4,536 research outputs found

    Challenging Diagnosis in NUT Carcinoma

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    Nuclear protein in testis (NUT) carcinoma represents a highly aggressive, poorly differentiated carcinoma that is genetically defined by rearrangement of NUT gene. The histomorphological appearance ranges from entirely undifferentiated carcinoma to carcinoma with prominent squamous differentiation. NUT carcinoma can display neuroendocrine features. Although it is typically distributed along the midline axis, it may manifest in nonmidline locations. The majority of patients develop rapidly disseminated disease. We illustrate 2 cases of NUT carcinoma, one located in the lung, which closely resembled a neuroendocrine carcinoma, and the other one with assumed lung origin demonstrating metastatic dissemination with diffuse bone involvement, which was clinically first suspected to be a hematological malignancy. Due to its undifferentiated nature, NUT carcinoma may be confused with many entities. NUT immunohistochemistry is considered to be sufficient for the diagnosis. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analysis and next-generation sequencing are currently used to confirm the diagnosis. Keywords: fluorescence in-situ hybridization; next-generation sequencing; nuclear protein in testi

    The role of cultural institutions in fractured landscapes : a case study of the british council and its creation and communication of soft power narratives

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    Soft power, as coined by Joseph Nye in the 1980’s refers to a nations ability to wield international and political influence through the diffusive power of attraction. The UK and consequently, the British Council has long been considered a global leader in the instrumental use of culture as a means of diplomacy and foreign policy. However, as the cultural landscape in Europe begins to shift as a result of Brexit, Britain’s soft power becomes increasingly more relevant. The strategic use of cultural relationships has always been a fundamental way through which nations have communicated and created narratives which in turn, construct an external perception of their culture and values. As a result of the socio-political disruption since June 2016, cultural institutions have begun to question and debate the UK’s role within the international cultural sphere. The process of adaptation to Brexit was described in a debate conducted by the Royal Society of Arts as a catalyst for cultural revolution, one through which, new opportunities may arise. Thus, the fractured landscape in the UK presents an opportune moment in which cultural institutions can reestablish themselves and their narratives in order to set the agenda around arts and culture both at home and abroad. The productive nature of soft power allows for the exploration of new cultural narratives between Britain and the rest of the world. Exhibitions provide spaces where these issues can be thought about within the public sphere and debates, conferences and events provide a framework through which these new narratives can be established. Thus, cultural institutions such as the British Council through their various initiatives, play a vital role in constructing discourse around themes of cultural identity, foreign policy and physical as well as cultural borders. The plethora of messages conveyed, work together to set a broader international agenda as cultural institutions lead the way in navigating shifting landscapes

    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de una empresa consultora de carácter ambiental e industrial en la ciudad de Pereira

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    A través del presente documento se propone el proyecto de investigación Estudio de Factibilidad para la Creación de una Empresa Consultora de Carácter Ambiental e Industrial en la Ciudad de Pereira, buscando aterrizar la idea investigativa y estructurar la investigación, sentando así los antecedentes al proyecto que además servirán como elementos de planificación y preparación para el desarrollo del mismo. Contiene este documento un análisis de las investigaciones que anteceden a la que aquí se propone, permitiendo así fijar unos lineamientos iniciales que ayuden a enfocar de manera correcta la investigación, además de identificar aspectos metodológicos que puedan contribuir al proceso investigativo. De igual manera se realiza el planteamiento del problema, el cual da origen al proyecto de investigación, sistematizando el mismo a través de preguntas específicas que permitan abordar el problema en su totalidad, para realizar de esta manera la formulación de los objetivos del proyecto, que a su vez dan origen al contenido de la investigación y a los temas que se tratarán en ésta. También se justifica en este documento la importancia de la investigación que se propone; además se estructuran las bases que servirán de soporte a la investigación mediante el establecimiento de los marcos de referencia, que comprenden aspectos teóricos, conceptuales, jurídicos, espaciales, poblacionales y temporales. Por último se planifica el proceso investigativo, mediante el establecimiento del los aspectos metodológicos a través de los cuales se desarrollará la investigación, determinando la manera de obtener, recolectar y tratar la información, además de definir las posibles limitantes, detallar el cronograma de actividades y especificar el presupuesto y modo de financiación que serán propios del proyecto. Se permite entonces a través de la presente propuesta de investigación, dimensionar la magnitud del proyecto que se formula, y estructurar las bases para el proceso investigativo, constituyéndose en el instrumento rector de la investigación


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    The pandemic context shows signs of stability. During these complicated times for all, banks were extremely vigilant toward the evolution of the sanitary crisis. Banks came up with quick solutions to protect the health of their colleagues and clients. And they have been open to adapting their strategy to the changing data from the field. This paper analyzes the perception of the involvement of Romanian banks in corporate social responsibility during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study reveals that the activity of banks during the pandemic, evaluated positive to some extent, does not significantly impact the level of trust in the banking system. The findings could guide banks from Romania to better communicate their CSR projects and impact on the community. Despite the difficulties brought by the pandemic, it is natural for banks to take a step forward and think about the way they will define their CSR strategy in the future. Altogether, our findings could help the banking system learn to be even more empathetic and understanding towards clients and to be present in the community. During the pandemic, banks have done much to rehabilitate their reputation, impacted by the previous economic crisis

    Moving from Reconstruction Resilient Urban Planning for a Bright Future

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    Today, more than half of Haiti's population calls cities and towns their home, in a major shift from the 1950s when around 90 percent of Haitians lived in the countryside. Urbanization is usually paired with economic growth, increased productivity, and higher living standards, but in Haiti it has taken a different course. Potential benefits have been overshadowed by immense challenges, all of which require immediate action. To better understand the factors that constrain the sustainable and inclusive development of Haitian cities, this Urbanization Review organizes the challenges along three dimensions of urban development namely planning, connecting, and financing. Planning reviews the challenges in supporting resilient growth to create economically vibrant, environmentally sustainable, and livable cities. Connecting focuses on the obstacles of physically linking people to jobs and businesses to markets, while financing focuses on identifying the key capital, governance, and institutional constraints that are hurdles to successful planning and connecting

    MRI findings of prolonged post-traumatic sternal pain

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to characterize the different causes of prolonged sternal pain following thoracic trauma with involvement of the sternum and to define criteria for sternal nonunion diagnosis using MRI. Design and patients: Five patients with abnormalities of the sternum were evaluated for prolonged sternal pain following thoracic trauma using MRI. MR images were evaluated by two radiologists in consensus. The patients were selected from the radiology database, which included 8 patients with post-traumatic prolonged sternal pain. Results: Two patients (n = 2) revealed a sternal nonunion after sternal fracture. One patient had a sternal fracture with delayed union and minor displacement of the sternal halves. Abnormal signal intensity alterations adjacent to and within the manubrio-sternal joint were evident in 2 patients and considered due to trauma-related changes in the manubrio-sternal joint. The 3 patients who were not included in the study had no abnormalities of the sternum: 1 of them proved to have a well-healed sternal fracture and nonunion of a rib fracture, 1 had subtle Tietze's syndrome, and 1 patient revealed no pathological findings on imaging. Conclusion: Various factors may be responsible for prolonged sternal pain following thoracic trauma, and these can be viewed with MRI. In cases of sternal nonunion there was common fluid-like signal in the fracture interspace between the bony edges, and the bone marrow adjacent to the nonunion showed altered signal intensity. MRI identified sternal nonunion and other trauma-related abnormalities of the sternum following chest traum

    Factores de riesgo asociados al acoso escolar en estudiantes de educación secundaria del Colegio Nacional Víctor Larco Herrera

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    Objetivo: Determinar si el sobrepeso, la obesidad, el sexo masculino, el rendimiento académico inadecuado y el nivel socioeconómico bajo, son factores de riesgo asociados al acoso escolar en estudiantes de educación secundaria del Colegio Nacional Víctor Larco Herrera en el periodo setiembre – diciembre 2016. Material y Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de tipo analítico, observacional, retrospectivo, de casos y controles. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 98 estudiantes de educación secundaria; según criterios de inclusión y exclusión establecidos distribuidos en dos grupos: con o sin acoso escolar. Resultados: El análisis estadístico sobre las variables en estudio como factores de riesgo fue: sobrepeso (OR: 3.19; p<0.05), obesidad (OR: 3.92; p<0.05), sexo masculino (OR: 3.85; p<0.05), rendimiento academico inadecuado (OR: 3.46; p<0.05), nivel socioeoconomico bajo (OR: 2.61; p<0.05). Conclusiones: El sobrepeso, la obesidad, el sexo masculino, el rendimiento académico inadecuado y el nivel socioeoconomico bajo son factores de riesgo asociados al acoso escolar en estudiantes de educación secundaria del Colegio Nacional Víctor Larco Herrera en el periodo setiembre – diciembre 2016.Objective: To determine whether overweight, obesity, male gender, inadequate academic performance and low socioeconomic level are risk factors associated with bullying in high school students in the Víctor Larco Herrera National School in the period September - December 2016 . Material and Method: An analytical, observational, retrospective, case-control study was conducted. The study population consisted of 98 students of secondary education; According to inclusion and exclusion criteria established in two groups: with or without bullying. Results: The statistical analysis of the variables considered as risk factors was: overweight (OR: 3.19, p <0.05), obesity (OR: 3.92, p <0.05), male (OR: 3.85, p <0.05), inadequate academic performance (OR: 3.46, p <0.05), low socioeconomic level (OR: 2.61, p <0.05). Conclusions: Overweight, obesity, male gender, inadequate academic performance and low socioeconomic level are risk factors associated with bullying in high school students in the National Colegio Víctor Larco Herrera in the period September - December 2016.Tesi

    «Nosotros, los de Casa Fuster» Una experiencia etnopedagógica, desde el método de las historias de vida.

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    El propósito del presente artículo es describir e interpretar un relato de vida obtenido en el Pirineo Aragonés, así como reflexionar sobre las historias de vida como aproximación metodológica en el contexto de las ciencias sociales. El relato surgió a partir de una experiencia formativa en el ámbito del «Máster Universitario en Antropología: investigación avanzada e intervención social» de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, bajo la dirección del profesor Carles Feixa. El relato fue recogido en Bonansa, comunidad agroganadera pirenaica, situada en la zona catalanohablante de la Ribagorza aragonesa. Se destaca el valor exploratorio de la primera entrevista, su potencial formativo y su alcance investigativo

    Interaction of language and culture in the process of international education

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    Transition to the new anthropological paradigm that took place in science at the turn of the 21st century encouraged the formation and development of a number of humanitarian disciplines in one way or another combining the two systems - language and culture. The article describes the types of language and culture interaction within sociolinguistics, ethnolinguistics, linguistic and cultural studies, cultural linguistics. In order to describe the language and culture interaction as a complex problem, there was allocated a special unit that combines both phenomena - language and culture. The article deals with the interrelation of concept and word, concept and meaning, concept and notion, as well as the question of the approaches to the expression of concept in language