8 research outputs found

    Headache, Delirium or Encephalitis?:A Case of Residual Mutism Secondary to Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis

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    Encephalitis is a heterogeneous syndrome that is diagnosed through clinical assessment and the assistance of laboratory, neuroimaging and electroencephalographic workup. Over the past 10 years, autoimmune encephalitis has been more frequently recognized; however, most reports come from highly specialized hospital settings. Anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NDMAR) encephalitis has been associated with paraneoplastic encephalitis syndromes and was first recognized in 2005. We present the case of a 34-year-old male patient who debuted clinically with a headache associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms (i.e., visual and auditory hallucinations, anxiety, aggressiveness) and memory deficits, progressing to autonomic dysfunction (i.e., tachycardia and hypertension), seizures, and stupor with catatonic features. Initially, infectious, metabolic, and toxicological etiologies were excluded; followed by the assessment of immunological and paraneoplastic etiologies, yielding positive IgG levels for anti-NMDAR antibodies. The patient was treated successfully with systemic steroid therapy and therapeutic plasmapheresis, while mutism was the only sequela. Although large case series reporting on paraneoplastic and autoimmune anti-NMDAR encephalitis have been reported in the literature in recent years, this case is of particular importance due to the stepwise differential diagnosis and treatment management procedure that was used in a regional but not highly specialized hospital setting

    Axillobifemoral bypass for total abdominal occlusion secondary to Takayasu's arteritis:A case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Takayasu's arteritis (TA) is a rare disease that mainly affects large arteries. Approximately 20% of TA patients will require surgical intervention secondary to arterial complications such as intermittent claudication, persistent hypertension refractory to treatment, and heart failure. PRESENTATION OF CASE: The case of a 22-year-old female with TA of five years of evolution is presented. The patient deteriorated clinically after five years of corticosteroid and immunosuppressant management requiring surgical intervention with an axillobifemoral bypass for a total abdominal occlusion. Onset, pre-surgical and post-surgical Doppler ultrasonography as well as abdominal angiotomographies document and corroborate the patient's clinical and hemodynamic improvement. DISCUSSION: Very limited literature exists regarding surgical interventions for TA patients. While most reported cases present an endovascular surgical management. Open surgical procedures have lower rates of restenosis than endovascular management. Although endovascular management is less invasive than extra-anatomical axillobifemoral bypass, the patient was not a candidate for endovascular stent graft placement due to the increased risk for vascular injury and subsequent perforation. Approximately a fifth of TA patients are candidates for surgical intervention over time. CONCLUSION: Vascular surgery in TA cases becomes an option when the patient does not improve clinically after administration of medical treatment. Although endovascular management has fewer complications, the rate of restenosis is higher. Patients at risk of restenosis and who have increased perioperative vascular risk can benefit from open surgical procedures. Surgical management should be tailored to the patient's needs

    PhDAY 2020 -FOO (Facultad de Óptica y Optometría)

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    Por cuarto año consecutivo los doctorandos de la Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid cuentan con un congreso propio organizado por y para ellos, el 4º PhDAY- FOO. Se trata de un congreso gratuito abierto en la que estos jóvenes científicos podrán presentar sus investigaciones al resto de sus compañeros predoctorales y a toda la comunidad universitaria que quiera disfrutar de este evento. Apunta en tu agenda: el 15 de octubre de 2020. En esta ocasión será un Congreso On-line para evitar que la incertidumbre asociada a la pandemia Covid-19 pudiera condicionar su celebración

    Mental Health Problems among COVID-19 Frontline Healthcare Workers and the Other Country-Level Epidemics: The Case of Mexico

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    COVID-19 frontline healthcare workers (FHCW) are struggling to cope with challenges that threaten their wellbeing. We examine the frequency and predictors of the most frequent mental health problems (MHP) among FHCW during the first COVID-19 peak in Mexico, one of the most severely affected countries in terms of FHCW’s COVID-19 mortality. A cross-sectional survey was conducted between May 8 and August 18, 2020. A total of 47.5% of the sample (n = 2218) were FHCW. The most frequent MHP were insomnia, depression, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and health anxiety/somatization (whole sample: 45.7, 37.4, 33.9, and 21.3%; FHCW: 52.4, 43.4, 40.3 and 26.1, respectively). As compared to during the initial COVID-19 phase, depression and health anxiety/somatization symptoms as well as experiences of grieving due to COVID-19, personal COVID-19 status, and having relatives and close friends with COVID-19 were more frequent during the COVID-19 peak. Obesity, domestic violence, personal COVID-19 status, and grieving because of COVID-19 were included in regression models for main FHCW’s MHP during the COVID-19 peak. In conclusion, measures to decrease other country-level epidemics contributing to the likelihood of COVID-19 complications (obesity) and MHP (domestic violence) as well as FHCW´s probability of COVID-19 infection could safeguard not only their physical but also mental health

    Relació, raó i realitat : estudis de filosofia medieval

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    El llibre que ara presentem té el seu origen més o menys remot en el VII Congrés Internacional Iberoamericà de la Societat de Filosofia Medieval, que, amb motiu del Setè Centenari de la mort de Ramon Llull (1315/1316), va tenir lloc a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona i a la Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya els dies 14, 15 i 16 de novembre de 2016. El tema del congrés era la relació (de relatione). En el número 61 de la revista Enrahonar són publicades les conferències convidades de l'esmentat congrés i en el present llibre, les comunicacions. Són, doncs, dos volums complementaris, que formen una certa unitat d'origen i temàtica. Integren el llibre trenta-cinc articles, distribuïts en set grups temàtics.The present book has its origin in the 7th International Ibero-American Congress of the Spanish Society of Medieval Philosophy, which, on the occasion of the Seventh Centenary of Ramon Llull's death (1315/1316), took place at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya on November 14, 15 and 16, 2016. The subject of the congress was relation (de relatione). Its keynote lectures were published in the journal Enrahonar, number 61, while the section talks are gathered in the present book. This book consists of thirty-five articles, distributed in seven thematic groups.El libro que presentamos tiene su origen más o menos lejano en el VII Congreso Internacional Iberoamericano de la Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval, que, con motivo del Séptimo Centenario de la muerte de Ramon Llull (1315/1316), tuvo lugar en la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona y en la Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya los días 14, 15 y 16 de noviembre de 2016. El tema del congreso fue la relación (de relatione). En el número 61 de la revista Enrahonar han sido publicadas las conferencias invitadas de dicho congreso y en el presente libro, las comunicaciones. Son, pues, dos volúmenes complementarios, que forman una cierta unidad de origen y temática. Componen el libro treinta y cinco artículos, clasificados en siete grupos temáticos

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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