16,528 research outputs found

    Late D-term Inflation and the Cosmological Moduli Problem in TeV Scale Strings

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    We show that a short period of late D-term inflation can solve the cosmological moduli (radion) problem of (asymmetric) inflation at the TeV scale. Late inflation happens after the large compact dimensions are stabilized which is crucial for obtaining the extremely small Hubble constant and inflaton mass required.Comment: 12 pages in phyzzx.tex, one reference adde

    Multi User Decision Support System For Teachers Sertification With HTTPS

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    Education quality is a key condition to realize the life of a developed nation, modern dan Prosperous. (Fasli Jalal 2008) Teacher quality greatly affect the effectiveness of learning (Suherman, 2007, Rink, 2002). Teacher certification program is a way to improve the quality of teachers so that the quality of education will be increased dan in turn affect students' achievement (Siedentop & Tannehill, 2000). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the design of decision support systems passing teacher certification so as to facilitate the certification team dan assessors in the decision making sertikasi teacher graduation. In this paper we use a qualitative method based on system development life cycle (SDLC), including planning, analysis, design, dan implementation. Design of decision support systems passing teacher certification can provide information about passing the certification of teachers, as information analysis dan control in teacher certification assessment conducted by the assessor dan teacher certification of graduation information. Keywords : Teachers Certification, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Qualitative Methods, Method of Black Box

    Analisa korespodensi berganda pada daa berkategori multivariabel

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    Analisa Korespondensi Berganda pada data Q-variat (Q-2) merupakan suatu pendekatan dalam menganalisa suatu data multivariat. Secara teknis rnetode ini mengolah suatu data berkategori yang diperoleh dari data hasil survey, untuk disajikan dalam bentuk matrik data berkode biner. Matrik data ini kemudian dimampatkan dalam bentuk tabel kontingensi Burt. Kemudian untuk menganalisa hubungan antara variabel-variabelnya, dicari akar-akar karakteristiknya dan vektor karakteristik yang berpadanan dengan suatu nilai karakteristik terbesar. Bentuk hubungan antar variabel ditunjukkan dalam suatu persamaan faktor, yang menggarnbarkan profil vektor bans dan profil vektor kolom dari tabel kontingensi. yang kemudian secara geometris divisualisasikan dalam bidang dimensi dua, dan disini dapat diberikan nilai-nilai koordinat dalam bidang R2. Dicontohkan koordinat pada sumbu ? dan X2 dari persamaan faktor untuk Q=2 variabel. Multiple Correspondence Analysis of Q-variat data (Q?_2) is the approximation in data analysis of multivariate data. This methode process the categorical data from survey result data to be presented to binary coding of matrix data. The matrix is condensed to butt's contingency table. Analizing the correspondence among variables to be founded eigenvalues and eigenvectors of relative to the largest eigenvalues. The correspondence form among the variables is showed in the factors equation that describe rows and columns vectorprofiles from contingency table, so that to be described in two dimension space and that is gived coordinate values in R2 space. For example, the coordinates in X and A,2 axes from factors equation of Q = 2 variable