1,834 research outputs found

    Do European Stock Markets Affect Latin American Stock Markets?

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    In this study, we examine the response of Latin American stock markets to movements in European stock markets using VAR models. Our results vary depending on the openness of the country in terms of international trade. We find evidence that Latin American stock markets are responsive to changes in the stock market from Spain. Additionally, during the second and third subperiods, Spain has much stronger ties with Brazil, and this might explain why Brazil responds more to the shocks originating from Spain than from France. In conclusion, this study uncovers two important findings. First, Spain influences Latin American markets but these responses are not homogeneous across markets. Second, the influence of Spain has different magnitude in the three subperiods.Emerging Markets, Latin America, Stock Markets Interdependence, VAR

    Analysis of constructed wetland performance for irrigation reuse

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    Most of the wastewater treatment systems in small rural communities of the Cova da Beira region (Portugal) consist of constructed wetlands (CW) with horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF). It is believed that those systems allow the compliance of discharge standards as well as the production of final effluents with suitability for reuse. Results obtained in a nine-month campaign in an HSSF bed pointed out that COD and TSS removal were lower than expected. A discrete sampling also showed that removal of TC, FC and HE was not enough to fulfill international irrigation goals. However, the bed had a very good response to variation of incoming nitrogen loads presenting high removal of nitrogen forms. A good correlation between mass load and mass removal rate was observed for BOD5, COD, TN, NH4-N, TP and TSS, which shows a satisfactory response of the bed to the variable incoming loads. The entrance of excessive loads of organic matter and solids contributed for the decrease of the effective volume for pollutant uptake and therefore, may have negatively influenced the treatment capability. Primary treatment should be improved in order to decrease the variation of incoming organic and solid loads and to improve the removal of COD, solids and pathogenic. The final effluent presented good physical–chemical quality to be reused for irrigation, which is the most likely application in the area

    Investigations of nitrogen removal pathways in a biological packed bed reactor using elementary mass balances

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    Nitrogen cycle involves a complex set of potential biochemical pathways with reactions catalyzed by different microorganisms. Elementary mass balances for COD, DO, NH4-N and alkalinity were conducted and stoichiometric relationships were investigated to explain possible pathways of the nitrogen removal mechanisms in a lab-scale submerged down flow biological packed bed (BPB) reactor. Four sets of experiments were performed by modifying the organic loading and C/N ratio in comparison with steady-state conditions. Approximately 90% of COD and NH4-N removal occurred in two upper sections occupying 1/5 of the reactor height. The elementary mass balances could not explain all the experimental results with respect to nitrogen removal and oxygen consumption by known mechanisms. The mass balance calculations, excluding the possibility of nitrification, were in general in accordance with the observations indicating no or minimal NO3-N production. The theoretical stoichiometric requirements for nitrification reaction were satisfied in 6 experiments and in another 8 experiments nitrification may have occurred, but stoichiometry was not satisfied. Using C/N ratio as the variable, only at C/N ratio = 10, the predictions confirmed the possibility of nitrification in the same 3 (out of 4) assays as observed in practice. The results of this study reveal that the nitrogen transformations occurring in the studied reactor are complex and cannot be explained by simple mechanisms of microbial assimilation and nitrificatio

    Impact of aeration conditions on the removal of low concentrations of nitrogen in a tertiary partially aerated biological filter

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    A submerged biological aerated filter (BAF) partially aerated was used to study the removal of low concentrations of ammonia nitrogen (0.3 g N/m3 to 30.5 g N/m3) typically found in nutrient enriched river and lake waters, and treated effluents. Four series of experiments were performed with a synthetic wastewater at ammonia loading rates between 6 g N/m3 d and 903 g N/m3 d and C/N ratios from 2 to 20. The results showed that ammonia removal rates reached higher values (172 g N/m3 d to 564 g N/m3 d) for C/N = 2 and lower values (13.6 g N/m3 d to 34.6 g N/m3 d) for C/N = 20. Between 50% and 70% of the ammonia was removed in the upper section of the BAF, where the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration was over 2.1 g O2/m3 and the biofilm depth ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 mm. At the bottom section of the reactor, simultaneous removal of ammonia and nitrate was observed at the DO concentrations in the range 0.4 g O2/m3 to 0.8 g O2/m3. There was no removal of ammonia nitrogen for loads below 15 g N/m3.d. The results indicate that the removal of nitrogen in partially aerated BAF may not only be explained by the conventional mechanisms of nitrification/denitrification

    Effect of aeration on steady-state conditions in non- and partially aerated low-loaded biofilter

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    Excessive growth of biomass and retention of solids associated with air bubbles lead to bed clogging, which affects the biofilters' performance. Two experiments were carried out in a submerged biofilter at the flow velocity of 0.5 m h(-1), for an organic loading rate of 51 g C m(-3) h(-1) and a nitrogen loading rate of 13 g NH4-N m(-3) h(-1), one with the biofilter not aerated, the other with the biofilter partially aerated. The results showed that the higher head losses occurred in the upper section of the biofilter, where there was a greater biomass development and a higher removal of organic carbon, ammonia and solids, with the maximum allowed head loss being reached in 16 and 8 days. In any case, the steady-state conditions were achieved after 2 days and were interrupted on the tenth day of experiment E1 and on the fifth day of experiment E2. This allowed defining different operating cycles that enabled an average organic removal rate of 12.7 g C m(-3) h(-1) (27 %) and an average ammonia removal rate of 1.1 g NH4-N m(-3) h(-1) (9 %) without aeration, and of 35.8 g C m(-3) h(-1) (76 %) and 6.3 g NH4-N m(-3) h(-1) (51 %) with aeration. Regardless of the aeration conditions, more than 90 % of TOC and NH4-N removal occurred in the upper section. After the backwashing cycle, the biofilter returned to steady-state conditions in 6 h (without aeration) and 7 h (with aeration)

    Acanthosis nigricans as a clinical marker of insulin resistance among overweight adolescents

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    © 2019 Annals of Pediatric Endocrinology & Metabolism. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Purpose: Acanthosis nigricans (AN) is a hyperpigmented dermatosis associated with obesity and insulin resistance (IR). There is no consensus whether AN extension scoring offers added value to the clinical estimation of IR. In this study we aimed to assess and score AN using both a short and an extended version of the scale proposed by Burke et al. and analyze the relationships of both versions with hyperinsulinemia and IR. Methods: We analyzed data from 139 overweight adolescents (body mass index ≥85th percentile) aged 12–18 with (n=67) or without (n=72) AN who were followed at a pediatric obesity clinic. Results: Adolescents with AN had higher levels of insulin (d=0.56, P=0.003) and HOMA-IR (d=0.55, P=0.003) compared to those without. Neither the short nor the extended versions of AN scores explained either hyperinsulinemia (β=1.10, P=0.316; β=1.15, P=0.251) or IR (β=1.07, P=0.422; β=1.10, P=0.374). The presence of AN alone predicted hyperinsulinemia and the presence of IR in 7.3% (β=2.68, P=0.008) and 7.1% (β=2.59, P=0.009) of adolescents, respectively. Conclusion: Screening for AN at the neck and axilla is a noninvasive and cost-effective way to identify asymptomatic overweight adolescents with or at risk of developing IR.AVS is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/130193/2017).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contribuição para o estudo da remoção de residuais de carbono em filtros biológicos de leito imerso e fluxo descendente

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    Os sistemas de tratamento biológicos convencionais não removem a totalidade dos constituintes presentes nas águas residuais domésticas, sendo frequente a presença nos seus efluentes de residuais (e.g. matéria orgânica solúvel, biodegradável ou refractária, produtos resultantes da actividade microbiológica e compostos inorgânicos solúveis) que podem causar impactes ambientais significativos nas massas hídricas e no solo, nomeadamente nos seus potenciais usos. Quando o meio receptor é sensível à descarga destes constituintes remanescentes ou, a jusante é utilizado para determinados usos, é necessário efectuar a sua remoção, podendo ser utilizados sistemas de tratamento avançados ou de afinação como é o caso dos filtros biológicos de leito imerso. Apesar de existirem vários estudos sobre a aplicabilidade destes sistemas na eliminação de nutrientes, a sua utilização para a remoção de residuais de carbono não tem sido, contudo, avaliada. Nestes termos, o objectivo principal deste trabalho centrou-se no estudo da biodegradação de residuais de carbono, comuns em efluentes de tratamento secundário de águas residuais urbanas e água bruta de origem superficial, através da utilização de um filtro biológico de leito imerso, tendo, complementarmente, sido estudada a remoção de azoto (amónio e formas oxidadas de azoto). Realizaram-se ensaios complementares para o estudo das condições hidrodinâmicas no filtro e ensaios para avaliar as condições básicas de operação, tendo em atenção a estabilidade do processo e a evolução da perda de carga no leito ao longo do tempo. Nos ensaios de biodegradação foram utilizados substratos simples (acetato) e complexos (água residual doméstica e água de origem superficial), tendo-se testado diferentes condições de carga (carga orgânica aplicada e razão C/NH4+-N) e de operação (arejamento, ciclo de lavagem e número de passagens pelo leito). Os resultados permitiram concluir, para a gama de cargas orgânicas (5,2 g C m-3 h-1 a 77,3 g C m-3 h-1) e de azoto amoniacal (0,2 g NH4+-N m-3 h-1 e 38,7 g NH4+-N m-3 h-1) aplicadas, que o filtro utilizado permitia obter remoção carbonada, nitrificação e desnitrificação, a taxas de eliminação satisfatórias. Não se observou, contudo, remoção de qualquer dos compostos para cargas inferiores a 5,2 g C m-3 h-1 e 1,5 g NH4+-N m-3 h-1. A remoção mais importante, quer de carbono, quer de azoto amoniacal, foi observada no intervalo de cargas orgânicas médias entre 25,7 g C m-3 h-1 e 77,3 g C m-3 h-1, em particular na parte superior do leito (8,0 cm iniciais) onde ocorreu forte dispersão, o oxigénio dissolvido apresentou as concentrações mais elevadas, foram observadas maiores produções de biomassa e uma camada de biofilme mais densa. A adopção de uma segunda passagem pelo leito contribuiu para o aumento da remoção de ambos os compostos, apenas para cargas orgânicas médias superiores a 25,7 g C m-3 h-1. Os resultados permitiram, ainda, constatar que a remoção de formas oxidadas de azoto, essencialmente constituídas por nitratos, independentemente do tipo de substrato e das condições de carga e de operação utilizadas, ocorreu, principalmente, por desnitrificação. Nestes termos, a utilização de filtros biológicos de leito imerso para a remoção de residuais de carbono, poderá constituir alternativa económica e tecnicamente vantajosa tendo em vista, quer a redução de impactes ambientais de descargas em meios hídricos e no solo, quer a produção de efluentes com potencial de reutilização, podendo, complementarmente, ser obtida a remoção de azoto
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