46 research outputs found

    Programação da produção: Otimização de Layouts Industriais

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    O problema conhecido na literatura como “Facility layout problem (FLP)”, em que se pretende determinar a disposição de recursos de produção e a sua interação num determinado espaço, é um problema estratégico para a implementação do chão de fábrica de uma empresa pelo impacto que tem na performance da produção. O problema consiste em encontrar um posicionamento único entre instalações (departamentos, máquinas, células de produção, armazéns, etc.) e localizações no chão de fábrica, de forma a otimizar um ou mais objetivos de produção. O objetivo da criação de layout consiste na otimização do espaço existente, minimização do tempo de produção, redução do custo de manuseamento de matérias, aumento do grau de flexibilidade, entre outros. A solução do problema deverá especificar a localização relativa de cada departamento (layout em bloco) e numa fase posterior poderá especificar o layout detalhado dentro de cada departamento. Na presente tese serão apresentados alguns modelos matemáticos para criação de um layout, neste caso vamos usar uma formulação matemática Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), uma formulação matemática Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) e uma heurística de Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) para resolver problemas de layout. Todas estas formulações e modelos serão postos em prática para a resolução de problemas fictícios. Numa primeira abordagem iremos resolver problemas fictícios onde abordaremos a formulação QAP para problemas de atribuição de espaço de duas dimensões (x,y) e MIP e em seguida iremos usar a heurística PSO para a resolução de problemas em escala maior e real.The problem known in the literature as "Facility layout problem (FLP)", which is intended to determine the physical layout of industrial facilities, is a strategic problem for the implementation of a company by the impact it has on the production performance. The problem is to find an unambiguous allocation between facilities (departments, machines, production cells, warehouses, etc.) and locations on the shop floor in order to optimize one or more production goals. The objectives often considered are the optimization of the space, minimizing production time, reduce the handling costs of materials, increased flexibility, among others. The solution of the problem should specify the relative location of each department (block layout) and at a later stage it can specify the detailed layout within each department. In this thesis will be presented some methods of resolution in this case we use a discrete Quadratic Assignment formulation (QAP), a Mixed Integer Linear Programming formulation (MIP) and a Particle Swarm Optimization heuristic (PSO) to solve layout problems. All these heuristics will be implemented for solving fictitious problems. In a first approach we will solve simpler problems where we use the QAP and MIP formulation and following we will use the PSO heuristic to solve problems on a larger scale

    Conservation implications of the mating system of the Pampa Hermosa landrace of peach palm analyzed with microsatellite markers

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    Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) is cultivated by many indigenous and traditional communities from Amazonia to Central America for its edible fruits, and is currently important for its heart-of-palm. The objective of this study was to investigate the mating system of peach palm, as this is important for conservation and breeding. Eight microsatellite loci were used to genotype 24 open-pollinated progenies from three populations of the Pampa Hermosa landrace maintained in a progeny trial for genetic improvement. Both the multi-locus outcrossing rates (0.95 to 0.99) and the progeny level multi-locus outcrossing rates (0.9 to 1.0) were high, indicating that peach palm is predominantly allogamous. The outcrossing rates among relatives were significantly different from zero (0.101 to 0.202), providing evidence for considerable biparental inbreeding within populations, probably due to farmers planting seeds of a small number of open-pollinated progenies in the same plot. The correlations of paternity estimates were low (0.051 to 0.112), suggesting a large number of pollen sources (9 to 20) participating in pollination of individual fruit bunches. Effective population size estimates suggest that current germplasm collections are insufficient for long-term ex situ conservation. As with most underutilized crops, on farm conservation is the most important component of an integrated conservation strategy

    Data from: Edge effects enhance selfing and seed harvesting efforts in the insect-pollinated Neotropical tree Copaifera langsdorffii (Fabaceae)

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    Edge effects may affect the mating system of tropical tree species and reduce the genetic diversity and variance effective size of collected seeds at the boundaries of forest fragments because of a reduction in the density of reproductive trees, neighbour size and changes in the behaviour of pollinators. Here, edge effects on the genetic diversity, mating system and pollen pool of the insect-pollinated Neotropical tree Copaifera langsdorffii were investigated using eight microsatellite loci. Open-pollinated seeds were collected from 17 seed trees within continuous savannah woodland (SW) and were compared with seeds from 11 seed trees at the edge of the savannah remnant. Seeds collected from the SW had significantly higher heterozygosity levels (Ho=0.780; He=0.831) than seeds from the edge (Ho=0.702; He=0.800). The multilocus outcrossing rate was significantly higher in the SW (tm=0.859) than in the edge (tm=0.759). Pollen pool differentiation was significant, however, it did not differ between the SW (=0.105) and the edge (=0.135). The variance effective size within the progenies was significantly higher in the SW (Ne=2.65) than at the edge (Ne=2.30). The number of seed trees to retain the reference variance effective size of 500 was 189 at the SW and 217 at the edge. Therefore, it is preferable that seed harvesting for conservation and environmental restoration strategies be conducted in the SW, where genetic diversity and variance effective size within progenies are higher

    Mating system in a natural population of Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum., by microsatellite markers

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    The aim of this research was to study the mating system of a natural population of Theobroma grandiflorum (cupuassu) from Nova Ipixuna, Pará state, using microsatellite markers. Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were analyzed in eight families, each represented by 10 six-month old seedlings derived from open-pollinated pods. The estimation for the multilocus outcrossing rate (<img border=0 id="_x0000_i1026" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img01.gif" align=absmiddle>m = 1.0) and individual outcrossing rate (<img border=0 id="_x0000_i1027" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img01.gif" align=absmiddle> = 1.0) for this population suggests that T. grandiflorum may be a perfect outbreeding (allogamous) species. Likewise, for the studied population the estimate for single locus outcrossing rate (<img border=0 id="_x0000_i1028" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img01.gif" align=absmiddle>S) was elevated (0.946), but lower than <img border=0 id="_x0000_i1029" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img01.gif" align=absmiddle>m, confirming the likely outcrossing character of the species and suggesting the occurrence of 5.4% biparental inbreeding rate (<img border=0 id="_x0000_i1030" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img01.gif" align=absmiddle>m - <img border=0 id="_x0000_i1031" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img01.gif" align=absmiddle>S). The estimation of genetic divergence (<img border=0 id="_x0000_i1032" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img02.gif" align=absmiddle>st) between allelic frequencies in ovules and pollen revealed a deviation from random mating in 75% of the evaluated loci. Likewise, the estimate of correlation of paternity (<img border=0 id="_x0000_i1033" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img03.gif" align=absmiddle>P = 0.930) and the mean coefficient of co-ancestrality within families (<img border=0 id="_x0000_i1034" src="../../img/revistas/gmb/v26n3/a25img04.gif" align=absmiddle>XY = 0.501) indicated that the outcrossings were predominantly correlated, and the offspring were full-sibs. These results suggested that for this particular population of T. grandiflorum, the sampling strategy for genetic conservation and breeding should adopt specific models for families derived from correlated outcrossing (full-sibs) and not the ones usually adopted in classic outcrossing species breeding programs (half-sibs)

    Mating system of a population of Myracrodruon urundeuva F.F. & M.F. Allemão using the fAFLP molecular marker

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    The mating system and genetic diversity were studied in a natural population of Myracrodruon urundeuva originating from 30 open-pollinated trees at the Paulo de Faria Ecological Station, SP, Brazil. The progenies were planted on the Teaching and Research Farm of the Ilha Solteira Engineering School, UNESP. Using the fAFLP molecular marker, eleven loci were selected to study the mating system. The mating system was analyzed using the multilocus mixed-mating model. The estimates of genetic divergence between pollen and ovule allele frequencies were significant for eight loci, suggesting nonrandom outcrossing. The estimates of the multilocus outcrossing rate revealed that M. urundeuva possesses a mating system with a predominance of outcrossing events (theta = 0.940 ± 0.086). The estimates of coancestry among plants within progenies (theta = 0.185) was higher than that expected for half-sib progenies (0.125) and the indirect estimate of the correlation of outcrossed paternity within progeny arrays (r p) was 0.403, suggesting that progenies have a high proportion of full-sibs. Result analysis suggests the need for the application of biometric models that take into account deviations from random outcrossing in the estimations of genetic parameters for quantitative traits and the need for retaining large sample sizes in order to preserve genetic variability.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    MLTR input for the edge

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    This file contains the genotype of eleven mothers and its progeny. The format is ready for MLTR program (Ritland, 2002)