686 research outputs found

    Construction and operation of the mutli-trainer

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    Construction and operation of the mutli-traine

    Energy recovery through co-pyrolysis of wastewater sludge and forest residues – The transition from laboratory to pilot scale

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    peer-reviewedAnaerobically digested sewage sludge mixed with forest residues was pyrolysed at 800 ◦C, at laboratory and pilot scale. The study quantified differences in char and gas yields for tests carried out in a simple fixed bed laboratory reactor and rotating retort pyrolyser at pilot scale, when the residence time of feedstock was 10 min in both cases. The yield of char from pilot scale was 4 % lower than from laboratory scale while the yield of gas was 15.7 % higher. During the pilot scale pyrolysis of anaerobically digested sewage sludge blended with forest residues the gas quality for energy recovery applications was assessed and the fate of impurities (tar, NH3 and H2S) was investigated. The raw pyrolysis gas contained 14.6 g/Nm3 of tar, 36.9 g/Nm3 of NH3 and 793 ppm of H2S. Sixteen N-containing tar species were identified of which pyridine, propenenitrile, 2 methyl-, benzonitrile, and indole are found to be the most abundant. The yield of N-containing tar compounds accounted for approx. 12 % of total tar content. Conditioned pyrolysis gas contained 7.1 g/Nm3 of tar, 0.036 g/Nm3 of NH3 and 119 ppm of H2S. Benzene was by far the most abundant tar compound followed by toluene and styrene. The specifications of the used internal combustion engine were exceeded due to the sum of tar compounds such as fluorantrene and pyrene with 4+ aromatic rings (at 0.0015 g/Nm3nd NH3 content The effectiveness and sustainability of energy recovery in wastewater treatment can be improved using forest industry by-products

    Abnormal motoneuron migration, differentiation, and axon outgrowth in spinal muscular atrophy

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    The role of heterotopic (migratory) motoneurons (HMN) in the pathogenesis of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is still controversial. We examined the occurrence and amount of HMN in spinal cord tissue from eight children with SMA (six with SMA-I and two with SMA-II). All affected subjects were carrying a homozygous deletion of exon 7 in the SMN1 gene. Unlike controls, virtually free from HMN, all SMA subjects showed a significant number of HMN at all levels of the spinal cord. Heterotopic neurons were hyperchromatic, located mostly in the ventral white matter and had no axon or dendrites. More than half of the HMN were very undifferentiated, as judged from their lack of immunoreactivity for NeuN and MAP2 proteins. Small numbers of more differentiated heterotopic neurons were also found in the dorsal and lateral white matter region. As confirmed by ultrastructural analysis, in situ end labeling (ISEL) and CD68 immunoreactivity, HMN in the ventral outflow were found to have no synapses, to activate microglial cells, and to eventually die by necrosis. An unbiased quantitative analysis showed a significant negative correlation between age of SMA subjects (a reflection of the clinical severity) and the number of HMN. Subjects who died at older ages had increased number of GFAP-positive astrocytes. Complementing our previous report on motoneuron apoptosis within the ventral horns in SMA, we now propose that abnormal migration, differentiation, and lack of axonal outgrowth may induce motoneuron apoptosis predominantly during early stages, whereas a slower necrosis-like cell death of displaced motoneurons which "escaped" apoptosis characterizes later stages of SMA

    Cytomegalovirus erosive gastritis in a healthy infant: update about a case

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    El citomegalovirus es un virus ADN de la familia Herpesviridae que puede afectar al tubo digestivo. Dentro de éste, las dianas de afectación suelen ser el colon, el esófago y el estómago. Se ha descrito ampliamente su asociación con el síndrome de Ménétrier (hiperplasia foveolar con pérdida de proteínas), si bien también puede producir cuadros de gastritis erosiva. En el presente artículo se describe un caso de gastritis erosiva en una lactante sana de 4 meses de edad, que se inició en forma de hemorragia digestiva alta. A partir de este caso, se lleva a cabo una puesta al día de este subgrupo de infecciones por citomegalovirusCytomegalovirus is a DNA Herpesviridae family which can affect the digestive tract. From the standpoint of the stomach, has been widely described his association with Ménétrier syndrome (foveolar hyperplasia with protein-losing) but can also produce erosive gastritis. This article describes a case of erosive gastritis in a healthy 4 months infant which debuted as upper gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition we perform an update of this subgroup of cytomegalovirus infection

    Design and Implementation of a Time Predictable Processor: Evaluation With a Space Case Study

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    Embedded real-time systems like those found in automotive, rail and aerospace, steadily require higher levels of guaranteed computing performance (and hence time predictability) motivated by the increasing number of functionalities provided by software. However, high-performance processor design is driven by the average-performance needs of mainstream market. To make things worse, changing those designs is hard since the embedded real-time market is comparatively a small market. A path to address this mismatch is designing low-complexity hardware features that favor time predictability and can be enabled/disabled not to affect average performance when performance guarantees are not required. In this line, we present the lessons learned designing and implementing LEOPARD, a four-core processor facilitating measurement-based timing analysis (widely used in most domains). LEOPARD has been designed adding low-overhead hardware mechanisms to a LEON3 processor baseline that allow capturing the impact of jittery resources (i.e. with variable latency) in the measurements performed at analysis time. In particular, at core level we handle the jitter of caches, TLBs and variable-latency floating point units; and at the chip level, we deal with contention so that time-composable timing guarantees can be obtained. The result of our applied study with a Space application shows how per-resource jitter is controlled facilitating the computation of high-quality WCET estimates

    EPC Enacted: Integration in an Industrial Toolbox and Use against a Railway Application

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    Measurement-based timing analysis approaches are increasingly making their way into several industrial domains on account of their good cost-benefit ratio. The trustworthiness of those methods, however, suffers from the limitation that their results are only valid for the particular paths and execution conditions that the user is able to explore with the available input vectors. It is generally not possible to guarantee that the collected measurements are fully representative of the worst-case timing behaviour. In the context of measurement-based probabilistic timing analysis, the Extended Path Coverage (EPC) approach has been recently proposed as a means to extend the representativeness of measurement observations, to obtain the same effect of full path coverage. At the time of its first publication, EPC had not reached an implementation maturity that could be trialled industrially. In this work we analyze the practical implications of using EPC with real-world applications, and discuss the challenges in integrating it in an industrial-quality toolchain. We show that we were able to meet EPC requirements and successfully evaluate the technique on a real Railway application, on top of a commercial toolchain and full execution stack.This work has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme [FP7/2007-2013] under grant agreement 611085 (PROXIMA, www.proxima-project.eu). This work has also been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) under grant TIN2015-65316-P and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. Jaume Abella has been partially supported by the MINECO under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship number RYC-2013-14717. The authors are grateful to Antoine Colin from Rapita Ltd. for his precious support.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    AGER expression and alternative splicing in bronchial biopsies of smokers and never smokers

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    Abstract Cigarette smoking is one of the major risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Evidence is accumulating that Receptor for Advanced Glycation-End products (RAGE)-signaling is a key pathway in the pathophysiology of COPD. To date, it is unknown how smoking affects RAGE expression. In the current study, we investigated the effect of smoking on AGER, the gene encoding RAGE, expression and on alternative splicing of AGER. To this end, we conducted RNA-Seq on bronchial biopsies for asymptomatic smokers (n = 36) and never smokers (n = 40). Total AGER gene expression was accessed using DESeq2, while alternative splicing was investigated by measuring the number of specific split reads spanning exon-exon junctions and the total split reads. One of the major isoforms of RAGE is endogenous soluble (es) RAGE, an anti-inflammatory decoy receptor, making up for approximately 10% of the total amount of soluble (s)RAGE. We found that smokers show decreased total gene expression of AGER in bronchial biopsies, while the relative abundance of the esRAGE isoform is increased. Furthermore, no difference in the serum levels of total sRAGE were observed between smokers and non-smokers. Our data indicates that smoking initiates a protective anti-inflammatory mechanism with decreased expression of the pro-inflammatory gene AGER and increased relative abundance of the anti-inflammatory isoform esRAGE


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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive scarring disease of the lung with feweffective therapeutic options. Structural remodelling of the extracellular matrix [i.e. collagen cross-linkingmediated by the lysyl oxidase (LO) family of enzymes (LOX, LOXL1-4)] might contribute to disease pathogenesis and represent a therapeutic target. This study aimed to further our understanding of the mechanisms by which LO inhibitors might improve lung fibrosis. Lung tissues from IPF and non-IPF subjects were examined for collagen structure (second harmonic generation imaging) and LO gene (microarray analysis) and protein (immunohistochemistry and western blotting) levels. Functional effects (collagen structure and tissue stiffness using atomic force microscopy) of LO inhibitors on collagen remodelling were examined in two models, collagen hydrogels and decellularized human lung matrices. LOXL1/LOXL2 gene expression and protein levels were increased in IPF versus non-IPF. Increased collagen fibril thickness in IPF versus non-IPF lung tissues correlated with increased LOXL1/LOXL2, and decreased LOX, protein expression. beta-Aminoproprionitrile (beta-APN; pan-LO inhibitor) but not Compound A (LOXL2-specific inhibitor) interfered with transforming growth factor-beta-induced collagen remodelling in both models. The beta-APN treatment group was tested further, and beta-APN was found to interfere with stiffening in the decellularized matrix model. LOXL1 activity might drive collagen remodelling in IPF lungs. The interrelationship between collagen structural remodelling and LOs is disrupted in IPF lungs. Inhibition of LO activity alleviates fibrosis by limiting fibrillar collagen cross-linking, thereby potentially impeding the formation of a pathological microenvironment in IPF

    Sex-specific behavioral and neurogenic responses to cocaine in mice lacking and blocking dopamine D1 or dopamine D2 receptors

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    Adult neurogenesis in rodents is modulated by dopaminergic signaling and inhibited by cocaine. However, the sex-specific role of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors (D1R, D2R) in the deleterious effect of cocaine on adult neurogenesis has not been described yet. Here, we explored sex differences in (a) cell proliferation (5′-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine [BrdU]), (b) neural precursor (nestin), (c) neuronal phenotype (BrdU/β3-tubulin), and (d) neuronal maturity (NeuN) in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles and striatum of mice with genetic deletion (D1, D2) or pharmacological blockage (SCH23390: 0.1 mg/kg/day/5 days; Raclopride: 0.3 mg/kg/day/5 days) of D1R and D2R, and treated (10 mg/kg/day/5 days) and then challenged (5 mg/kg, 48 hr later) with cocaine. Results indicated that hyperactivity responses to cocaine were absent in D1 mice and reduced in SCH23390-treated mice. Activity responses to cocaine were reduced in D2 males, but absent in D2 females and increased in Raclopride-treated females. D1R deletion blocked the deleterious effect of cocaine on SVZ cell proliferation in males. Cocaine-exposed D1 males also had reduced neuronal phenotype of SVZ newborn cells and increased striatal neuronal maturity. D2 mice had lower proliferative and neural precursor responses. Cocaine in D2 females or coadministered with Raclopride in wild-type females improved SVZ cell proliferation, an effect that positively correlated with plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) concentrations. In conclusion, the sex-specific D1R and D2R signaling on SVZ cell proliferation, neural progenitor and neuronal maturity is differentially perturbed by cocaine, and BDNF may be required to link D2R to neuroplasticity in cocaine addiction in females.Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: C1-0049-2019; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Numbers: CP19/00068, CPII17/00024, CPII19/00022, CPII19/00031, PI19/01577, PI19/00886, PI17/02026, RD16/0017/0001; Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Grant/Award Numbers: PND2017/043, PND2018/033, PND2018/044, PND2019/04