334 research outputs found

    Design of a Reference Buffer for a Delta-Sigma ADC with Current DAC

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    In analog to digital conversion, it’s necessary to provide a reference voltage to the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), in order to quantify the input signal. However, as the ADC has a switch constantly commuting on its input it will cause perturbations on the reference voltage provided by the Bandgap circuit. Thus, it will interfere with the normal behaviour of the Bandgap circuit, which will longer be capable of provide the desired reference voltage. Besides, if the reference voltage is not constant in the desired value the output code generated by the ADC will have errors. In order to avoid conversion errors it will be needed to introduce a buffer between the Bandgap and the ADC. Thus, taking advantage from the characteristics of the buffer (low output impedance, high input impedance and unitary gain) the system will be capable of recover from the perturbations introduced by the ADC in the reference voltage. Therefore, in this thesis are studied some of the already existing architectures of buffers, in order to see the advantages and disadvantages of each one. This way were chosen the best three architectures from a theoretical point of view, to implement and simulate, to obtain all the needed information in order to better compare them

    Minimum Time in Quantum State Transitions: Dynamical Foundations and Applications

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    This chapter is about the minimum time evolution between two quantum states considering the dynamics obeying either time-invariant Hamiltonians or time-varying ones. Merit figures are defined to help quantum control designers to define optimization parameters. The expressions are derived from the time-energy uncertainty relations and a practical case is studied as an example

    Performance Of Cochlear Implants In Pediatric Patients With Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)To describe the performance and results of CIs (cochlear implant) in patients with AN (auditory neuropathy) and to present a medical literature review. MATERIALS and METHODS: Retrospective chart review of patients with AN who were treated with CI. The mesh terms used for the review in the Pubmed and Scopus databases were as follows: "hearing loss, cochlear implants, rehabilitation of persons with hearing impairment, auditory neuropathy". Statistical Analyses: The Mann-Whitney test was performed. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 10 patients. The mean age at surgery was 4.3 years, range 2-16 years. The average length of CI use was 5.2 years. The comparison of hearing levels before and after CI use showed a significant improvement in all patients, with p<0.05. All of them also reported an increase in overall satisfaction 1 year after the procedure. A CI is the standard treatment for the hearing rehabilitation of patients with severe profound hearing loss who do not benefit from conventional hearing aids. There are diseases such as AN that also invoke a discussion in the literature regarding CI benefits. CONCLUSION: Individuals with an demonstrated a significant gain in hearing levels and language use with CI.121815CAPES (Higher Education Personnel Improvement Coordination, Ministry of Health, Brazil)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    A abordagem Cartalista: uma aplicação ao Plano Real e ao Euro

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    Apresenta as teorias cartalistas da sua origem até o presente. Depois que os principais aspectos já estiverem devidamente introduzidos, será apresentado um esboço de como seria a teoria cartalista aplicada ao Plano Real. Seguindo este esboço virá uma resenha da abordagem de autores cartalistas modernos a respeito do Euro. A conclusão é de que aqueles que estudam economia deveriam ser mais atenciosos e menos pretenciosos, pois muitas ideias importantes para o mundo de hoje são desenvolvidas fora da ideologia dominante

    The AIDS epidemic in Brazil and differences according to geographic region and health services supply

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    The aim of this study was to identify different profiles in the AIDS epidemic in Brazil by relating them to the health sector's organization, situations involving increased risk of infection, and the degree of implementation of the response by health services. The Brazilian municipalities (counties) were grouped according to the magnitude of the epidemic and its trends from 2002 and 2006, and were then studied using indicators obtained from secondary databases. Municipalities with large epidemics (39%) displayed more situations associated with risk of infection, and those with an upward trend in incidence (11.5%) showed a lower degree of response. Cities with large epidemics but with downward or stable trends had 68.6% of all the anonymous testing centers and 75.8% of the outpatient clinics, and performed 81.4% of all the HIV antibody tests in the health system. Preventive measures in schools and primary health services showed low coverage rates. Differences were observed between geographic regions. Inequalities in the degree of implementation of the response to HIV may contribute to different profiles in the epidemic around the country.Identificar diferentes perfis da epidemia de AIDS no Brasil relacionando-os à organização do setor saúde, às situações relacionadas ao risco de infecção e ao grau de implantação da resposta. Municípios brasileiros foram agrupados segundo magnitude e tendência da epidemia entre 2002 e 2006, e estudados por meio de indicadores obtidos em bases de dados secundários. Municípios com epidemias de grande magnitude (39%) apresentaram um maior número de situações associadas ao risco e os com tendência de aumento da incidência (11,5%) menor grau de implantação da resposta. Cidades com grandes epidemias que reduzem/estabilizam concentraram 68,6% dos Centros de Testagens, 75,8% dos ambulatórios e 81,4% dos exames anti-HIV feitos no sistema de saúde. Ações preventivas em escolas e na atenção básica apresentaram baixa cobertura comparativamente à área assistencial. Diferenças entre regiões foram observadas. Desigualdades no grau de implantação da resposta ao HIV podem contribuir para a ocorrência de diferentes perfis da epidemia no país

    Avaliação de estratégias do Ministério da Saúde para incentivar a resposta municipal a AIDS no Brasil

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate strategies by the Brazilian Ministry of Health to expand the municipal response to AIDS. Cities "included" and "not included" in Federal strategies for "municipalization" of the response were compared according to the response profile and trends in the epidemic. Multinomial logistic regression was used, among other statistical procedures. Municipalities included from 1994 to 1998 showed higher chances of providing HIV diagnostic testing [OR = 15.0; 95%CI: 5.6-40.1], of having AIDS services [OR = 18.4; 95%CI: 8.4-40.5], and reducing cases involving heterosexual [OR = 3.1; 95%CI: 1.4-7.3], homosexual/bisexual [OR = 3.0; 95%CI: 1.4-6.2], and IDU transmission [OR = 6.6; 95%CI: 2.9-14.9] as compared to those "included in 2003" and "not included". There were no associations between the included Municipalities, greater coverage in prevention, the reduction in cases due to vertical transmission or blood transfusion, or mortality rates. Municipalities with a more structured response were associated with better results. The findings suggest that the municipalization policy contributed to improvement in the local response to AIDS.Avaliar as estratégias do Ministério da Saúde para ampliar a resposta municipal a AIDS. Cidades "incluídas" e "não incluídas" nas estratégias federais de municipalização foram comparadas segundo perfil da resposta e da epidemia. Regressão logística multinomial foi usada, entre outros procedimentos estatísticos. Municípios incluídos entre 1994/98 apresentaram maior chance de ofertar o diagnóstico do HIV [OR = 15,0; IC95%: 5,6-40,1], possuir serviços de AIDS [OR = 18,4; IC95%: 8,4-40,5] e reduzir casos por transmissão heterossexual [OR = 3,1; IC95%: 1,4-7,3], homo/bissexual [OR = 3,0; IC95%: 1,4-6,2] e uso de drogas injetáveis [OR = 6,6; IC95%: 2,9-14,9] do que os "incluídos em 2003" e os "não incluídos". Não houve associações entre municípios incluídos, a maior cobertura de prevenção e a redução de casos por transmissão vertical, transfusão de sangue e taxas de mortalidade. Municípios com resposta mais estruturada associam-se a melhores resultados. Os achados sugerem que a política de municipalização contribuiu para aprimorar a resposta

    O blogue como estratégia de motivação para a aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Português no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário e de Espanhol nos Ensinos Básico e SecundárioAs novas tecnologias da educação e da comunicação estão atualmente presentes em todos os aspetos da nossa vida. A educação não é exceção. Professor e o aluno têm hoje à sua disposição os mais diversos recursos que possibilitam a continuação da aprendizagem para além dos muros da escola. O presente relatório tem como pano de fundo a conceção, implementação e avaliação de um projeto de intervenção pedagógica intitulado: O blogue como estratégia de motivação para a aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira. O projeto foi implementado junto de uma turma de 11º ano, nível A1. Ao longo do relatório são descritas numa primeira parte as fases do processo, os temas tratados e respetiva fundamentação teórica. No segundo capítulo encontra-se a intervenção pedagógica propriamente dita com a descrição, justificação e reflexão das aulas ministradas; bem como as conclusões de todo o processo.Les nouvelles technologies de l’éducation et de la communication sont actuellement présentes en tous les aspects de la vie humaine. L’éducation n’est pas une exception. Professeur et élève ont aujourd’hui à sa disposition plusieurs ressources éducatives qui permettent la continuation de l’apprentissage hors les murs de l’école. Ce rapport a comme point de partie la Conception, implémentation et évaluation d’un projet d’intervention pédagogique intitulé: le blog comme stratégie de motivation pour l’apprentissage d’une langue étrangère. Le projet a été implémenté dans un groupe de 11ème année, niveau A1. Le rapport décrit dans une première partie les étapes du processus, les thèmes traités et le respectif encadrement théorique. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l’intervention pédagogique avec la description, justification et réflexion des classes; aussi comme les conclusions de tout le processus

    Relatório integrador da atividade profissional

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Economia Agrária e Gestão do Território - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThis report intends to comply with the Standards presented by the Scientific Council of the Institute of Agronomy, Technical University of Lisbon, for Development of Professional Activity Report Integrator, in accordance to paragraph 3 of art. 3 of the General Regulation of the Second Cycle Study leading to the degree of Master, approved by Order (extract) n. 10544/2011, published in the Official Gazette, 2. Series, n. 160, August 22, 2011, for "Pre-Bologna". This document should describe in detail the professional activities developed by the student. In this context, the contents of this dissertation intend to demonstrate how some of the skills acquired through his academic education, further training and professional experience were applied and magnified in a professional context. For this purpose, there is a presentation of the institutions where the student collaborated, a description of performed activities and responsibilities, and also a description of two main relevant projects in his professional performance. The student’s professional career began in 1994, as a Technician in Engineering area and currently works as a project manager in national and international projects. This report also describes his journey through a different set of institutions, as SIMAB, MARL Energia and MARL, where he currently works, which provided him with the ability to acquire other skills and experience, particularly in management and coordination of projects

    Lo sagrado en el contexto de territorialidad

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    El artículo revisa la diversificación de formas de religiosidad, y se plantea analizar el fenómeno de lo sagrado en el contexto de las prácticas sociales, buscando comprenderlo en sus manifestaciones espaciales y como configurador de relaciones sociales en el proceso de construcción territorial. Afirma que la estructuración de la vida colectiva ha tenido desde un inicio una tentativa integradora con la totalidad cósmica a través del espíritu religioso, siendo esto lo que ha otorgado sentido al mundo, lo que sigue manifestándose en las territorialidades de lo sagrado de este tiempo presente.L’article analyse la diversification des formes de religiosité, et propose d’étudier le phénomène du sacré dans le contexte des pratiques sociales, cherchant à le comprendre dans ses manifestations spatiales et en tant qu’élément configurant les relations sociales dans le processus de construction territoriale. Il affirme que la structuration de la vie collective a depuis le début reflété une tentative d’intégration avec la totalité cosmique à travers l’esprit religieux, cela permettant d’attribuer un sens au monde, ce qui se manifeste dans les territorialités du sacré dans notre présent.The article reviews the diversification of forms of religiosity, and we want to analyze the phenomenon of the sacred in the context of social practices, seeking to understand events in their spatial and social relations as configurator in the process of territorial construction. He claims that the structure of community life from the beginning has had an attempt with the cosmic whole integrated through the religious spirit, with this that has given meaning to the world, which is still evident in the territoriality of the sacredness of this present time
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