203 research outputs found

    The Informational Approach to Global Optimization in presence of very noisy evaluation results. Application to the optimization of renewable energy integration strategies

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    We consider the problem of global optimization of a function f from very noisy evaluations. We adopt a Bayesian sequential approach: evaluation points are chosen so as to reduce the uncertainty about the position of the global optimum of f, as measured by the entropy of the corresponding random variable (Informational Approach to Global Optimization, Villemonteix et al., 2009). When evaluations are very noisy, the error coming from the estimation of the entropy using conditional simulations becomes non negligible compared to its variations on the input domain. We propose a solution to this problem by choosing evaluation points as if several evaluations were going to be made at these points. The method is applied to the optimization of a strategy for the integration of renewable energies into an electrical distribution network

    Dependence of the Crystal Structure Parameters on the Size of the Structural Units in Some Isomorphous / Isostructural Series

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    Previous studies of kieserite analogues and also other systems (Tutton’s salts, alums and β-K2SO4 isomorphs) have shown that in a series of isostructural/isomorphous compounds the unit-cell parameters and volumes vary linearly with the eflfective ionic radii (the \u27size\u27) of the structural units. This is in line with the results of Shannon (Acta Cryst. A32 (1976) 751-767). Somewhat unexpectedly, other important parameters of the crystal structure, such as fractional atomic co-ordinates, exhibit systematic variations as well. An attempt is made to reveal the reasons that are at the origin of this finding

    Crystal Structures of Members in Isostructural Series: Prediction of the Crystal Structure of Cs2MnO4 - a p-K2SO4 Type Isomorph

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    Recent studies have shown that the crystal structure of members within a group of isostructural compounds may be successfully predicted. The P-K2SO4 group isomorphs of the general formula M2XO4 were chosen as a family of closely related compounds for which accurately refined crystal structures exist. It is shown that the unit cell parameters and the fractional atomic coordinates exhibit systematic variations with both cation and anion size, as well as with the Mulliken charge of the oxygen atom in the tetrahedral anion. It is thus possible to predict the crystal structure of a given member in the series only on the basis of its chemical composition. The structure of Cs2MnO4 predicted in this way is compared with the one refined earlier by X-ray diffraction. The agreement be- tween the structural parameters in both structures is very good

    Synthesis and crystal structure determination of YCo1−xFexO3 (x = 0,0.33, 0.5, 0.67 and 1) perovskites

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    The results on synthesis, crystal structure determination and calculation of crystallochemical parameters of YCo1−xFexO3 (x = 0, 0.33, 0.5, 0.67 and 1) perovskites are presented in this work. The compounds within this series were synthesized by solution combustion method using two different fuels: urea and citric acid. It was found that iron-containing perovskites, obtained by citric acid as a fuel are of better quality and crystallinity. All the compounds crystallize in Pnma space group with Z = 4. According to the structure and the calculated crystallochemical parameters, the coordination number of Y3+ in these perovskites is 8. The unit cell parameter relationship is of O−type suggesting that the main reason for distortion of ideal perovskite structure is the octahedral tilting. The deformation of the octahedrons, as well as the tilting angles, are increasing with the increasing content of Fe3+ but the calculated global instability indices (GII) show that the stability of the perovskite structure is increasing with increasing of the Fe3+ content

    Континуирано унапредување на кариерниот развој на лидерот

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    Креирањето на кариерата е императив за лидерите кое го остваруваат преку развивање на личните способности и унапредување на деловните вештини. Kариерниот развој на лидерот и неговото континуирано унапредување е значајна предиспозиција за современиот менаџер кој се труди да ги исполни стратегиските цели на претпријатието и да обезбеди конкурентска предност. Подетално се елаборирани начините на унапредување на деловните вештини, како преносни вештини кои имаат сè поголема улога во современиот деловен свет. Во врска со лидерските вештини се и комуникативните способности и развивање на преговарачките способности, управување и рационално користење на времето, тимското работење, како посебна карактеристика на лидерите и начините на справување со конфликтните ситуации. Во тој поглед во трудот ќе се направи теоретска елаборација на значењето на карактеристиките, способностите, вештините, улогите и однесувањето на лидерите за градење на нивниот кариерен развој, како и практичните сознанија за состојбите на кариерниот развој на лидерите во организациите, преку обработени резултати, прикажани табеларно, графички и пресметковно. Клучни термини: развој, лидер, менаџер, вештини, тимско работење, кариер


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    Aim: Developing extended release matrix tablets containing 350 mg ascorbic acid and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) or polyethylene oxide (PEO) as hydrophilic polymer/s which control the rate and degree of drug release through 12 hour period. Materials and methods: Six batches of matrix tablets (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6) were produced by direct compression. Ascorbic acid 97% was used as active compound. HPMC K4M, HPMC K15M, PEO 1105 and PEO 301 were used as hydrophilic polymers. Cellulose microcrystaline was used as diluent, copovidone was employed as binder, colloidal silica as flow-aid while magnesium stearate was used as lubricant. Before tableting powder mixtures were sieved and evaluated for bulk density, tapped density, angle of repose, compressibility index and Hausner ratio. Compressed tablets were evaluated for average mass, hardness, friability, average drug content and dissolution profile through 12 hours in phosphate buffer pH=7.2 . All test were conducted according pharmacopoeial standards (PhEur 7 and USP 35) Results: All six batches of powder mixtures demonstrated good flow properties and didn’t tend to make any problems during tableting process. Also all six batches of tablets complied the pharmacopeial requirements concerning average mass, hardness, friability and drug content. Dissolution studies demonstrated that all six batches of tablets provided extended release of ascorbic acid through 12 hours period, but only tablets containing PEO 1105, PEO 301 and their 1:1 mixture liberated more than 80% active compound, which is generally due to the lower viscosity and higher erodability of these PEO-s compared with the used HPMC-s. It was also demonstrated that low viscosity PEO 1105 or HPMC K4M released higher percent of active compound compared with higher viscosity PEO 301 or HPMC K15M, while both PEO 1105/PEO 301 1:1 mixture and HPMC K4M/HPMC K15M 1:1 mixture gave intermediate drug release, which is connected to the intermediate viscosity obtained by mixing these polymers. Conclusion: From the results received from all test it was concluded that tablets containing PEO 1105 as hydrophilic polymer (P1) are the most suitable choice for developing 12 hour extended release matrix tablets containing 350mg ascorbic acid as active compound

    Dissecting multiple accountabilities: A problem of multiple forums or of conflicting demands?

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    The necessity for public sector actors to manage multiple accountabilities in their work has been linked to a number of problems and failures, yet we lack an understanding of how multiple accountabilities affect the decision-making behavior of civil servants. Here we argue that the main issue is not only the existence of multiple forums as such but the presence of conflicting demands between multiple forums or within a single forum. Drawing on sociopsychological research, we develop hypotheses regarding two types of behavioral strategies (high-effort and low-effort) to cope with accountability pressures. We test this using a realistic vignette experiment on a sample of 270 Dutch regulators. Results show that both the multiplicity of forums and the conflict of demands affect the likelihood that regulators seek help and procrastinate. The main issue is the conflicting demands that have a stronger effect on behavior than forum multiplicity


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    Turmeric (Curcuma longa) belongs to the family Zingiberaceae and it has been traditionally used for centuries in Asian cuisine. India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of turmeric. Its dried and ground tuber is used worldwide as a spice (the most famous spice which contains turmeric is curry) and as an additive for a variety of products that require medically acceptable intense yellow color. The most important part of the turmeric tuber is a group of bioflavonoids, i.e. curcumins (curcumin (77%), bisdemethoxycurcumin and demethoxycurcumin). The most common method for the isolation of curcumin is extraction with organic solvents, usually ethanol, by using Soxhlet, ultrasonic and microwave extraction, and more recently, due to increased use in the food industry (food supplements), triacylglycerol. Curcumin has significant anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, chemoprotective, anticancer, and gastroprotective properties. It affects the neurosystem and it is one of the most investigated bioflavonoids. The aim of this paper is to present the dietary and health benefits of turmeric and curcumin for both humans and animals

    A case of missing a. hepatica communis associated with aberrant origin of aa . hepaticae dextra and sinistra

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    A complex variation of truncus celiacus was discovered during routine anatomical dissection of a 65-year old female cadaver. After short course it divides into arteria gastrica sinistra, arteria lienalis and arteria gastroduodenalis. The missing arteria hepatica sinistra is replaced by a branch of arteria gastrica sinistra, and arteria hepatica dextra stems from arteria mesenterica superior. The left hepatic artery passes between the two sheaths of ligamentum hepatogastricum in its upper third and reaches porta hepatis via sulcus ligamenti venosi. The right hepatic is separated from the superior mesenteric artery just under the incisura pancreatica and crosses behind vena mesenterica superior. It continues in the free margin of ligamentum hepatoduodenale posteriorly to the ductus choledochus and to the right of vena portae. Uppon entrance in the hepatoduodenal ligament the artery separates arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior posterior. Arteria gastroduodenalis has a similar anatomical course to the course of the `normal` arteria hepatica communis in the base of ligamentum hepatoduodenale. It separates arteria gastrica dextra, arteria pancreaticoduodenalis superior anterior and continues as expected into arteria gastroomentalis dextra. The incidence of the individual described variations (according literature data) is 10% - 19% for the left hepatic artery starting from the left gastric artery and 5% - 9% for the right hepatic artery starting from the superior mesenteric artery. The variations of the celiac trunk and the hepatic arteries are of greatest importance for the classical and minimum invasive surgical approach to the liver, gall bladder and hepatoduodenal ligament (e.g. cholecystectomy, tumor resection of liver, pancreas head or duodenum, aquisition of donor material for liver transplantation). The knowledge of the possible deviations in the hepatic arterial tree has also a significant impact on the interpretation of hepatic anatomy based on imaging data received by means of hepatic angiography, 3d computed tomography, CT angiography etc