13 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determined self-potential in learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, through a literature study of a work entitled "The Lazy But Successful” by Fred Gratzon in 2010, where data will be collected and then analyzed based on a matrix from Moltke. The results showed that self-potential development can be done through several types of ways. Type A (mentally blunt and physically lazy) can be given simple tasks to allow for idea discovery, Type B (intelligent and energetic) can handle the details of things because of his accuracy, Type C (mentally blunt but energetic) needs to maximize physical activity with supervision extra, and type D (smart but lazy) can be a leader because it can easily find the simplest way that is easiest

    Botanical application: Android-based learning media to enhance interest in learning plant material

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    Balikpapan Botanical Garden School has a very supportive learning environment, especially in studying plant material, but there are still many students who show low interest in learning so that an application in the form of android application to foster student interest in learning related to plants. This research aims to determine the feasibility of the botanical application as the further development of a flash application with the same theme to enhance interest in learning plant material. This research is used Research and Development (R&D) with ADDIE model which includes the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation stage. The data were collected using a questionnaire to measure students’ learning referring to Mitchell's theory with 25 questions. The result showed that the botanical application is feasible to use with a score of 3,86 (feasible) and 4,16 (very feasible) according to media and material experts, and also a score of 4,47 (very feasible) according to the students. It also can enhance interest in learning plant material at the significance level of 0.002<0.05 with 46,6% of students reach the high criterion and the other 53,3% reach the moderate criterion of interest. This android-based of botanical application turns out to be able to enhance interest in learning about plant material due to learners' option to choose learning content depending on their interest

    Optimalisasi Kegiatan Edukasi Alam Melalui Pengembangan P-WEC Plant Locator bagi Pengunjung Kawasan Konservasi P-WEC

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    P-WEC (Petungsewu Wildlife Education Center) merupakan kawasan konservasi di Kabupaten Malang yang digunakan sebagai pusat studi untuk pendidikan informal tentang konservasi alam dan kehidupan liar (wildlife), namun pelaksanaan kegiatan Edukasi Alam yang ditawarkan masih belum optimal dikarenakan pelaksanaannya hanya dilakukan di area tertentu dan dilakukan dengan menyajikan tumbuhan secara langsung sehingga eksplorasi tidak dilakukan secara luas, maka untuk meningkatkan kegiatan tersebut dikembangkanlah P-WEC Plant Locator berbasis android dengan menerapkan konsep Digital Learning Ecosystem, yaitu dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi dan konteks pembelajaran dengan pengguna dalam suatu lingkungan, sehingga eksplorasi lokasi pohon dan tumbuhan liar yang ada di kawasan tersebut dapat dilakukan secara mandiri dengan mengakses pencarian denah lokasi tumbuhan yang ada di aplikasi P-WEC Plant Locator. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi dua tahap yaitu tahap pengembangan produk dengan model ADDIE dan tahap pendampingan penerapan produk melalui kegiatan focus group discussion (FGD). Diperoleh hasil bahwa pengembangan aplikasi P-WEC Plant Locator mampu mengoptimalkan kegiatan eksplorasi tumbuhan liar dengan memberikan peningkatan kualitas layanan dalam kegiatan Edukasi Alam yang ditawarkan kepada pengunjung Kawasan konservasi P-WEC, dimana pengunjung dapat mengakses aplikasi ini melalui android masing-masing dan dapat melakukan eksplorasi secara menyeluruh untuk meningkatkan pengalaman belajarnya secara mandiri.

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Terintegrasi di Era Pendidikan 4.0

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pembelajaran daring yang menekankan integrasi  dengan lingkungan dari berbagai sumber yang ditinjau dari berbagai aspek selama era pendidikan 4.0. Menggunakan metode berupa meta-analisis jurnal, melalui berbagai macam jurnal yang berhubungan dengan variabel penelitian dikumpulkan kemudian dikaji dan ditarik suatu kesimpulan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran daring akan efektif jika menerapkan komponen esensial dari Laurillard yang mencangkup aspek diskursfi, adapftif, interaktif dan reflektif. Namun 76,07% memilih kombinasi pembelajaran daring sehingga penting adanya inovasi berupa integrasi dengan lingkungan mengacu pada komponen digital learning ecosystem dari Hammond yang dapat mengakomodasi gaya belajar, fleksibilitas dan pengalaman belajar peserta didik sehingga dapat memunculkan perasaan positif

    Potensi Tenun Ikat Sebagai Sumber Belajar Berbasis Etnosains

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    Traditional knowledge seems to be the opposite of modern knowledge. In this position, the knowledge of the local community, especially in weaving works, is the result of processing the ancestral knowledge of the Sumba tribe in East Nusa Tenggara. This study aims to describe the potential of woven ikat not only as a work but also the culture of the people of Sumba as a teaching resource in schools. Ethnoscience is expected to become a bridge between science and culture approaches for students in the 21st century. This research is a type of ethnographic research with an interpretive design. Several methods, namely the in-depth interview method and the literature review method. In-depth interviews were used to explore the potential of Ikat weaving and literature analysis as secondary data in the study of student teaching materials. The study of Ikat weaving as a source of teaching materials includes aspects of coloring techniques, weaving techniques, and ethnomathematics of weaving motifs. The results of this study serve as reference material for learning in schools not only in local content subjects but can be integrated into the core content of Science/Science as well as Mathematics and other subject areas in formal schools.Pengetahuan tradisional seolah menjadi lawan dari pengetahuan modern. Salah satu pengetahuan lokal masyarakat yaitu tenun sebagai hasil olah karya pengetahuan dari leluhur suku Sumba di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskrispsikan potensi tenun ikat tidak hanya sebagai karya tetapi juga kebudayaan masyarakat Sumba sebagai sumber ajar di sekolah. Etnosains diharapkan menjadi jembatan perantara pendekatan sains dan budaya untuk siswa di masa abad-21 ini. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian etnografi dengan desain interpretatif. Beberapa metode yaitu metode wawancara mendalam dan metode kajian pustaka. Wawancara mendalam digunakan untuk menggali potensi tenun ikat dan analisis pustaka sebagai data sekunder dalam kajian bahan ajar siswa. Kajian tenun ikat sebagai sumber bahan ajar meliputi aspek teknik pewarnaan, teknik menenun, dan etnomatematika motif tenun. Hasil dari kajian ini sebagai bahan referensi pembelajaran di sekolah tidak hanya dalam mata pelajaran muatan lokal tetapi dapat terintegrasi dalam muatan inti IPA/Sains dan juga Matematika serta bidang pelajaran lainnya dalam sekolah formal.  &nbsp


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    This research aims to produced appropriate student worksheets on the Classification of Living Creatures material at junior high school level based on Problem Based Learning at Sunan Giri Middle School, Malang. This research was a research and development study which produces student worksheets which will be validated by material experts and media experts, then tested on 15 class VII students. The results showed that validation by material experts gave a percentage of 82%, while media experts gave 93.5%, while the results of trials by students obtained results of 90% for attractiveness and 91% for ease, with the highest percentage of statement items being student worksheets can make me understand the material easily, and the statement items in the form of LKPD make me more interested in studying science. So, it can be concluded that the LKPD based on Problem Based Learning on the Classification of Living Creatures material developed at Sunan Giri Middle School Malang was suitable for use


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    This research aims to determine the validity of developing learning media in the form of board games on the structure and function of plant tissue, using ADDIE model development research which will be validated by media experts, material experts, teachers and 20 class VIII students of SMP Negeri 16 Malang. The data collection technique used a questionnaire to test the appearance, material, and ease of use of the board game learning media being developed. The results of the research showed that at the analysis stage there were still some students who had not actively participated independently, so a design was carried out to develop a board game by adapting the components of the Ministry of National Education (2008), followed by media development where the validation results from media experts, material experts and teachers showed the average scores were 4.84, 4.91, and 4.75 in the valid category, while the test results from students showed a result of 4.82 in the feasible category. This is because the board game contains pictures that match the material and are able to increase student activity through active participation of students in the game

    Improving Student’s Motivation and Learning Outcomes Through Genetics E-Module

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    The purpose of this study was to know the impact of the Genetics E-module to improve students’ motivation and learning outcomes during the learning process. The method applied was Research and Development, limited until the implementation stage, using the quasi-experiment method with one group pretest-posttest. The motivation instruments were modified questionnaire by Keller with ARCS model, consist of 4 aspects including attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. The population were all of the students from class of 2017 in Biology Education department, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi State University. The pretest was held to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using a handout from the lecturer, while the posttest was to know students’ motivation and learning outcomes when using Genetics E-module. Data were collected from the motivation questionnaire and test. After using E-module, there were 27 students with high (71,91 ≤ x < 86), 18 students with medium (57,82 ≤ x < 71,91) and 5 students with low criterion (43,74 ≥ x) of motivation, and there were  58% students who passing the grade in Genetics test. Based on the data analysis, E-module was feasible to be used to improve students’ motivation and also learning outcomes in the Biology Education department