130 research outputs found

    Expresión de factor tisular y niveles séricos de anticuerpos anti lipoproteína de baja densidad oxidada en el síndrome antifosfolípido primario

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    Descripció del recurs: 19 setembre 2002Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaVegeu arvresum1de1.pd

    Photodiodes based in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/single layer MoS2 hybrid vertical heterostructures

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    The fabrication of artificial materials by stacking of individual two-dimensional (2D) materials is amongst one of the most promising research avenues in the field of 2D materials. Moreover, this strategy to fabricate new man-made materials can be further extended by fabricating hybrid stacks between 2D materials and other functional materials with different dimensionality making the potential number of combinations almost infinite. Among all these possible combinations, mixing 2D materials with transition metal oxides can result especially useful because of the large amount of interesting physical phenomena displayed separately by these two material families. We present a hybrid device based on the stacking of a single layer MoS2 onto a lanthanum strontium manganite (La0.7Sr0.3MnO3) thin film, creating an atomically thin device. It shows a rectifying electrical transport with a ratio of 103, and a photovoltaic effect with Voc up to 0.4 V. The photodiode behaviour arises as a consequence of the different doping character of these two materials. This result paves the way towards combining the efforts of these two large materials science communities.Comment: 1 table, 4 figures (+9 supp. info. figures

    Survey on the management of Pompe disease in routine clinical practice in Spain

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    Antibodies; Diagnosis; Pompe diseaseAnticuerpos; Diagnóstico; Enfermedad de pompeAnticossos; Diagnòstic; Malaltia de pompeBackground Despite the availability of several clinical guidelines, not all health professionals use their recommendations to manage patients with Pompe disease, a rare genetic disorder involving high-impact therapy. Through several discussion meetings and a survey, the present study aimed to learn about the management of Pompe disease in routine clinical practice in Spain, to improve clinical care in a real-life situation. Results The survey was sent to 42 healthcare professionals who manage patients with Pompe disease in their clinical practice. Although most respondents followed the clinical guidelines, clinical practice differed from the expert recommendations in many cases. Approximately 7% did not request a genetic study to confirm the diagnosis before starting treatment, and 21% considered that only two dried blood spot determinations suffice to establish the diagnosis. About 76% requested anti-GAA antibodies when there is a suspicion of lack of treatment efficacy, though a significant percentage of respondents have never requested such antibodies. According to 31% of the respondents, significant impairment of motor function and/or respiratory insufficiency is a requirement for authorizing medication at their hospital. Up to 26% waited for improvements over the clinical follow-up to maintain treatment and withdrew it in the absence of improvement since they did not consider disease stabilization to be a satisfactory outcome. Conclusions The results highlight the lack of experience and/or knowledge of some professionals caring for patients with Pompe disease. It is necessary to develop and disseminate simple guidelines that help to apply the expert recommendations better or centralize patient follow-up in highly specialized centers.Sanofi has sponsored this project without participating in the article’s design, data analysis, or writing

    SEOM clinical guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of gastric cancer (GC) and gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (GEJA) (2019)

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    Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common cancer worldwide with a varied geographic distribution and an aggressive behavior. In Spain, it represents the sixth cause of cancer death. In Western countries, the incidence is decreasing slightly, with an increase in gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (GEJA), a different entity that we separate specifically in the guideline. Molecular biology advances have been done recently, but do not yet lead to the choice in treatment approach except in advanced disease with overexpression of HER2. Endoscopic resection in very early stage, perioperative chemotherapy in locally advanced tumors and preliminary immune therapy resulting in advanced disease are the main treatment innovations in the GC/GEJA treatment. We describe the different evidences and recommendations following the statements of the American College of Physicians

    Tuning intermolecular charge transfer in donor-acceptor two-dimensional crystals on metal surfaces

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    Organic charge transfer (CT) compounds display a wide range of exotic electronic properties (charge-density wave stabilization, Peierls transitions, etc.) depending on the amount of charge transferred from the donor (D) to the acceptor (A) species. A complete exploration of the complex electronic phase diagrams for such compounds would thus require methods to systematically tune the amount of charge exchanged in the CT process. This has proven however challenging in the past: chemical functionalization of the constituent molecules can also affect the packing of the molecular units in the crystal, whereas changing D:A stoichiometry is often not possible in the bulk. Interestingly, it was recently found that multiple stoichiometries can actually be achieved by codeposition of different amounts of D and A molecules on metal surfaces. The question, however, of whether CT processes between D and A molecules can be tuned with the D:A ratio in such mixtures has not yet been studied, and it is no trivial matter, since competing CT processes between the metal surface and the organic adsorbates might hinder interadsorbate charge transfer. Here we demonstrate that the CT process from the organic donor tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) to the acceptor tetracyanoquino-p-dimethane (TCNQ) can be tuned with exquisite accuracy (∼0.1 e) by controlling the stoichiometry of D:A cocrystals deposited on Ag(111). This control opens new avenues to explore the complex phase diagrams of organic CT compounds and to tailor their electronic properties.The authors acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (Grants FIS2012-33011, FIS2015-67367-C2-1-P, FIS2013-42002-R, FIS2016-77889-R, CTQ2013-43698-P, CTQ2016-76061-P), the regional government of Comunidad de Madrid (Grants S2009/MAT1726 and S2013/MIT-3007), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM/48) and IMDEA Nanoscience. L.F. acknowledges financial support from MIUR (PRIN-2010BNZ3F2, Project DESCARTES), S.D.-T. acknowledges the ‘“Ramón y Cajal”’ program of the MINECO (RYC-2010-07019), and the María de Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D of the MINECO (MDM-2014-0377)

    Neotectonic activity and paleoseismological analysis in Eastern of Antioquia, in the vicinity of Medellin city - Colombia.

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    The aim of this investigation was the paleoseismological characterization of eastern Antioquia, using trenches analysis and detailed study of indicators of neotectonic activity, some of which had been reported in previous seismic hazard assessment studies of the Aburra Valley. Through techniques of neotectonic, paleoseismology and also age correlation of Quaternary deposits obtained by several authors, it was found at Alcaravanes site (Marinilla Town), evidences of three seismic events with magnitudes Mw 6.4, 6.6 and 6.5 which displaced recent deposits with maximum ages of 440,000, 37,000 and 8,000 years respectively. Likewise, two prehistoric earthquakes, both with magnitude Mw 6.5 were recognized at the Hamburgo site (Guarne Town), dated between 880,000 and 37,000 years respectively, which proves the existence and activity of La Mosca fault. Finally, the Manantiales site (Rionegro Town) revealed a couple of seismic events with magnitude Mw 6.7 and 6.6 that displaced alluvial terraces in Rio Negro basin with a maximum age of onset of neotectonic deformation of 880,000 years. Latest neotectonic findings change the perspective of seismic hazard in Medellin city and surroundings. Prehistoric earthquakes have occurred in the last million years and created small surface rupture and faulting not related with active mountain fronts. Furthermore, the evidence shows obliterated active faults and efficiency of erosion factors in modeling relief and alluvial fill in the basins of Rionegro Erosion Surface.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal la caracterización paleosismológica de varios sitios en el Oriente Antioqueño, apartir del levantamiento de trincheras y análisis detallado de indicios de actividad neotectónica, algunos de los cuales habían sido reportados en los estudios previos de la microzonificación sísmica del Valle de Aburrá. Mediante técnicas de neotectónica, paleosismología y correlación de dataciones en depósitos Cuaternarios obtenidas por diferentes autores en la región, se encontraron en el sitio Alcaravanes (Municipio de Marinilla), evidencias de tres eventos sísmicos con magnitudes Mw 6,4,6,6 y 6,2 que afectaron depósitos recientes con edades máximas de 440.000, 37.000 y 8.000 años respectivamente, para una estimación muy preliminar de un periodo de retorno variable entre 313.000 y 29.000 años. Igualmente, en el punto Hamburgo (Municipio de Guarne) se interpretan dos eventos sísmicos, ambos con magnitud Mw 6,5 con edades de 880.00 y 37.000 años respectivamente, los cuales validan la existencia y actividad de la Falla La Mosca. Por último, en el sitio Manantiales (Municipio de Rionegro), se interpretó la ocurrencia de dos eventos sísmicos con magnitudes Mw 6,7 y 6,6 que afectaron únicamente las terrazas aluviales medias del rio Negro, mostrando que las deformaciones neotectónicas en la región tienen una edad máxima de 880.000 años. Las evidencias neotectónicas halladas cambian la perspectiva de la amenaza sísmica para la ciudad de Medellín y sus alrededores, mostrando la ocurrencia de sismos desde hace menos de un millón de años, con evidencias de ruptura superficial poco preservadas y fallamientos no relacionados con frentes de montaña activos. Se concluye además, la existencia de fallas obliteradas con actividad tectónica reciente

    Modified magnetic anisotropy at LaCoO_(3)/La_(0.7)Sr_(0.3)MnO_(3) interfaces

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    Controlling magnetic anisotropy is an important objective towards engineering novel magnetic device concepts in oxide electronics. In thin film manganites, magnetic anisotropy is weak and it is primarily determined by the substrate, through induced structural distortions resulting from epitaxial mismatch strain. On the other hand, in cobaltites, with a stronger spin orbit interaction, magnetic anisotropy is typically much stronger. In this paper, we show that interfacing La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) with an ultrathin LaCoO3 (LCO) layer drastically modifies the magnetic anisotropy of the manganite, making it independent of the substrate and closer to the magnetic isotropy characterizing its rhombohedral structure. Ferromagnetic resonance measurements evidence a tendency of manganite magnetic moments to point out-of-plane suggesting non collinear magnetic interactions at the interface. These results may be of interest for the design of oxide interfaces with tailored magnetic structures for new oxide devices

    Dimensionality-driven metal-insulator transition in spin-orbit-coupled IrO_2

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    A metal-insulator transition is observed in spin-orbit-coupled IrO_2 thin films upon reduction of the film thickness. In the epitaxially grown samples, the critical thickness (t similar to 1.5-2.2 nm) is found to depend on growth orientation (001), (100) or (110). Interestingly from the applied point of view, the insulating behavior is found even in polycrystalline ultrathin films. By analyzing the experimental electrical response with various theoretical models, we find good fits to the Efros-Shklovskii-VRH and the Arrhenius-type behaviors, which suggests an important role of electron correlations in determining the electrical properties of IrO_2. Our magnetic measurements also point to a significant role of magnetic order. Altogether, our results would point to a mixed Slater- and Mott-type of insulator

    Large Magnetoresistance of Isolated Domain Walls in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 Nanowires

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    Generation, manipulation, and sensing of magnetic domain walls are cornerstones in the design of efficient spintronic devices. Half-metals are amenable for this purpose as large low field magnetoresistance signals can be expected from spin accumulation at spin textures. Among half metals, La1−xSrxMnO3 (LSMO) manganites are considered as promising candidates for their robust half-metallic ground state, Curie temperature above room temperature (Tc = 360 K, for x = 1/3), and chemical stability. Yet domain wall magnetoresistance is poorly understood, with large discrepancies in the reported values and conflicting interpretation of experimental data due to the entanglement of various source of magnetoresistance, namely, spin accumulation, anisotropic magnetoresistance, and colossal magnetoresistance. In this work, the domain wall magnetoresistance is measured in LSMO cross-shape nanowires with single-domain walls nucleated across the current path. Magnetoresistance values above 10% are found to be originating at the spin accumulation caused by the mistracking effect of the spin texture of the domain wall by the conduction electrons. Fundamentally, this result shows the importance on non-adiabatic processes at spin textures despite the strong Hund coupling to the localized t2g electrons of the manganite. These large magnetoresistance values are high enough for encoding and reading magnetic bits in future oxide spintronic sensors. © 2023 The Authors. Advanced Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.G.O. and D.S.-M. contributed equally to this work. The authors ac-knowledge received funding from the project To2Dox of FlagERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies implemented within the Euro-pean Union’s Horizon 2020 Program. This work was supported by Span-ish AEI through grants, PID2020-118078RB-I00, PID2020-11556RB-100and PID2020-117024GB-C43 and by Regional Government of MadridCAM through SINERGICO project Y2020/NMT-6661 CAIRO-CM. S.R.-G.also gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Alexander vonHumboldt foundation. Work at CNRS/Thales supported by French ANR-22CE30-0020 "SUPERFAST". J.J.R was supported by the CSIC program forthe Spanish Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan funded by the Recovery and Resilience EU Facility EU regulation 2020/2094. The authorsthank the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie for theallocation of synchrotron radiation beamtime.Open access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.Supporting InformationPeer reviewe