17 research outputs found

    La nuova rivoluzione industriale tra tecno-entusiasmo e tecnologia: un'analisi spaziale del sentiment

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    Immaginari socio-tecnologici e analisi spaziale delle percezioni. – L’obiettivo di questo lavoro è quello di affrontare l’impatto della diffusione delle tecnologie avanzate non tanto dal punto di vista quan-titativo e della rappresentazione della distribuzione spaziale del fenomeno, quanto sul piano delle percezioni e delle rappresentazioni che emergono dall’ascolto delle voci provenienti dal Web e dai social media. Sembra infatti sempre più urgente contribuire al dibattito sulle recenti rivoluzioni industriali e digitali, esplorando nuove metodologie di analisi del fenomeno e dando spazio a diversi punti di vista e alle opinioni dei soggetti non istituzionali e non protagonisti rispetto alle narrazioni più ricorrenti e pervasive elaborate intorno al pro-gresso tecnologico. A tale proposito, esiste un’ampia letteratura che interpreta i cambiamenti generati dalla quarta rivoluzione industriale facendo riferimento alla produzione di tecnologie sempre più avanzate e alla loro forza dirompente in termini di impatto socioeconomico e di contributo ai diversi campi della vita umana e più recentemente anche ai processi di transizione ecologica (Schwab, 2016). Inoltre, come rilevano diversi studi nel campo della geografia economica e dell’economia regionale (De Propris e Bailey, 2020; Capello e Lenzi, 2022), la diffusione delle tecnologie 4.0 sta producendo trasformazioni non solo sulla vita delle per-sone e sulle comunità locali, ma anche sui sistemi urbani e regionali e sui livelli di sviluppo dei contesti a diverse scale territoriali

    Landscape and conflict in the age of digital surveillance. Participatory Walking through the surveilled cities

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    The securitarian paradigms, developed in recent decades, react to social problems by controlling and monitoring the population in order to accumulate personal data useful for analysing and promoting new needs. Surveillance capitalism finds in cities the opportunity to control and collect a gigantic amount of data from the unconscious or unaware surveilled, the citizens all. The city adapted to the rules of this contemporary form of capitalism has favoured the implementation of surveillance and control of urban space through -especially but not only- digital technologies. There is thus a new emphasis on the visual in the politics of the street and the utopian panoptic device theorised by Jeremy Bentham (1786) in the punitive city (Cohen, 1979). The strategy followed by states is to create a visually pleasing urban space in which invisible or inconspicuous surveillance devices contribute to the same process of space and landscape production. The aim of this article is to understand the motives and effects on the landscape of digital surveillance policies in the urban context with particular reference to three important themes: marginality, spectacle and surveillance. To conclude the theoretical reflections, a didactic experiment is proposed such as participatory walks useful to observe surveillance tools in the urban landscape and to reason, in cooperative learning, about their use and the impact they have on cities and people’s daily lives

    Food festivals and well-being : extending the PERMA model

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    Scholars are calling for more studies on short and long-term well-being outcomes of festival tourism, especially in different cultural settings. This interdisciplinary study applies Seligman's PERMA model to two food festivals in Italy and England. Findings illustrate how food festivals foster visitors' well-being and reveal which PERMA domains provide the greatest impact for participants. The theoretical contribution is the creation of a new conceptual framework of festival tourism well-being outcomes. The framework expands the PERMA model and shows the different pathways and factors that can help promote well-being. This is informed by the empirical contribution, which is the application of PERMA in a relatively new context of study: food festival tourism

    The strategic biomarker roadmap for the validation of Alzheimer’s diagnostic biomarkers : methodological update

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    Background: The 2017 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) Strategic Biomarker Roadmap (SBR) structured the validation of AD diagnostic biomarkers into 5 phases, systematically assessing analytical validity (Phases 1–2), clinical validity (Phases 3–4), and clinical utility (Phase 5) through primary and secondary Aims. This framework allows to map knowledge gaps and research priorities, accelerating the route towards clinical implementation. Within an initiative aimed to assess the development of biomarkers of tau pathology, we revised this methodology consistently with progress in AD research. Methods: We critically appraised the adequacy of the 2017 Biomarker Roadmap within current diagnostic frameworks, discussed updates at a workshop convening the Alzheimer’s Association and 8 leading AD biomarker research groups, and detailed the methods to allow consistent assessment of aims achievement for tau and other AD diagnostic biomarkers. Results: The 2020 update applies to all AD diagnostic biomarkers. In Phases 2–3, we admitted a greater variety of study designs (e.g., cross-sectional in addition to longitudinal) and reference standards (e.g., biomarker confirmation in addition to clinical progression) based on construct (in addition to criterion) validity. We structured a systematic data extraction to enable transparent and formal evidence assessment procedures. Finally, we have clarified issues that need to be addressed to generate data eligible to evidence-to-decision procedures. Discussion: This revision allows for more versatile and precise assessment of existing evidence, keeps up with theoretical developments, and helps clinical researchers in producing evidence suitable for evidence-to-decision procedures. Compliance with this methodology is essential to implement AD biomarkers efficiently in clinical research and diagnostics