1,351 research outputs found

    Blockage and flow studies of a generalized test apparatus including various wing configurations in the Langley 7-inch Mach 7 Pilot Tunnel

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    A 1/12th scale model of the Curved Surface Test Apparatus (CSTA), which will be used to study aerothermal loads and evaluate Thermal Protection Systems (TPS) on a fuselage-type configuration in the Langley 8-Foot High Temperature Structures Tunnel (8 ft HTST), was tested in the Langley 7-Inch Mach 7 Pilot Tunnel. The purpose of the tests was to study the overall flow characteristics and define an envelope for testing the CSTA in the 8 ft HTST. Wings were tested on the scaled CSTA model to select a wing configuration with the most favorable characteristics for conducting TPS evaluations for curved and intersecting surfaces. The results indicate that the CSTA and selected wing configuration can be tested at angles of attack up to 15.5 and 10.5 degrees, respectively. The base pressure for both models was at the expected low level for most test conditions. Results generally indicate that the CSTA and wing configuration will provide a useful test bed for aerothermal pads and thermal structural concept evaluation over a broad range of flow conditions in the 8 ft HTST

    A Portrait of Hadrian as Diomedes

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    "Both ancient and modern historians are quick to recognize in the Roman emperor Hadrian a man of exceptional talents and diverse interests. Hadrian's reign from A.D. 117 to 138 was a time of unrivalled peace and economic prosperity for the Roman Empire, in large part the result of the emperor's capable administrative leadership. More than 175 sculptural portraits of Hadrian in marble and bronze survive. The majority of these portraits fall into seven distinctive groups or "types," whose members share identical physical features and derive ultimately from a single model. During the last forty years an intense scholarly debate has arisen over whether an eighth portrait type of Hadrian should be added. This group of portraits deviates dramatically from traditional images of Hadrian in age, the arrangement of the beard, presentation, and function. To this controversial series belongs another example -- a bust in the Museum of Art and Archaeology at the University of Missouri, Columbia. The addition of the Columbia bust, as discussed below, provides possible solutions to the problems surrounding this enigmatic portrait type."--First paragraph.Includes bibliographical reference

    Extending precolourings of circular cliques

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    Let G be a graph with circular chromatic number Xe(G) = k/q. Given P ⊆ V (G) where the components of G [P] are isomorphic to the circular clique Gk,g suppose the vertices of P have been precoloured with a (k’,g’) - colouring. We examine under what conditions one can be assured the colouring extends to the entire graph. We stud y sufficient conditions based on k’/q’ − k/q as well as the distance between precoloured components of G[P]. In particular, we examine a conjecture of Albertson and West showing the conditions for extendibility are more complex than anticipated in their work

    Two unpublished Palmyrene funerary reliefs in North American museums

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    Deux plaques de loculus en calcaire provenant de Palmyre sont publiées ici pour la première fois : un buste d’homme représentant Nûr‹ateh, fils de Rabbî, maintenant exposé au Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, et un portrait de femme inscrit [..Ḥ/Ş] Y, fille de (Ḥ)abîbâ, trouvé dans la Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina (Saskatchewan). Tous deux sont entrés aux États-Unis par l’intermédiaire d’Edgar J. Banks, un archéologue et marchand d’antiquités du début du xxe s. La datation et les rapports de ces reliefs avec un plus large corpus d’images funéraires palmyréniennes sont étudiés ici.Two limestone loculus plaques from Palmyra are published here for the first time: a male bust, representing Nûr‹ateh, son of Rabbî, now in the Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, and a female of a woman inscribed [..Ḥ/Ş] Y, daughter of (Ḥ)abîbâ, found in the Mackenzie Art Gallery, Regina (Saskatchewan). Both came to North America through the actions of Edgar J. Banks, an early 20th cent. archaeologist and antiques dealer. The reliefs are analyzed in terms of their dating and their relationships with the larger corpus of Palmyrene funerary images.خلاصة - إن لوحتين من الحجر الكلسي لمعازب دفن آتية من تدمر تنشران هنا لأول مرة : تمثال نصفي لرجل يمثل نورعته، إبن رابي، معروض حالياً في متحف والترز للفن في بالتيمور، و تصوير لامرأة منقوش [.. ح/ص] ي، إبنة (ح)بيبة، عثر عليه في معرض ماكنزي للفن، ريجينا (ساسكاتشيوان). دخلت كلتا اللوحتان إلى الولايات المتحدة بواسطة إدغار ج. بانكس، عالم آثار و تاجر أثريات من بداية القرن العشرين. تمت هنا دراسة تاريخ و علاقات هذه المنحوتات النافرة مع مجموعة أوسع من الصور الجنائزية التدمرية

    Aerothermal tests of a 12.5 percent cone at Mach 6.7 for various Reynolds numbers, angles of attack and nose shapes

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    The effects of free-stream unit Reynolds number, angle of attack, and nose shape on the aerothermal environment of a 3-ft basediameter, 12.5 deg half-angle cone were investigated in the Langley 8-foot high temperature tunnel at Mach 6.7. The average total temperature was 3300 R, the freestream unit Reynolds number ranged from 400,000 to 1,400,000 per foot, and the angle of attack ranged from 0 deg to 10 deg. Three nose configurations were tested on the cone: a 3-in-radius tip, a 1-in-radius tip on an ogive frustum, and a sharp tip on an ogive frustum. Surface-pressure and cold-wall heating-rate distributions were obtained for laminar, transitional temperature in the shock layer were obtained. The location of the start of transition moved forward both on windward and leeward sides with increasing free-stream Reynolds numbers, increasing angle of attack, and decreasing nose bluntness

    The Effects of Solar Magnetic Activity on Electric Power Systems

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    Disturbances an large electric power transmission systems have been attributed to magnetic storms following solar flares. It can be shown that these magnetic disturbances are of the proper nature and magnitude to produce the documented effects on these electric systems. It is anticipated that these effects may become more serious with the greater and greater geographical spread of interconnected systems. More research and information on causal relationships is needed

    Payment by results and social impact bonds: Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US

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    All right reserved. As public services budgets are cut, the 'Payment by Results' (or Pay for Success) model has become a popular choice in public sector commissioning. Social Impact Bonds are a variant of Payment by Results also promoted by proponents of social (or impact) investing. But how effective are these approaches? This short book asks whether the Payment by Results model is an efficient way to unlock new capital investment, help new providers to enter the 'market' and foster innovation, or whether the extension of 'neoliberal' thinking, complexity and the effects of managerialism undermine the effective delivery of social outcomes. Synthesising lessons from the UK and US for the first time, the book draws on published work in both countries together with insights from the authors' own research and consultancy experience to offer a balanced and bipartisan overview of a field where the evidence has been weak and there are strong ideological agendas in play

    Genetic analyses in Lake Malawi cichlids identify new roles for Fgf signaling in scale shape variation

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    Elasmoid scales are the most common epithelial appendage among vertebrates, however an understanding of the genetic mechanisms that underlie variation in scale shape is lacking. Using an F2 mapping cross between morphologically distinct cichlid species, we identified \u3e40 QTL for scale shape at different body positions. We show that while certain regions of the genome regulate variation in multiple scales, most are specific to scales at distinct positions. This suggests a degree of regional modularity in scale development. We also identified a single QTL for variation in scale shape disparity across the body. Finally, we screened a QTL hotspot for candidate loci, and identified the Fgf receptor fgfr1b as a prime target. Quantitative rtPCR and small molecule manipulation support a role for Fgf signaling in shaping cichlid scales. While Fgfs have previously been implicated in scale loss, these data reveal new roles for the pathway in scale shape variation