247 research outputs found

    Analysis of BMP4 and BMP7 signaling in breast cancer cells unveils time-dependent transcription patterns and highlights a common synexpression group of genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are members of the TGF-beta superfamily of growth factors. They are known for their roles in regulation of osteogenesis and developmental processes and, in recent years, evidence has accumulated of their crucial functions in tumor biology. BMP4 and BMP7, in particular, have been implicated in breast cancer. However, little is known about BMP target genes in the context of tumor. We explored the effects of BMP4 and BMP7 treatment on global gene transcription in seven breast cancer cell lines during a 6-point time series, using a whole-genome oligo microarray. Data analysis included hierarchical clustering of differentially expressed genes, gene ontology enrichment analyses and model based clustering of temporal data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Both ligands had a strong effect on gene expression, although the response to BMP4 treatment was more pronounced. The cellular functions most strongly affected by BMP signaling were regulation of transcription and development. The observed transcriptional response, as well as its functional outcome, followed a temporal sequence, with regulation of gene expression and signal transduction leading to changes in metabolism and cell proliferation. Hierarchical clustering revealed distinct differences in the response of individual cell lines to BMPs, but also highlighted a synexpression group of genes for both ligands. Interestingly, the majority of the genes within these synexpression groups were shared by the two ligands, probably representing the core molecular responses common to BMP4 and BMP7 signaling pathways.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>All in all, we show that BMP signaling has a remarkable effect on gene transcription in breast cancer cells and that the functions affected follow a logical temporal pattern. Our results also uncover components of the common cellular transcriptional response to BMP4 and BMP7. Most importantly, this study provides a list of potential novel BMP target genes relevant in breast cancer.</p

    Social representations of the diet in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    The "diet" is part of the collective’s worldview, where culture shapes the webs of significance, giving way to a collective ideology internalised in each individual, which is fully accepted, assigned and assimilated by the collective. The diabetes mellitus is a condition whose importance lies in being one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. This pathology is complex, but their struggle leads to the most basic and elemental: the "diet". Methodology: Explore the common sense in relation to "diet" in patients with diabetes mellitus, via the Theory of Social Representations (SR). Semi-structured surveys were applied to 100 patients in three units of the Mexican Institute of Social Security of the State of Mexico, to define on the basis of the diabetic patients to the "diet". Results: The term "diet" is a social construct, which builds and reinforces a social reality: poverty, inequality, and decontextualized biomedical control and public policies without social inclusive. Conclusion: The end of this research reveals the thin threads of marginalization and ignomia of our collective suffering from diabetes, expose a inequality and insecurity, perpetuating a "diet" desregionalizada inadequate, contextualized, and far from the truth


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    Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization in 2014 published strategic for the primary health care and healthy eating, for the prevention of malnutrition, including the restriction of advertising in foods with high-calorie schedule and kids channels. Television became the best choice for the promotion of these foods by the easy access that has in this group. Objective: To evaluate the degree of Association of the consumption of caloric food, broadcast television, and malnutrition through the theory of the consumption in school children of the school primary Miguel Hidalgo of the municipality of Temamatla, Mexico State. Method: Study transversal, descriptive, quantitative; shows statistics stratified by clusters of 140 schoolchildren. Instrument: "TV and consumption", Cronbach's Alpha of 0.789; data processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package. Results: The direct relationship between consumption of caloric foods and the use of broadcast through the Association of P Pearson, with a contention between: 0.35, and greater than 0.05, playing: Association with positive linearity. Conclusions: Broadcast television keeps, a positive association with regard to consumption, preference and choice of food energy, promoted through advertising campaigns, based on the use of games, dreams, fantasies and characters from fashionable to establish long-term relationships between the school and the brand, which is part of an ephemeral happiness, conditioning perpetual stages of malnutrition.Introduction: The Pan American Health Organization in 2014 published strategic for the primary health care and healthy eating, for the prevention of malnutrition, including the restriction of advertising in foods with high-calorie schedule and kids channels. Television became the best choice for the promotion of these foods by the easy access that has in this group. Objective: To evaluate the degree of Association of the consumption of caloric food, broadcast television, and malnutrition through the theory of the consumption in school children of the school primary Miguel Hidalgo of the municipality of Temamatla, Mexico State. Method: Study transversal, descriptive, quantitative; shows statistics stratified by clusters of 140 schoolchildren. Instrument: "TV and consumption", Cronbach's Alpha of 0.789; data processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 20 statistical package. Results: The direct relationship between consumption of caloric foods and the use of broadcast through the Association of P Pearson, with a contention between: 0.35, and greater than 0.05, playing: Association with positive linearity. Conclusions: Broadcast television keeps, a positive association with regard to consumption, preference and choice of food energy, promoted through advertising campaigns, based on the use of games, dreams, fantasies and characters from fashionable to establish long-term relationships between the school and the brand, which is part of an ephemeral happiness, conditioning perpetual stages of malnutrition

    Kinetic study of the hydrodechlorination of chloromethanes with activated-carbon-supported metallic catalysts

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    This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work, see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ie5042484The kinetics of the hydrodechlorination (HDC) of dichloromethane (DCM) and chloroform (TCM) with Pd, Pt, Rh, and Ru on activated carbon catalysts has been studied at temperatures between 100 and 250 °C. Different kinetic models have been checked, namely, pseudo-first-order and Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) with adsorption, chemical reaction, or desorption control. The HDC of DCM and TCM with the Pd and Pt catalysts was well-described by the LHHW model with reactant adsorption as the rate-controlling step. However, with Rh and Ru catalysts, chemical reaction and desorption of the reaction products appear to be the rate-controlling steps in the HDC of DCM and TCM, respectively. In this last case, different sets of complex reactions seem to occur on the surface of the catalyst depending on the temperature, preventing determination of a confident value of the activation energy, because of the formation of oligomeric coke-like deposits and the subsequent severe deactivation of these catalysts. The corresponding kinetic parameters for the proposed models have been calculatedThe authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) through the project CTM2011-28352. M. Martín Martínez and A. Arévalo Bastante acknowledges the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e nnovación (MICINN) and the European Social Fund for her research gran

    Professors and residents’ perception of the teaching strategies used in the Internal Medicine Program of two highly complex University Hospitals in Colombia. Multi-case study.

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    La necesidad de un cambio en el formato de enseñanza de las escuelas de medicina, ha llevado a la implementación de estrategias de enseñanza que propenden por un aprendizaje activo. El objetivo del presente estudio es establecer las estrategias de enseñanza utilizadas en dos Hospitales Universitarios de Colombia para estudiantes de posgrado de Medicina Interna y describir la percepción de docentes y residentes sobre dichas estrategias. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo, diseño de estudio de caso, multicaso. Se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas a docentes y grupos focales de residentes de Medicina Interna.  Se analizó la información partiendo de una categorización deductiva y realizando triangulación como método de análisis. Resultados: Se entrevistaron 16 docentes y 25 residentes de medicina interna. Las estrategias de enseñanza más utilizadas por los docentes de ambas instituciones son la revista médica y las exposiciones orales obteniendo respuestas controvertidas sobre la percepción de esta última. Análisis de casos clínicos en HUSantander y Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) en HUSamaritana fueron consideradas como más efectivas por residentes. Conclusiones: Los docentes de ambas instituciones utilizan la revista académica como la principal estrategia de enseñanza y en ella confluyen otras como análisis de casos clínicos, ABP y supervisión con retroalimentación. Las exposiciones orales son vistas contradictoriamente por participantes de las dos instituciones sugiriendo mayor cooperación docente. La mayoría de los residentes consideran un modelo de rol positivo aquel docente con habilidades y conocimientos clínicos, cualidades humanas y éticas, capaz de comunicación asertiva y retroalimentación. Todos los participantes sugieren la inclusión de estrategias guiadas por la tecnología para facilitar el aprendizaje. Nosotras sugerimos conocer el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante para definir cómo usar las estrategiasAbstract  Objective: The need for change in the teaching format of medical schools has led to the implementation of teaching strategies that promote active learning. The objective of this study is to establish the teaching strategies used in two Colombian University Hospitals for Internal Medicine postgraduate students,  and to describe the perception that teachers and residents have about the use of these strategies. Methods: Qualitative study, case study design, multi-case. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with teachers and focus groups of Internal Medicine residents. The information was analyzed starting from a deductive categorization and using triangulation as an analysis method. Results: 16 teachers and 25 internal medicine residents were interviewed. The most common teaching strategies used by teachers from both institutions are the clinical round and oral presentations, obtaining controversial responses about the perception of this last one. Analysis of clinical cases in HUSantander and Problem Based Learning in HUSamaritana were considered by residents as the most effective strategies. Conclusions: Professors from both institutions use grand rounds as their main teaching strategy, and some other ones like analysis of clinical cases, PBL and supervision-feedback will later merge in it. Oral presentations are viewed contradictorily by participants from the two institutions, and greater teacher cooperation is positively suggested. Most residents consider a positive teacher role model that one who is able to combine clinical skills and knowledge, human and ethical qualities, capable of assertive communication and able to give feedback. All participants suggest inclusion of technology-guided strategies to facilitate learning processes. We suggest knowing the student's learning processes in order to determine how to use the strategies.Magíster en Educación para Profesionales de la SaludMaestría3337770

    Novel ZNF414 activity characterized by integrative analysis of ChIP-exo, ATAC-seq and RNA-seq data

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    Transcription factor binding to DNA is a central mechanism regulating gene expression. Thus, thorough characterization of this process is essential for understanding cellular biology in both health and disease. We combined data from three sequencing-based methods to unravel the DNA binding function of the novel ZNF414 protein in cells representing two tumor types. ChIP-exo served to map protein binding sites, ATAC-seq allowed identification of open chromatin, and RNA-seq examined the transcriptome. We show that ZNF414 is a DNAbinding protein that both induces and represses gene expression. This transcriptional response has an impact on cellular processes related to proliferation and other malignancy-associated functions, such as cell migration and DNA repair. Approximately 20% of the differentially expressed genes harbored ZNF414 binding sites in their promoters in accessible chromatin, likely representing direct targets of ZNF414. De novo motif discovery revealed several putative ZNF414 binding sequences, one of which was validated using EMSA. In conclusion, this study illustrates a highly efficient integrative approach for the characterization of the DNA binding and transcriptional activity of transcription factors.Peer reviewe

    Posicionamiento estratégico con propósito social de la oficina de orientación al personal del Grupo Bolívar

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    En este proyecto se considera de relevancia buscar opciones para promocionar a la OOP utilizando las herramientas del mercadeo social y así posicionarla como un ente de Responsabilidad Social Interna que aporta de manera estratégica al logro de los objetivos corporativos, garantizando el bienestar y la fidelización de sus funcionarios. En primer lugar, se busca lograr un mayor respaldo de la alta dirección quien finalmente se encarga de garantizar la sustentabilidad económica de los programas y es una gran aliada a la hora de motivar a todo el personal. En segundo lugar, se observa la necesidad de optimizar las vías de comunicación existentes para llegar directamente y con un formato de alto impacto a los beneficiarios de cada programa de manera que se logre capturar mayor cantidad de participantes generando un impacto más alto en las familias

    Caracterizacion Microestructural de un acero aisisae 1045 tratado termicamente en el intervalo intercritico

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    Los aceros doble fase cobran más importancia cada día debido a la buena combinación de propiedades mecánicas que ofrecen, siendo la industria automotriz su principal aplicación, la combinación de ferrita y martensita en su microestructura son las causantes de producir transformaciones en sus propiedades mecánicas. Para este estudio se empleó un acero AISI/SAE 1045 tratado desde temperaturas intercríticas donde se encuentran ferrita y austenita y al realizar el enfriamiento rápido se transforma en martensita. Las fracciones de cada fase, varían al aumentar la temperatura desde la cual se realiza el tratamiento. Para obtener estas proporciones se utilizó la norma ASTM 562, se realizaron diversos análisis microestructurales y pruebas de dureza. Al hacer el temple en agua y el posterior revenido desde diferentes temperaturas en el intervalo intercrítico, se encontró que en ciertos rangos había un cambio sustancial en las propiedades analizadas, luego del temple se realizó un revenido a 550C con tiempos de 1, 2 y 4 horas, las metalografías muestran una variación significativa de la fracción volumétrica de martensita, mientras que al templar en aceite el material presentó la típica estructura de un acero doble fase, en donde inclusive en algunos casos se evidenció la aparición de perlita.Dual phase steels become more important every day due to the good combination of mechanical properties that offer the automotive industry being the main application, the combination of ferrite and martensite microstructure are responsible for producing changes in their mechanical properties. For this study, an AISI/SAE 1045 steel treated from intercritical temperatures which are ferrite and austenite and rapid cooling to make the martensite becomes used. The fractions of each phase vary with increasing temperature from which the treatment is performed. For these ratios the ASTM 562 standard was used, various microstructural analysis and hardness tests were performed. Upon water quenching and subsequent tempering from different temperatures in the intercritical range, it was found that in certain ranges had a substantial change in the analyzed properties after quenching tempering was performed 550 ºC with times of 1, 2 and 4 hours, the metallographic show significant variation in the volume fraction of martensite, while the oil tempering the material showed the typical structure of a dual phase steel, where even in some cases the appearance of pearlite was evident

    Do circulating neutrophil extracellular traps predict recurrence in early breast cancer?

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    BackgroundNeutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), three-dimensional structures formed by neutrophil enzymes such as neutrophil elastase (NE) and nuclear components (DNA), have been associated with progression and metastasis in breast cancer (BC). Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the association of circulating NETs with clinicopathological characteristics and outcomes in early BC.MethodsA prospective cohort included women with newly diagnosed early BC. NETs were defined as the presence of NE-DNA complexes in plasma, measured by optical density. Levels of NETs were dichotomized according to the median, as low and high levels of circulating NETs. Fisher’s exact test was used to evaluate associations between NETs and clinicopathological characteristics and outcomes. Survival was assessed using the Kaplan Meier method and log-rank test.ResultsForty patients were included, 23 (57.5%) patients with low and 17 (42.5%) with high levels of circulating NETs. No associations were found between clinicopathological characteristics and circulating NETs levels. Recurrence (p = 0.99) and site of recurrence (p = 0.99) were not statistically associated with plasma NETs levels. Overall, recurrence-free survival was not statistically different between circulating levels of NETs.ConclusionsWith a short follow-up and low number of events, our results suggest that circulating levels of NETs at diagnosis of early BC are not associated with more aggressive clinicopathological characteristics, recurrence, or site of recurrence