171 research outputs found

    Cohort Differences in Personal Goals and Life Satisfaction in Young Adulthood: Evidence for Historical Shifts in Developmental Tasks

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    This study investigated the influence of changing socio-historical conditions on personal goals in young adulthood. It was hypothesized that socio-historical changes related to individualization have resulted in shifts in goal pursuit. Participants from three birth cohorts reconstructed their important goals when they were 20years old. Members of the oldest cohort were born between 1920 and 1925. Members of the middle cohort were born between 1945 and 1950. Members of the youngest cohort were born between 1970 and 1975. Goal content, the degree to which goals were perceived as being shared by members of the same cohort (social sharedness), perceived control over goal attainment, success in attainment, and life satisfaction at age 25 were measured in a retrospective study. Results show consistent shifts over time. Whereas members of older cohorts mentioned goals related to classical developmental tasks, members of younger cohorts mentioned more individualistic, self-related goals and goals related to education. The processes through which goal pursuit influenced life satisfaction also changed. Perceived social sharedness of goals was a direct predictor of life satisfaction for the oldest cohort. For the younger cohorts, perceived control over goal attainment influenced success which in turn influenced life satisfaction. These changes support the contention that developmental tasks and processes are historically varian

    A fossil species of the enigmatic early polypod fern genus Cystodium (Cystodiaceae) in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar

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    The monospecific fern genus Cystodium (Cystodiaceae;Polypodiales) occurs exclusively in the tropical forests of the Malay Archipelago, the Admiralty Islands, the Louisiade Archipelago, and the Solomon Islands. Divergence time estimates suggest that the genus originated in the Mesozoic;however, fossil evidence to validate this suggestion has been lacking. Amber from Myanmar (Burmese amber) is an important source of new information on the diversity of vascular cryptogams in the Cretaceous. This paper describes the fossil taxon Cystodium sorbifolioides nov. sp. based on a fragment of a fertile leaf preserved in Burmese amber that represents the first fossil evidence of the family Cystodiaceae. Cystodium sorbifolioides is used to obtain a minimum age estimate for the Cystodiaceae and the closely related, monogeneric Lonchitidaceae and Lindsaeaceae. The fossil strengthens the hypothesis that the forest ecosystems of Malesia and Melanesia represent refugia for many tropical plant lineages that originated in the Cretaceous

    Molecular and Morphological Evidence Challenges the Records of the Extant Liverwort Ptilidium pulcherrimum in Eocene Baltic Amber

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    Preservation of liverworts in amber, a fossilized tree resin, is often exquisite. Twenty-three fossil species of liverworts have been described to date from Eocene (35-50 Ma) Baltic amber. In addition, two inclusions have been assigned to the extant species Ptilidium pulcherrimum (Ptilidiales or Porellales). However, the presence of the boreal P. pulcherrimum in the subtropical or warm-temperate Baltic amber forest challenges the phytogeographical interpretation of the Eocene flora. A re-investigation of one of the fossils believed to be P. pulcherrimum reveals that this specimen in fact represents the first fossil evidence of the genus Tetralophozia, and thus is re-described here as Tetralophozia groehnii sp. nov. A second fossil initially assigned to P. pulcherrimum is apparently lost, and can be reassessed only based on the original description and illustrations. This fossil is morphologically similar to the extant North Pacific endemic Ptilidium californicum, rather than P. pulcherrimum. Divergence time estimates based on chloroplast DNA sequences provide evidence of a Miocene origin of P. pulcherrimum, and thus also argue against the presence of this taxon in the Eocene. Ptilidium californicum originated 25-43 Ma ago. As a result, we cannot rule out that the Eocene fossil belongs to P. californicum. Alternatively, the fossil might represent a stem lineage element of Ptilidium or an early crown group species with morphological similarities to P. californicum

    Dispositivo de lectura de microarrays de tipo eléctrico y reutilizable

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    Dispositivo de lectura de microarrays de tipo eléctrico y reutilizable. El objeto principal de la presente invención es un dispositivo de lectura eléctrica de microarrays que se puede limpiar y volver a utilizar más de una vez. El dispositivo (1, 1’, 1”) de lectura de microarrays (6) tiene las siguientes partes: una base (2, 2’, 2”), que tiene unos medios de apoyo (3, 3’, 3”) para situar la superficie de test (7) del microarray (6) en paralelo a una superficie de lectura (4) de la base (2, 2’, 2”); una matriz de transductores (5, 5’, 5”), dispuestos sobre la superficie de lectura (4) de la base (2, 2’, 2”), que traducen una variación de una magnitud eléctrica o química en una variación de una magnitud eléctrica; y unos medios de lectura (10), conectados a los transductores (5, 5’, 5”), que interpretan las señales eléctricas de los transductores (5, 5’, 5”).Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patentes con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Virushepatitis B und D im Jahr 2020

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    Infektionen mit Hepatitis-B-Viren (HBV) gehören zu den häufigsten Infektionskrankheiten weltweit. Hepatitis D ist ebenfalls weltweit verbreitet, auch wenn Deutschland zu den Niedrigprävalenzländern gehört. Sowohl die WHO als auch das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit haben Strategien zur Eindämmung von Hepatitis B veröffentlicht - die COVID-19-Pandemie stellt jedoch eine große Heraus¬forderung beim Erreichen der Eliminierungsziele bis 2030 dar. In Deutschland wurden im Jahr 2020 24% weniger HBV-Infektionen übermittelt als im Vorjahr. Wie das Epidemiologische Bulletin 29/2021 anlässlich des Welt-Hepatitis-Tages ausführt, sind die Gründe für die Re¬duktion übermittelter Fallzahlen vielfältig. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat die Gesundheitsversor¬gung, den öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst aber auch das Kontaktverhalten der Bevölkerung dras¬tisch verändert. Die Reduktion der Fallzahlen könnte aber auch durch die Änderungen im IfSG im Jahr 2017 begründet sein.Peer Reviewe

    Partial “targeted” embolisation of brain arteriovenous malformations

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    The treatment of pial arteriovenous brain malformations is controversial. Little is yet known about their natural history, their pathomechanisms and the efficacy and risks of respective proposed treatments. It is known that only complete occlusion of the AVM can exclude future risk of haemorrhage and that the rates of curative embolisation of AVMs with an acceptable periprocedural risk are around 20 to 50%. As outlined in the present article, however, partial, targeted embolisation also plays a role. In acutely ruptured AVMs where the source of bleeding can be identified, targeted embolisation of this compartment may be able to secure the AVM prior to definitive treatment. In unruptured symptomatic AVMs targeted treatment may be employed if a defined pathomechanism can be identified that is related to the clinical symptoms and that can be cured with an acceptable risk via an endovascular approach depending on the individual AVM angioarchitecture. This review article gives examples of pathomechanisms and angioarchitectures that are amenable to this kind of treatment strategy

    Zur Situation bei wichtigen Infektionskrankheiten in Deutschland – Virushepatitis C im Jahr 2020

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    Die Anzahl übermittelter HCV-Infektionen im Jahr 2020 ist im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren 2018 und 2019 deutlich abgefallen. Die Meldedaten von 2020 sind nach den grundsätzlichen Änderungen des Surveillancesystems und der Meldepflicht nur bedingt mit den Vorjahren vergleichbar und der beobachtete deutliche Rückgang der Infektionen kann durch mehrere Faktoren beeinflusst worden sein. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat durch die Belastung des Öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes auch erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Erfassung, Meldung und Übermittlung von anderen meldepflichtigen Infektionskrankheiten. Ob es sich daher um einen tatsächlichen Abfall der Hepatitis-C-Neudiagnosen handelt oder ob dieser artifiziell bedingt ist durch Untererfassung und Rückgang der Diagnostik, lässt sich erst im Laufe der nächsten Jahre bewerten. Der Jahresbericht zur Virushepatitis C anlässlich des diesjährigen Welt-Hepatitis-Tages gibt einen Überblick u. a. über die epidemiologische Situation weltweit, in Europa und in Deutschland sowie die Therapie der Hepatitis C in den Jahren 2018-2020.Peer Reviewe

    Intratumor Heterogeneity of the Estrogen Receptor and the Long-term Risk of Fatal Breast Cancer.

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    Background:Breast cancer patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive disease have a continuous long-term risk for fatal breast cancer, but the biological factors influencing this risk are unknown. We aimed to determine whether high intratumor heterogeneity of ER predicts an increased long-term risk (25 years) of fatal breast cancer. Methods:The STO-3 trial enrolled 1780 postmenopausal lymph node-negative breast cancer patients randomly assigned to receive adjuvant tamoxifen vs not. The fraction of cancer cells for each ER intensity level was scored by breast cancer pathologists, and intratumor heterogeneity of ER was calculated using Rao's quadratic entropy and categorized into high and low heterogeneity using a predefined cutoff at the second tertile (67%). Long-term breast cancer-specific survival analyses by intra-tumor heterogeneity of ER were performed using Kaplan-Meier and multivariable Cox proportional hazard modeling adjusting for patient and tumor characteristics. Results:A statistically significant difference in long-term survival by high vs low intratumor heterogeneity of ER was seen for all ER-positive patients (P < .001) and for patients with luminal A subtype tumors (P = .01). In multivariable analyses, patients with high intratumor heterogeneity of ER had a twofold increased long-term risk as compared with patients with low intratumor heterogeneity (ER-positive: hazard ratio [HR] = 1.98, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.31 to 3.00; luminal A subtype tumors: HR = 2.43, 95% CI = 1.18 to 4.99). Conclusions:Patients with high intratumor heterogeneity of ER had an increased long-term risk of fatal breast cancer. Interestingly, a similar long-term risk increase was seen in patients with luminal A subtype tumors. Our findings suggest that intratumor heterogeneity of ER is an independent long-term prognosticator with potential to change clinical management, especially for patients with luminal A tumors

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