29 research outputs found

    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis with endocrinopathy – case report

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    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) is characterized by Candida infection of the mucous membrane, scalp, skin and nails. We present a case of a 42-year-old man who was treated twice in the Dermatological Department. He was admitted the first time as a 7-year-old boy because of skin and mucosal lesions and then the diagnosis of granuloma candidamyceticum was established. Thirty-one years later he was admitted again with a history of facial skin lesions and blepharitis. For a couple of years he had suffered from diabetes and hypothyroidism. The diagnosis of CMC with endocrinopathy was established in our patient

    Frequency of G2677T/A and C3435T polymorphisms of MDR1 gene in preeclamptic women

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    Objective: Preeclampsia (PE) belongs to main causes of mortality rates of mothers, fetuses and new born children. Polymorphism of MDR1 gene is connected with reduction of P-glycoprotein expression in placenta and increased fetal exposure to xenobiotics. The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of C3435T and G2677T/A polymorphisms of MDR1 gene in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Materials and methods: The study consisted of 180 Polish women including 60 women with PE and 120 healthy pregnant women. Determination of C3435T and G2677T/A polymorphisms of MDR1 gene was performed using PCR-RFLP method. Results: No significant association between genotypes of the examined polymorphisms and the clinical parameters of pregnant women with PE was observed. However the interesting tendency to higher prevalence of mutated 2677A allele of G2677T/A MDR1 polymorphism in PE group has been shown (2,50 vs. 0,83% in controls, OR=3,05, ns). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest no significant effect of examined C3435T and G2677T/A MDR1 polymorphisms in PE pathogenesis. However given the noteworthy results related to mutated 2677A allele of G2677T/A MDR1 polymorphism in preeclamptic women further studies seem to be needed. Nevertheless, the frequency of investigated polymorphisms was consistent with the distribution in other Caucasian populations

    Analysis of the impact of sex and age on the variation in the prevalence of antinuclear autoantibodies in Polish population : a nationwide observational, cross-sectional study

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    The detection of antinuclear autoantibody (ANA) is dependent on many factors and varies between the populations. The aim of the study was first to assess the prevalence of ANA in the Polish adult population depending on age, sex and the cutoff threshold used for the results obtained. Second, we estimated the occurrence of individual types of ANA-staining patterns. We tested 1731 patient samples using commercially available IIFA using two cutoff thresholds of 1:100 and 1:160. We found ANA in 260 participants (15.0%), but the percentage of positive results strongly depended on the cutoff level. For a cutoff threshold 1:100, the positive population was 19.5% and for the 1:160 cutoff threshold, it was 11.7%. The most prevalent ANA-staining pattern was AC-2 Dense Fine speckled (50%), followed by AC-21 Reticular/AMA (14.38%) ANA more common in women (72%); 64% of ANA-positive patients were over 50 years of age. ANA prevalence in the Polish population is at a level observed in other highly developed countries and is more prevalent in women and elderly individuals. To reduce the number of positive results released, we suggest that Polish laboratories should set 1:160 as the cutoff threshold. © 2021, The Author(s). **Please note that there are multiple authors for this article therefore only the name of the first 30 including Federation University Australia affiliate “Fadi Charchar" is provided in this record*

    Chromosome landmarks and autosome-sex chromosome translocations in Rumex hastatulus, a plant with XX/XY1Y2 sex chromosome system

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    Rumex hastatulus is the North American endemic dioecious plant with heteromorphic sex chromosomes. It is differentiated into two chromosomal races: Texas (T) race characterised by a simple XX/XY sex chromosome system and North Carolina (NC) race with a polymorphic XX/XY1Y2 sex chromosome system. The gross karyotype morphology in NC race resembles the derived type, but chromosomal changes that occurred during its evolution are poorly understood. Our C-banding/DAPI and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) experiments demonstrated that Y chromosomes of both races are enriched in DAPI-positive sequences and that the emergence of polymorphic sex chromosome system was accompanied by the break of ancestral Y chromosome and switch in the localization of 5S rDNA, from autosomes to sex chromosomes (X and Y2). Two contrasting domains were detected within North Carolina Y chromosomes: the older, highly heterochromatinised, inherited from the original Y chromosome and the younger, euchromatic, representing translocated autosomal material. The flow-cytometric DNA estimation showed ∼3.5 % genome downsizing in the North Carolina race. Our results are in contradiction to earlier reports on the lack of heterochromatin within Y chromosomes of this species and enable unambiguous identification of autosomes involved in the autosome-heterosome translocation, providing useful chromosome landmarks for further studies on the karyotype and sex chromosome differentiation in this species

    Growth, Nutrition and Economy : Proceedings of the 27th Aschauer Soiree, held at Krobielowice, Poland, November 16th 2019

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    Twenty-three scientists met at Krobielowice, Poland to discuss the role of growth, nutrition and economy on body size. Contrasting prevailing concepts, re-analyses of studies in Indonesian and Guatemalan school children with high prevalence of stunting failed to provide evidence for an association between nutritional status and body height. Direct effects of parental education on growth that were not transmitted via nutrition were shown in Indian datasets using network analysis and novel statistical methods (St. Nicolas House Analysis) that translate correlation matrices into network graphs. Data on Polish children suggest significant impact of socioeconomic sensitivity on child growth, with no effect of maternal money satisfaction. Height and maturation tempo affect the position of a child among its peers. Correlations also exist between mood disorders and height. Secular changes in height and weight varied across decades independent of population size. Historic and recent Russian data showed that height of persons whose fathers performed manual work were on average four cm shorter than persons whose fathers were high-degree specialists. Body height, menarcheal age, and body proportions are sensitive to socioeconomic variables. Additional topics included delayed motherhood and its associations with newborn size; geographic and socioeconomic indicators related to low birth weight, prematurity and stillbirth rate; data on anthropometric history of Brazil, 1850-1950; the impact of central nervous system stimulants on the growth of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; and pituitary development and growth hormone secretion. Final discussions debated on reverse causality interfering between social position, and adolescent growth and developmental tempo.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Hybrid materials for dye-sensitized solar cells applications – investigating the influence of TiO2 modifiers and structure of anchoring ligands in sensitizers molecules on the charge transfer mechanism

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    Wydział ChemiiCel niniejszej pracy doktorskiej - wyjaśnienie zjawisk oraz mechanizmów zachodzących podczas pracy ogniw typu DSSC, w oparciu o nanomateriały TiO2 domieszkowane jonami metali przejściowych, a także sensybilizatory o zmodyfikowanej strukturze ligandów kotwiczących – został w pełni zrealizowany. W ramach pracy otrzymano, na drodze metody zol-żel, trzynaście nanomateriałów TiO2 domieszkowanych kationami Zr4+, Cu2+, Mn2+ oraz Ni2+ o różnej zawartości procentowej modyfikatorów. Właściwości strukturalne oraz optyczne zsyntezowanych tlenków zostały szczegółowo scharakteryzowane następującymi metodami analitycznymi: XRF, XRD, TEM, SEM, spektroskopia Ramana, analiza sorpcji azotu, FTIR, TGA, DRS, XPS, UPS, EPR. Elektrody robocze wykonane z P25 oraz TiO2:Zr4+/Cu2+/Mn2+/Ni2+ sensybilizowano barwnikiem N3, a część z nich także związkami kompleksowymi serii BX (X=1/2/3). W ostatniej części pracy badano bowiem wpływ budowy ligandów kotwiczących związków kompleksowych serii BX na mechanizm przeniesienia ładunku w ogniwach typu DSSC. Parametry fotowoltaiczne wykonanych w ramach pracy doktorskiej ogniw słonecznych wyznaczono w oparciu o krzywe J-V, a także spektroskopię EIS oraz IPCE. Ponadto, wyniki eksperymentalne odnoszono do obliczeń kwantowo-chemicznych w celu dokładniejszego zrozumienia procesów transferu ładunku między barwnikiem a półprzewodnikiem.The main goal of this doctoral thesis - explaining the phenomena and mechanisms occurring during the operation of DSSC based on TiO2 nanomaterials doped with transition metal ions, as well as sensitizers with a modified structure of anchoring ligands - has been fully accomplished. As a part of the work, thirteen TiO2 nanomaterials doped with Zr4+, Cu2+, Mn2+, and Ni2+ cations with different modifier amounts have been obtained using the sol-gel method. The structural and optical properties of the synthesized oxides have been characterized in detail by the following analytical techniques: XRF, XRD, TEM, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, nitrogen sorption analysis, FTIR, TGA, DRS, XPS, UPS, and EPR. Working electrodes utilizing P25 and TiO2:Zr4+/Cu2+/Mn2+/Ni2+ have been sensitized with N3 dye, and some of them also with BX series complex compounds (X = 1/2/3). In the last part of the work, the influence of the structure of the anchoring ligands of the BX series complex compounds on the charge transfer mechanism in DSSC cells has been investigated. The photovoltaic parameters of solar cells made as part of the doctoral dissertation were determined based on J-V curves, as well as EIS and IPCE spectroscopy. In addition, the experimental results were related to quantum-chemical calculations to better understand the charge transfer processes between the dye and the semiconductor.Badania naukowe zostały zrealizowane w ramach projektu współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza, Edukacja, Rozwój (nr projektu POWR.03.02.00-00-I023/17) oraz grantu naukowego (nr projektu 2017/25/B/ST8/01864) sfinansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki

    Hybrid materials for dye-sensitized solar cells applications – investigating the influence of TiO2 modifiers and structure of anchoring ligands in sensitizers molecules on the charge transfer mechanism

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    Wydział ChemiiCel niniejszej pracy doktorskiej - wyjaśnienie zjawisk oraz mechanizmów zachodzących podczas pracy ogniw typu DSSC, w oparciu o nanomateriały TiO2 domieszkowane jonami metali przejściowych, a także sensybilizatory o zmodyfikowanej strukturze ligandów kotwiczących – został w pełni zrealizowany. W ramach pracy otrzymano, na drodze metody zol-żel, trzynaście nanomateriałów TiO2 domieszkowanych kationami Zr4+, Cu2+, Mn2+ oraz Ni2+ o różnej zawartości procentowej modyfikatorów. Właściwości strukturalne oraz optyczne zsyntezowanych tlenków zostały szczegółowo scharakteryzowane następującymi metodami analitycznymi: XRF, XRD, TEM, SEM, spektroskopia Ramana, analiza sorpcji azotu, FTIR, TGA, DRS, XPS, UPS, EPR. Elektrody robocze wykonane z P25 oraz TiO2:Zr4+/Cu2+/Mn2+/Ni2+ sensybilizowano barwnikiem N3, a część z nich także związkami kompleksowymi serii BX (X=1/2/3). W ostatniej części pracy badano bowiem wpływ budowy ligandów kotwiczących związków kompleksowych serii BX na mechanizm przeniesienia ładunku w ogniwach typu DSSC. Parametry fotowoltaiczne wykonanych w ramach pracy doktorskiej ogniw słonecznych wyznaczono w oparciu o krzywe J-V, a także spektroskopię EIS oraz IPCE. Ponadto, wyniki eksperymentalne odnoszono do obliczeń kwantowo-chemicznych w celu dokładniejszego zrozumienia procesów transferu ładunku między barwnikiem a półprzewodnikiem.The main goal of this doctoral thesis - explaining the phenomena and mechanisms occurring during the operation of DSSC based on TiO2 nanomaterials doped with transition metal ions, as well as sensitizers with a modified structure of anchoring ligands - has been fully accomplished. As a part of the work, thirteen TiO2 nanomaterials doped with Zr4+, Cu2+, Mn2+, and Ni2+ cations with different modifier amounts have been obtained using the sol-gel method. The structural and optical properties of the synthesized oxides have been characterized in detail by the following analytical techniques: XRF, XRD, TEM, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, nitrogen sorption analysis, FTIR, TGA, DRS, XPS, UPS, and EPR. Working electrodes utilizing P25 and TiO2:Zr4+/Cu2+/Mn2+/Ni2+ have been sensitized with N3 dye, and some of them also with BX series complex compounds (X = 1/2/3). In the last part of the work, the influence of the structure of the anchoring ligands of the BX series complex compounds on the charge transfer mechanism in DSSC cells has been investigated. The photovoltaic parameters of solar cells made as part of the doctoral dissertation were determined based on J-V curves, as well as EIS and IPCE spectroscopy. In addition, the experimental results were related to quantum-chemical calculations to better understand the charge transfer processes between the dye and the semiconductor.Badania naukowe zostały zrealizowane w ramach projektu współfinansowanego przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza, Edukacja, Rozwój (nr projektu POWR.03.02.00-00-I023/17) oraz grantu naukowego (nr projektu 2017/25/B/ST8/01864) sfinansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki

    Miklós Jancsó’s Budapest

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    Od 1963 roku, przez niemal ćwierć wieku, ulubionym miejscem akcji filmów Miklósa Jancsó, czołowego twórcy kina węgierskiego, któremu uznanie na arenie międzynarodowej przyniosły modernistyczne przypowieści historiozoficzne (m.in. Desperaci, węg. Szegénylegények, 1965), była węgierska puszta. W 1987 roku Jancsó zaskoczył widzów, przenosząc częściowo akcję Sezonu potworów (Szörnyek évadja) do współczesnej, wielkomiejskiej przestrzeni stolicy Węgier, która od tamtej pory na dobre zagościła w jego kolejnych filmach. Owo spektakularne zainteresowanie metropolią w okolicach przełomu 1989 roku w wymowny sposób odzwierciedlało specyficzny, ponowoczesny, postkolonialny światopogląd autora. Przedmiotem rozważań w artykule jest topografia Jancsówskiego Budapesztu.Miklós Jancsó, the foremost representative of the Hungarian cinema, who won international recognition with his modernistic historiosophic parables (like The Round-up, 1965) tended to situate his films on the Hungarian puszta for almost twenty five years, since 1963. In 1987 the director surprised his audience by setting the Season of Monsters (Szörnyek évadja) partially in the contemporary space of the Hungarian capital city, which has remained present in his films ever since. The spectacular interest in the metropolis in the times of the political transformation, reflected the author’s specific, postmodern, postcolonial world view. The topic of the article is the topography of Budapest in the films by Jancsó.