1,097 research outputs found

    Student Education During The REXUS/BEXUS Projects

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    The new DLR Institute of Space Systems in Bremen has established a project office to support and manage German student activities related to the preparation of the BEXUS and REXUS (Balloon/Rocket Experiments for University Students) flights. This paper primarily describes the student mentoring and the educational activities undertaken by DLR and SSC with the aim of encouraging and promoting student knowledge throughout the first year of the REXUS/BEXUS student programme

    Kravhantering inom öppna affÀrssystem

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    Det finns ett ökat intresse av att anvÀnda Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (OS-ERP) system inom organisationer idag. En viktig del avutvecklingen av informationssystem Àr ta fram en kravkontext som tillfredsstÀller intressenterna i systemet. Kravhanteringen spelar dÀrför en viktig roll för produktresultatet. Kravhantering Àr dock en mÄngfacetterad process, och kan bero pÄ mÄnga olika faktorer, och det finns ingen enhetlig beskrivande bild inom forskningen av hur kravhanteringsprocessen ser ut, eller hur ska vara strukturerad. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka hur kravhanteringen ser ut inom utvecklingen av OS-ERP. För att göra det tog vi fram en teoretisk grund som bas för en undersökning kring hur kravhanteringsprocessen ser ut. En undersökning genomfördes pÄ fyra organisationer som arbetar med utveckling av OS-ERP. Undersökningen bestod av telefonintervjuer med personer som var insatta i organisationernas kravhantering. Dessa intervjuer analyserades sedan med hjÀlp av den teoretiska grund som vi hade tagit fram, vilket skedde genom hÀrledning av resultatet utifrÄn teorin. UtifrÄn detta kunde vi skapa en övergripande bild av kravhanteringsprocessen som visade pÄ att det finns tendenser till ett likartat tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för kravhantering inom OS-ERP

    De nouvelles sources pour l'histoire politique de la 'premiĂšre chine populaire' (1949-1976)

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    Les changements politiques intervenus en Chine depuis 1976 ont entraĂźnĂ© un renouvellement de la politique officielle en matiĂšre historique qui a favorisĂ© la publication de nouvelles sources sur l’histoire de la premiĂšre Chine populaire. Pour l’essentiel, il s’agit de recueils documentaires, de biographies, de mĂ©moires et de tĂ©moignages de toutes sortes, parmi lesquels les plus novateurs sont ceux des Ă©pouses et des enfants de dirigeants, et ceux plus rĂ©cents de victimes des calamitĂ©s. Bien que la plupart d’entre elles se situent Ă  l’intĂ©rieur de la vulgate officielle, ces sources autorisent des progrĂšs incontestables dans la connaissance de l’histoire du rĂ©gime chinois, de la sociĂ©tĂ© formĂ©e par ses chefs et de certaines dissidences locales.The political changes in China since 1976 brought about a renewal of official policy in terms of history that has led to the publication of new sources on the history of the first People’s China. For the most part, they concern documentary collections, biographies, memoires and first-hand testimonies of all sorts, among which the most revealing are those from the leaders’ wives and children, and the more recent ones of the victims of calamities. Although most of them can be placed within the official Vulgate, these sources provide incontestable progress in the knowledge of the history of the Chinese regime, of the society formed by its leaders and of some of the local dissent

    Har vi gÄtt över grÀnsen? - FörÀndrad svensk utstationeringslagstiftning i ljuset av EUs fria rörlighet

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    Denna uppsats försöker att klargöra huruvida det, sedan 2007 Ă„rs Lavaldom, har skett en utveckling inom EU-rĂ€tten som tillĂ„ter att stridsĂ„tgĂ€rder anvĂ€nds i ett ökat antal fall, och huruvida den senaste Ă€ndringen av den svenska utstationeringslagen Ă€r i samklang med nuvarande EU-rĂ€tt. Uppsatsen fokuserar pĂ„ EU-rĂ€tt och svensk rĂ€tt, och folkrĂ€tten Ă€r dĂ€rför utelĂ€mnad. Utstationeringsdirektivet, utfĂ€rdat Ă„r 1996, lade fast en ”hĂ„rd kĂ€rna” av vĂ€rdstatens miniminormer, vilka alltid skulle tillĂ€mpas gentemot utlĂ€ndska arbetsgivare. Lavaldomen gjorde dock klart att dessa miniminormer skulle ses som ett hinder för stridsĂ„tgĂ€rder som syftade till att genomdriva arbetsvillkor över miniminivĂ„n. EU-domstolens tolkning var sĂ„dan att rĂ€tten till stridsĂ„tgĂ€rder för villkor som gick utöver miniminivĂ„n ansĂ„gs vara en omotiverad inskrĂ€nkning av friheten att tillhandahĂ„lla tjĂ€nster. För att leva upp till Lavaldomens krav Ă€ndrade Sverige utstationeringslagen Ă„r 2010. StridsĂ„tgĂ€rder mot utlĂ€ndska arbetsgivare som utstationerade arbetskraft pĂ„ den svenska arbetsmarknaden blev förbjudna ifall arbetsgivarna kunde visa att de tillĂ€mpade villkor som minst levde upp till de svenska miniminormerna inom den ”hĂ„rda kĂ€rnan”. Under Ă„ren efter Lavaldomen har EU-rĂ€tten genomgĂ„tt förĂ€ndringar som har gjort den mer socialt medveten. FrĂ€mst av dessa Ă€r Lissabonfördraget frĂ„n Ă„r 2009, som har upphöjt stadgan till primĂ€rrĂ€tt och introducerat fördragsbestĂ€mmelser med mĂ„lsĂ€ttningen att tillse social utveckling. Inom doktrinen ses detta av vissa författare som anledningen till vad de uppfattar vara en uppmjukning av EU-praxis, med en EU-domstol som nu Ă€r mer benĂ€gen att rĂ€ttfĂ€rdiga sociala intressen nĂ€r dessa kolliderar med EUs ekonomiska friheter (som ju skedde i LavalmĂ„let). DĂ„ andra författare inte föresprĂ„kar en motsatt rörelse hos EU-domstolen dras i den hĂ€r uppsatsen dĂ€rför slutsatsen att en förskjutning mot en mer socialt nyanserad praxis verkligen har skett, om Ă€n en liten och osĂ€ker sĂ„dan. 2017 Ă€ndrades utstationeringslagen igen och nu tillĂ„ts stridsĂ„tgĂ€rder att genomdriva svenska kollektivavtal gentemot utlĂ€ndska arbetstagare, Ă€ven nĂ€r dessa redan tillĂ€mpar villkor i enlighet med miniminormerna. Det finns en möjlighet att denna senaste utveckling kan vara tillĂ„ten enligt den nuvarande, uppmjukade EU-rĂ€tten, men rĂ€ttslĂ€get Ă€r för osĂ€kert för att nĂ„got sĂ€kert ska kunna sĂ€gas.This thesis tries to elucidate whether, since the Laval judgment of 2007, there has been a development in EU law allowing for collective action to be used in a greater amount of cases, and whether the latest amendment to the Swedish Posting of Workers Act is in accordance with the current EU law. The thesis focusses on EU law and Swedish law, and international law is thus omitted from its scope. The Posting of Workers Directive, issued in 1996, laid down a ”hard nucleus” of host state minimum norms which were to be applied to foreign employers at all time. However, the Laval judgment made it clear that these minimum norms were to act as a bar against collective actions aiming to enforce terms of employment that went above the minimum level. Such was the interpretation made by the ECJ that the right to take collective actions for terms going beyond the minimum level was treated as an unjustified restriction on the freedom to provide services. In 2010, Sweden’s Posting of Workers Act was amended in order to comply with the Laval ruling. Collective action was prohibited against foreign employers that posted workers to the Swedish labour market if the employers could show that they offered terms of employment that were at least on par with the Swedish minimum norms of the ”hard nucleus”. In the years after the Laval ruling, EU law has gone through changes that have made it more socially aware. Foremost among these is the Lisbon Treaty of 2009, which has elevated the Charter to primary law and introduced treaty provisions with the goal of ensuring social development. In legal literature, this is seen by some authors as the reason for what they perceive to be a softening of the ECJ case law, with a Court that is now more prone to justify social rights whenever these clash with the economic freedoms of the EU (as happened in Laval). Since other authors don’t argue that the ECJ has moved in the opposite direction, this essay therefore concludes that a shift towards a more socially nuanced case law has indeed occured, though small and uncertain it may be. In 2017 Sweden once more amended its Posting of Workers Act, now allowing for collective actions to enforce Swedish collective agreements against foreign employers, even when they already offer terms in accordance with the minimum norms. There is a possibility that this latest legal development may be allowed by the current, softened EU law, though it is too uncertain to say for sure

    Disambiguating past events: accurate source memory for time and context depends on different retrieval processes

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    Participant payment was provided by the School of Psychology and Neuroscience ResPay scheme.Current animal models of episodic memory are usually based on demonstrating integrated memory for what happened, where it happened, and when an event took place. These models aim to capture the testable features of the definition of human episodic memory which stresses the temporal component of the memory as a unique piece of source information that allows us to disambiguate one memory from another. Recently though, it has been suggested that a more accurate model of human episodic memory would include contextual rather than temporal source information, as humans’ memory for time is relatively poor. Here, two experiments were carried out investigating human memory for temporal and contextual source information, along with the underlying dual process retrieval processes, using an immersive virtual environment paired with a ‘Remember-Know’ memory task. Experiment 1 (n = 28) showed that contextual information could only be retrieved accurately using recollection, while temporal information could be retrieved using either recollection or familiarity. Experiment 2 (n = 24), which used a more difficult task, resulting in reduced item recognition rates and therefore less potential for contamination by ceiling effects, replicated the pattern of results from Experiment 1. Dual process theory predicts that it should only be possible to retrieve source context from an event using recollection, and our results are consistent with this prediction. That temporal information can be retrieved using familiarity alone suggests that it may be incorrect to view temporal context as analogous to other typically used source contexts. This latter finding supports the alternative proposal that time since presentation may simply be reflected in the strength of memory trace at retrieval – a measure ideally suited to trace strength interrogation using familiarity, as is typically conceptualised within the dual process framework.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Diet and physical activity behaviour in nurses: a qualitative study

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis (Routledge) via the DOI in this record .Issue addressed: Previous research has shown that approximately 60% of nurses in Australia are overweight or obese, insufficiently active and have an unhealthy diet. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of nurses’ determinants contributing to these behaviours. This will inform a needs assessment for a future workplace health promotion program (WHPP) in this group. Methods: Four focus group discussions (n = 17) were conducted with a convenience sample of nurses aged 25–59 years from three hospitals in the Brisbane metropolitan area. Questions addressed barriers and motivation towards diet and physical activity (PA), and suggestions for future WHPP. Data were analysed with Nvivo10 following a thematic analysis with a realistic approach using Self-determination theory as a framework. Results: Work environment was the main barrier for healthy diet behaviours. Long working hours and lack of breaks challenged nurses’ self-control and self-regulation when making dietary choices. Fatigue was the main barrier for PA. However, relaxation, feeling energised before work and better sleep after working night shifts motivated nurses to do PA. Social environment at work seemed to be an effective external motivation to encourage healthy diet and regular PA. Goal-setting, self-monitoring and social support at work were identified as potential WHHP strategies. Conclusion: The workplace and job demands negatively impacts nurses’ lifestyle behaviours. Future interventions should include social support from colleagues, which could motivate nurses to make healthier food choices at work and be more active outside work.IPRSS and UQ Centennial bursar

    BrandtÀtningar och brandcellsindelning - En fallstudie

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    The purpose of this diploma project is to identify what methods there are for fire sealing between fire compartments and to critically analyze the process and choice of fire seals in a specific construction project. The project is an apartment building belonging to Building class Br1, “Kvarter Frigg 1” in Helsingborg. The choice of which fire sealing method to use is controlled by Boverkets byggregler’s, BBR's, requirements and regulations as well as the different combinations of building materials. The report thus begins with a literature study and a review of BBR's regulations regarding fire. The fire behavior of the most common structural materials is reviewed. An investigation of the most common fire seals available on the market today is performed and the factors influencing the spread of fire and smoke are presented. Finally, the project "Kvarter Frigg 1" is discussed and analyzed. The main focus of the work is fire seals and its properties, pros and cons are studied as well as their most common uses. Through an analysis of the project “Kvarter Frigg 1", a picture is obtained of how fire protection in a real case scenario is designed and how the choice of methods is motivated. An optimal solution for fire protection and fire compartmentalization is not achieved, as the market for fire protection has a wide variety of options. The most common solution, however, is sealant as it is highly versatile

    Aerodynamic Analysis of the Elytron 2S Experimental Tiltwing Aircraft

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    The Elytron 2S is a prototype aircraft concept to allow VTOL capabilities together with fixed wing aircraft performance. It has a box wing design with a centrally mounted tilt-wing supporting two rotors. This paper explores the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft using computational fluid dynamics in hover and low speed forward flight, as well as analyzing the unique control system in place for hover. The results are then used to build an input set for NASA Design and Analysis if Rotorcraft software allowing trim and flight stability and control estimations to be made with SIMPLIFLYD

    Lead-Time Effect Comparison of Additive Manufacturing with Conventional Alternatives

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    This single case study used value stream mapping as input data to analyse alternatives for production of quenching tools in an on-site tool department of an automotive manufacturer. The existing manufacturing organised as a functional workshop was compared to the alternatives, adding an additive manufacturing cell or a conventional automated cell, with regards to lead-Time and needed process changes. The results indicate that lead-Time savings should not be the only reason for considering additive manufacturing. When it is beneficial for design and product functionality improvements, however, lead time improvements may give a contribution to the business case
