611 research outputs found

    Co-Writing Research

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    Antifungal effect and reduction of Ulmus minor symptoms to Ophiostoma novo-ulmi by carvacrol and salicylic acid

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    There are still no effective means to control Dutch elm disease (DED), caused by the vascular fungi Ophiostoma ulmi and O. novo-ulmi. Plant phenolics may provide a new strategy for DED control, given their known antifungal activity against pathogens and their involvement in plant defence mechanisms. The in vitro antifungal activity of salicylic acid, carvacrol, thymol, phenol, o-cresol, m-cresol, p-cresol, and 2,5-xylenol against the DED pathogens was tested. Also, the protective effect of watering Ulmus minor seedlings with these compounds was tested against O. novo-ulmi. Salicylic acid, carvacrol, and thymol showed the strongest antifungal in vitro activity, while carvacrol and salicylic acid provided the strongest in vivo protection against O. novo-ulmi (63 and 46% reduction of leaf wilting symptoms with respect to controls, respectively). The effect of the treatments on tree phenology was low, and a significant negative relation was observed between the number of days to bud burst and the leaf wilting symptoms after inoculation, probably determined by genetic differences among the elm tree progenies used. The treatments with salicylic acid, carvacrol and thymol induced the highest shift in phenolic metabolite profile with respect to control trees. The protective effect of carvacrol and salicylic acid is discussed in terms of their combined activity as antifungal compounds and as inductors of tree defence responses

    Evaluación del grado de contaminación por plaguicidas organofosforados en cultivos de cebolla (allium fistulosum) en suelo y agua de escorrentía en el corregimiento de la Florida de la ciudad de Pereira

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    En el estudio realizado en el presente trabajo se describe el proceso para la determinación de la presencia de los plaguicidas organofosforados aplicados en los cultivos de cebolla de la finca “Bella Vista”, ubicada aproximadamente a 1.5Km del corregimiento de la Florida y a 200m del río Otún. Para ello, se propone un método para el análisis de muestras de agua y de suelo, mediante la técnica de cromatografía de gases con detector de captura electrónica (ECD)

    Scale Prototype Ring Main Unit for the Measurement and Control of Nodes in a Smart Grid

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    Smart grids are playing a key role in modern electric power grids, improving load control, assuring safer operations and collecting valuable information of the electrical conditions of the grid. In a smart grid, a RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) is a device that is able to measure the electric variables of the grid and sends all the information to a MTU (Master Terminal Unit), which is responsible of controlling the operations of the grid. RMU (Ring Main Unit) devices are used in electric power grids to protect loads and to disconnect them in case of failure to prevent damage. This article presents the design of a special RMU capable of measuring voltage, current and frequency, detecting electric faults, and making automatic self-healing in order to manage the flow of energy in the smart grid to guarantee energy supply to the critical loads (hospitals). The RMU devices were installed on a scaled smart grid in order to show its operation capabilities

    Construcción de significado del bienestar organizacional e intervención en contextos laborales por dos coaches ejecutivos con diferente formación profesional

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    El bienestar laboral ha sido una categoría de análisis abordada desde distintos puntos de vista, en la cual el Coaching ha intervenido con diferentes planteamientos en ésta. El objetivo del presente trabajo de grado es identificar la construcción de significado y la intervención de dos coaches certificados con diferente formación profesional en torno al bienestar laboral, para establecer convergencias y divergencias entre los mismos. Para ello, la investigación se planteó desde una perspectiva epistemológica interpretativa mediante la metodología de estudio de caso, en la cual se trabajó con coaches a los que se les realizó una entrevista semiestructurada. En la realización del trabajo se encontró la tendencia de los coaches a ejercer su labor en búsqueda de los intereses de la organización, mediante la adaptación del individuo a la empresa, con el fin de mejorar la producción de éste.Labor wellbeing has been analyzed category, and has been approach in different periods from a diversity of theories, in which coaching has influenced in the definition of this type of labor wellbeing. The main objective of this research is to identify the meaning construction and invention on labor wellbeing from two certificated coaches with different professional education, to constitute convergences and differences among them. For doing so, the research use an interpretative-epistemological perspective using the study case methodology. To doing so, were realized two semi structured interview s to the coaches, in which was found that coaches perform their task looking for a benefit of the organizational target, through the person adaption to the enterprise, aiming to an improvement of the production of the individual in the organization.Psicólogo (a)Pregrad

    Video documental de las representaciones sociales de la cultura urbana Straight Edge en Quito.

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    The documentary video entitled "MANTENTE FIRME" was held in the city of Quito - Ecuador, with the purpose of analyzing the social representations that are manifested in the urban culture Straight Edge, so people would be able to understand it is different expressions, and in this way It shows an urban movement in our city The audiovisual product has as main protagonists Juan García "Chester", Dennis De La Cruz "DLC" and Ghandy Guaman "Vegan", active members of this movement, who gave us a broad vision about the world of Straight Edge, its relationship with Music, body expressions, and their way of understanding reality. Being an urban culture that does not consume any kind of legal or illegal drugs, members of this movement suffer different kinds of stigmatization, discrimination, and are usually victims of stereotypes generated by people, who know nothing about Straight Edge, The present investigation, besides showing the social representations and processes of stigmatization suffered by the members of this urban culture, shows an emerging counterculture not only in the country but in the world, the new forms of expressions that emerge as part of globalization of information, affecting urban cultures and resulting in cultural hybrids.El video documental titulado “MANTENTE FIRME” fue realizado en la ciudad de Quito – Ecuador, con el propósito de analizar las representaciones sociales que se manifiestan en la cultura urbana Straight Edge, para que el público comprenda sus diferentes expresiones, y se divise a este movimiento urbano en nuestra ciudad. El producto audiovisual tiene como principales protagonistas a Juan García “Chester”, Dennis De La Cruz “DLC” y Ghandy Guamán “Vegan”, miembros activos de este movimiento, quienes nos dieron una amplia visión acerca del mundo del Straight Edge, su relación con la música, expresiones corporales, y su manera de entender la realidad. Al ser una cultura urbana que no consume ningún tipo de drogas legales o ilegales, los miembros de este movimiento sufren diferentes clases de estigmatización, discriminación, y por lo general son víctimas de estereotipos generados por personas que no conocen nada acerca del Straight Edge, La presente investigación además de indicar las representaciones sociales y los procesos de estigmatización que sufren los miembros de esta cultura urbana, muestra a una contracultura emergente no solo en el país sino en el mundo, las nuevas formas de expresiones que surgen como parte de la globalización de la información, afectando a las culturas urbanas y dando como resultado hibridaciones culturales