21 research outputs found

    E-Health Treatments for Dual Disorders on Pregnancy

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    Introduction Dual pathology during pregnancy, described as the co-occurrence of substance use and mental health problems, is one of the leading preventable causes of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity; however, effective and accessible treatments are lacking. Objectives As part of the WOMAP(Woman Mental Health and Addictions on Pregnancy) initiative, our study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an e-health-based psychotherapeutic program compared to enhanced usual care. Methods This effectiveness randomized clinical trial was conducted between 2016-2020 in 5 hospitals in the Madrid(Spain) metropolitan area. 2014 pregnant women under 26 weeks of pregnancy were screened. Eligible participants(n=120) were those who screened positive for co-occurring symptoms(AC-OK screener) and were not receiving specialized behavioral treatment. Participants were assessed in depth at baseline, 2,4,8 and 12 months(PHQ-9;GAD-7;PCL-5;AUDIT;DAST;Fagerström) and randomized to the usual care control group(n=38) or to two groups of a 10-session pregnancy-adapted psychotherapeutic program, one delivered by App/internet(n=41) and one by telephone(n=41). Intent-to-treat analyses assessed effectiveness. Results Statistically significant effects of the intervention were found for mental health symptoms in the telephone group as compared to the control and App/internet groups, with an improvement effect starting earlier(2 months) and lasting longer(figures 1-3). Regarding substance use, due to the lack of other substances consumption, only smoking and alcohol cessation rates were analyzed. Patients in the App/internet and telephone groups discontinued significantly more, earlier and for a longer period compared to the control group(figures 4-5). Conclusions E-health psychotherapeutic programs could benefit pregnant women with dual disorders. An App/internet implementation could only be useful if focused solely on substances.2021-2

    How does neighbourhood socio-economic status affect the interrelationships between functioning dimensions in first episode of psychosis? A network analysis approach

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    The links between psychosis and socio-economic disadvantage have been widely studied. No previous study has analysed the interrelationships and mutual influences between functioning dimensions in first episode of psychosis (FEP) according to their neighbourhood household income, using a multidimensional and transdiagnostic perspective. 170 patients and 129 controls, participants in an observational study (AGES-CM), comprised the study sample. The WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS 2.0) was used to assess functioning, whereas participants' postcodes were used to obtain the average household income for each neighbourhood, collected by the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE). Network analyses were conducted with the aim of defining the interrelationships between the different dimensions of functioning according to the neighbourhood household income. Our results show that lower neighbourhood socioeconomic level is associated with lower functioning in patients with FEP. Moreover, our findings suggest that “household responsibilities” plays a central role in the disability of patients who live in low-income neighbourhoods, whereas “dealing with strangers” is the most important node in the network of patients who live in high-income neighbourhoods. These results could help to personalize treatments, by allowing the identification of potential functioning areas to be prioritized in the treatment of FEP according to the patient's neighbourhood characteristic

    Research on Devices for Handling Whole Slide Images on Pathology Workstations. An Ergonomic Outlook

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    Background Digital Pathology represents a technological innovation that introduces changes in the traditional tasks of pathologists. In this regard, an important issue that has not been enough emphasized is the image handling from an ergonomic point of view to avoid work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). The aim of this study was to investigate a proper input device for digital pathology. Material & Methods Research was conducted in two phases: (1). A comparative study to find out an optimal external controller. Eight medical students analyzed 11 input devices: keyboard (Hewlett Packard, HP), conventional mouse (HP), vertical mouse (CLS), touchpad (Logitech), 3 trackballs (Logitech, Kensington Expert and Ulove), Rollermouse (Contour), Ergopointer (Märzhäuser Sensotech), gamepad (Logitech) and a touchless device (Leap Motion Controller), using them with the Image Viewer software (Ventana). The web-based Fitts´ law test (UC Berkeley) was used to objectify the accuracy of each used device, randomly. 12 items were included in the questionnaire: comfort, technical aspects (cursor movement and objective achievement), prospects, overall satisfaction, prior experience, and others. (2). Evaluation by two experienced pathologists of the best rated input device on the previous experiment and its comparison with a voice recognition system (Invox Medical Dictation, Vocali) using a headset microphone (Plantronics). Perceived workload was scored using the NASA Task Load Index on 28 whole slide images visualized on the Digital Image Hub (Leica) platform with a 4 MegaPixel display (Barco). Data were processed with SPSS 21.0. Results Correlation between technical aspects of the evaluated devices and accuracy (Fitts´ law test), and comfort with overall satisfaction, was demonstrated (p<0.05). Comparative analysis of the 11 input devices concluded that vertical mouse was the best rated input device. However, on the second phase of the study, we find a slightly higher perceived workload using this device than using the voice recognition system, which was the best controller in digital pathology from an ergonomic point of view in this study. Conclusions We describe a methodology that can study and compare input devices for future workstations in digital pathology. Pathologists should be involved in this process trying to find ergonomic devices that prevent MSD. Voice recognition can function as a good handsfree device for digital pathology and could be considered in physical disability situations. Further studies using electromyography, accelerometry and 3D reconstruction analysis could provide additional ergonomic information

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 30 No. 62 Junio 2012

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    La Revista Temas Socio Jurídicos es una publicación seriada del Centro de Investigaciones Socio Jurídicas, dependencia adscrita a la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, que se dirige principalmente a Abogados, profesionales de las ciencias sociales y humanas, a estudiantes de derecho y de ciencias sociales y humanas.The Socio Legal Issues Magazine is a serial publication of the Socio Legal Research Center, a dependency attached to the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Bucaramanga, which is aimed mainly at Lawyers, professionals in the social and human sciences, law students and social and human sciences

    O final dos reinos: Diálogos entre Tiwanaku e La Aguada

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    Este escrito pone de nuevo a dialogar las iconografías de Tiwanaku (altiplano del Titicaca, Bolivia) y La Aguada (Noroeste de la Argentina), a más de 40 años de los trabajos de Rex González y de Ponce Sanginés. Lo hace en un contexto enteramente diferente con un énfasis decolonial. Objetos, imágenes, información etnográfica y arqueólogos de ambos lados de una frontera entre "naciones", se ensamblan con la clara intención de cuestionar supuestos subyacentes muy profundos de la arqueología. Metodología: a partir de los caminos que plantean las imágenes y colores, se amarran en estos nudos también los humanos y las cosas, las experiencias chamánicas y los fenómenos meteorológicos, todos enlazados de modo relacional. Conclusiones: tras poner a dialogar a La Aguada y Tiwanaku, con base en nuestras trayectorias investigativas, la discusión desemboca en una reflexión acerca de las consecuencias presentes de naturalizar miradas segmentadas y funcionalistas de los mundos animales y vegetales en el pasado, que se originan en los subyacentes ontológicos de nuestra propia modernidad. Originalidad: el texto apunta a abordar la crítica decolonial a partir del estudio de casos concretos y a aportar a esos debates desde materialidades arqueológicas.This paper once again brings the iconographies of Tiwanaku (Titicaca high plateau, Bolivia) and La Aguada (Northwest of Argentina) into discussion, more than 40 years after the works of Rex González and Ponce Sanginés. It does so in an entirely different context with a decolonial emphasis. Objects, images, ethnographic information and archaeologists from both sides of a border between “nations” are assembled with the clear intention of questioning very deep underlying assumptions of archaeology. Methodology: Beginning with the paths posed by images and colors, these knots also bind humans and things, shamanic experiences and meteorological phenomena. Conclusions: After bringing La Aguada and Tiwanaku into dialogue, based on our research trajectories, the discussion leads to a reflection on the present consequences of naturalizing segmented and functionalist gazes of the animal and plant worlds in the past, which originate in the ontological underpinnings of our own modernity. Originality: The text aims to approach decolonial criticism from the study of concrete cases and to contribute to these debates on the basis of archaeological materiality.Fil: Marconetto, María Bernarda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Villanueva Criales, Juan Eduardo. Museo Nacional de Etnografía y Folklore; Bolivi

    La renovación de la palabra en el bicentenario de la Argentina : los colores de la mirada lingüística

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    El libro reúne trabajos en los que se exponen resultados de investigaciones presentadas por investigadores de Argentina, Chile, Brasil, España, Italia y Alemania en el XII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística (SAL), Bicentenario: la renovación de la palabra, realizado en Mendoza, Argentina, entre el 6 y el 9 de abril de 2010. Las temáticas abordadas en los 167 capítulos muestran las grandes líneas de investigación que se desarrollan fundamentalmente en nuestro país, pero también en los otros países mencionados arriba, y señalan además las áreas que recién se inician, con poca tradición en nuestro país y que deberían fomentarse. Los trabajos aquí publicados se enmarcan dentro de las siguientes disciplinas y/o campos de investigación: Fonología, Sintaxis, Semántica y Pragmática, Lingüística Cognitiva, Análisis del Discurso, Psicolingüística, Adquisición de la Lengua, Sociolingüística y Dialectología, Didáctica de la lengua, Lingüística Aplicada, Lingüística Computacional, Historia de la Lengua y la Lingüística, Lenguas Aborígenes, Filosofía del Lenguaje, Lexicología y Terminología

    De l’indépendance politique à l’émancipation culturelle:le rôle de la diplomatie latino-américaine en Europe

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    Les républiques latino-américaines se sont construites, en marge de l’Europe, dans le cadre d’une longue émancipation historique qui dépasse largement les limites chronologiques des proclamations d’indépendance. Les diplomates latino-américains ont joué souvent un rôle décisif dans ce processus, œuvrant d’abord à la reconnaissance juridique et géographique des nouveaux Etats-nations, favorisant ensuite l’insertion des économies régionales sur les marchés internationaux et cherchant à susciter, finalement, la reconnaissance de la légitimité culturelle et intellectuelle de l’Amérique latine dans le monde. C’est cette dernière attitude que nous observons ici, en essayant de montrer comment elle s’inscrit dans une histoire hybride et paradoxale, dérivée de la colonisation et de ses représentations collectives subséquentes. La diplomatie n’est pas seulement l’art de la négociation, c’est aussi l’art de la représentation, de la séduction. Le but à atteindre, pour ces émissaires de l’Amérique indépendante, c’était d’abord un renversement de perspectives : faire en sorte que les nouvelles nations latino-américaines ne soient plus considérées comme des objets mais des sujets de l’histoire universelle; agir sur les représentations et plaider en faveur d’une authentique réciprocité, tout en affirmant une réappropriation géographique et culturelle de leurs territoires.The Latin American republics were built in the margins of Europe, as part of a long history of emancipation that far exceeds the time limits proclamations of independence. The Latin American diplomats have often played a decisive role in this process, working first at the geographical and legal recognition of new nation states, then promote the integration of regional economies on international markets and seeking to create, ultimately, recognition of cultural and intellectual legitimacy of Latin America in the world. It is this latter attitude that we see here, trying to show how it fits into paradoxical and hybrid history, derived from the settlement and its subsequent collective representations. Diplomacy is not only the art of negotiation, it is also the art of representation, seduction. The goal for these emissaries of independent America, was first a reversal of perspective: ensuring that the new Latin American nations are no longer seen as objects but subjects of world history ; act on the representations and advocate for genuine reciprocity, while affirming a reappropriation of their geographical and cultural


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    El artículo trata del encuentro de dos figuras de las letras latinoamericanas, Ricardo Palma (1833-1919) y Rubén Darío (1867-1916), en una encrucijada generacional propiciada por el Cuarto Centenario del Descubrimiento de América celebrado en España en 1892. En las tribunas de los numerosos discursos, exposiciones, tertulias, conferencias y congresos españoles, tanto el joven poeta modernista de 25 años como el académico y bibliotecario peruano se sumaron a las “voces latinoamericanas” que trataron de reivindicar entonces la necesidad no sólo de una reconciliación política y económica sino de un auténtico reconocimiento histórico e intelectual de las repúblicas americanas. Conformando acaso una bisagra temporal y arbitraria en la historia de las relaciones culturales entre España y América Latina, el encuentro centenario significó también un último cruce de generaciones que nunca antes se había logrado y nunca después se repetiría

    Représentations, mythes et didactique.: Enseigner l'espagnol aux futurs ingénieurs

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    A quoi servent les langues dans une école d�ingénieurs ? Ne suffit-il pas d�un échange académique ou d�un stage en entreprise à l�étranger pour acquérir toutes les compétences visées par le cadre européen de référence ou par la commission du titre d�ingénieur ? Ces questions que d�aucuns pourraient encore trouver saugrenues ne cessent d�être tambourinées pourtant dans les couloirs et les commissions des grandes écoles françaises. S�agit-il de revoir les fonctions et les compétences des enseignants de langue recrutés dans l�enseignement supérieur ? Faut-il remettre en cause des finalités ou des moyens pédagogiques inadaptés aux profils des étudiants ? Doit-on se tourner davantage vers des enseignements transversaux plus conformes à la dimension professionnelle recherchée ? Restons sur nos gardes et méfions-nous des envolées faciles ! Montaigne nous enseigne depuis des siècles que �la parole est moitié à celui qui parle et moitié à celui qui écoute�. Cette observation prend tout son sens dans nos cours de langue, lieux d�échange de paroles par essence. Face à l�internationalisation croissante de nos établissements et aux gageures de la société de l�information et de la communication, il faut cependant reprendre de temps en temps de la distance et revenir aux sources, à Descartes, par exemple, ou à Camponanes, pour comprendre le rôle et les besoins des ingénieurs dans la société, à Nebrija ou à Andrés Bello, pour restituer à la langue espagnole ses multiples dimensions historiques, affectives ou culturelles. Au-delà des acquisitions linguistiques fondamentales et du nécessaire dialogue interdisciplinaire, l�histoire et la culture constituent plus que jamais aujourd�hui des points d�ancrage ou des boussoles didactiques pour aborder ce monde de complexité croissante de plus en plus incertain dans lequel sont appelés à naviguer les futurs ingénieurs. C�est ce que nous essaierons de démontrer dans cette communication en nous appuyant à la fois sur une démarche historique et anthropologique basée sur l�expérience des filières françaises de formations d�ingénieur

    Słowo. R. 11, 1892, nr 267

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    Częstotliwość: dziennik.Od 1911, nr 1 wyd.: Antoni Donimirski. Od nr 34 (1911) za red.: Władysław Stopczyk.Od 1909, nr 284 red.: Antoni Donimirski i Erazm Piltz.Od 1919 red.: Michał Roman.Od 1913, nr 222 za red.: Stanisław Bukowiecki.Od 1882, nr 21 red. Henryk Sienkiewicz, wyd. Antoni Zaleski.Od 1887, nr 261 red.: Mścisław Godlewski.Od 1902, nr 286 za red.: Antoni Donimirski, za wyd.: Franciszek Wrotnowski.Od 1899, nr 148 red. i wyd.: Mścisław Godlewski. Od nr 285 (1899) wyd.: Lucjan Wrotnowski.Od 1903, nr 81 red.: Antoni Donimirski, wyd.: Paweł Górski.Od 1902, nr 34 za wyd. i red. Franciszek Wrotnowski.Od 1912, nr 10 za red.: Władysław Zyglarski. Od nr 148 (1912) wyd.: Józef Wielowieyski.Od 1900, nr 186 red. i wyd.: Lucjan Wrotnowski.Od 1913, nr 150 za red.: Henryk Michałowski. Od nr 161 (1913) za red.: Antoni Szabłowski.Numeracja: R. 33, nr 1-6 (25 =18 kwietnia 1919).Numeracja: 1882, nr 1 (2 stycznia =21 grudnia 1881)-R. 33, nr 73 (15 = 2 marca 1914).WarszawaFrequency: daily.Numbering: 1882, nr 1 (2 stycznia =21 grudnia 1881)-R. 33, nr 73 (15 = 2 marca 1914).Numbering: R. 33, nr 1-6 (25 =18 kwietnia 1919).Warszaw