30 research outputs found

    The Pension

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    Import 26/02/2015Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na zpracování projektu Penzionu, kde je úkolem provést návrh, výpočet vnitřního vodovodu a kanalizace s důrazem na likvidaci odpadních vod. Součástí projektu je také napojení na biologickou čistírnu odpadních vod a její aerobní čištění. Dále práce obsahuje výkresovou dokumentaci stavební části pro realizaci stavby upravenou pro potřeby technického zařízení budov, průvodní zprávu, souhrnnou technickou zprávu, technickou zprávu kanalizace a technickou zprávu vnitřního vodovodu, výkresovou dokumentaci a přílohy.This thesis focuses on a project preparation of the guesthouse where the task is realizing design, calculation of internal water and sewer systems with emphasis on a waste water disposal. The project also includes connection to the biological waste water treatment plant and its aerobic treatment. The thesis also includes the construction of drawings for the construction project modified for the needs of building equipment, accompanying report, summary of the technical report, technical report sewerage and water supply systems technical report, drawings and attachments.Prezenční229 - Katedra prostředí staveb a TZBvýborn

    The Goldilocks Day for healthy adiposity measures among children and adolescents

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    BackgroundThe optimal balance of time spent on daily movement behaviors (“The Goldilocks Day”) associated with childhood obesity remains unknown.ObjectiveTo estimate the optimal durations of sleep, sedentary behavior (SB), light physical activity (LPA), and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MPVA) associated with excess adiposity in a paediatric population.MethodsAccelerometer-measured 24-h movement behaviors were obtained from 659 Czech children and adolescents (8-18-year-olds). Adiposity indicators were body mass index z-score, fat mass percentage, fat-free mass index, and visceral adipose tissue. Excess adiposity was defined as exceeding the 85th percentile for an adiposity indicator. Compositional regression analyses were used investigate the associations between movement behaviors and adiposity indicators and estimating “The Goldilocks Day.”ResultsThe movement behavior composition was associated with visceral adipose tissue (Fdf1 = 3,df2 = 317 = 3.672, p = 0.013) and fat mass percentage (Fdf1 = 3,df2 = 289 = 2.733, p = 0.044) among children and adolescents. The Goldilocks Day consisted of 8.5 h of sleep, 10.8 h of SB, 3.9 h of LPA, and 0.8 h of MVPA among children and 7.5 h of sleep, 12.4 h of SB, 3.6 h of LPA, and 0.5 h of MVPA among adolescents.ConclusionOptimizing the time spent sleeping, and in sedentary and physical activities appears to be important in the prevention of excess adiposity

    Serum neutralizing capacity and T-cell response against the omicron BA.1 variant in seropositive children and their parents one year after SARS-CoV-2 infection

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    IntroductionDurability of immune protection against reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 remains enigmatic, especially in the pediatric population and in the context of immune-evading variants of concern. Obviously, this knowledge is required for measures to contain the spread of infection and in selecting rational preventive measures.MethodsHere, we investigated the serum neutralization capacity of 36 seropositive adults and 34 children approximately one year after infection with the ancestral Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2 by using a pseudovirus neutralization assay.ResultsWe found that 88.9% of seropositive adult (32/36) and 94.1% of seropositive children (32/34) convalescents retained the neutralizing activity against the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan strain (WT). Although, the neutralization effect against Omicron BA.1 (B.1.1.529.1) was significantly lower, 70.6% (24/34) of children and 41.7% (15/36) of adults possessed BA.1 cross-neutralizing antibodies. The spike 1 (S1)-specific T cell recall capacity using an activation-induced marker assay was analyzed in 18 adults and 16 children. All participants had detectable S1-specific CD4 T cells against WT, and 72.2% (13/18) adults and 81,3% (13/16) children had detectable S1 WT-specific CD8 T cells. CD4 cross-reactivity against BA.1 was demonstrated in all investigated adults (18/18), and 66.7% (12/18) adult participants had also detectable specific CD8 BA.1 T cells while we detected BA.1 S1 reactive CD4 and CD8 T cells in 81.3% (13/16) children.DiscussionTogether, our findings demonstrate that infection with the ancestral strain of SARS-CoV-2 in children as well as in adults induces robust serological as well as T cell memory responses that persist over at least 12 months. This suggests persistent immunological memory and partial cross-reactivity against Omicron BA.1

    Long-term safety and effectiveness of canakinumab in patients with monogenic autoinflammatory diseases: results from the interim analysis of the RELIANCE registry

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    ObjectiveInterim analysis of the RELIANCE registry, an on-going, non-interventional, open-label, multicentre, prospective study evaluating the long-term safety, dosing regimens and effectiveness of canakinumab in patients with cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (CAPS), familial Mediterranean fever (FMF), tumour-necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS) or mevalonate-kinase deficiency (MKD)/hyperimmunoglobulin-D syndrome (HIDS).MethodsFrom September 2017 for patients with CAPS, and June 2018 for patients with FMF, TRAPS or MKD/HIDS, the registry enrolled paediatric (aged ≥2 years) and adult patients (aged ≥18 years) receiving canakinumab as part of their routine medical care. Safety, canakinumab dose, disease activity and quality of life outcome measures were evaluated at baseline and every 6 months until end of study visit.ResultsAt the analysis cut-off date (December 2020), 168 patients (91 CAPS, 54 FMF, 16 TRAPS and 7 MKD/HIDS) were enrolled. 85 (50.9%) patients were female and 72 (43.1%) were children (<18 years). The median patient age was 20.0 years (range 2.0–79.0 years). In the CAPS cohort, serious infections and serious adverse drug-reactions were more common in patients receiving higher than the recommended starting dose (SD) of canakinumab. A trend to receive >SD of canakinumab was observed in the pooled population. The majority of patients were reported as having either absent or mild/moderate disease activity (physician’s global assessment) from baseline to Month 30, with a stable proportion of patients (~70%) in remission under canakinumab treatment. Patient-reported disease activity (Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Autoinflammatory Disease Activity Index), fatigue (VAS); markers of inflammation (C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and erythrocyte sedimentation rate) remained well-controlled throughout.ConclusionData from this analysis confirm the long-term safety and effectiveness of canakinumab for the treatment of CAPS, FMF, TRAPS and MKD/HIDS.Novartis Pharma A

    Plan of revisions and inspections of a residential building by using passportization

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    Import 26/06/2013Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na vytvoření vzorového plánu revizí a kontrol bytového domu U Zvoničky. V teoretické části jsou definována teoretická východiska vztahující se k dané problematice v obecné poloze, např.: kontrola, revize, revizní zpráva a jejich rozdělení. V další části je práce zaměřena na periodicitu prováděných revizí a kontrol na vyhrazených technických zařízeních, ostatních technických zařízení a vybavení. V závěru teoretické části je uveden přehled technických a právních předpisů vztahující se k danému tématu. Praktická část je aplikována na objekt bytového domu U Zvoničky na ulici Václavkova v Hradci Králové, která řeší vzorový plán revizí a kontrol pomocí SW aplikace Microsoft Excel.Main aim of this thesis is making sample plan of the revisions and supervisions of the flats „U Zvoničky“. In the theoretical part general specifies theoretical solutions are defined in connectionto this topic, for example supervision, revision and audit. In the following part thefocus is on the periodicity of the revision and supervisions on the reserved technical devices and on the other technical devices and equipment. At the end of the theoretical part the summary of the technical and legal regulations are stated. Practical part is applied on the flats “U Zvoničky”, that are situated on the Václavkova streetin Hradec Králové. It solves a sample plan of the revisions and supervisions by using software of the Microsoft Excelapplication.Prezenční222 - Katedra městského inženýrstvívelmi dobř

    Design and project of ski races for children and youth in the sumava Spicak

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na plánování a realizaci projektu lyžařských závodů pro děti a mládež na šumavském Špičáku. Závody jsou specifické svojí neveřejností. Byly určeny k ověření znalostí žáků víkendové lyžařské školy proto, aby si žáci osvojili svoje dovednosti získané během výuky. Prakticky je členěna na dvě části. V první části se zabývám všeobecně teorií přípravy závodů, popisuji zde teorii sportovního a projektového managementu, specifikaci lyžování a zmínil jsem se také o důležité charakteristice dětí věku 6-15 let. V bakalářské práci jsou také vytčeny zvláštnosti, které musí instruktor lyžování uplatnit při výuce dětí. Pozornost jsem věnoval také vlastnímu popisu sportovního areálu Špičák, stejně jako podmínkám, které mají malí lyžaři v zázemí. Podrobně je popsána i historie a současnost lyžařské školy jako produktu sportovního areálu Špičák. Praktická část obsahuje studii proveditelnosti závodů, vlastní technickou přípravu personálního obsazení závodů a vlastní realizaci závodů, včetně jeho vyhodnocení. V práci není opomenuto ani plánování rizik a to jak ovlivnitelných tak i neovlivnitelných. Velkou pozornost jsem věnoval harmonogramu závodů. V závěru jsem vyhodnotil úspěšnost závodů. Cílem nebylo objevit nové talenty mezi účastníky, ale motivovat a vytvořit chuť dětí k zimním sportům a těm, kteří se kurzu účastnili. Cílem práce byl jednak sběr informací k zadanému projektu, plánování a příprava projektu, realizace projektu a zhodnocení akce.Katedra tělesné a sportovní výchovyObhájenoThe bachelor thesis is focused on project planning and the realization of ski races for children and the youth at Špičák in the Šumava Mountains. The races are specific for their privacy. They are designed for checking weekend ski school learnerś knouwledge in order that the learners can acquire their skills gained during learning. The thesis is divided, to all intense and purposes, into two parts. In the first part I generally deal with the theory of race preparations, where I describe the theory of sports and project management and ski specification. I also mention the important profile of children at the age of 6-15. In the bachelor thesis there is also set special characteristics which has to be used by the instructor during teaching children. I also pay attention both to the particular description of the Špičák sports ground and the conditions which young skiers have at the base. History and the present of the ski school as the Špičák sports ground product are described in detail. The practical part of the thesis contains the study of race practicability, particular technical preparation of the personnel sports race cast and the particular race realization, including its analysis. In the thesis there is not forgotten planning the risks both susceptible and not susceptible to influence. I pay special attention to the race schedule. In the thesis conclusion I evaluate the race success. The aim is not to scout for new talent in the midst of the children competitors but to motivate and attract them to winter sports. The aim of the thesis was to collect information for the assigned project, then project planning and preparation, its realization and fixture evaluation

    Creation and evaluation of information resources in medicine

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    A field covering generation and evaluation of the medical information is a broad one. During my doctoral studies I focused on medical information mainly using the evidence-based medicine (EBM) principles. This approach leads to the use of currently best available medical data in the treatment of patients. The EBM methodology might be classified into two basic groups: afferent and efferent one. The afferent part is focused on development of information resources whereas the efferent one promotes optimal use of these resources and a critical application of the retrieved facts. Due to practical reasons (to limit extent of the text) I concentrated in the thesis on only one field of my activity. The text deals mainly with afferent part of EBM, namely with formation of a qualitative and quantitative synthesis of knowledge through compilation of a systematic review and meta-analysis. Compilation of systematic reviews of prognostic markers is discussed in a detail. It is a field not appropriately covered in the Czech literature. The practical outcome documented in the thesis is a description of the systematic review of immunohistochemical prognostic markers in intracranial ependymomas that was created and published by our research team. Compilation of this systematic review and meta-analysis was one of the..

    Downhill mountain biking, origin, progression and current state of the new cycling discipline in the Czech Republic (videoprogram)

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    Diplomová práce má dvě části, hlavní praktickou a část teoretickou. Teoretická popisuje jednak vznik historie cyklistiky a dále vývoj sjezdové cyklistiky. Prezentuje také zrod tohoto moderního sportu, včetně jejích zakladatelů. Součástí práce je rozdělení horské cyklistiky podle disciplín. Nechybí zde informace o nutném materiálovém vybavení horského kola, bez kterého se tento sport neobejde. Proto je teoretická část poměrně podrobně zaměřena na výzbroj jezdce. Informace pro teoretickou část práce jsem získal ze svých praktických zkušeností, diskuzí s odborníky v daném oboru, ale i z internetových zdrojů a knih o cyklistice, které jsem si zapůjčil v knihovně univerzity, katedry tělesné výchovy. Druhá, praktická část se zabývá problematikou metodického vedení začínajícího jezdce. Videoprogram tvoří základní dovednosti sjezdu na horském kole. Obsahuje osmnáct kapitol metodické instruktáže, které by měly zájemce dovést na úroveň jezdce pokročilého. Video je natočeno tak, aby bylo vidět detailní provedení každého pohybu, který je doplněn o komentář. Složitější prvky jsou doplněny o nákres směrových šipek. Téma diplomové práce jsem si vybral proto, že v této disciplíně není žádné instruktážní video v českém jazyce, které by bylo nápomocné při výuce sjezdové cyklistiky. Věřím, že video se stane pomocníkem instruktorům sjezdové cyklistiky, případně pomůže samotným začínajícím jezdcům.ObhájenoThis diploma thesis consists of two parts, a theoretical background and a practical part. The theoretical background describes the history of cycling and development of downhill mountain biking. In addition, this work presents the origin of this modern sport including its founders. The dividing of mounting biking into disciplines is also provided in this thesis. I also inform about necessary bike equipment for this sport. Therefore the theoretical background focuses on the rider´s equipment. The knowledge for this part of the thesis I obtained from my own experience, discussions with professionals, internet sources and books borrowed at the University Library at the department of physical education and sport. The practical part focuses on the methodology of coaching of a beginner rider. The video recording contains basic skills of downhill mountain biking. It consists of eighteen chapters of methodology leading a rider from the beginner´s to the advanced level. The video recording is recorded the way which enables to see the detailed execution of every movement with added commentary. The more complicated actions are supplemented with direction arrows. I chose the thesis topic because there is not any instructional video in the Czech language which could help by learning downhill mountain biking. I believe that the video recording will help downhill mountain biking coaches and beginner riders, too

    Study of Internal Stress in Conductive and Dielectric Thick Films

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    This paper is focused on the study of internal stress in thick films used in hybrid microelectronics. Internal stress in thick films arises after firing and during cooling due to the differing coefficients of thermal expansion in fired film and ceramic substrates. Different thermal expansions cause deflection of the substrate and in extreme cases, the deflection can lead to damage of the substrate. Two silver pastes and two dielectric pastes, as well as their combinations, were used for the experiments, and the internal stress in the thick films was investigated using the cantilever method. Further experiments were also focused on internal stress changes during the experiment and on the influence of heat treatment (annealing) on internal stress. The results were correlated with the morphology of the fired thick films. The internal stress in the thick films was in the range of 8 to 21 MPa for metallic films and in the range from 12 to 16 MPa for dielectric films. It was verified that the cantilever method can be successfully used for the evaluation of internal stress in thick films. It was also found that the values of deflection and internal stress are not stable after firing, and they can change over time, mainly for metallic thick films