86 research outputs found

    Wave Propagation in a 3-D Optical Waveguide

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    In this paper we study the problem of wave propagation in a 3-D optical fiber. The goal is to obtain a solution for the time-harmonic field caused by a source in a cylindrically symmetric waveguide. The geometry of the problem, corresponding to an open waveguide, makes the problem challenging. To solve it, we construct a transform theory which is a nontrivial generalization of a method for solving a 2-D version of this problem given by Magnanini and Santosa.\cite{MS} The extension to 3-D is made complicated by the fact that the resulting eigenvalue problem defining the transform kernel is singular both at the origin and at infinity. The singularities require the investigation of the behavior of the solutions of the eigenvalue problem. Moreover, the derivation of the transform formulas needed to solve the wave propagation problem involves nontrivial calculations. The paper provides a complete description on how to construct the solution to the wave propagation problem in a 3-D optical waveguide with cylindrical symmetry. A follow-up article will study the particular cases of a step-index fiber and of a coaxial waveguide. In those cases we will obtain concrete formulas for the field and numerical examples.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figure

    The role of the Republic of Karelia in Russia's foreign and security policy

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    Multi-View Shape-from-Shading for Planetary Images with Challenging Illumination

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    We describe our approach for using shape-from-shading to create very high quality terrains on the Moon and other planets using images with various illumination conditions

    A Topology-Preserving Level Set Method for Shape Optimization

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    The classical level set method, which represents the boundary of the unknown geometry as the zero-level set of a function, has been shown to be very effective in solving shape optimization problems. The present work addresses the issue of using a level set representation when there are simple geometrical and topological constraints. We propose a logarithmic barrier penalty which acts to enforce the constraints, leading to an approximate solution to shape design problems.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure


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    One of the core issues in the new economic conditions is the optimization of public expenditures. Instead of equal budget cuts it is necessary to introduce scientific approaches for expenditure optimization based on the results of statistical analysis of state programs performance.The article reviews methodological and practical aspects of applying in the budget process of a special Budget efficiency rule based on statistical review of state programs performance.Одной из главных задач в новых экономических условиях является оптимизация бюджетных расходов. При этом вместо распространенного в последние года секвестра расходов целесообразно переходить к научно-обоснованным методам оптимизации бюджетных расходов, основанным на итогах статистического анализа результативности реализации государственных программ Российской Федерации. Статья посвящена вопросам методологии и практического применения в бюджетном процессе специального Правила бюджетной эффективности на основе статистического анализа результативности реализации государственных программ Российской Федерации

    Ordinary metalanguage consciousness of students from Germany studying at the Russian university

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    As a theoretical basis of the proposed work, it is accepted in naive linguistics comprehension that the area of human consciousness, accomplishing a function of the language reflector, has a multi-level structure. Unlike similar works concerning everyday reception of language, an attempt to shift the research focus from phenomena lying on the surface level of everyday metalanguage consciousness and accessible to an outside observer via text implementation in speech to the phenomena of a deeper level is made in this article. Hidden displays of metalanguage reflection collected by a special interview with the German-speaking foreign citizens studying in one of the Russian universities are analyzed and classified in this article

    Photometric Lunar Surface Reconstruction

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    Accurate photometric reconstruction of the Lunar surface is important in the context of upcoming NASA robotic missions to the Moon and in giving a more accurate understanding of the Lunar soil composition. This paper describes a novel approach for joint estimation of Lunar albedo, camera exposure time, and photometric parameters that utilizes an accurate Lunar-Lambertian reflectance model and previously derived Lunar topography of the area visualized during the Apollo missions. The method introduced here is used in creating the largest Lunar albedo map (16% of the Lunar surface) at the resolution of 10 meters/pixel

    Evidence for strong electron-phonon coupling and polarons in the optical response of La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4

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    The normal state optical response of La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 is found to be consistent with a simple multi-component model, based on free carriers with strong electron-phonon interaction, localized polaronic states near 0.15 eV and a mid-infrared band at 0.5 eV. Normal state reflectance and absorbance of La_{1.83}Sr_{0.17}CuO_4 are investigated and their temperature dependence is explained. Both, the ac and dc response are recovered and the quasi-linear behavior of the optical scattering rate up to 3000- 4000 cm^{-1} is found to be consistent with strong electron-phonon interaction, which also accounts for the value of T_c. Although not strictly applicable in the superconducting state, our simple model accounts for the observed penetration depth and the optical response below T_c can be recovered by introducing a small amount of additional carriers. Our findings suggest that the optical response of La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 could be explained both, in the normal and superconducting state, by a simple multi-fluid model with strong electron-phonon interaction if the gap symmetry and the temperature dependence of the 0.5 eV mid-infrared band are adequately taken into account.Comment: 22 pages, REVTeX, 12 figures in ps-fil

    Ten years of volcanic activity at Mt Etna: High-resolution mapping and accurate quantification of the morphological changes by Pleiades and Lidar data

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    Abstract The topography of Mt. Etna, Italy, is subjected to continuous modifications depending on intensity and magnitude of eruptions that frequently occur at the volcano summit and flanks. In order to make high-resolution maps of morphological changes and accurately calculate the overall volume of the erupted products (e.g., lava flows, tephra fall out, scoriae cones) in ten years, we have compared the altimetry models of Mt. Etna derived from 2005 Airborne Laser Scanning data and 2015 Pleiades stereo satellite imagery. Both models cover a common area of 400 km2 with spatial resolution of 2 m and comparable vertical accuracy (RMS

    Surface Reconstruction of a Challenging Region with Permanent Shadows on the Moon

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    As the Earth is orbiting the Sun, there is the region a sunlight can't be reached on the Moon, a satellite of the Earth. Usually, the permanent shadows are located near a pole area and the surface reconstruction in the permanent shadows region is challenging because of the lack of sunlight.In this research, the reconstruction method containing the permanent shadows is suggested. To apply this method, the time-varying shadow region and a permanently shadowed region are needed to be separated. In the time-varying shadow region, the pixel intensity of the image can be composed of the albedo and the reflectance model. Using the light source direction from ISIS3 of USGS, the shape of the region can be extracted from the reflectance model. Though this region is visible in the camera, the change of illumination is quite large in this region, it is hard to reconstruct the shape using stereo-photogrammetry or SfS. So, it is needed of collecting more surface normal information from several pixel level-aligned images. In this process, the albedo information can be initialized and enhanced easily from many images.In the middle of permanent shadows, the high-resolution DEM is generated by LOLA DEM. The LOLA DEM is generated by interpolation between measured data point strips, the actual scene of the permanent shadows. Using the sensor like DIVINER, the Imaginary scene generation via a trained network between the sunlight sensor and other kinds of a sensor is suggested