689 research outputs found

    On Separatrices of foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 with a unique singular point

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    We show that holomorphic foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 with a unique singularity, either nilpotent or saddle-node, have two analytic, non-algebraic, separatrices through it. We also show that two foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 of degree dd with a unique saddle-node singularity are (locally) formally conjugated. We give some examples of foliations on CP2\mathbb{CP}^2 with a unique singularity and with a rational first integral, and study different families of foliations in low degree.Comment: 19 page

    Decentralized 3D Collision Avoidance for Multiple UAVs in Outdoor Environments

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    The use of multiple aerial vehicles for autonomous missions is turning into commonplace. In many of these applications, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have to cooperate and navigate in a shared airspace, becoming 3D collision avoidance a relevant issue. Outdoor scenarios impose additional challenges: (i) accurate positioning systems are costly; (ii) communication can be unreliable or delayed; and (iii) external conditions like wind gusts affect UAVs’ maneuverability. In this paper, we present 3D-SWAP, a decentralized algorithm for 3D collision avoidance with multiple UAVs. 3D-SWAP operates reactively without high computational requirements and allows UAVs to integrate measurements from their local sensors with positions of other teammates within communication range. We tested 3D-SWAP with our team of custom-designed UAVs. First, we used a Software-In-The-Loop simulator for system integration and evaluation. Second, we run field experiments with up to three UAVs in an outdoor scenario with uncontrolled conditions (i.e., noisy positioning systems, wind gusts, etc). We report our results and our procedures for this field experimentation.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme No 731667 (MULTIDRONE

    Embarazo adolescente: A propósito de un caso

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    Magnetic micro-macro biocatalysts applied to industrial bioprocesses

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    The use of magnetic biocatalysts is highly beneficial in bioprocesses technology, as it allows their easy recovering and enhances biocatalyst lifetime. Thus, it simplifies operational processing and increases efficiency, leading to more cost-effective processes. The use of small-size matrices as carriers for enzyme immobilization enables to maximize surface area and catalysts loading, also reducing diffusion limitations. As highly expensive nanoparticles (nm size) usually aggregate, their application at large scale is not recommended. In contrast, the use of magnetic micro-macro (µm-mm size) matrices leads to more homogeneous biocatalysts with null or very low aggregation, which facilitates an easy handling and recovery. The present review aims to highlight recent trends in the application of medium-to-high size magnetic biocatalysts in different areas (biodiesel production, food and pharma industries, protein purification or removal of environmental contaminants). The advantages and disadvantages of these above-mentioned magnetic biocatalysts in bioproces

    TrkB signaling is required for postnatal survival of CNS neurons and protects hippocampal and motor neurons from axotomy-induced cell death

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    Newborn mice carrying targeted mutations in genes encoding neurotrophins or their signaling Trk receptors display severe neuronal deficits in the peripheral nervous system but not in the CNS. In this study, we show that trkB (¿/¿) mice have a significant increase in apoptotic cell death in different regions of the brain during early postnatal life. The most affected region in the brain is the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, although elevated levels of pyknotic nuclei were also detected in cortical layers II and III and V and VI, the striatum, and the thalamus. Furthermore, axotomized hippocampal and motor neurons of trkB (¿/¿) mice have significantly lower survival rates than those of wild-type littermates. These results suggest that neurotrophin signaling through TrkB receptors plays a role in the survival of CNS neurons during postnatal development. Moreover, they indicate that TrkB receptor signaling protects subpopulations of CNS neurons from injury- and axotomy-induced cell death

    Valores que presentan los profesores de Educación Primaria de la Institución Educativa Mundo Kids School de San Juan de Lurigancho - Lima - Perú 2017

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    Tesis para optar el título de Licenciado en EducaciónLa presente tesis tiene como objetivo determinar los tipos de valores que predominan en los profesores de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa “Mundo Kids School” del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho. Se elige este tema porque la educación siempre ha sido en valores, además somos testigos y protagonistas de hechos, situaciones que reafirma la necesidad de tratar el tema importante y esencial en el desarrollo pleno y armónico de la persona. En cada profesor existe una tarea a veces clara y a veces implícita que va en lo profundo en el quehacer de la misión dentro del aula, ésta es impulsar a desarrollar todo aquello que se relaciones con la misma, que es humanizar y socializar y que se extiende a los niños, la comunidad y a los profesores. Se decide trabajar con los maestros, ellos son la esencia en la educación para el desarrollo integral con los estudiantes, no solo porque transmiten conocimientos, si no también valores y actitudes.Tesí

    Prolonged Grief Related to COVID-19 Deaths: Do We Have to Fear a Steep Rise in Traumatic and Disenfranchised Griefs?

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    The circumstances of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-related deaths embed multiple traumatic characteristics, alongside several external factors that can disenfranchise individual grief. In this context, severe forms of traumatic distress, guilt, somatization, regret, anger, and unspecific symptoms not yet included in prolonged grief disorder (PGD) criteria could emerge. This article (a) analyzes factors related to bereavement in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; (b) proposes avenues for meaning-making practices to facilitate individual and collective mourning process; and (c) invites clinicians to pay attention to the traumatic characteristics of COVID-19-related deaths adopting a holistic approach of PGD clinical manifestations, as well as in evaluation and treatment of cases

    Motivational Influences on Health, Well-Being, and Lifestyle: Validation of the Spanish Version of the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire in Four Health Domains

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    Background: Motivation is a central concept in self-determination theory (SDT). The Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ), which assesses motivation (autonomous, controlled, etc.), has been widely used. However, less is known about its applicability to samples such as college students, who may be at risk of having unhealthy behavior in many areas (including smoking, poor dietary habits, alcohol, or tobacco consumption). As this population is transitioning to adulthood, research is needed to understand motivation and changing health patterns. In addition, the lack of instruments for this population in Spain has made the measurement validation process a priority. The purpose of this psychometric study was to adapt the TSRQ to Spanish college students and to examine its structural and validity across four health domains. Methods: Two samples of Spanish college students (n = 347 and n = 244) agreed to participate in the study. Participants completed a booklet containing measures of motivation, well-being, general health, anxiety, depression, and lifestyle. Results: CFA supported a five-dimensional structure in each domain. Reliability values were also adequate for each questionnaire. Regarding other sources of validity, statistically significant relationships between self-determination, health, and well-being were clearly confirmed, and autonomy was a significant predictor of lifestyle. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the TSRQ showed adequate psychometric properties (dimensionality and internal structure, reliability, and validity evidence regarding its relationships with other constructs) in college students. The Spanish TSRQ will provide future research aimed to understand the motivational role in college students’ health behavior and well-being

    One or Multiple Complicated Grief(s)? The Role of Kinship on Grief Reactions

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    Previous research has paid little attention to the role of kinship in understanding the specific profiles of complicated grief (CG) reactions. To address this underinvestigated topic, the Inventory of Complicated Grief was used in five groups of bereaved participants (N = 1,105) that differed in their family relationship with the deceased (child, spouse/romantic partner, sibling, parent, and grandparent). Results identified kinship relationship as the variable that predicted the highest amount of variance in the intensity of CG (standardized β = –.55), above other predictors such as gender, time since loss, or circumstances of death. More important, distinct profiles of CG reactions were found depending on kinship. These results highlight kinship as a major predictor of CG and open a new line of research that serves to clarify the role of kinship along with other risk factors

    Controladores PI con acción de reset

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    El control automàtic exerceix un paper important en molts processos de la industria. Cada un dels sistemes de control requereix d'un controlador, la majoria dels quals són del tipus PI. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte es investigar tècniques que permetin superar les limitacions que tenen els controladors PI lineals. En la resposta d'un sistema de control es poden distingir dues tasques diferents: El seguiment a un canvi d'entrada o consigna correspon a la tasca de servo, mentre que el rebuig a pertorbacions correspon a la tasca de regulatori. Al típic esquema de control realimentat, aquestes dues tasques estan enfrontades, és a dir, una millora a la tasca de servo implica un empitjorament a la tasca de regulatori i a l'inversa. Això suposa un problema al rendiment del sistema, així com la necessitat d'establir un cert compromís entre les dues tasques. El que es pretén en aquest projecte es implementar senzilles regles de control no lineal amb la finalitat de millorar el rendiment del sistema i evitar la necessitat d'establir un compromís entre les dues tasques. Així, es pretén superar les limitacions que aquest té, obtenint controladors PI alternatius fàcilment sintetitzables.El control automático desempeña un papel importante en muchos procesos de la industria. Cada uno de los sistemas de control requiere de un controlador, la mayoría de los cuales son de tipo PI. El objetivo de este proyecto es investigar técnicas que permitan superar las limitaciones que tienen los controladores PI lineales. En la respuesta de un sistema de control se pueden distinguir dos tareas diferentes: El seguimiento a un cambio de entrada o consigna corresponde a la tarea de servo, mientras que el rechazo a perturbaciones corresponde a la tarea de regulatorio. En el típico esquema de control realimentado, estas dos tareas están enfrentadas, es decir, una mejora en la tarea de servo implica un empeoramiento en la tarea de regulatorio y a la inversa. Ello supone un problema en el rendimiento del sistema, así como la necesidad de establecer un cierto compromiso entre las dos tareas. Lo que se pretende en este proyecto es implementar sencillas reglas de control no lineal con la finalidad de mejorar el rendimiento del sistema y evitar la necesidad de establecer un compromiso entre las dos tareas. Así, se pretende superar las limitaciones que éste tiene, obteniendo controladores PI alternativos fácilmente sintetizables.Automatic control plays an important role in many industrial processes. Each of control systems require a controller most of which are PI. The purpose of this project is to investigate techniques to overcome the limitations of linear PI controllers. In the response of a control system it can be differentiated two different tasks : the tracking of the reference signal is up to the task of servo, while the rejecting of the disturbances corresponds to the regulatory task. In the typical feedback control scheme, these two tasks are conflicting, that is to say, an improvement in the servo task involves a deterioration in the work of regulatory and inversely. That is a problem in system performance and the need to establish a compromise between the two tasks. The aim of this project is to implement simple rules of nonlinear control in order to improve system performance and avoid the need for a compromise between the two tasks. It seeks to overcome the limitations that it has. obtaining easily synthesized alternative PI controllers