680 research outputs found

    UVES Spectroscopy of T Chamaeleontis: Line Variability, Mass Accretion Rate and Spectro-astrometric Analysis

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    Although advances in exoplanet detection techniques have seen an increase in discoveries, observing a planet in the earliest stages of formation still remains a difficult task. Here four epochs of spectra of the transitional disk object T Cha are analysed to determine whether spectro-astrometry can be used to detect a signal from its proposed protoplanet, T Cha b. The unique properties of T Cha are also further constrained. H{\alpha} and [O I]{\lambda} 6300, the most prominent lines, were analysed using spectro-astrometry. H{\alpha} being a direct accretion tracer is the target for the T Cha b detection while [O I]{\lambda} 6300 is considered to be an indirect tracer of accretion. [O I]{\lambda} 6300 is classified as a broad low velocity component (BC LVC). The mass accretion rate was derived for all epochs using new [O I]{\lambda} 6300 LVC relationships and the H{\alpha} line luminosity. It is shown that a wind is the likely origin of the [O I]{\lambda} 6300 line and that the [O I]{\lambda} 6300 line serves as a better accretion tracer than H{\alpha} in this case. From the comparison between M acc([OI]) and M acc(H{\alpha}) it is concluded that T Cha is not an intrinsically weak accretor but rather that a significant proportion of the H{\alpha} emission tracing accretion is obscured. T Cha b is not detected in the spectro-astrometric analysis yet a detection limit of 0.5 mas is derived. The analysis in this case was hampered by spectro-astrometric artefacts and by the unique properties of T Cha. While it seems that spectro-astrometry as a means of detecting exoplanets in TDs can be challenging it can be used to put an limit on the strength of the H{\alpha} emission from accreting planetary companions and thus can have an important input into the planning of high angular resolution observations

    Factores de riesgo cardiovascular: el nivel de colesterol en sangre en aterosclerosis

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    En este trabajo de fin de grado se revisan las fuentes bibliográficas científicas de las últimas dos décadas sobre cómo influye el ejercicio físico en los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares. Se debate desde el punto de vista de las Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte los programas de ejercicio físico más adecuados para los factores de riesgo: hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus, tabaquismo y de forma más detenida el alto nivel de colesterol en sangre, relacionándolos con la ateroesclerosis y la cardiopatía isquémica. Además, se exponen los beneficios del ejercicio físico sobre estos factores de riesgo fundamentados mediante las rutas metabólicas de la obtención de energía.In this degree project we review the scientific bibliographic sources of the last two decades on how physical exercise influences cardiovascular risk factors. The most appropriate physical exercise programs to diminish risk factors are discussed from the point of view of the Physical Activity and Sports Sciences: hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking habit and more closely the high level of blood cholesterol, associating them with the atherosclerosis process and the ischemic heart disease. In addition, the benefits of physical exercise are exposed, based on the metabolic routes of obtaining energy.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Cooperative monocular-based SLAM for multi-UAV systems in GPS-denied environments

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    This work presents a cooperative monocular-based SLAM approach for multi-UAV systems that can operate in GPS-denied environments. The main contribution of the work is to show that, using visual information obtained from monocular cameras mounted onboard aerial vehicles flying in formation, the observability properties of the whole system are improved. This fact is especially notorious when compared with other related visual SLAM configurations. In order to improve the observability properties, some measurements of the relative distance between the UAVs are included in the system. These relative distances are also obtained from visual information. The proposed approach is theoretically validated by means of a nonlinear observability analysis. Furthermore, an extensive set of computer simulations is presented in order to validate the proposed approach. The numerical simulation results show that the proposed system is able to provide a good position and orientation estimation of the aerial vehicles flying in formation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Passive Safety of Children Carriages on Busses

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    The safe mobility of young children traveling with carriages in public transportation vehicles is a problem that has not yet been satisfactorily resolved. The lack of national and international standards in this area in the past led to the development of a research developed jointly by the Universitat Politécnica Valencia and the Universidad Politécnica Madrid (Spain). This book chapter shows the results of a research program developed to evaluate the dynamic behavior of occupied children carriages (ChC) during typical driving maneuvering—sudden braking, acceleration and cornering—and in case of low-g accidents reproducing frontal impacts resembling real traffic events (deceleration 2 g, ΔV 20 km/h). In the dynamic trials, three ChC-restraint prototypes and a typical wheelchair (WhCh) back-restraint system combined with two representatives of up-to-date ChC models in misuse and correct use configurations were tested. The results demonstrated the need for preventing children injuries as a consequence of low-g accidents.A Code of Good Practice was proposed jointly with the use of a new ChC-restraint system considering R 107–06 series of amendments. The new design improves the latest revision of regulation R107 regarding the use of back-restraint systems for the transport of WhCh and ChC passengers traveling on busses

    Social and non-social categorisation in investment decisions and learning

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    Funding: This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, with pre-doctoral FPU fellowship FPU14/07106 to MT, and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, with research projects PSI2014-52764-P and PSI2017-84926-P to JL. Participation of JAA was funded by the Action 7 of the Research Support Plan of the University of Jaén.Categorical processes allow us to make sense of the environment effortlessly by grouping stimuli sharing relevant features. Although these processes occur in both social and non-social contexts, motivational, affective and epistemic factors specific to the social world may motivate individuation over categorisation of social compared to non-social stimuli. In one experiment, we tested this hypothesis by analysing the reliance on categorical versus individuating information when making investment decisions about social and non-social targets. In an adaptation of the iterative trust game, participants from three experimental groups had to predict the economic outcomes associated with either humans (i.e., social stimuli), artificial races (i.e., social-like stimuli), or artworks (i.e., non-social stimuli) to earn economic rewards. We observed that investment decisions with humans were initially biased by categorical information in the form of gender stereotypes, but later improved through an individuating learning approach. In contrast, decisions made with non-social stimuli were initially unbiased by categorical information, but the category-outcomes associations learned through repeated interactions were quickly used to categorise new targets. These results are discussed along with motivational and perceptual mechanisms involved in investment decisions and learning about social and non-social agents.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    La existencia de Heidegger y el mar de Antonio Machado

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    The article seeks to unravel the meaning of one of the symbols of Antonio Machado, the sea. Firstly, the most obvious meanings of the symbol have been identified in order to later analyze the word’s occurrence, where the meaning is more difficult to discern. The conclusion reached is that the central value of the word is existence.El artículo pretende desentrañar el significado de uno de los símbolos de Antonio Machado, el del mar. Se han delimitado primero los significados más evidentes del símbolo para después abordar el análisis de las apariciones de la palabra en las que el significado presenta más dificultades. Se llega a la conclusión de que el valor central de la palabra es el de existencia

    FPGA-Based Wireless Sensor Node Architecture for High Performance Applications

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    While for years traditional wireless sensor nodes have been based on ultra-low power microcontrollers with sufficient but limited computing power, the complexity and number of tasks of today’s applications are constantly increasing. Increasing the node duty cycle is not feasible in all cases, so in many cases more computing power is required. This extra computing power may be achieved by either more powerful microcontrollers, though more power consumption or, in general, any solution capable of accelerating task execution. At this point, the use of hardware based, and in particular FPGA solutions, might appear as a candidate technology, since though power use is higher compared with lower power devices, execution time is reduced, so energy could be reduced overall. In order to demonstrate this, an innovative WSN node architecture is proposed. This architecture is based on a high performance high capacity state-of-the-art FPGA, which combines the advantages of the intrinsic acceleration provided by the parallelism of hardware devices, the use of partial reconfiguration capabilities, as well as a careful power-aware management system, to show that energy savings for certain higher-end applications can be achieved. Finally, comprehensive tests have been done to validate the platform in terms of performance and power consumption, to proof that better energy efficiency compared to processor based solutions can be achieved, for instance, when encryption is imposed by the application requirements

    Wireless Sensor Network Application for Environmental Impact Analysis and Control

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    Traditional Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) applications take advantage of the new low cost low power consuming integrated sensors that appear with the evolution of Micro Electromechanical Systems (MEMS). This kind of sensors is suitable for WSNs, due to the reduced size, their interfaces and their low power consumption. However, during the last years, WSNs have found new niches of application where such sensors are not usable, due to the nature of the parameter to be measured. In these scenarios, new approaches must be taken in order to satisfy the requirements. But new problems appear, like cost and size increase. In this paper, an application where parameters like gas concentration, conductivity or pH have to be measured in a coffee factory is presented. The drawbacks of such a solution are highlighted, and the solution in the field of the wireless sensor networks adopted is detailed

    Project based learning in Biomedical Data Science using the MIMIC III open dataset

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    [EN] The subjects Health Information Systems and Telemedicine and Data Quality and Interoperability of the Degree and Master in Biomedical Engineering of the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, address learning outcomes related to managing and processing biomedical databases, using health information standards for data capture and exchange, data quality assessment, and developing machine-learning models from these data. These learning outcomes cover a large range of distinct activities in the biomedical data life-cycle, what may hinder the learning process in the limited time assigned for the subject. We propose a project based learning approach addressing the full life-cycle of biomedical data on the MIMIC-III (Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III) Open Dataset, a freely accessible database comprising information relating to patients admitted to critical care units. By means of this active learning approach, students can achieve all the learning outcomes of the subject in an integrated manner: understanding the MIMIC-III data model, using health information standards such as International Classification of Diseases 9th Edition (ICD-9), mapping to interoperability standards, querying data, creating data tables and addressing data quality towards applying reliable statistical and machine learning analysis and, developing predictive models for several tasks such as predicting in-hospital mortality. MIMIC-III is widely used in the academia and science, with a large amount of publicly available resources and scientific articles to support the students learning. Additionally, the students will gain new competences in the use of Open Data and Research Ethics and Compliance Training.Alcalá, L.; García Gómez, JM.; Sáez Silvestre, C. (2021). Project based learning in Biomedical Data Science using the MIMIC III open dataset. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 203-212. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11890OCS20321
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