162 research outputs found

    Angiogenesis of Oral Lichen Planus : a possible pathogenetic mechanism

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    Objective: Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory disease with an autoimmune inflammatory pathogenesis. The aim of the research is to compare the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and adhesion of molecules in the biopsy samples of patients affected by OLP, in order to research the presence of the angiogenetic phenomenon and to understand its pathogenetic mechanism. Materials and Methods: Thirty OLP patients and thirty healthy subjects were enrolled in a study. The immunohistochemical analysis of the VEGF and vascularendothelial adhesion molecules was carried out by means of primary antibodies and anti-CD34, anti-VEGF, antiCD106 antigen (VCAM-1) and anti-CD54 antigen (ICAM-1). The statistical significance of the differences was checked with the Mann-Whitney test (MW test). The level of significance was set to P<0.001. Data analysis was carried out with StatView 5.0.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Results: The results reveal the presence of a significant angiogenesis in OLP patients for the VEGF, CD34, CD106 and CD54 (P < 0.001).. The number of vessels in the biopsies of the patients with OLP (mean±SD: 21.27±4.85), compared with the healthy subjects (mean±SD: 4.74±0.97) was significantly more (Mann-Whitney test, P < 0.001). The positive expression rate of VEGF, CD34, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in oral lichen samples was 64.2%, 54.3%, 32.5% and 29.7%, respectively. Isolated endothelial cells and newly-formed micro-vessels and endothelial cells with high-immune-positivity to the antibodies anti-ICAM-1 and anti-VCAM-1 were observed. Conclusions: The results of our immunohistochemical research show that a significant neoangiogenesis occurs in oral lichen planus

    Gambling Disorders Among Young Women Regular Gamblers:The Unique and Common Contribution of Executive Thinking Style and Mindfulness

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the role played by mindfulness in the relationship between cognitive styles and gambling disorders in a sample of female young adults. Participants in this study (125 women; M-age = 18.64 years; SD = 1.7) were recruited in betting or bingo halls. They completed the South Oaks Gambling Screen, the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure, and Sternberg's questionnaire on thinking styles. The results from the mediation analyses revealed that the executive thinking style increases gambling and that the deficit in mindfulness ability mediates this relationship. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed

    The Effects of Leader Self-Sacrifice in Virtual Teams on Prosocial Behavior: The Mediational Role of Team Identification and Self-Efficacy

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    Leadership is one of the most studied features of virtual teams. Among the various characteristics analyzed by recent literature, leadership self-sacrifice is one of the most important, as it represents a predictor of many positive characteristics of teams' functioning. In this study, we (a) analyze the relationship between leader self-sacrifice and the prosocial behavior of followers in a work team and (b) observe the effects of leader self-sacrifice in virtual teams. A sample of 197 university students enrolled in a psychology course took part in a group electronic task of writing a detailed research plan for a scientific investigation. Participants collaborated in groups of five, led by a senior student for 30 days. Results showed the presence of an effect of e-leadership self-sacrifice on followers' prosocial behavior. Another effect of e-leadership self-sacrifice was found via team identification and perceived self-efficacy. Findings are discussed on the basis of Social Identity Theory, showing the importance of self-sacrifice e-leaders to promote reciprocal prosocial behavior of the followers

    The YEATS family member GAS41 interacts with the general transcription factor TFIIF

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In eukaryotes the transcription initiation by RNA polymerase II requires numerous general and regulatory factors including general transcription factors. The general transcription factor TFIIF controls the activity of the RNA polymerase II both at the initiation and elongation stages. The glioma amplified sequence 41 (GAS41) has been associated with TFIIF via its YEATS domain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using GST pull-down assays, we demonstrated that GAS41 binds to both, the small subunit (RAP30) and the large subunit (RAP74) of TFIIF <it>in vitro</it>. The <it>in vivo </it>interaction of GAS41 and endogenous RAP30 and RAP74 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. GAS41 binds to two non-overlapping regions of the C-terminus of RAP30. There is also an ionic component to the binding between GAS41 and RAP30. There was no evidence for a direct interaction between GAS41 and TBP or between GAS41 and RNA polymerase II.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results demonstrate binding between endogenous GAS41 and the endogenous TFIIF subunits (RAP30 and RAP74). Since we did not find evidence for a binding of GAS41 to TBP or RNA polymerase II, GAS41 seems to preferentially bind to TFIIF. GAS41 that does not contain a DNA-binding domain appears to be a co-factor of TFIIF.</p

    A Coupled Mathematical Model of the Intracellular Replication of Dengue Virus and the Host Cell Immune Response to Infection

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    Dengue virus (DV) is a positive-strand RNA virus of the Flavivirus genus. It is one of the most prevalent mosquito-borne viruses, infecting globally 390 million individuals per year. The clinical spectrum of DV infection ranges from an asymptomatic course to severe complications such as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS), the latter because of severe plasma leakage. Given that the outcome of infection is likely determined by the kinetics of viral replication and the antiviral host cell immune response (HIR) it is of importance to understand the interaction between these two parameters. In this study, we use mathematical modeling to characterize and understand the complex interplay between intracellular DV replication and the host cells' defense mechanisms. We first measured viral RNA, viral protein, and virus particle production in Huh7 cells, which exhibit a notoriously weak intrinsic antiviral response. Based on these measurements, we developed a detailed intracellular DV replication model. We then measured replication in IFN competent A549 cells and used this data to couple the replication model with a model describing IFN activation and production of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs), as well as their interplay with DV replication. By comparing the cell line specific DV replication, we found that host factors involved in replication complex formation and virus particle production are crucial for replication efficiency. Regarding possible modes of action of the HIR, our model fits suggest that the HIR mainly affects DV RNA translation initiation, cytosolic DV RNA degradation, and naĂŻve cell infection. We further analyzed the potential of direct acting antiviral drugs targeting different processes of the DV lifecycle in silico and found that targeting RNA synthesis and virus assembly and release are the most promising anti-DV drug targets

    Human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) encodes a stable signal peptide with biological properties distinct from Rec

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) family is associated with testicular germ cell tumors (GCT). Various HML-2 proviruses encode viral proteins such as Env and Rec.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe here that HML-2 Env gives rise to a 13 kDa signal peptide (SP) that harbors a different C-terminus compared to Rec. Subsequent to guiding Env to the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER), HML-2 SP is released into the cytosol. Biochemical analysis and confocal microscopy demonstrated that similar to Rec, SP efficiently translocates to the granular component of nucleoli. Unlike Rec, SP does not shuttle between nucleus and cytoplasm. SP is less stable than Rec as it is subjected to proteasomal degradation. Moreover, SP lacks export activity towards HML-2 genomic RNA, the main function of Rec in the original viral context, and SP does not interfere with Rec's RNA export activity.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>SP is a previously unrecognized HML-2 protein that, besides targeting and translocation of Env into the ER lumen, may exert biological functions distinct from Rec. HML-2 SP represents another functional similarity with the closely related Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus that encodes an Env-derived SP named p14. Our findings furthermore support the emerging concept of bioactive SPs as a conserved retroviral strategy to modulate their host cell environment, evidenced here by a "retroviral fossil". While the specific role of HML-2 SP remains to be elucidated in the context of human biology, we speculate that it may be involved in immune evasion of GCT cells or tumorigenesis.</p

    Distinct Expression of Inflammatory Features in T Helper 17 Cells from Multiple Sclerosis Patients

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS). T helper (Th) 17 lymphocytes play a role in the pathogenesis of MS. Indeed, Th17 cells are abundant in the cerebrospinal fluid and peripheral blood of MS patients and promote pathogenesis in the mouse model of MS. To gain insight into the function of Th17 cells in MS, we tested whether Th17 cells polarized from naïve CD4 T cells of healthy donors and MS patients display different features. To this end, we analysed several parameters that typify the Th17 profile during the differentiation process of naïve CD4 T cells obtained from relapsing-remitting (RR)-MS patients (n = 31) and healthy donors (HD) (n = 28). Analysis of an array of cytokines produced by Th17 cells revealed that expression of interleukin (IL)-21, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-β, IL-2 and IL-1R1 is significantly increased in Th17 cells derived from MS patients compared to healthy donor-derived cells. Interestingly, IL-1R1 expression is also increased in Th17 cells circulating in the blood of MS patients compared to healthy donors. Since IL-2, IL-21, TNF-β, and IL-1R1 play a crucial role in the activation of immune cells, our data indicate that high expression of these molecules in Th17 cells from MS patients could be related to their high inflammatory status

    Expression pattern analysis of transcribed HERV sequences is complicated by ex vivo recombination

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human genome comprises numerous human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) that formed millions of years ago in ancestral species. A number of loci of the HERV-K(HML-2) family are evolutionarily much younger. A recent study suggested an infectious HERV-K(HML-2) variant in humans and other primates. Isolating such a variant from human individuals would be a significant finding for human biology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>When investigating expression patterns of specific HML-2 proviruses we encountered HERV-K(HML-2) cDNA sequences without proviral homologues in the human genome, named HERV-KX, that could very well support recently suggested infectious HML-2 variants. However, detailed sequence analysis, using the software RECCO, suggested that HERV-KX sequences were produced by recombination, possibly arising <it>ex vivo</it>, between transcripts from different HML-2 proviral loci.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As RT-PCR probably will be instrumental for isolating an infectious HERV-K(HML-2) variant, generation of "new" HERV-K(HML-2) sequences by <it>ex vivo </it>recombination seems inevitable. Further complicated by an unknown amount of allelic sequence variation in HERV-K(HML-2) proviruses, newly identified HERV-K(HML-2) variants should be interpreted very cautiously.</p

    Expression patterns of transcribed human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K(HML-2) loci in human tissues and the need for a HERV Transcriptome Project

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    Background: A significant proportion of the human genome is comprised of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs). HERV transcripts are found in every human tissue. Expression of proviruses of the HERV-K(HML-2) family has been associated with development of human tumors, in particular germ cell tumors (GCT). Very little is known about transcriptional activity of individual HML-2 loci in human tissues, though. Results: By employing private nucleotide differences between loci, we assigned ~1500 HML-2 cDNAs to individual HML-2 loci, identifying, in total, 23 transcriptionally active HML-2 proviruses. Several loci are active in various human tissue types. Transcription levels of some HML-2 loci appear higher than those of other loci. Several HML-2 Rec-encoding loci are expressed in GCT and non-GCT tissues. A provirus on chromosome 22q11.21 appears strongly upregulated in pathologic GCT tissues and may explain high HML-2 Gag protein levels in GCTs. Presence of Gag and Env antibodies in GCT patients is not correlated with activation of individual loci. HML-2 proviruses previously reported capable of forming an infectious HML-2 variant are transcriptionally active in germ cell tissue. Our study furthermore shows that Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) data are insufficient to describe transcriptional activity of HML-2 and other HERV loci in tissues of interest. Conclusion: Our, to date, largest-scale study reveals in greater detail expression patterns of individual HML-2 loci in human tissues of clinical interest. Moreover, large-scale, specialized studies are indicated to better comprehend transcriptional activity and regulation of HERVs. We thus emphasize the need for a specialized HERV Transcriptome Project

    Generation of monoclonal antibodies against native viral proteins using antigen-expressing mammalian cells for mouse immunization

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    Due to their rising incidence and progressive geographical spread, infections with mosquito-borne viruses, such as dengue (DENV), chikungunya and zika virus, have developed into major public health challenges. Since all of these viruses may cause similar symptoms and can occur in concurrent epidemics, tools for their differential diagnosis and epidemiological monitoring are of urgent need.; Here we report the application of a novel strategy to rapidly generate monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against native viral antigens, exemplified for the DENV nonstructural glycoprotein 1 (NS1). The described system is based on the immunization of mice with transfected mammalian cells expressing the target antigens in multiple displays on their cell surface and thereby presenting them efficiently to the host immune system in their native conformation. By applying this cell-based approach to the DENV NS1 protein of serotypes 1 (D1NS1) and 4 (D4NS1), we were able to rapidly generate panels of DENV NS1 serotype cross-reactive, as well as D1NS1- and D4NS1 serotype-specific mAbs. Our data show that the generated mAbs were capable of recognizing the endogenous NS1 protein in DENV-containing biological samples.; The use of this novel immunization strategy, allows for a fast and efficient generation of hybridoma cell lines, producing mAbs against native viral antigens. Envisaged applications of the mAbs include the development of test platforms enabling a differentiation of the DENV serotypes and high resolution immunotyping for epidemiological studies
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