1,086 research outputs found

    Transcriptional and epigenetic control of cell fate decisions in early embryos

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    Mammalian embryo development is characterized by regulative mechanisms of lineage segregation and cell specification. A combination of carefully orchestrated gene expression networks, signalling pathways and epigenetic marks define specific developmental stages that can now be resolved at the single-cell level. These new ways to depict developmental processes have the potential to provide answers to unresolved questions on how lineage allocation and cell fate decisions are made during embryogenesis. Over the past few years, a flurry of studies reporting detailed single-cell transcription profiles in early embryos has complemented observations acquired using live-cell imaging following gene editing techniques to manipulate specific genes. The adoption of this newly available toolkit is reshaping how researchers are designing experiments and how they view animal development. This review presents an overview of the current knowledge on lineage segregation and cell specification in mammals, and discusses some of the outstanding questions that current technological advances can help scientists address, like never before

    Thrombozytenhemmung und -aktivierung: Mechanismen und klinische Implikationen

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    Zusammenfassung : Die Empfindlichkeit der Aktivierung von Thrombozyten ist Teil des delikaten Gleichgewichts, welches HÀmostase von Thrombose unterscheidet. Unter physiologischen Bedingungen wird es durch die Hemmung der ThrombozytenaktivitÀt und Entfernung von Agonisten erhalten. Unter pathologischen prothrombotischen Bedingungen versucht der Mediziner, das Gleichgewicht mit Hilfe von Arzneimitteln wiederherzustellen. Die Resultate dieser Behandlungen verbessern sich stetig, aber dennoch sind ein besseres VerstÀndnis der Mechanismen und die Suche nach alternativen Inhibitoren nach wie vor wichti

    Ruxolitinib in the treatment of polycythemia vera: patient selection and special considerations.

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    The discovery of JAK2 V617F mutation in the mid-2000s started to fill the gap between clinical presentation of polycythemia vera (PV), first described by Vaquez at the end of the 19th century, and spontaneous erythroid colony formation, reported by Prchal and Axelrad in the mid-1970s. The knowledge on this mutation brought an important insight to our understanding of PV pathogenesis and led to a revision of the World Health Organization diagnostic criteria in 2008. JAK-STAT is a major signaling pathway implicated in survival and proliferation of hematopoietic precursors. High prevalence of JAK2 V617F mutation among myeloproliferative neoplasms (>95% in PV and ~50% in primary myelofibrosis and essential thrombocythemia) together with its role in constitutively activating JAK-STAT made JAK2 a privileged therapeutic target. Ruxolitinib, a JAK 1 and 2 inhibitor, has already proven to be efficient in relieving symptoms in primary myelofibrosis and PV. In the latter, it also appears to improve microvascular involvement. However, evidence regarding its potential role in altering the natural course of PV and its use as an adjunct to current standard therapies is sparse. Therapeutic advances are needed in PV as phlebotomy, low-dose aspirin, cytoreductive agents, and interferon alpha are the only therapeutic tools available at the moment to influence outcome. Even though several questions are still unanswered, this review aims to serve as an overview article of the potential role of ruxolitinib in PV according to current literature and expert opinion. It should help hematologists to visualize the place of this tyrosine kinase inhibitor in the field of current practice and offer criteria for a careful patient selection

    Health Inequalities and the Welfare State in European Families

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    Using EU-Silc data from 2005, our aim in this article is to estimate how self-assessed health and the gradient between education and health vary among individuals in different European countries, considering their contextual socioeconomic vulnerability. In order to do this, we use a hierarchical model with individuals nested in households at the second level, and in various European countries at the third level. Our main research interest is on the modelling variables associated with better health conditions and their improvement or worsening according not only to micro/ individual and macro/national levels but also to the household: a level on which social protection (of whatever nature) exerts its influence. Diferent household contexts receive different amounts of resources, by transfers, social care and health services, which could directly affect health and also modify the gradient between education and health. Moreover, these relations are likely to change among European countries, on the basis of various welfare assets, as the identification of beneficiaries\u27 categories and the weight of category-based measures on the overall welfare expenditure varies among countries and among welfare models

    Current Insights on Neurodegeneration by the Italian Proteomics Community

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    The growing number of patients affected by neurodegenerative disorders represents a huge problem for healthcare systems, human society, and economics. In this context, omics strategies are crucial for the identification of molecular factors involved in disease pathobiology, and for the discovery of biomarkers that allow early diagnosis, patients’ stratification, and treatment response prediction. The integration of different omics data is a required step towards the goal of personalized medicine. The Italian proteomics community is actively developing and applying proteomics approaches to the study of neurodegenerative disorders; moreover, it is leading the mitochondria-focused initiative of the Human Proteome Project, which is particularly important given the central role of mitochondrial impairment in neurodegeneration. Here, we describe how Italian research groups in proteomics have contributed to the knowledge of many neurodegenerative diseases, through the elucidation of the pathobiology of these disorders, and through the discovery of disease biomarkers. In particular, we focus on the central role of post-translational modifications analysis, the implementation of network-based approaches in functional proteomics, the integration of different omics in a systems biology view, and the development of novel platforms for biomarker discovery for the high-throughput quantification of thousands of proteins at a time

    Protein C Replacement in Severe Meningococcemia: Rationale and Clinical Experience

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    Severe meningococcemia, which is associated with hemodynamic instability, purpura fulminans and disseminated intravascular coagulation, still has a high mortality rate, and patients who survive are often left invalids because of amputations and organ failure. Clinical studies have shown that levels of protein C are markedly decreased in patients with severe meningococcemia and that the extent of the decrease correlates with a negative clinical outcome. There is a growing body of data demonstrating that activated protein C, in addition to being an anticoagulant, is also a physiologically relevant modulator of the inflammatory response. The dual function of protein C may be relevant to the treatment of individuals with severe meningococcal sepsis. In the present review we give a basic overview of the protein C pathway and its anticoagulant activity, and we summarize experimental data showing that activated protein C replacement therapy clearly reduces the mortality rate for fulminant meningococcemi

    Conserved features of non-primate bilaminar disc embryos and the germline.

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    Post-implantation embryo development commences with a bilaminar disc in most mammals, including humans. Whereas access to early human embryos is limited and subject to greater ethical scrutiny, studies on non-primate embryos developing as bilaminar discs offer exceptional opportunities for advances in gastrulation, the germline, and the basis for evolutionary divergence applicable to human development. Here, we discuss the advantages of investigations in the pig embryo as an exemplar of development of a bilaminar disc embryo with relevance to early human development. Besides, the pig has the potential for the creation of humanized organs for xenotransplantation. Precise genetic engineering approaches, imaging, and single-cell analysis are cost effective and efficient, enabling research into some outstanding questions on human development and for developing authentic models of early human development with stem cells

    Utility of the Platelet Function Analyzer in Patients with Suspected Platelet Function Disorders: Diagnostic Accuracy Study.

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    Introduction The platelet function analyzer (PFA) is widely used as a screening tool for bleeding disorders in various settings. The diagnostic performance regarding platelet function disorders (PFDs), which are among the most common inherited bleeding disorders, is however still elusive. We aimed to assess the diagnostic value of PFA for PFD in clinical practice. Methods Comprehensive clinical and laboratory data of all consecutive patients referred to a specialized outpatient between January 2012 and March 2017 with a suspected bleeding disorder were prospectively recorded. The diagnostic work-up was performed according to a prespecified protocol following current guidelines and platelet function was tested using light transmission aggregometry as well as flow cytometry. Results Five hundred and fifty-five patients were included (median age 43.7 years; interquartile range [IQR] 29.3, 61.7; 66.9% female). Possible PFD was diagnosed in 64 patients (11.5%) and confirmed PFD in 54 patients (9.7%). In patients with confirmed PFD, median closure times were 107 seconds (ADP or adenosine diphosphate; IQR 89, 130) and 169 seconds (EPI; IQR 121, 211). In patients without bleeding disorders, PFA closure times were 96 seconds (ADP; IQR 83, 109) and 137 seconds (EPI; IQR 116, 158). The sensitivity was 19.5% in case of PFA ADP (95%CI 12.6, 30.0; specificity 86.4%; 95% CI 82.4, 89.8), and 44.3% in case of PFA EPI (95% CI 34.9, 53.9; specificity 75.6%; 95% CI 70.8, 79.9). Conclusion The diagnostic performance of PFA for PFD was moderate to poor. Our results do not support the utilization of PFA for screening of PFD in clinical practice

    Aider et travailler: la conciliation travail-soins chez les travailleurs proches aidants

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    L’aide et les soins informels prodiguĂ©s Ă  un proche en manque d’autonomie est une thĂ©matique qui a dĂ©jĂ  fait l’objet de plusieurs Ă©tudes dans les domaines de la santĂ© et des services sociaux. Les analyses sociales de type qualitatif ont principalement portĂ© sur la perception qu’ont les aidants de leur propre condition, sur les services qui leur sont offerts, et sur les tĂąches qu’ils doivent exĂ©cuter comme proche aidant. Les recherches quantitatives ont pour leur part Ă©tudiĂ© certains facteurs de risque, ainsi que la condition gĂ©nĂ©rale des proches aidants. Ces recherches ont d’abord permis au secteur associatif et institutionnel de reconnaĂźtre les besoins des proches aidants. De façon graduelle, on commence Ă  voir apparaĂźtre dans les politiques publiques et les programmes gouvernementaux une prĂ©occupation pour la rĂ©alitĂ© des proches aidants. D’ailleurs, on commence Ă  observer une certaine forme de reconnaissance des aidants dans les politiques publiques, s’inscrivant dans le contexte plus large du virage ambulatoire datant des annĂ©es 1990 et 2000 (Ducharme, 2006). Cette volontĂ© de faire du milieu de vie le lieu privilĂ©giĂ© pour la dispensation des services de santĂ© est vĂ©cue comme un retour aux valeurs familiales, alors que les membres de la famille, et particuliĂšrement les femmes, jouaient un rĂŽle important dans la prise en charge des aĂźnĂ©s. Cette recherche part de l’hypothĂšse que l’aide donnĂ©e Ă  un proche et l’effort de conciliation travail-soin puissent devenir, Ă  certaines conditions, un facteur d’inĂ©galitĂ© et de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© pour les aidants. Dans les pays de l’Union europĂ©enne, par exemple, les recherches ont dĂ©montrĂ© que l’emploi des femmes Ă©tait nĂ©gativement associĂ© aux soins informels donnĂ©s aux aĂźnĂ©s (Kotsadam, 2011). Cette situation reprĂ©sente Ă©galement un dĂ©fi pour les employeurs (McBride-King, 1999; De Vroome, Smulders and Houtman, 2010). De plus, le contexte Ă©conomique actuel pourrait contribuer davantage Ă  renforcer les liens entre l’aide fourni Ă  un proche et la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© vĂ©cue par des individus et des groupes, entre autres les femmes entre 40 et 60 ans actives dans le marchĂ© du travail. Dans cette recherche, nous nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s particuliĂšrement aux proches aidants qui occupent un emploi. Leur situation de travailleurs pose des dĂ©fis spĂ©cifiques de conciliation entre leur emploi et les responsabilitĂ©s qu’ils doivent assumer comme proches aidants. Il nous semble ici utile de rappeler que la conciliation est dĂ©finie comme l’ensemble des mesures mises en place par l’aidant (et son milieu dans le meilleur des cas) pour « assurer le maintien d’un Ă©quilibre entre les besoins du proche dĂ©pendant et les exigences associĂ©es aux diffĂ©rentes sphĂšres de vie des personnes soignantes » (Guberman et Maheu, 1994 : 93). En d’autres mots, c’est un processus qui se dĂ©finit par les stratĂ©gies que parviennent Ă  se donner les aidants pour atteindre l’équilibre dans les diffĂ©rentes sphĂšres de leur vie. Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, les donnĂ©es statistiques ont montrĂ© l’importance de la proportion de la catĂ©gorie d’aidants travailleurs. En 2007, la proportion de travailleurs Ă©tait plus importante chez la population aidante que chez la population canadienne gĂ©nĂ©rale de 45 ans et plus (Cranswick et Dosman, 2008). L’identification et l’augmentation de ce groupe justifient qu’une attention particuliĂšre lui soit portĂ©e. Le but de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre les dĂ©fis spĂ©cifiques que rencontrent les aidants en situation d’emploi afin de prendre en compte leurs besoins dans le cadre de la crĂ©ation de politiques publiques et dans le dĂ©veloppement de services sociaux. Nous nous sommes plus spĂ©cifiquement concentrĂ©s sur la situation des aidants travailleurs vivant dans la rĂ©gion du Bas-Saint-Laurent, en prenant pour cas d’étude les municipalitĂ©s rĂ©gionales de comtĂ© (MRC) de Rimouski-Neigette et de La Mitis. Nous avons fait ce choix pour prendre en considĂ©ration Ă  la fois un contexte urbain (Rimouski) et un contexte plus rural (La Mitis). Un des objectifs est d’intĂ©grer la composante territoriale, notamment les contraintes reliĂ©es aux distances. La rĂ©alitĂ© des travailleurs proches aidants est devenue de plus en plus une prĂ©occupation importante au QuĂ©bec, puisque les analyses dĂ©mographiques dĂ©montrent que la proportion d’aĂźnĂ©s dans la population quĂ©bĂ©coise ne cessera d’augmenter au cours des prochaines annĂ©es. Il devient, dĂšs lors, primordial de prendre en considĂ©ration l’évolution des rĂ©alitĂ©s reliĂ©es Ă  la prise en charge des soins de santĂ© aux personnes en perte d’autonomie par des individus qui sont par ailleurs toujours actifs sur le marchĂ© du travail. Du point de vue mĂ©thodologique, la population visĂ©e est constituĂ©e de personnes qui ont vĂ©cu une situation dans laquelle elles ont dĂ» assumer une responsabilitĂ© envers un proche aĂźnĂ© au cours des douze derniers mois. Les individus sĂ©lectionnĂ©s devaient rĂ©pondre aux caractĂ©ristiques suivantes, soit ĂȘtre un travailleur, soit une personne rĂ©cemment retraitĂ©e, mais ayant Ă©tĂ© l’aidant principal d’un proche pendant qu’elle Ă©tait encore en emploi. Les participants ont Ă©tĂ© recrutĂ©s en utilisant la mĂ©thode dite « boule de neige » soit par l’intermĂ©diaire des rĂ©seaux interpersonnels. Nous avons ainsi rĂ©alisĂ© 19 entretiens avec des proches aidants, principalement, mais non exclusivement des femmes, s’occupant d’un ou de leurs deux parents. La grande majoritĂ© des participants ont Ă©tĂ© Ă  la fois travailleurs et proches aidants au cours des douze derniers mois. Les questions portaient sur le type d’aide qu’ils fournissaient, leur rĂ©seau de soutien, leurs stratĂ©gies de conciliation entre le travail et les soins, et finalement, sur les services publics qui leur Ă©taient offerts. Une dizaine d’entretiens a aussi Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e avec des gestionnaires / intervenants du secteur communautaire Ɠuvrant au sein d’organismes qui dispensent directement ou indirectement des services aux proches aidants. Par services directs, nous entendons que l’aidant est la personne ciblĂ©e par l’offre de service, alors que les services indirects sont des services destinĂ©s aux aĂźnĂ©s, mais qui peuvent avoir aussi un effet sur l’organisation du travail des aidants. Deux entrevues prĂ©liminaires ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es avec des gestionnaires d’entreprises employant des proches aidants. Cependant, ce volet de la recherche a Ă©tĂ© suspendu en raison de l’absence de politiques spĂ©cifiques concernant la conciliation entre le travail et les soins. Cette rĂ©alitĂ© avait dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e par d’autres Ă©tudes (Tremblay et LariviĂšre, 2013). Nos rencontres avec les travailleurs proches aidants ont permis de confirmer la mĂȘme situation Ă  l’échelle de notre terrain d’étude. Ce rapport tente donc d’apporter une contribution Ă  la comprĂ©hension de cette problĂ©matique, et de fournir des pistes de rĂ©flexion pour amĂ©liorer la condition des travailleurs proches aidants. La premiĂšre partie dresse un portrait des proches aidants Ă  partir des connaissances et des donnĂ©es dĂ©jĂ  existantes. Nous y dĂ©veloppons Ă©galement quelques pistes de rĂ©flexion qui ont alimentĂ© notre Ă©tude. La deuxiĂšme partie porte sur l’enquĂȘte que nous avons directement menĂ©e auprĂšs des proches aidants et des organismes prestataires de services. L’accent sera mis ici sur la conciliation entre le travail et les responsabilitĂ©s d’aide, ce qui fait d’ailleurs l’originalitĂ© de notre recherche. Enfin, il est Ă  noter que le masculin est utilisĂ© pour allĂ©ger le texte

    Parkinson's disease plasma biomarkers: An automated literature analysis followed by experimental validation

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    Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease (PD) is currently assessed by the clinical evaluation of extrapyramidal signs. The identification of specific biomarkers would be advisable, however most studies stop at the discovery phase, with no biomarkers reaching clinical exploitation. To this purpose, we developed an automated literature analysis procedure to retrieve all the background knowledge available in public databases. The bioinformatic platform allowed us to analyze more than 51,000 scientific papers dealing with PD, containing information on 4121 proteins. Out of these, we could track back 35 PD-related proteins as present in at least two published 2-DE maps of human plasma. Then, 9 different proteins (haptoglobin, transthyretin, apolipoprotein A-1, serum amyloid P component, apolipoprotein E, complement factor H, fibrinogen Îł, thrombin, complement C3) split into 32 spots were identified as a potential diagnostic pattern. Eventually, we compared the collected literature data to experimental gels from 90 subjects (45 PD patients, 45 non-neurodegenerative control subjects) to experimentally verify their potential as plasma biomarkers of PD
