117 research outputs found

    Decoherence effects on weak value measurements in double quantum dots

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    We study the effect of decoherence on a weak value measurement in a paradigm system consisting of a double quantum dot continuously measured by a quantum point contact. Fluctuations of the parameters controlling the dot state induce decoherence. We find that, for measurements longer than the decoherence time, weak values are always reduced within the range of the eigenvalues of the measured observable. For measurements at shorter time scales, the measured weak value strongly depends on the interplay between the decoherence dynamics of the system and the detector backaction. In particular, depending on the postselected state and the strength of the decoherence, a more frequent classical readout of the detector might lead to an enhancement of weak values.Comment: published version, new figures and comments added; 15 pages, 7 figure

    Weak measurement of cotunneling time

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    Quantum mechanics allows the existence of "virtual states" that have no classical analogue. Such virtual states defy direct observation through strong measurement, which would destroy the volatile virtual state. Here we show how a virtual state of an interacting many-body system can be detected employing a weak measurement protocol with postselection. We employ this protocol for the measurement of the time it takes an electron to tunnel through a virtual state of a quantum dot (cotunneling). Contrary to classical intuition, this cotunneling time is independent of the strength of the dot-lead coupling and may deviate from that predicted by time-energy uncertainty relation. Our approach, amenable to experimental verification, may elucidate an important facet of quantum mechanics which hitherto was not accessible by direct measurements.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Full Counting Statistics of Cooper Pair Shuttling

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    The Cooper pair shuttle is a simple model system that combines features of coherent and incoherent transport. We evaluate the full counting statistics (FCS) of charge transfer via the shuttle in the incoherent regime. We describe two limiting cases when the FCS allows for classical interpretation. Generally, the classical interpretation fails yielding negative and imaginary "probabilities". This signals that superconducting coherence survives even in incoherent regime. We evaluate the current noise in some detail.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; v2 (published version) corrected misprint

    Solid-State Quantum Communication With Josephson Arrays

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    Josephson junction arrays can be used as quantum channels to transfer quantum information between distant sites. In this work we discuss simple protocols to realize state transfer with high fidelity. The channels do not require complicate gating but use the natural dynamics of a properly designed array. We investigate the influence of static disorder both in the Josephson energies and in the coupling to the background gate charges, as well as the effect of dynamical noise. We also analyze the readout process, and its backaction on the state transfer

    Charge sensing amplification via weak values measurement

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    A protocol employing weak values (WVs) to obtain ultra sensitive amplification of weak signals in the context of a solid state setup is proposed. We consider an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer where both the orbital and the spin degrees of freedom are weakly affected by the presence of an external charge to be detected. The interplay between the spin and the orbital WVs leads to a significant amplification even in the presence of finite temperature, voltage, and external noise.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Measuring cotunneling in its wake

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    We introduce a rate formalism to treat classically forbidden electron transport through a quantum dot (cotunneling) in the presence of a coupled measurement device. We demonstrate this formalism for a toy model case of cotunneling through a single-level dot while being coupled to a strongly pinched-off quantum point contact (QPC). We find that the detector generates three types of back-action: the measurement collapses the coherent transport through the virtual state, but at the same time allows for QPC-assisted incoherent transport, and widens the dot level. Last, we obtain the measured cotunneling time from the cross correlation between dot and QPC currents.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, 1 appendix, published versio

    A scattering matrix formulation of the topological index of interacting fermions in one-dimensional superconductors

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    We construct a scattering matrix formulation for the topological classification of one-dimensional superconductors with effective time reversal symmetry in the presence of interactions. For a closed geometry, Fidkowski and Kitaev have shown that such systems have a Z8\mathbb{Z}_8 topological classification. We show that in the weak coupling limit, these systems retain a unitary scattering matrix at zero temperature, with a topological index given by the trace of the Andreev reflection matrix, \mbox{tr}\, r_{\rm he}. With interactions, \mbox{tr}\, r_{\rm he} generically takes on the finite set of values 00, ±1\pm 1, ±2\pm 2, ±3\pm 3, and ±4\pm 4. We show that the two topologically equivalent phases with \mbox{tr}\, r_{\rm he} = \pm 4 support emergent many-body end states, which we identify to be a topologically protected Kondo-like resonance. The path in phase space that connects these equivalent phases crosses a non-fermi liquid fixed point where a multiple channel Kondo effect develops. Our results connect the topological index to transport properties, thereby highlighting the experimental signatures of interacting topological phases in one dimension.Comment: 4 pages, 1 fi

    Thermodynamics of weakly measured quantum systems

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    We consider continuously monitored quantum systems and introduce definitions of work and heat along individual quantum trajectories that are valid for coherent superpositions of energy eigenstates. We use these quantities to extend the first and second laws of stochastic thermodynamics to the quantum domain. We illustrate our results with the case of a weakly measured driven two-level system and show how to distinguish between quantum work and heat contributions. We finally employ quantum feedback control to suppress detector backaction and determine the work statistics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Decoherence of Rabi oscillations of electronic spin states in a double quantum dot

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    We study the role of charge fluctuations in the decoherence of Rabi oscillations between spin states |↑↓\uparrow \downarrow>, |↓↑\downarrow \uparrow> of two electrons in a double dot structure. We consider the effects of fluctuations in energy and in the quantum state of the system, both in the classical and quantum limit. The role of state fluctuations is shown to be of leading order at sufficiently high temperature, applicable to actual experiments. At low temperature the low frequency energy fluctuations are the only dominant contribution.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; v2: (extended version of the published article) added details of calculations, modified fig. 2, improved "readability

    Crossover between strong and weak measurement in interacting many-body systems

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    Measurements with variable system-detector interaction strength, ranging from weak to strong, have been recently reported in a number of electronic nanosystems. In several such instances many-body effects play a significant role. Here we consider the weak--to--strong crossover for a setup consisting of an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer, where a second interferometer is employed as a detector. In the context of a conditional which-path protocol, we define a generalized conditional value (GCV), and determine its full crossover between the regimes of weak and strong (projective) measurement. We find that the GCV has an oscillatory dependence on the system-detector interaction strength. These oscillations are a genuine many-body effect, and can be experimentally observed through the voltage dependence of cross current correlations.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, and appendices (9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables
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