2,486 research outputs found

    Analysis and proposal of sustainable urban mobility: accessibility to the cultural heritage of the City of Guanajuato; Gto

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    [EN] Through this research and analysis, its intention is to restructure the corporate public transport road network of the Patrimonial city of Guanajuato, based on a systemic approach created by transfer centers and avoiding vehicular traffic. To make the historical center an available, safe, and fast space, with less environmental impact and friendly, we pretend to change the structure of the city. Mobility is a necessity in cities, but it is also a right; it occupies a central role in society while allowing communication, economic activity, and integrating spaces and events; It is needed for all people to access the essential goods and services of a dignified life. The method of analysis that considered is Urban Sustainability as a set of systems, which explains that anyone who presents a problem produces an imbalance in the rest. Therefore, the Urban Sustainability Index (ISU) should understand as a degree achieved by the city to maintain the balance of all systems present in urban life. The elements used were: historical analysis, photographic records, public transport routes, diagrams of vehicle flows, and previous drafts. Its scope changes road capacity and accessibility, quality of life, sustainability, economic, social viability, equity, and quality of the environment. This project is aimed at improving and developing the infrastructure with a set of economically profitable actions. It proposes that short and medium-term actions contribute to a longterm vision and strategyITESO, Departamento del Hábitat y Desarrollo Urbano, Ph. Andrés Salas Montoya, Fernando Sánchez-Castellanos IturbeColmenero Fonseca, F.; Cruz Ramírez, AC. (2020). Analysis and proposal of sustainable urban mobility: accessibility to the cultural heritage of the City of Guanajuato; Gto. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 5(1):17-35. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2020.13254OJS173551Andrews-Phaedonos, F. , (2014) Specification and Use of Geopolymer Concrete, in: 9th Austroads Bridge Conference, Sydney, Australia.Arcos García, A., (2012) Transformación del paisaje patrimonial de la Ciudad de Guanajuato [Tesis doctoral]. Guanajuato: Universidad de Guanajuato.Attwell, C., (2014) Geopolymer concrete: a practical approach, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures, Johannesburg, South Africa., pp. 466-474.Buchwald, A., (2012) ASCEM® cement - a contribution towards conserving primary resources and reducing the output of CO2, Cem. Intl. 10, pp. 86-97.Colmenero Fonseca, F., (2017) Conservación del paisaje Urbano en el Centro histórico de la Ciudad de Guanajuato (S XVI-S XXI). Revista científica de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, [S.l.], v. 38, n. 3, 100106, dec. 2017. 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    Case Report of E-cigarette Associated Lung Injury in a Health Female

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    This is a case of a woman presenting with four days of diarrhea and dyspenea found to have E-cigarette or vaping-associated lung injury (EVALI

    Aulas de cálculo diferencial e integral organizadas a partir de episódios de resolução de tarefas: um convite à insubordinação criativa

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    Inspirados no conceito de insubordinação criativa, neste artigo apresentamos uma caracterização do nosso trabalho em ambientes de aprendizagem organizados por meio de episódios de resolução de tarefas. Relatamos, a partir de uma análise quantitativa e brevemente qualitativa dos resultados obtidos das resoluções apresentadas por estudantes ingressantes em turmas de cursos de engenharia de uma universidade federal, a “história” de evolução de uma das tarefas que compõem nosso ambiente. Na análise desse processo de refinamento da tarefa, com base nas reflexões dos pesquisadores, identificamos que a proposta de formulação de tarefas do tipo aberto-controlada mostrou-se mais promissora, considerando as condições reais de nosso ambiente de trabalho

    Los Bordes Urbano-Ambientales en Bogotá: Ordenación del Territorio de los Cerros Orientales (ARFPBOB) 1976-2015

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    El presente trabajo final de maestría es resultado de una investigación comprensiva de carácter urbano-regional sobre el territorio de los Cerros Orientales de Bogotá que pretende replantear el problema del borde urbano-ambiental en el oriente de la ciudad desde una perspectiva del Ordenamiento Ambiental del Territorio que hace énfasis en la trayectoria de las decisiones de ordenamiento estatal durante los últimos 40 años (1976-2015). Uno de los principales problemas identificados, consiste en la fragmentación del territorio y en insistir convertir a los Cerros Orientales como en una barrera al crecimiento urbano. Para este trabajo fue implementada una metodología cualitativa soportada en el concepto de estructura territorial, la cual nos permite desarrollar las categorías “decisiones de ordenamiento estatal” y “hechos ordenadores del territorio”. Especialmente, nos concentramos en la explicación y crítica de las decisiones de ordenamiento estatal con el propósito de sugerir alternativas de carácter jurídico y administrativo para aportar a la consolidación de una política de ordenamiento ambiental urbano-regional del territorio sostenible, tales como las figuras del “Suelo de Expansión de la Estructura Ecológica Principal” y “Suelo Urbano de Adaptación Ecológica”.Abstract. This Final Magister Paper is the result of a urban-regional comprehensive research on Bogota Eastern Hills territory that try to rethink the problem about the urban-environmental border in the east of the city from a Environmental Order perspective that make emphasizes in the trajectory of state´s decisions ordering during the last 40 years (1976-2015). One of the main problems identified is the territory fragmentation and the bet of turning the Eastern Hills as a barrier of the urban growth. For this work, we use a qualitative methodology based on the concept of territorial structure, which allows us to develop categories like a “state´s decisions ordering” and “facts territory ordering”. Specially, our focus explanation and critique is “state´s decisions ordering” with the purpose of suggesting legal and administrative alternatives to contribute at the consolidation of an urban-regional sustainable territory environmental policy, through figures like a “Main Ecological Structure Expansion Ground” and “Ecological Adaptation Urban Ground”.Maestrí

    PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF FRUITS AND SEEDS Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd. (Fabaceae - Mimosaceae)

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    The main physical and morphological characteristics of Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd. (Fabaceae –Mimosaceae) fruits and seeds, and correlation estimates between these characteristics were investigate in this study. Mature fruits of I. laurina were collected from matrices trees established in a savannah area located at the municipality of Cassilândia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The length, width, and thickness of 100 fruits and 100 seeds were measured. The fresh mass of fruits, pulp and seeds, and seed number per fruit were quantified. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, adjustment of statistical distributions, and Spearman's rank correlation analysis (rS). The I. laurina presents variation in the size and weight of fruits, pulp, and seeds, which can be explored for breeding programs and should be considered in the formation of seed lots that are more homogeneous. The fruits of I. laurina species are composed of 41% of pulp, 39% of bark and 20% of the seed. The greater fruit pulp yield can be optimized with the selection of fruits with greater fresh mass and longer due to the high degree of association between these characteristics and the pulp yield. The fruit length is a good indication in the selection of seeds with greater weight

    Communicative processing in adults with unilateral right hemisphere stroke: assessment by means of a short battery

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    Pacientes com lesão cerebrovascular de hemisfério direito (LHD) tendem a apresentar déficits comunicativos. Este estudo visou a investigar o processamento comunicativo de pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) de hemisfério direito. A amostra incluiu 100 participantes: 25 com LHD, 25 com AVC de hemisfério esquerdo (LHE) e 50 controles neurologicamente preservados (PNP). Os participantes responderam a um questionário de dados sociodemográficos, ao Mini Exame do Estado Mental para avaliar capacidade cognitiva geral, à Escala de Depressão Geriátrica de 15 pontos e à Escala Beck de Depressão para investigar sintomas depressivos, ao Teste dos Sinos para avaliar heminegligência, e à Escala Rankin Modificada para verificar capacidade funcional. O processamento comunicativo foi avaliado com a Bateria Montreal de Avaliação da Comunicação, versão abreviada – Bateria MAC Breve. Os escores foram comparados por One-Way ANOVA e Qui-quadrado. Houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos LHD e PNP em 89% das tarefas, mas não entre os grupos LHD e LHE. Além disso, o grupo LHD apresentou desempenho comunicativo inferior ao grupo PNP. Tais achados sugerem evidências de cooperação interhemisférica para os processamentos comunicativos.Patients with right hemisphere brain damage (RBD) usually experience communication impairments. This study aims to investigate the communication processing in patients who suffered a stroke in the right hemisphere. The sample comprised 100 participants: 25 with RBD, 25 with left hemisphere brain damage (LBD) and 50 neurologically healthy controls (NHC). Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Mini Mental State Examination to measure general cognitive ability, the Geriatric Depression Scale and the Beck Depression Scale to investigate depressive symptoms, the Bells Test to evaluate hemineglect and the Modified Ranking Scale to verify functional capacity. The communication processing was assessed with the use of the Montreal Communication Evaluation Battery, brief version – Brief MAC Battery. The scores were compared using a One-Way ANOVA and the Chi-squared test. There were significant differences between RBD and NHC groups in 89% of the tasks, but not between RBD and LBD groups. Furthermore, the RBD showed inferior communication skills compared to the NHC group. These findings indicate an interhemispheric cooperation for communication processing.Los pacientes con lesión cerebrovascular de hemisferio derecho (LHD) tienden a presentar déficits comunicativos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el procesamiento comunicativo de pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) de hemisferio derecho. La muestra incluyó 100 participantes: 25 con LHD, 25 con ACV de hemisferio izquierdo (LHI) y 50 controles neurológicamente preservados (CNP). Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Mini Examen del Estado Mental para medir la capacidad cognitiva general; la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica y la Escala Beck de Depresión, para investigar los síntomas depresivos; el Test de Mancación de Campanas, para evaluar heminegligencia, y la Escala de Rankin Modificada, para verificar la capacidad funcional. El procesamiento comunicativo fue evaluado con la Batería Montreal de Evaluación de la Comunicación, versión abreviada – Batería MAC Abreviada. Las puntuaciones fueron comparadas por ANOVA de una vía y Chi-cuadrado. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos LHD y CNP en 89% de las tareas, pero no entre los grupos LHD y LHI. Además, el grupo LHD presentó un desempeño comunicativo inferior al grupo CNP. Tales descubrimientos sugieren evidencias de cooperación interhemisférica para los procesamientos comunicativos