61 research outputs found

    Сompetence-Oriented Control in Modern Linguistic and Educational Context

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    The problem of competence-oriented control in modern linguistic and educational context is considered. Special attention is paid to the competence approach as a conceptual one in updating of educational content. The projection of control oriented on the identification of level of formation of competences is proposed. The research relevance is determined by necessity of reforming the system of control of competences formation level planned for development. It is noted that the update of types, forms and methods of control should be linked with a reconsideration of its functions, revaluation and changing its status in the system of professional education.Рассматривается вопрос компетентностно-ориентированного контроля в современном лингвообразовательном контексте. Особое внимание уделяется компетентностному подходу как концептуальному в обновлении содержания образования. Предлагается проекция контроля, ориентированного на выявление уровня сформированности компетенций. Актуальность исследования обусловлена потребностью реформирования системы контроля уровня сформированности у студентов компетенций, планируемых к освоению

    The technology of independent work of students in teaching a foreign language

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    The experience of using the technology of individualized independent work of students of non-linguistic universities is described. The authors substantiated the importance of students' independent work for the formation of language communication skills, methods of independent mastering of new scientific information, skills of a systematic increase in their knowledge and skills as a condition for self-organization in professional activity. The following types and forms of such independent work tested in the educational process are disclosed: extracurricular reading, preparation of an oral presentation about future professional activities, various types of programmed training; blended learning techniques that take advantage of traditional and technological approaches through their effective integration. The article also reflects the description of the textbook developed by the authors to help students in the independent mastering of grammatical material, in the formation of methods of cognitive research activities in the context of modern computerization of education.Описан опыт применения технологии индивидуализированной самостоятельной работы студентов неязыковых вузов. Обосновано значение самостоятельной работы студентов для формирования навыков языковой коммуникации, приемов самостоятельного освоения новой научной информации, навыков систематического увеличения собственных знаний и умений как условия самоорганизации в профессиональной деятельности. Раскрыты апробированные в учебном процессе виды и формы самостоятельной работы, позволяющие использовать преимущества традиционного и технологического подходов посредством их эффективной интеграции. Описано учебное пособие, разработанное авторами в помощь студентам для самостоятельного освоения грамматического материала, формирования приемов познавательной научно-исследовательской деятельности в условиях современной компьютеризации обучения

    Probability for Primordial Black Holes Pair in 1/R Gravity

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    The probability for quantum creation of an inflationary universe with a pair of black holes in 1/R - gravitational theory has been studied. Considering a gravitational action which includes a cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda) in addition to δR1 \delta R^{- 1} term, the probability has been evaluated in a semiclassical approximation with Hartle-Hawking boundary condition. We obtain instanton solutions determined by the parameters δ\delta and Λ\Lambda satisfying the constraint δ4Λ23 \delta \leq \frac{4 \Lambda^{2}}{3}. However, we note that two different classes of instanton solutions exists in the region 0<δ<4Λ230 < \delta < \frac{4 \Lambda^{2}}{3}. The probabilities of creation of such configurations are evaluated. It is found that the probability of creation of a universe with a pair of black holes is strongly suppressed with a positive cosmological constant except in one case when 0<δ<Λ20 < \delta < \Lambda^{2}. It is also found that gravitational instanton solution is permitted even with Λ=0\Lambda = 0 but one has to consider δ<0\delta < 0. However, in the later case a universe with a pair of black holes is less probable.Comment: 15 pages, no figure. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    National plans and awareness campaigns as priorities for achieving global brain health

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    Neurological conditions are the leading cause of death and disability combined. This public health crisis has become a global priority with the introduction of WHO's Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders 2022–2031 (IGAP). 18 months after this plan was adopted, global neurology stakeholders, including representatives of the OneNeurology Partnership (a consortium uniting global neurology organisations), take stock and advocate for urgent acceleration of IGAP implementation. Drawing on lessons from relevant global health contexts, this Health Policy identifies two priority IGAP targets to expedite national delivery of the entire 10-year plan: namely, to update national policies and plans, and to create awareness campaigns and advocacy programmes for neurological conditions and brain health. To ensure rapid attainment of the identified priority targets, six strategic drivers are proposed: universal community awareness, integrated neurology approaches, intersectoral governance, regionally coordinated IGAP domestication, lived experience-informed policy making, and neurological mainstreaming (advocating to embed brain health into broader policy agendas). Contextualised with globally emerging IGAP-directed efforts and key considerations for intersectoral policy design, this novel framework provides actionable recommendations for policy makers and IGAP implementation partners. Timely, synergistic pursuit of the six drivers might aid WHO member states in cultivating public awareness and policy structures required for successful intersectoral roll-out of IGAP by 2031, paving the way towards brain health for all.</p

    National plans and awareness campaigns as priorities for achieving global brain health

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    Neurological conditions are the leading cause of death and disability combined. This public health crisis has become a global priority with the introduction of WHO's Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders 2022–2031 (IGAP). 18 months after this plan was adopted, global neurology stakeholders, including representatives of the OneNeurology Partnership (a consortium uniting global neurology organisations), take stock and advocate for urgent acceleration of IGAP implementation. Drawing on lessons from relevant global health contexts, this Health Policy identifies two priority IGAP targets to expedite national delivery of the entire 10-year plan: namely, to update national policies and plans, and to create awareness campaigns and advocacy programmes for neurological conditions and brain health. To ensure rapid attainment of the identified priority targets, six strategic drivers are proposed: universal community awareness, integrated neurology approaches, intersectoral governance, regionally coordinated IGAP domestication, lived experience-informed policy making, and neurological mainstreaming (advocating to embed brain health into broader policy agendas). Contextualised with globally emerging IGAP-directed efforts and key considerations for intersectoral policy design, this novel framework provides actionable recommendations for policy makers and IGAP implementation partners. Timely, synergistic pursuit of the six drivers might aid WHO member states in cultivating public awareness and policy structures required for successful intersectoral roll-out of IGAP by 2031, paving the way towards brain health for all.</p

    The European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights, update and implementation 2016

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    In this implementation phase of the European Cancer Patient’s Bill of Rights (BoR), we confirm the following three patient-centred principles that underpin this initiative: 1: The right of every European citizen to receive the most accurate information and to be proactively involved in his/her care. 2: The right of every European citizen to optimal and timely access to a diagnosis and to appropriate specialised care, underpinned by research and innovation. 3: The right of every European citizen to receive care in health systems that ensure the best possible cancer prevention, the earliest possible diagnosis of their cancer, improved outcomes, patient rehabilitation, best quality of life and affordable health care. The key aspects of working towards implementing the BoR are: - Agree our high-level goal. The vision of 70% long-term survival for patients with cancer in 2035, promoting cancer prevention and cancer control and the associated progress in ensuring good patient experience and quality of life. - Establish the major mechanisms to underpin its delivery. (1) The systematic and rigorous sharing of best practice between and across European cancer healthcare systems and (2) the active promotion of Research and Innovation focused on improving outcomes; (3) Improving access to new and established cancer care by sharing best practice in the development, approval, procurement and reimbursement of cancer diagnostic tests and treatments. - Work with other organisations to bring into being a Europe based centre that will (1) systematically identify, evaluate and validate and disseminate best practice in cancer management for the different countries and regions and (2) promote Research and Innovation and its translation to maximise its impact to improve outcomes

    Inequalities in medicine use in Central Eastern Europe: an empirical investigation of socioeconomic determinants in eight countries

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