439 research outputs found

    Studies on modal logics of time and space

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    This dissertation presents original results in Temporal Logic and Spatial Logic. Part I concerns Branching-Time Logic. Since Prior 1967, two main semantics for Branching-Time Logic have been devised: Peircean and Ockhamist semantics. Zanardo 1998 proposed a general semantics, called Indistinguishability semantics, of which Peircean and Ockhamist semantics are limit cases. We provide a finite axiomatization of the Indistinguishability logic of upward endless bundled trees using a non-standard inference rule, and prove that this logic is strongly complete. In Part II, we study the temporal logic given by the tense operators F for future and P for past together with the derivative operator , interpreted on the real numbers. We prove that this logic is neither strongly nor Kripke complete, it is PSPACE-complete, and it is finitely axiomatizable. In Part III, we study the spatial logic given by the derivative operator and the graded modalities {n | n in N}. We prove that this language, call it L, is as expressive as the first-order language Lt of Flum and Ziegler 1980 when interpreted on T3 topological spaces. Then, we give a general definition of modal operator: essentially, a modal operator will be defined by a formula of Lt with at most one free variable. If a modal operator is defined by a formula predicating only over points, then it is called point-sort operator. We prove that L, even if enriched with all point-sort operators, however enriched with finitely many modal operators predicating also on open sets, cannot express Lt on T2 spaces. Finally, we axiomatize the logic of any class between all T1 and all T3 spaces and prove that it is PSPACE-complete.Open Acces

    Revisión analítica sobre los incentivos orientados a promover las donaciones caritativas de personas humanas en Argentina

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    Esta investigación tiene por finalidad presentar un análisis de las “donaciones caritativas” por parte de personas físicas, haciendo hincapié en las principales causas que las promueven. Las donaciones caritativas son presentadas como uno de los tantos estados que podrían corresponder a una acción colectiva. De esta se deriva la dificultad de sus miembros para actuar en pos de un interés común ante el comportamiento competitivo (cálculo de costes y beneficios) de los individuos que la conforman. En el ámbito altruista en particular, dicho dilema ronda en torno a la contribución privada (donaciones) para la provisión de bienes públicos (bienes y servicios caritativos). El abordaje científico aplicado al estudio de las donaciones caritativas ha ido evolucionando (y continúa haciéndolo) con el correr del tiempo. De la mano de ello, los modelos utilizados para explicar su razón de ser han adoptado distintos supuestos en relación con los rasgos individuales y sociales que se manifiestan y condicionan el obrar humano. En este marco pueden identificarse dos posturas epistemológicas que contrastan entre sí: el altruismo puro y el altruismo impuro. Mientras que en los modelos identificados bajo la primera postura la prominencia del enfoque radica en la mera provisión de los bienes y servicios caritativos, en aquellos identificados bajo la segunda el foco es situado en el bienestar que produce para el donante el mero acto de contribuir

    Polyamidoamide Dendrimers and Cross-Linking Agents for Stabilized Bioenzymatic Resistant Metal-Free Bovine Collagen

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    The work reports the use of polyamidoamine dendrimers (PAMAM) and a cross-linking agent, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-carbodiimide/N-hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) or 4-(4,6-dimethoxy[1,3,5]triazin-2-yl)-4-methyl-morpholinium chloride (DMTMM), for the thermal stabilization of dermal bovine collagen. The efficiency of EDC/NHS/PAMAM and DMTMM/PAMAM in the cross-linking of collagen is correlated to the increase of the collagen shrinkage temperature (Ts), measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). An alternative enzymatic protocol was adopted to measure the degradability of EDC/NHS/PAMAM tanned hides; these data are correlated to the thermal stability values measured by DSC. In the presence of PAMAMs, EDC/NHS provides very high stabilization of bovine dermal collagen, giving Ts of up to 95 °C, while DMTMM achieves lower stabilization. Preliminary tanning tests carried out in best reaction conditions show that EDC/NHS/PAMAM could be an interesting, environmentally-sustainable tanning system which is completely free of metals, formaldehyde, and phenols. Two new unreported dendrimeric species were synthesized and employed

    Neurogenesis: Regulation by Alternative Splicing and Related Posttranscriptional Processes

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    The complexity of the mammalian brain requires highly specialized protein function and diversity. As neurons differentiate and the neuronal circuitry is established, several mRNAs undergo alternative splicing and other posttranscriptional changes that expand the variety of protein isoforms produced. Recent advances are beginning to shed light on the molecular mechanisms that regulate isoform switching during neurogenesis and the role played by specific RNA binding proteins in this process. Neurogenesis and neuronal wiring were recently shown to also be regulated by RNA degradation through nonsense-mediated decay. An additional layer of regulatory complexity in these biological processes is the interplay between alternative splicing and long noncoding RNAs. Dysregulation of posttranscriptional regulation results in defective neuronal differentiation and/or synaptic connections that lead to neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by Grants from the European Union (ITN-608027 "CardioNext," ITN-289600 "CardioNeT") and from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (SAF2015-65722-R) to E.L-P. The CNIC is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the Pro-CNIC Foundation and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO award SEV-2015-0505).S

    Radio-over-modes for C-RAN architecture with smart optical resources assignment

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    In this paper we consider a centralized radio access network (C-RAN) architecture with a fully analog fronthaul link between remote radio heads (RRHs) and baseband units (BBUs) based on the radio over fiber (RoF) paradigm. Mode division multiplexing (MDM) and frequency division multiplexing (FDM) are employed to provide an additional multiplexing signal dimension to meet the huge bandwidth requirements of next generation (5G) wireless mobile systems. The main contribution of the paper is to prove that a smart resource assignment between the radio antennas and the mode/frequency dimensions allows the communication over the RRH-BBU link at rates that are comparable to those achieved by an ideal fronthauling where BBU and RRH are assumed to be co-located, even without any complex and costly optical equalization technique. Validation is on the radio-link capabilities employing multiple antennas to meet the demand for massive MIMO technology

    Bioactive molecules in wood extractives: Methods of extraction and separation, a review

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    Bioactive molecules are those capable of interacting with living organisms, causing changes in them. Wood extractives contain important amounts of these molecules, and some of them have good antioxidant and antimicrobial activity, which favors their use as preservatives. Several different extraction methods are employed to obtain the extractives, some of which have been used for a long time. However, these conventional methods have significant disadvantages, being the most important ones high solvent, energy, and time consumption. To overcome these drawbacks, new extraction techniques are being developed whose aim is also the optimization of the process. Separation techniques such as chromatography and molecular distillation allow extractives purification and the acquisition of the desired molecules. This review aims to provide an overview of the extraction and purification methods used for wood bioactive molecules. To this end, issues such as raw material, solvent type, solid/liquid ratio (SLR), temperature, pressure, and extraction time are discussed. The application of extractives as preservatives for low durability woods is also analyzed. The study concludes that the quality and quantity of bioactive molecules, besides depending on the raw material, are determined by the employed methods and solvents to obtain these molecules. Therefore, the choice of method and solvent is of fundamental importance to achieve the desired results.Mateus Berwaldt Santos would like to thank to the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Sul-rio-grandense for granting him paid permission to complete his doctorate. Leyre Sillero would also like to thank to the Spanish Ministry of Universities for the Margarita Salas fellowship for the re-qualification of the Spanish university system financed by the European Union-Next Generation EU

    Substitution Effects on the Optoelectronic Properties of Coumarin Derivatives

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    Coumarin derivatives have gathered major attention largely due to their versatile utility in a wide range of applications. In this framework, we report a comparative computational investigation on the optoelectronic properties of 3-phenylcoumarin and 3-heteroarylcoumarin derivatives established as enzyme inhibitors. Specifically, we concentrate on the variation in the optoelectronic characteristics for the hydroxyl group substitutions within the coumarin moiety. In order to realize our aims, all-electron density functional theory and time dependent density functional theory calculations were performed with a localized Gaussian basis-set matched with a hybrid exchange–correlation functionals. Molecular properties such as highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energies, vertical ionization (IEV) and electron affinity energies, absorption spectra, quasi-particle gap, and exciton binding energy values are examined. Furthermore, the influence of solvent on the optical properties of the molecules is considered. We found a good agreement between the experimental (8.72 eV) and calculated (8.71 eV) IEV energy values for coumarin. The computed exciton binding energy of the investigated molecules indicated their potential optoelectronics application

    Cement-wood composites : effects of wood species, particle treatments and mix proportion

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of wood species, particle treatments and mix proportion on the physical (density) and mechanical (compressive strength and dynamicmodulus of elasticity) properties of cement-wood composites. Different mix proportions were investigated, based on the cement: wood ratio of 0.3:0.7, in volume, with Pinus elliottii and Eucalyptus grandis sawdust percentages of 0-100, 25-75, 50-50, 75-25 or 100-0. Sawdust particles were pre-treated with either lime or cement coating to improve cement and wood compatibility. Results show that wood species, particle treatments and mix proportions may influence the physical and mechanical properties of cement-wood composites. In general, results confirm that Eucalyptus sawdust and cement are naturally compatible and do not require any previous particle treatment to avoid compatibility problems