28 research outputs found

    Bridging the gap between vertebrate cytogenetics and genomics with single-chromosome sequencing (ChromSeq)

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    The study of vertebrate genome evolution is currently facing a revolution, brought about by next generation sequencing technologies that allow researchers to produce nearly complete and error-free genome assemblies. Novel approaches however do not always provide a direct link with information on vertebrate genome evolution gained from cytogenetic approaches. It is useful to preserve and link cytogenetic data with novel genomic discoveries. Sequencing of DNA from single isolated chromosomes (ChromSeq) is an elegant approach to determine the chromosome content and assign genome assemblies to chromosomes, thus bridging the gap between cytogenetics and genomics. The aim of this paper is to describe how ChromSeq can support the study of vertebrate genome evolution and how it can help link cytogenetic and genomic data. We show key examples of ChromSeq application in the refinement of vertebrate genome assemblies and in the study of vertebrate chromosome and karyotype evolution. We also provide a general overview of the approach and a concrete example of genome refinement using this method in the species Anolis carolinensis

    Diversity of immunoglobulin light chain genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish uncovers IgL subdivision into five ancient isotypes

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    <p>The aim of this study was to fill important gaps in the evolutionary history of immunoglobulins by examining the structure and diversity of IgL genes in non-teleost ray-finned fish. First, based on the bioinformatic analysis of recent transcriptomic and genomic resources, we experimentally characterized the IgL genes in the chondrostean fish, Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet). We show that this species has three loci encoding IgL kappa-like chains with a translocon-type gene organization and a single VJC cluster, encoding homogeneous lambda-like light chain. In addition, sterlet possesses sigma-like VL and J-CL genes, which are transcribed separately and both encode protein products with cleavable leader peptides. The Acipenseriformes IgL dataset was extended by the sequences mined in the databases of species belonging to other non-teleost lineages of ray-finned fish: Holostei and Polypteriformes. Inclusion of these new data into phylogenetic analysis showed a clear subdivision of IgL chains into five groups. The isotype described previously as the teleostean IgL lambda turned out to be a kappa and lambda chain paralog that emerged before the radiation of ray-finned fish. We designate this isotype as lambda-2. The phylogeny also showed that sigma-2 IgL chains initially regarded as specific for cartilaginous fish are present in holosteans, polypterids, and even in turtles. We conclude that there were five ancient IgL isotypes, which evolved differentially in various lineages of jawed vertebrates.</p

    X Chromosome Evolution in Cetartiodactyla

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    The mammalian X chromosome is characterized by high level of conservation. On the contrary the Cetartiodactyl X chromosome displays variation in morphology and G-banding pattern. It is hypothesized that X chromosome has undergone multiple rearrangements during Cetartiodactyla speciation. To investigate the evolution of this sex chromosome we have selected 26 BAC clones from cattle CHORI-240 library evenly distributed along the cattle X chromosome. High-resolution maps were obtained by fluorescence in situ hybridisation in a representative range of cetartiodactyl species from different families: pig (Suidae), gray whale (Eschrichtiidae), pilot whale (Delphinidae), hippopotamus (Hippopotamidae), Java mouse deer (Tragulidae), pronghorn (Antilocapridae), Siberian musk deer (Moschidae), giraffe (Giraffidae). To trace the X chromosome evolution during fast radiation in speciose families, we mapped more than one species in Cervidae (moose, Siberian roe deer, fallow deer and Pere David’s deer) and Bovidae (musk ox, goat, sheep, sable antelope, nilgau, gaur, saola, and cattle). We have identified three major conserved synteny blocks and based on this data reconstructed the structure of putative ancestral cetartiodactyl X chromosome. We demonstrate that intrachromosomal rearrangements such as inversions and centromere reposition are main drivers of cetartiodactyl’s chromosome X evolution

    Contrasting origin of B chromosomes in two cervids (Siberian roe deer and grey brocket deer) unravelled by chromosome-specific DNA sequencing

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    Abstract Background B chromosomes are dispensable and variable karyotypic elements found in some species of animals, plants and fungi. They often originate from duplications and translocations of host genomic regions or result from hybridization. In most species, little is known about their DNA content. Here we perform high-throughput sequencing and analysis of B chromosomes of roe deer and brocket deer, the only representatives of Cetartiodactyla known to have B chromosomes. Results In this study we developed an approach to identify genomic regions present on chromosomes by high-throughput sequencing of DNA generated from flow-sorted chromosomes using degenerate-oligonucleotide-primed PCR. Application of this method on small cattle autosomes revealed a previously described KIT gene region translocation associated with colour sidedness. Implementing this approach to B chromosomes from two cervid species, Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and grey brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira), revealed dramatically different genetic content: roe deer B chromosomes consisted of two duplicated genomic regions (a total of 1.42-1.98 Mbp) involving three genes, while grey brocket deer B chromosomes contained 26 duplicated regions (a total of 8.28-9.31 Mbp) with 34 complete and 21 partial genes, including KIT and RET protooncogenes, previously found on supernumerary chromosomes in canids. Sequence variation analysis of roe deer B chromosomes revealed a high frequency of mutations and increased heterozygosity due to either amplification within B chromosomes or divergence between different Bs. In contrast, grey brocket deer B chromosomes were found to be more homogeneous and resembled autosomes in patterns of sequence variation. Similar tendencies were observed in repetitive DNA composition. Conclusions Our data demonstrate independent origins of B chromosomes in the grey brocket and roe deer. We hypothesize that the B chromosomes of these two cervid species represent different stages of B chromosome sequences evolution: probably nascent and similar to autosomal copies in brocket deer, highly derived in roe deer. Based on the presence of the same orthologous protooncogenes in canids and brocket deer Bs we argue that genomic regions involved in B chromosome formation are not random. In addition, our approach is also applicable to the characterization of other evolutionary and clinical rearrangements

    Contrasting origin of B chromosomes in two cervids (Siberian roe deer and grey brocket deer) unravelled by chromosome-specific DNA sequencing.

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    BACKGROUND: B chromosomes are dispensable and variable karyotypic elements found in some species of animals, plants and fungi. They often originate from duplications and translocations of host genomic regions or result from hybridization. In most species, little is known about their DNA content. Here we perform high-throughput sequencing and analysis of B chromosomes of roe deer and brocket deer, the only representatives of Cetartiodactyla known to have B chromosomes. RESULTS: In this study we developed an approach to identify genomic regions present on chromosomes by high-throughput sequencing of DNA generated from flow-sorted chromosomes using degenerate-oligonucleotide-primed PCR. Application of this method on small cattle autosomes revealed a previously described KIT gene region translocation associated with colour sidedness. Implementing this approach to B chromosomes from two cervid species, Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) and grey brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira), revealed dramatically different genetic content: roe deer B chromosomes consisted of two duplicated genomic regions (a total of 1.42-1.98 Mbp) involving three genes, while grey brocket deer B chromosomes contained 26 duplicated regions (a total of 8.28-9.31 Mbp) with 34 complete and 21 partial genes, including KIT and RET protooncogenes, previously found on supernumerary chromosomes in canids. Sequence variation analysis of roe deer B chromosomes revealed a high frequency of mutations and increased heterozygosity due to either amplification within B chromosomes or divergence between different Bs. In contrast, grey brocket deer B chromosomes were found to be more homogeneous and resembled autosomes in patterns of sequence variation. Similar tendencies were observed in repetitive DNA composition. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate independent origins of B chromosomes in the grey brocket and roe deer. We hypothesize that the B chromosomes of these two cervid species represent different stages of B chromosome sequences evolution: probably nascent and similar to autosomal copies in brocket deer, highly derived in roe deer. Based on the presence of the same orthologous protooncogenes in canids and brocket deer Bs we argue that genomic regions involved in B chromosome formation are not random. In addition, our approach is also applicable to the characterization of other evolutionary and clinical rearrangements

    X Chromosome Evolution in Cetartiodactyla

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    The phenomenon of a remarkable conservation of the X chromosome in eutherian mammals has been first described by Susumu Ohno in 1964. A notable exception is the cetartiodactyl X chromosome, which varies widely in morphology and G-banding pattern between species. It is hypothesized that this sex chromosome has undergone multiple rearrangements that changed the centromere position and the order of syntenic segments over the last 80 million years of Cetartiodactyla speciation. To investigate its evolution we have selected 26 evolutionarily conserved bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones from the cattle CHORI-240 library evenly distributed along the cattle X chromosome. High-resolution BAC maps of the X chromosome on a representative range of cetartiodactyl species from different branches: pig (Suidae), alpaca (Camelidae), gray whale (Cetacea), hippopotamus (Hippopotamidae), Java mouse-deer (Tragulidae), pronghorn (Antilocapridae), Siberian musk deer (Moschidae), and giraffe (Giraffidae) were obtained by fluorescent in situ hybridization. To trace the X chromosome evolution during fast radiation in specious families, we performed mapping in several cervids (moose, Siberian roe deer, fallow deer, and Pere David’s deer) and bovid (muskox, goat, sheep, sable antelope, and cattle) species. We have identified three major conserved synteny blocks and rearrangements in different cetartiodactyl lineages and found that the recently described phenomenon of the evolutionary new centromere emergence has taken place in the X chromosome evolution of Cetartiodactyla at least five times. We propose the structure of the putative ancestral cetartiodactyl X chromosome by reconstructing the order of syntenic segments and centromere position for key groups

    Low-pass single-chromosome sequencing of human small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) and Apodemus B chromosomes.

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    Supernumerary chromosomes sporadically arise in many eukaryotic species as a result of genomic rearrangements. If present in a substantial part of species population, those are called B chromosomes, or Bs. This is the case for 70 mammalian species, most of which are rodents. In humans, the most common types of extra chromosomes, sSMCs (small supernumerary marker chromosomes), are diagnosed in approximately 1 of 2000 postnatal cases. Due to low frequency in population, human sSMCs are not considered B chromosomes. Genetic content of both B-chromosomes and sSMCs in most cases remains understudied. Here, we apply microdissection of single chromosomes with subsequent low-pass sequencing on Ion Torrent PGM and Illumina MiSeq to identify unique and repetitive DNA sequences present in a single human sSMC and several B chromosomes in mice Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus peninsulae. The pipeline for sequencing data analysis was made available in Galaxy interface as an addition to previously published command-line version. Human sSMC was attributed to the proximal part of chromosome 15 long arm, and breakpoints leading to its formation were located into satellite DNA arrays. Genetic content of Apodemus B chromosomes was species-specific, and minor alterations were observed in both species. Common features of Bs in these Apodemus species were satellite DNA and ERV enrichment, as well as the presence of the vaccinia-related kinase gene Vrk1. Understanding of the non-essential genome elements content provides important insights into genome evolution in general.This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Chromosoma. The final authenticated version is available online at: [http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00412-018-0662-0

    Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian Seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding

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    We report here the ~670 Mb genome assembly of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), a tropical marine teleost. We used long-read sequencing augmented by transcriptomics, optical and genetic mapping along with shared synteny from closely related fish species to derive a chromosome-level assembly with a contig N50 size over 1 Mb and scaffold N50 size over 25 Mb that span ~90% of the genome. The population structure of L. calcarifer species complex was analyzed by re-sequencing 61 individuals representing various regions across the species' native range. SNP analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and confirmed earlier indications of a population stratification comprising three clades with signs of admixture apparent in the South-East Asian population. The quality of the Asian seabass genome assembly far exceeds that of any other fish species, and will serve as a new standard for fish genomics

    Traces of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Mongolian Horse Mitochondrial Lineages in Modern Populations

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    The Mongolian horse is one of the most ancient and relatively unmanaged horse breeds. The population history of the Mongolian horse remains poorly understood due to a lack of information on ancient and modern DNA. Here, we report nearly complete mitochondrial genome data obtained from five ancient Mongolian horse samples of the Khereksur and Deer Stone culture (late 2nd to 1st third of the 1st millennium BC) and one ancient horse specimen from the Xiongnu culture (1st century BC to 1st century AD) using target enrichment and high-throughput sequencing methods. Phylogenetic analysis involving ancient, historical, and modern mitogenomes of horses from Mongolia and other regions showed the presence of three mitochondrial haplogroups in the ancient Mongolian horse populations studied here and similar haplotype composition of ancient and modern horse populations of Mongolia. Our results revealed genetic continuity between the Mongolian horse populations of the Khereksur and Deer Stone culture and those of the Xiongnu culture owing to the presence of related mitotypes. Besides, we report close phylogenetic relationships between haplotypes of the Khereksur and Deer Stone horses and the horses of indigenous breeds of the Middle East (Caspian and Iranian), China (Naqu, Yunnan, and Jinjiang), and Italy (Giara) as well as genetic similarity between the Xiongnu Mongolian horses and those of the most ancient breeds of the Middle East (Arabian) and Central Asia (Akhal-Teke). Despite all the migrations of the Mongolian peoples over the past 3000 years, mitochondrial haplogroup composition of Mongolian horse populations remains almost unchanged

    Genetic content of the neo-sex chromosomes in Ctenonotus and Norops (Squamata, Dactyloidae) and degeneration of the Y chromosome as revealed by high-throughput sequencing of individual chromosomes

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    Pleurodont lizards are characterized by an ancient system of sex chromosomes. Along with stability of the central component of the system (homologous to the X chromosome of Anolis carolinensis [Dactyloidae], ACAX), in some genera the ancestral sex chromosomes are fused with microautosomes, forming neo-sex chromosomes. The genus Ctenonotus (Dactyloidae) is characterized by multiple X1X1X2X2/X1X2Y sex chromosomes. According to cytogenetic data, the large neo-Y chromosome is formed by fusion of the ancestral Y chromosome with 2 microautosomes (homologous to ACA10 or ACA11 and ACA12), the X1 chromosome is formed by fusion of the ancestral X chromosome with the autosome homologous to ACA10 or ACA11, and the X2 chromosome is homologous to autosome ACA12. To determine more precisely the content and evolution of the Ctenonotus sex chromosomes, we sequenced flow-sorted chromosomes (both sex chromosomes and microautosomes as control) of 2 species with a similar system: C. pogus and C. sabanus. Our results indicate that the translocated part of the X1 is homologous to ACA11, X2 is homologous to ACA12, and the Y contains segments homologous to both ACA11 and ACA12. Molecular divergence estimates suggest that the ancestral X-derived part has completely degenerated in the Y of Ctenonotus, similar to the degeneration of the Norops sagrei Y chromosome (Dactyloidae). The newly added regions show loss of DNA content, but without degeneration of the conserved regions. We hypothesize that the translocation of autosomal blocks onto sex chromosomes facilitated rapid degeneration of the pseudoautosomal region on the ancestral Y