113 research outputs found

    Entwicklung und Transformation in der Logik der Eigentumsökonomik: Theorie und Praxis von Eigentum und genuiner Geldschaffung am Beispiel des Transformationsprozesses in Slowenien

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    The search for determinants of economic development in this work focuses on the institution of property, whose theoretical foundation is provided by the property economics, founded by Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger. In the frame of property economics it is the interdependence of property rights, justice and freedom which is the driving force economic activity is based on. In contrary to rules of possession, property rights must be understood as the constituent element of economic activity. Property operations like credit and sales contracts between free proprietors, whose enforceability independent legal institutions have to ensure, make economic operations measurable so that interest and genuine money can arise. The institutional background of a genuine money issue is a modern two-tiered banking system in which one independent central bank and competing commercial banks act as market participants. They have to ensure the ability of money to fulfill contracts on international credit and capital markets. The significant impact of the institution of property for the transformation process is shown by highlighting the case of Slovenia. The Housing Act in particular has created lendable property rights while other property laws resulted in a relatively balanced distribution of property within the Slovenian population. In contrast to other transformation economies selective capital controls hindered foreign direct and portfolio investments. The transformation process in Slovenia shows that not due to a shortage of resources or money countries are underdeveloped. But moreover, without the institution of property a sustainable resource management and a self-sustaining economic development will fail

    Initiation of human colon cancer cell proliferation by trypsin acting at protease-activated receptor-2

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    The protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR-2) is a G protein-coupled receptor that is cleaved and activated by trypsin. We investigated the expression of PAR-2 and the role of trypsin in cell proliferation in human colon cancer cell lines. A total of 10 cell lines were tested for expression of PAR-2 mRNA by Northern blot and RT-PCR. PAR-2 protein was detected by immunofluorescence. Trypsin and the peptide agonist SLIGKV (AP2) were tested for their ability to induce calcium mobilization and to promote cell proliferation on serum-deprived cells. PAR-2 mRNA was detected by Northern blot analysis in 6 out of 10 cell lines [HT-29, Cl.19A, Caco-2, SW480, HCT-8 and T84]. Other cell lines expressed low levels of transcripts, which were detected only by RT-PCR. Further results were obtained with HT-29 cells: (1) PAR-2 protein is expressed at the cell surface; (2) an increase in intracellular calcium concentration was observed upon trypsin (1–100 nM) or AP2 (10–100 ΌM) challenges; (3) cells grown in serum-deprived media supplemented with trypsin (0.1–1 nM) or AP2 (1–300 ΌM) exhibited important mitogenic responses (3-fold increase of cell number). Proliferative effects of trypsin or AP2 were also observed in other cell lines expressing PAR-2. These data show that subnanomolar concentrations of trypsin, acting at PAR-2, promoted the proliferation of human colon cancer cells. The results of this study indicate that trypsin could be considered as a growth factor and unravel a new mechanism whereby serine proteases control colon tumours. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    The diversity of myeloid immune cells shaping wound repair and fibrosis in the lung

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    In healthy circumstances the immune system coordinates tissue repair responses in a tight balance that entails efficient inflammation for removal of potential threats, proper wound closure, and regeneration to regain tissue function. Pathological conditions, continuous exposure to noxious agents, and even ageing can dysregulate immune responses after injury. This dysregulation can lead to a chronic repair mechanism known as fibrosis. Alterations in wound healing can occur in many organs, but our focus lies with the lung as it requires highly regulated immune and repair responses with its continuous exposure to airborne threats. Dysregulated repair responses can lead to pulmonary fibrosis but the exact reason for its development is often not known. Here, we review the diversity of innate immune cells of myeloid origin that are involved in tissue repair and we illustrate how these cell types can contribute to the development of pulmonary fibrosis. Moreover, we briefly discuss the effect of age on innate immune responses and therefore on wound healing and we conclude with the implications of current knowledge on the avenues for future research

    Barns lÀs- och skrivutveckling i förskolan - En studie om hur den fysiska inomhusmiljön och pedagogernas anvÀndande av artefakter stimulerar barns lÀs- och skrivutveckling

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    Syfte: VÄrt syfte med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka barns tidiga lÀs- och skrivutveckling i förskolan. Vi har utgÄtt frÄn nedanstÄende frÄgestÀllningar: Hur stimulerar den fysiska inomhusmiljön i förskolan barns lÀs- och skrivutveckling? Hur anvÀnder pedagogerna i förskolan sig av artefakter för att stimulera barns lÀs- och skrivutveckling? Metod och material: I vÄr undersökning anvÀnde vi oss av kvalitativa metoder, tvÄ löpande observationer samt tvÄ intervjuer. Vi var ute pÄ tvÄ förskolor, en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola samt en förskola utan specifik pedagogisk inriktning i tvÄ dagar pÄ varje förskola. Observationen var uppdelad i olika delar, dels observerade vi den fysiska inomhusmiljön men Àven hur barn och pedagoger anvÀnde sig av den och sprÄkstimulerande artefakter. Vi genomförde Àven en intervju med en förskollÀrare pÄ respektive förskola. Resultat: Miljön inspirerar barnen till skriv- och lÀsaktiviteter om det finns material lÀttillgÀngligt som de kan anvÀnda. Pedagogerna spelar ocksÄ en stor roll i att inspirera barnen att skriva och lÀsa genom att sjÀlva göra dessa aktiviteter tillsammans med barnen och att anvÀnda skriftsprÄksstimulerande artefakter. Vi kom fram till att den fysiska inomhusmiljön pÄ bÄda förskolorna var stimulerande för lÀsning. DÀremot var det bara en av förskolorna som hade en stimulerande miljö för skrivning. Betydelse för lÀraryrket: VÄr förhoppning Àr att denna uppsats kan komma att anvÀndas som en jÀmförande studie för pedagoger verksamma inom förskolan. De kan bli mer medvetna om hur man kan utveckla barns skriftsprÄkande med hjÀlp av bland annat den fysiska miljön genom att ta del av vÄr studie. Vi tycker Àven att den kan ligga till grund för diskussioner bland studenter inom lÀrarutbildningar

    Development and transformation in property economics Theory and practice of property and genuine money in the transition process: the case of Slovenia

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    The search for determinants of economic development in this work focuses on the institution of property, whose theoretical foundation is provided by the property economics, founded by Gunnar Heinsohn and Otto Steiger. In the frame of property economics it is the interdependence of property rights, justice and freedom which is the driving force economic activity is based on. In contrary to rules of possession, property rights must be understood as the constituent element of economic activity. Property operations like credit and sales contracts between free proprietors, whose enforceability independent legal institutions have to ensure, make economic operations measurable so that interest and genuine money can arise. The institutional background of a genuine money issue is a modern two-tiered banking system in which one independent central bank and competing commercial banks act as market participants. They have to ensure the ability of money to fulfill contracts on international credit and capital markets. The significant impact of the institution of property for the transformation process is shown by highlighting the case of Slovenia. The Housing Act in particular has created lendable property rights while other property laws resulted in a relatively balanced distribution of property within the Slovenian population. In contrast to other transformation economies selective capital controls hindered foreign direct and portfolio investments. The transformation process in Slovenia shows that not due to a shortage of resources or money countries are underdeveloped. But moreover, without the institution of property a sustainable resource management and a self-sustaining economic development will fail

    Interstitial Cystitis

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