2,096 research outputs found

    Indeterminazione, Serendipity, Random: tre “misure” dell’incertezza

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    Il volume è un omaggio a Luigi del Grosso Destreri. Esso comprende un suo saggio inedito sull’epistemologia delle scienze sociali che dalla formazione della “coscienza scientifica moderna” arriva fino alla sociologia sistemica e alla sua critica. L’idea di fondo – che collega questo saggio con i successivi - è che la conoscenza scientifica non deriva necessariamente dalla misurazione sempre più esatta dei fenomeni politici e sociali, ma può anche derivare «da osservazioni casuali che spingono la ricerca a indirizzarsi in nuove direzioni». Questa tensione verso un’epistemologia aperta viene ripresa da Alberto Brodesco che ripercorre la fortuna popolare della teoria dell’indeterminatezza scientifica di Heisenberg, mentre Massimiano Bucchi ricostruisce l’introduzione della categoria di serendipity da parte di Robert K. Merton. Pierangelo Schiera, infine, introduce l’approccio storiografico della random history, come approccio che dovrebbe tentare di dare conto del carattere non necessariamente ordinato dell’esperienza storica

    Biomédica en PubMed Central®

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    Hybrid process for the purification of water contaminated with nitrites: Ion exchange plus catalytic reduction

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    Water polluted with nitrites represents a big risk to human health. In this work, palladium supported on macroporous anionic exchange resin was used in the catalytic nitrite reduction. This process is compared with the traditional ion exchange procedure using the same catalytic resin. Both, the resin and the catalyst behaviour were evaluated in a fix-bed reactor, feeding water containing nitrites and other competitor ions, such as sulphate, bicarbonate, and chlorides, and adjusting the pH with carbon dioxide. When feeding water containing only nitrites, it was observed that the catalytic reduction makes it possible to treat 55% more water than when using the ion exchange process, at the same level of nitrites elimination. Moreover, in steady state it was possible to obtain a nitrite conversion to nitrogen of 54% with high selectivity, obtaining an ammonium concentration lower than 0.2 mg/L. In the case of having other ions present in the system, both the conversion and the selectivity decreased. A regeneration strategy is also developed, using a very low hydrogen flow rate at atmospheric pressure and room temperature. This treatment leads to the reduction of more than 99% of the nitrites present in the contaminated water. The catalyst was used in several consecutive cycles maintaining a very good performance, even in the presence of competitor ions. The process was scaled up to a pilot level obtaining identical results.Fil: Mendow, Gustavo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; ArgentinaFil: Grosso, César L.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Agustina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; ArgentinaFil: Querini, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Investigaciones en Catálisis y Petroquímica ; Argentin

    Life Cycle Assessment and economic evaluation of the recovery of materials in an urban waste management system

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    The main aim of this study was to perform a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as well as an economic evaluation of the recovery of recyclable materials in an urban waste management system. Urban waste is mainly composed of three fractions: 1) putrescible materials, 2) recyclables materials, and 3) residual waste. The putrescible materials have to be collected separately and sent to composting and/or anaerobic digestion plants. The recyclables materials have to be sorted and sent to the proper industrial facilities. Finally, the residual waste could be further selected to be sent to energy recovery plants. If citizens separate erroneously urban waste fractions, they produce both environmental and economic damages. In fact, on the base of the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), a municipality receives an economic amount for each kilogram of packaging waste collected. In Italy, this activity is managed by CONAI (a private system, created and designed by companies). The “CONAI system” is based on the activities of six consortia each dedicated to promoting and control the most used materials in the packaging production i.e. steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastics and glass. Packaging waste that goes into the dry residue represents an economic damage (a loss of the “CONAI contribution” and the payment of the disposal fees) as well as an environmental burden. The environmental and economic evaluation was performed for the case study of Nola (39.19 km², 34.349 inhabitants, and 876.47 ab./km²) in the Province on Naples, in the Campania Region of Southern Italy. Nola has a kerbside system which assured a percentage of separate collection of 61% in 2015. The LCA analysis included the treatment and disposal phases as well as the collection and transport phases. The LCA software tool SimaPro and the following three impact assessment methods were used: ReCiPe 2008 (for the medium-term perspective Hierarchist both for midpoint and endpoint levels), Ecological footprint, and IPCC 2013 (100 years). The environmental (Figure 1a) and economic (Figure 1b) analysis were developed for several real and hypothetical scenarios based on increasing percentages of separate collection and different composition analyses of the residual waste (RW). The obtained results confirmed that recovering materials from residual waste is a benefits both in environmental and economic terms. Finally, it is also a social potential benefit because the municipality could invest the economic saving in environmental campaigns entrusted to young people in an area with a high rate of youth unemployment. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Solución tecnológica en la aplicación de las medidas de protección a las víctimas de violencia familiar en el distrito de Independencia - Lima Norte, 2020

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    Nuestro país viene soportando uno de los peores embates de estos tiempos que es la violencia en todas sus dimensiones, pero, una de las principales que llama notablemente la atención y urge ser tratada, es la violencia familiar y los miembros del hogar. Según las estadísticas, en Perú se han producido denuncias de delitos violentos contra mujeres y miembros de la familia. Estos incidentes han alcanzado hasta ahora 503 410, con una media estimada de 50 341 denuncias por agresión, lesiones graves o violación cada mes y 1 651 denuncias al día. (gob.pe 2021, párr. 1) De este modo el feminicidio o intento de feminicidio se ha convertido en uno de las grandes contravenciones de mayor acontecimiento, solo en el año 2020, año en la que circunscribe este estudio, 39 víctimas potenciales, 79 intentos de asesinato, 62 víctimas mortales y 129 denuncias han sido reconocidas como víctimas potenciales de intento de feminicidio. (gob.pe 2021, párr. 3) El Estado ha trabajado continuamente en este problema, reforzando los esfuerzos de la fiscalía mediante la creación de oficinas especializadas en cada uno de sus 20 distritos fiscales. Las denuncias de violación tienen una incidencia importante en los distritos fiscales de Lima, violación sexual; 1767 casos denuncias en Lima Este, 1544 denuncias en Lima Norte, solo Lima reporta 1469 hechos de violencia sexual, y finalmente 1238 denuncias por este cometido en Lima Sur. (gob.pe 2021, párr. 8) En el contexto de Lima Metropolitana, la MCLCP (2020) informa que a través del grupo AURORA, alcanzó un total de 47 333 hechos de personas que recibieron el servicio de atención por ataque a este género e integrantes de familia en el 2019. Los cuales, 39 128 son mujeres, seguidos de 15 921 niños, niñas y adolescentes, 27 840 adultos, 8 205 hombres y 3 572 adultos mayores. (p.8). Los resultados estadísticos de los hechos por maltratos físicos y psicológicos procedentes del Distrito de Independencia son alarmantes, según fuentes policiales de este sector por medio de la Oficina de Planeamiento Administrativo de la REGPOL, la Comisaría Unificada reportó 183 casos de delaciones de agresión en el hogar, seguido de la entidad policial de Collique con 10 casos, mientras que la Comisaría La Pascana registra mayor cantidad de denuncias por agresión en el hogar, lo cual se denota en 1 355, le sigue la Comisaría de Santa Luzmila con 1 201 casos, y finalmente la Comisaria Universitaria con 189 casos de violencia familiar, lo que asciende a 2 938 denuncias por violencia familiar. (MCLCP, 2020 p.11) Este escenario estremecedor agravado por la escasez de personal policial para poder atender esta demanda de la sociedad, que no ejecuta de forma positiva y eficaz las medidas para evitar riesgos a los agraviados de este nefasto delito; ante lo expuesto invocando la normativa y el avance tecnológico actual se plantea un proyecto de innovación que tendrá como escenario piloto la jurisdicción policial del Distrito de Independencia, Lima. Asimismo, hemos identificado el problema a nivel de productos como; infraestructura tecnológica inadecuada, limitado equipamiento y provisiones para que el personal policial pueda ejercer su función con eficacia. Con un presupuesto de más de 200 millones de soles, el actual gobierno sostuvo “que, para el 2022 se crearían 17 comisarías, 2 unidades de investigación y 10 unidades especializadas” (Gob.pe, 2021 párr. 7). Por otro lado, el CODISEC (2020) reportó daños causado a la vida, la salud o el cuerpo de una persona que cubren el 75% de las estadísticas del 2019, en este sitio de investigación piloto debido a que las medidas de amparo para las que han sufrido agresión en el hogar en el distrito de Independencia Lima Norte no se cumplen adecuadamente, problema que no ha sido resuelto hasta la fecha. (p.6) Por ello el uso de pulseras electrónicas y otras medidas preventivas por parte de la PNP ha sido la principal forma de reacción pública ante estos incidentes. Este posee cuatro productos, siendo el primero: La utilización de un sistema de geolocalización (uso de pulseras electrónicas) Segundo: Personal policial capacitado. Tercero: Un sistema de registro unificado de denuncias. Cuarto: Para supervisar eficazmente la ejecución de los requisitos de protección de los agraviados, es necesario contar con RRHH. El primer y fundamental producto está relacionado al sistema de geolocalización consistentes en brazaletes electrónicos para monitorear a los agresores de violencia familiar. El segundo producto está referido al ejercicio de formación policial para los trabajadores que laboran en la dependencia policial de Familia en el barrio de Independencia de Lima Norte. El tercer producto está relacionado con la elaboración de un registro unificado de aplicación de las resoluciones judiciales de cautelación de bienestar físico y psicológico. Finalmente, el cuarto producto está referido a los recursos humanos (RR. HH), para la vigilancia y monitoreo de las víctimas de agresión en el hogar.Our country has been enduring one of the worst attacks of these times, which is violence in all its dimensions, but one of the main ones that draws considerable attention and urgently needs to be dealt with is family violence and that of household members. According to statistics, there have been reports of violent crimes against women and family members in Peru. These incidents have so far reached 503,410, with an estimated average of 50,341 reports of assault, serious injury or rape each month and 1,651 reports per day. (gob.pe 2021, para. 1) In this way, femicide or attempted femicide has become one of the major offenses with the greatest occurrence, only in 2020, the year in which this study is limited, 39 potential victims, 79 attempted murders, 62 fatalities and 129 complaints have been recognized as potential victims of attempted femicide. (gob.pe 2021, para. 3) The State has continuously worked on this problem, reinforcing the efforts of the prosecutor's office by creating specialized offices in each of its 20 fiscal districts. Reports of rape have a significant incidence in the tax districts of Lima, rape; 1767 cases reported in East Lima, 1544 complaints in North Lima, only Lima reports 1469 acts of sexual violence, and finally 1238 complaints for this purpose in South Lima. (gob.pe 2021, para. 8) In the context of Metropolitan Lima, the MCLCP (2020) reports that through the AURORA group, it reached a total of 47,333 acts of people who received the care service for attacks on this gender and family members in 2019. Which, 39,128 are women, followed by 15,921 children and adolescents, 27,840 adults, 8,205 men, and 3,572 older adults. (p.8) The statistical results of the acts of physical and psychological abuse from the District of Independencia are alarming, according to police sources in this sector through the Administrative Planning Office of REGPOL, the Unified Police Station reported 183 cases of allegations of aggression in the home , followed by the Collique police entity with 10 cases, while the La Pascana Police Station registers the highest number of complaints of aggression in the home, which is denoted at 1,355, followed by the Santa Luzmila Police Station with 1,201 cases, and finally, the University Commissioner with 189 cases of family violence, which amounts to 2,938 complaints of family violence. (MCLCP, 2020 p.11) This shocking scenario aggravated by the shortage of police personnel to be able to meet this demand of society, which does not positively and effectively execute the measures to avoid risks to those aggrieved by this heinous crime; Given the above, invoking the regulations and the current technological advance, an innovation project is proposed that will have as a pilot scenario the police jurisdiction of the District of Independencia, Lima. Likewise, we have identified the problem at the product level such as; Inadequate technological infrastructure, limited equipment and supplies for police personnel to carry out their duties effectively. With a budget of more than 200 million soles, the current government maintained "that, by 2022, 17 police stations, 2 investigation units and 10 specialized units would be created" (Gob.pe, 2021 para. 7). On the other hand, the CODISEC (2020) reported damages caused to the life, health or body of a person that cover 75% of the 2019 statistics, in this pilot research site because the protection measures for the who have suffered aggression at home in the district of Independencia Lima Norte are not met adequately, a problem that has not been resolved to date. (p.6) For this reason, the use of electronic bracelets and other preventive measures by the PNP has been the main form of public reaction to these incidents. This has four products, the first being: The use of a geolocation system (use of electronic bracelets) Second: Trained police personnel. Third: A unified registration system for complaints. Fourth: To effectively supervise the execution of the protection requirements of the aggrieved, it is necessary to have HR. The first and fundamental product is related to the geolocation system consisting of electronic bracelets to monitor family violence aggressors. The second product refers to the police training exercise for the workers who work in the Family police unit in the Independencia neighborhood of North Lima. The third product is related to the preparation of a unified registry for the application of judicial resolutions for the protection of physical and psychological well-being. Finally, the fourth product refers to human resources (HR), for the surveillance and monitoring of victims of aggression in the home

    Antioxidant activity of essential oil of oregano species from Argentina in relation to their chemical composition

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    The purpose of this work was to determine chemical composition and antioxidant activity of essential oil of different oregano species from Argentina: 'Cordobes', 'Criollo', 'Mendocino' and 'Compacto'. The essential oil composition was determined by gas-liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Scavenging activity was analysed by DPPH test. The antioxidant activity of the essential oils was determined by an accelerated oxidation test in canola oil. Thirty-nine compounds were identified in the oregano essential oils. The oregano species showed differences in their chemical composition, radical scavenging activity and antioxidant activity. The main compounds in the studied oregano species were thymol and trans-sabinene hydrate followed by γ-terpinene, terpinen-4-ol and α-terpinene. The oregano, 'Criollo', was rich in γ-terpinene and had lower thymol and trans-sabinene hydrate and higher α-terpinene and carvacrol contents than the other oregano species. 'Mendocino' had higher trans-sabinene hydrate and limonene than the other oregano species. 'Cordobes' and 'Compacto' had higher thymol content, radical scavenging activity and antioxidant activity in canola oil.Fil: Quiroga, Patricia Raquel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Química Biológica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Físico-química de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Riveros, Cecilia Gabriela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Zygadlo, Julio Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Cátedra de Química Biológica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Grosso, Nelson. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Nepote, Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentin

    Water demand forecasting for the optimal operation of large-scale drinking water networks: The Barcelona case study

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    Trabajo presentado al 19th IFAC World Congress celebrado del 24 al 29 de agosto de 2014 en Cape Town (Sudafrica).Drinking Water Networks (DWN) are large-scale multiple-input multiple-output systems with uncertain disturbances (such as the water demand from the consumers) and involve components of linear, non-linear and switching nature. Operating, safety and quality constraints deem it important for the state and the input of such systems to be constrained into a given domain. Moreover, DWNs' operation is driven by time-varying demands and involves an considerable consumption of electric energy and the exploitation of limited water resources. Hence, the management of these networks must be carried out optimally with respect to the use of available resources and infrastructure, whilst satisfying high service levels for the drinking water supply. To accomplish this task, this paper explores various methods for demand forecasting, such as Seasonal ARIMA, BATS and Support Vector Machine, and presents a set of statistically validated time series models. These models, integrated with a Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy addressed in this paper, allow to account for an accurate on-line forecasting and flow management of a DWN.This work was financially supported by the EU FP7 research project EFFINET “Efficient Integrated Real-time monitoring and Control of Drinking Water Networks,” grant agreement no. 318556.Peer Reviewe

    Water demand forecasting for the optimal operation of large-scale drinking water networks: the Barcelona case study

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    Drinking Water Networks (DWN) are large-scale multiple-input multiple-output systems with uncertain disturbances (such as the water demand from the consumers) and involve components of linear, non-linear and switching nature. Operating, safety and quality constraints deem it important for the state and the input of such systems to be constrained into a given domain. Moreover, DWNs' operation is driven by time-varying demands and involves an considerable consumption of electric energy and the exploitation of limited water resources. Hence, the management of these networks must be carried out optimally with respect to the use of available resources and infrastructure, whilst satisfying high service levels for the drinking water supply. To accomplish this task, this paper explores various methods for demand forecasting, such as Seasonal ARIMA, BATS and Support Vector Machine, and presents a set of statistically validated time series models. These models, integrated with a Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy addressed in this paper, allow to account for an accurate on-line forecasting and flow management of a DWN