15,309 research outputs found

    Solutions to Cosmological Problems with Energy Conservation and Varying c, G and Lambda

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    The flatness and cosmological constant problems are solved with varying speed of light c, gravitational coupling strength G and cosmological parameter Lambda, by explicitly assuming energy conservation of observed matter. The present solution to the flatness problem is the same as the previous solution in which energy conservation was absent.Comment: 5 pages, Replaced with LaTex file with minor change

    Analysis of tumor rates and incidences - A survey of concepts and methods

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    A wave function based ab initio non-equilibrium Green's function approach to charge transport

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    We present a novel ab initio non-equilibrium approach to calculate the current across a molecular junction. The method rests on a wave function based description of the central region of the junction combined with a tight binding approximation for the electrodes in the frame of the Keldysh Green's function formalism. In addition we present an extension so as to include effects of the two-particle propagator. Our procedure is demonstrated for a dithiolbenzene molecule between silver electrodes. The full current-voltage characteristic is calculated. Specific conclusions for the contribution of correlation and two-particle effects are derived. The latter are found to contribute about 5% to the current. The order of magnitude of the current coincides with experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Statistical mechanical description of liquid systems in electric field

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    We formulate the statistical mechanical description of liquid systems for both polarizable and polar systems in an electric field in the E\mathbf{E}-ensemble, which is the pendant to the thermodynamic description in terms of the free energy at constant potential. The contribution of the electric field to the configurational integral Q~N(E)\tilde{Q}_{N}(\mathbf{E}) in the E\mathbf{E}-ensemble is given in an exact form as a factor in the integrand of Q~N(E)\tilde{Q}_{N}(\mathbf{E}). We calculate the contribution of the electric field to the Ornstein-Zernike formula for the scattering function in the E\mathbf{E}-ensemble. As an application we determine the field induced shift of the critical temperature for polarizable and polar liquids, and show that the shift is upward for polarizable liquids and downward for polar liquids.Comment: 6 page

    Magnetism in Nb(1-y)Fe(2+y) - composition and magnetic field dependence

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    We present a systematic study of transport and thermodynamic properties of the Laves phase system Nb1y_{1-y}Fe2+y_{2+y}. Our measurements confirm that Fe-rich samples, as well as those rich in Nb (for y0.02\mid y\mid\geq 0.02), show bulk ferromagnetism at low temperature. For stoichiometric NbFe2_2, on the other hand, magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and magnetoresistance results point towards spin-density wave (SDW) order, possibly helical, with a small ordering wavevector Q0.05Q \sim 0.05 \AA1^{-1}. Our results suggest that on approaching the stoichiometric composition from the iron-rich side, ferromagnetism changes into long-wavelength SDW order. In this scenario, QQ changes continuously from 0 to small, finite values at a Lifshitz point in the phase diagram, which is located near y=+0.02y=+0.02. Further reducing the Fe content suppresses the SDW transition temperature, which extrapolates to zero at y0.015y\approx -0.015. Around this Fe content magnetic fluctuations dominate the temperature dependence of the resistivity and of the heat capacity which deviate from their conventional Fermi liquid forms, inferring the presence of a quantum critical point. Because the critical point is located between the SDW phase associated with stoichiometric NbFe2_2 and the ferromagnetic order which reemerges for very Nb-rich NbFe2_2, the observed temperature dependences could be attributed both to proximity to SDW order or to ferromagnetism.Comment: 13 pages, 20 figure

    Negative vacuum energy densities and the causal diamond measure

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    Arguably a major success of the landscape picture is the prediction of a small, non-zero vacuum energy density. The details of this prediction depends in part on how the diverging spacetime volume of the multiverse is regulated, a question that remains unresolved. One proposal, the causal diamond measure, has demonstrated many phenomenological successes, including predicting a distribution of positive vacuum energy densities in good agreement with observation. In the string landscape, however, the vacuum energy density is expected to take positive and negative values. We find the causal diamond measure gives a poor fit to observation in such a landscape -- in particular, 99.6% of observers in galaxies seemingly just like ours measure a vacuum energy density smaller than we do, most of them measuring it to be negative.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor error fixed (results essentially unchanged), reference added; v3: published version, includes a few clarification

    Antireflective nanotextures for monolithic perovskite silicon tandem solar cells

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    Recently, we studied the effect of hexagonal sinusoidal textures on the reflective properties of perovskite silicon tandem solar cells using the finite element method FEM . We saw that such nanotextures, applied to the perovskite top cell, can strongly increase the current density utilization from 91 for the optimized planar reference to 98 for the best nanotextured device period 500 nm and peak to valley height 500 nm , where 100 refers to the Tiedje Yablonovitch limit. [D. Chen et al., J. Photonics Energy 8, 022601, 2018 , doi 10.1117 1.JPE.8.022601] In this manuscript we elaborate on some numerical details of that work we validate an assumption based on the Tiedje Yablonovitch limit, we present a convergence study for simulations with the finite element method, and we compare different configurations for sinusoidal nanotexture

    The evolution of a network of cosmic string loops

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    We set up and analyse a model for the non-equilibrium evolution of a network of cosmic strings initially containing only loops and no infinite strings. Due to this particular initial condition, our analytical approach differs significantly from existing ones. We describe the average properties of the network in terms of the distribution function n(l,t) dl, the average number of loops per unit volume with physical length between l and l + dl at time t. The dynamical processes which change the length of loops are then estimated and an equation, which we call the `rate equation', is derived for (dn/dt). In a non-expanding universe, the loops should reach the equilibrium distribution predicted by string statistical mechanics. Analysis of the rate equation gives results consistent with this. We then study the rate equation in an expanding universe and suggest that three different final states are possible for the evolving loop network, each of which may well be realised for some initial conditions. If the initial energy density in loops in the radiation era is low, then the loops rapidly disappear. For large initial energy densities, we expect that either infinite strings are formed or that the loops tend towards a scaling solution in the radiation era and then rapidly disappear in the matter era. Such a scenario may be relevant given recent work highlighting the problems with structure formation from the standard cosmic string scenario.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages, 10 figures included as .eps file

    Quintessence, inflation and baryogenesis from a single pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson

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    We exhibit a model in which a single pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson explains dark energy, inflation and baryogenesis. The model predicts correlated signals in future collider experiments, WIMP searches, proton decay experiments, dark energy probes, and the PLANCK satellite CMB measurements.Comment: 16 pages, 3 color figure

    The power spectra of CMB and density fluctuations seeded by local cosmic strings

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    We compute the power spectra in the cosmic microwave background and cold dark matter (CDM) fluctuations seeded by strings, using the largest string simulations performed so far to evaluate the two-point functions of their stress energy tensor. We find that local strings differ from global defects in that the scalar components of the stress-energy tensor dominate over vector and tensor components. This result has far reaching consequences. We find that cosmic strings exhibit a single Doppler peak of acceptable height at high \ell. They also seem to have a less severe bias problem than global defects, although the CDM power spectrum in the ``standard'' cosmology (flat geometry, zero cosmological constant, 5% baryonic component) is the wrong shape to fit large scale structure data