous situations. There is a sense that a projects schedule takes precedence over safety and because of that safety instructions are being ignored. Other concerns or potential risks were poor attitude and indifference towards OSH regulations. In general, work-related accidents are declining but certain accidents like stumbling, slipping and tripping are on the rise and from the different business unit’s maintenance stands out in the accident records. The safety briefing material was the tangible outcome of this study and with this material NRC Finland is able to enhance their OSH and add awareness of the company’s safety culture outside the company. It will show that the company takes OSH seriously and generates positive reputation on the company’s name and operations. Additionally, it is recommended that when designing the courses to the new e-learning platform that the different learning styles of people will be taken into consideration, making the courses visually appealing and if possible, even interactive. Also involving the workers more in the planning processes relating to OSH might bring new ideas and perspective to the table


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    The research was intended to find the authentic materials that improving to increase the reading comprehension. The subject of this research was the class VII-A of MTs Az-zuhri.There were 36 students as the samples used in this thesis.The research method used was Class Room Action that done in two cycles. The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. In qualitative data was got through interview, and observation. For the quantitative data was got through pre-test and pos-test. Based on the qualitative data that found, the using of Webtoon Application can improve studenst‟ responses in reading comprehension. It can be seen in the result of test. In the first cycle, it consist of two meetings. In the first meeting, the students‟ result percentage was 32,5 % (enough) and for second meeting, the students‟ result percentage was 63,8 % (good). In the second cycle the students‟ score was 83,3% (Very good). This score showed that the students‟ average score was improving in every test. The student s‟ average score in pre-test was 13 of 36 students (32,5 %). The percentage of the students‟ who got the score 70 and more in the posttest I was 23 of 36 students (63,1 %). The percentage of the students‟ who got the score 70 and more in the post-test II was 30 of 36 students (83,3 %). The improvement  of the competent  students percentage  from the pre-test  to the post-test  I was icrease, it is about 50,6 %, from post-test I to post-test II was 20,2 %, pre-test to post-test II was50,8%.   From the data,it showed that the improving of the students‟ reading skill was significant.The results of the research show that using Webtoon Application can improve to the students‟ reading comprehensio


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    AbstrakThis research is entitled "kawin bote (forced marriage) in the perspective of Islamic law (case study in Adonara District)". And this research is a field research (filed research). The limitations of the problems discussed are forced marriages that occurred in 2013 to 2020 with the formulation of the problem, what factors encourage forced marriages, how is the impact of forced marriages, what is the perspective of Islamic law on the problem. Therefore, the purpose of this research is is to find out about forced marriage, the factors that encourage it, its impact and an overview of Islamic law. While the method of data collection in this study was through observation and interviews with the research subjects were the people of the Adonara sub-district who lived in the Oringbele village and knew about forced marriages. The object of this research is bote marriage (forced marriage) in Adonara sub-district which occurred from 2013 to 2020, the method of data analysis is to use analytical techniques using qualitative analysis techniques.Keyword : Bote Marriage, Islamic Law Perspective,Hukum Isla
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