120 research outputs found

    Changing Views of Competition and EC Antitrust Law

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    During the last few years the application of EC antitrust law has been subject to a number of changes, aiming at giving a greater role to economic analysis. This is leading to the abandonment of the traditional ordoliberal inspiration of EC competition law. This paper explores how justi ed is this change. In particular it argues that economic analysis provides di erent views of how competition works and thet it may a ect the application of antitrust at di erent stages. From this point of view a more economic approach is not necessarily incompatible with a reformed ordoliberal paradigm. What appears incompatible is an approach which substitutes eciency for competition. Such an approach has gained a role in the US antitrust, but its extension to the EC legal context is bound to produce a number of problems, and to lead to results di erent from the desired ones.antitrust,models of competition,ordoliberal paradigm,EC competition law

    A viability study for SOFC combined heat and power Energy systems for buildings

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    The main objective of this work is to develop a software tool to perform an techno-economic feasibility analysis of cogeneration systems for electricity and heat production, based on fuel cell technology (FC-CHP). The software tool should provide useful information to the decision makers. Moreover, the developed software will be applied to specific case studies to obtain the main indicators of the economic viability of the system. A FC-CHP system is a technology with potential to change the current paradigm, which consists in obtaining electricity from the power grid and, separately, heat through gas boilers. The method developed in this study allows to carry out a viability analysis over a specific time horizon, based on technical and economic parameters, to size the FC-CHP system and to adapt the calculations to the market conditions of each case study. It is important to consider the market conditions, because the previous works found in the literature remark that the viability of the FC-CHP technology depends on specific factors that vary by country and region. Local economic factors include government policies to support new technologies of distributed generation, that is, generation of electricity at or near where it will be used. Another local factor is the difference in prices between natural gas and electricity ("spark spread"), and the expected evolution of these prices. From the environmental point of view, the composition of the country's power generation mix has influence on the emissions reduction using FC-CHP. The pattern of thermal and electrical energy demand of each specific case also influence, and the relative amount of each one (heat-to-power ratio). The method developed requires a source of energy consumption data, which can be real or simulated. Special attention has been paid to see the impact of few consumption data in the results. A correction has to be made in the results for those situations when only the aggregate monthly or weekly consumption is available for analysis. From heat and electricity consumption data, a Matlab/Simulink model is used to calculate the amount of fuel needed so that the SOFC-CHP system can meet the demand, the amount of thermal energy that should be provided by an additional system (a conventional condensing boiler), as well as the electrical energy to be imported or exported from the electricity grid. The annual results are extrapolated to a time horizon of 10 years, to validate the economic viability of the project. Different operation modes (disconnected or connected to power grid) and operation strategies (heat-driven, power-driven, maximum-driven) of the SOFC-CHP system are analyzed in buildings of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya with varied heat-to-power 4 Memòria ratios, to determine the strategy that best suits each case. The results show that the high initial investment is one of the main obstacles to obtain a return on the investment in a reasonable time. However, the cogeneration system is economically viable in some of the studied cases, especially if the building has a heat to power ratio greater than one. The evolution of energy prices also greatly influences in the viability of the project. As for the operation strategies, those following maximum demand and those following electricity demand offer better results than the strategy that follows the thermal demand, because the former cases use the fuel cell throughout the year and can take more advantage of cogeneration

    “What being healthy means to me”: A qualitative analysis uncovering the core categories of adolescents’ perception of health

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    BackgroundStudies exploring adolescents' perception of health are still scarce in the international literature. Through a qualitative analysis, this study aims to explore the core categories or themes evoked when adolescents describe what it means to be healthy and unhealthy.MethodsA convenience purposive sample of 34 15-year-old students from three different upper secondary schools took part in a 2-hour group discussion session. During the session, two conceptual projective techniques, the collage creation and the think-aloud technique, were used to elicit perceptions and descriptions of the typical healthy and unhealthy adolescent. Perceptions and descriptions voiced by adolescents were analysed through content analysis, and the key concepts that emerged were grouped so that core categories or themes could be identified.ResultsThe analysis revealed five core categories that adolescents used to describe what being healthy or unhealthy meant to them: physical appearance, personal commitment and goals, possessions and space, use of free time, and social belonging.ConclusionsInstead of those approaches that focuses solely on the avoidance of risk, the identified core categories or themes might be the basics around which health promotion programmes in adolescence should be built. Engaging students in planning for their future and assisting them in mapping out crucial steps to meet their personal goals, including life, academic, and career goals, is a suitable way to address issues that are meaningful to adolescent health

    Formulación de protocolos de criopreservación para el espermatóforo y la masa espermática de Litopenaeus vannamei Boone, 1931 “Langostino blanco” empleando el método de vitrificación

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    Aunque el cultivo de langostino blanco genera cuantiosas divisas en el norte del Perú, la aplicación de tecnologías como la criopreservación, la cual conlleva múltiples ventajas en relación al mejoramiento genético y la conservación de la biodiversidad, aún no han sido implementadas. El objetivo del presente estudio fue desarrollar protocolos optimizados de vitrificación para la criopreservación el espermatóforo y la masa espermática de Litopenaeus vannamei. Inicialmente se evaluó la sobrevivencia espermática en tres soluciones de extensión: solución salina libre de calcio (SS Ca-free), solución de Ringer (SR) y solución buffer fosfato (SBP), con la finalidad de obtener el mejor medio dilutor. Para la formulación de la solución crioprotectora se evaluó la citotoxicidad de 4 crioprotectores permeables: dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO), metanol (MeOH), 2-propanol y dicloruro de magnesio (MgCl2) a las concentraciones de 10, 15, 20 y 30% (v/v) durante 15, 30 y 60 min de exposición; 4 crioprotectores no permeables: leche descremada (10%), polietilenglicol (5%), manitol (5%) y sacarosa (0.2 M); y la suplementación con soluciones complejas: yema de huevo, extracto crudo de Aloe vera, suero bovino fetal y suero de ternero al 10%. La viabilidad espermática fue determinada mediante la técnica de tinción vital con eosina-nigrosina. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos se concluye que la vitrificación de espermatozoides de Litopenaeus vannamei es eficiente considerando que las soluciones compuestas por SS Ca-free, MgCl2 15%, extracto de Aloe vera 10%, leche descremada 10% y 5%, durante 30 y 15 min de exposición resultaron en porcentajes de viabilidad espermática post-descongelamiento de 85.12 ± 4.69% para el espermatóforo y 72.24 ± 17.50% para la masa espermática, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, la fertilidad de los espermatozoides criopreservados con extracto de Aloe vera fue confirmada mediante inseminación artificial (IA), observándose individuos normales hasta la fase de nauplio. En la presente investigación se reporta por primera vez el uso del extracto de Aloe vera como crioprotector en la formulación de protocolos de criopreservación de crustáceos. Los protocolos de criopreservación descritos en esta tesis son los primeros reportados para langostinos en el Perú.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Perú). Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondecyt)Tesi

    La responsabilidad restringida en personas mayores de 18 años y menores de 21 años y su incidencia en la inseguridad ciudadana en la Urbanización Canto Rey en el año 2014

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar si existe relación entre la Responsabilidad Restringida en personas mayores de 18 años y menores de 21 años y su incidencia en la inseguridad ciudadana en la urbanización Canto Rey en el año 2014. En la presente investigación participaron 44 miembros de la Policía Nacional, que laboran en los dos turnos en la comisaria de Canto Rey, urbanización Canto Rey - Distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, en el año 2014. La técnica de medición fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario de preguntas de la encuesta. El estudio correlacional de las variables se realizó mediante el coeficiente (Rho} de Sperman. Los resultados obtenidos señalan que existe una correlación significativa entre las variables, Responsabilidad Restringida e Inseguridad Ciudadana

    O Complexo de Édipo no Contexto da Psicanálise

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    O presente trabalho é parte de uma pesquisa originada no Programa de Iniciação Científica que trata das resoluções e transferências do Complexo de Édipo na contemporaneidade sob a perspectiva teórica da Psicanálise. O estudo foi realizado a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica documental e digital tendo como motores de busca os termos “complexo de Édipo”, “sexualidade infantil”, “resoluções e transferências no Édipo” e “Édipo e contemporaneidade”. O objetivo primordial do estudo foi buscar elementos teóricos no campo psicanalítico que pudessem contribuir para o entendimento mais aprofundado do tema em questão, bem como estudar atentamente a formação da criança na fase edipiana. Assim, abordamos temáticas clássicas e atuais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento das características que acompanharão a criança por toda a vida. Espera-se com o desenrolar do texto possibilitar ao leitor a visualização de uma linha psicanalítica da formação do indivíduo enquanto criança e suas influências na vida do adulto. Pretende-se com este estudo atender um interesse pessoal de compreender com maior profundidade um tema que está presente em nossas vidas e que se relaciona diretamente com o inconsciente. O estudo também contribuirá para entender melhor, no âmbito teórico, a criança edipiana presente no ambiente escolar e assim, aproximar com conteúdos da pedagogia na perspectiva interdisciplinar.

    Prediction of Titanium Implant Success by Analysis of microRNA Expression in Peri-Implant Tissue. A 5-Year Follow-Up Study

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    The aim of the present study is to evaluate the expression of microRNA (miRNA) in peri-implant soft tissue and to correlate epigenetic information with the clinical outcomes of the implants up to the five-year follow-up. Seven patients have been rehabilitated with fixed screw-retained bridges each supported by implants. Peri-implant bone resorption and soft tissue health parameters have been recorded over time with a five-year follow-up. Mini-invasive samples of soft peri-implant tissue have been taken three months after implant insertion. miRNA have been extracted from cells of the soft tissue samples to evaluate gene-expression at the implant sites by microarray analysis. The epigenomic data obtained by microarray technology has been statistically analyzed by dedicated software and compared with measured clinical parameters. Specific miRNA expression profiles predictive of specific clinical outcomes were found. In particular, some specific miRNA signatures appeared to be \u201cprotective\u201d from bone resorption despite the presence of plaque accumulation. miRNA may be predictors of dental implant clinical outcomes and may be used as biomarkers for diagnostic and prognostic purposes in the field of implant dentistry

    Semi-transparent polymer solar cells

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    Copyright 2015 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this publication for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the contents of the publication are prohibited.Over the last three decades, progress in the organic photovoltaic field has resulted in some device features which make organic cells applicable in electricity generation configurations where the standard silicon-based technology is not suitable, for instance, when a semi-transparent photovoltaic panel is needed. When the thin film solar cell performance is evaluated in terms of the device's visible transparency and power conversion efficiency, organic solar cells offer the most promising solution. During the last three years, research in the field has consolidated several approaches for the fabrication of high performance semi-transparent organic solar cells. We have grouped these approaches under three categories: devices where the absorber layer includes near-infrared absorption polymers, devices incorporating one-dimensional photonic crystals, and devices with a metal cavity light trapping configuration. We herein review these approaches.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft