10 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to determine the implementation of hypertext which can improve students’ understanding in English reading. This research is action research. conducted in a class by carrying out stages such as planning, implementing, and reflecting on collaborative and participatory actions to improve performance as a lecturer so that student learning outcomes can improve. Despondences are the students are in class E even semester of 2018/2019 academic year. The result showed the ability of students to understand English reading has increased through hypertext media where the highest score is 93, the lowest score is 60 with an average of 74.5. With the details of 8 students scoring 93, 10 students scoring 76, 6 students scoring 69 and 4 students scoring 60

    Problematika dan Strategi Pembelajaran pada Masa Pandemi di Wilayah Pesisir Kepulauan Buton

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    This study aims to explain the problems and strategies of schools and teachers in coastal areas of the Buton islands in carrying out learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.  This research method is descriptive qualitative. Primary data are collected through online questionnaires, observations, and interviews. Research informants come from the elements of teachers, high school principals, students and parents of participants, especially Muhammadiyah High School. Secondary data is obtained through literature studies. The data are analyzed using qualitative data analysis method consisting of data reduction, data presentation, data interpretation and conclusion drawing. From the results of the study, it is concluded that there are various problems in the implementation of learning in high schools during the pandemic-Covid-19. The problems are strongly related to the unpreparedness of schools, teachers, parents, and students in facing the transformation of learning during the pandemic.  In addition, network unpreparedness also greatly affects the transformation of learning from offline to online to ineffective. Therefore, there are various strategies that schools and teachers try to implement to carry out learning, both online and face-to-face through limited class meetings and home visits. The results of this study show that the implementation of learning during the pandemic does not run effectively due to very complex problems. The role of the government is very important in preparing facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of learning during the pandemic covid-19

    The Function of Proverbs as Educational Media: Anthropological Linguistics on Wolio Proverbs

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    This study aims to explain the function of proverbs as an educational media in the socio-cultural life of Wolio people in Southeast Sulawesi. The method used in this study was a descriptive qualitative in anthropological linguistics perspective. Data collected through observation and in-depth interviews. Data analysis departs from language analysis and then cultural analysis. This study concludes that Wolio proverb as an educational medium has five important functions in the social life of Wolio people, namely as a means to: (1) teach linguistic knowledge, (2) train the performance of Wolio young people in speaking, (3) instill values wisdom for young people, (4) controlling young people's behavior to conform to agreed norms, and (5) educating Wolio youths to own and uphold their life principles. From these findings, this study confirms that proverbs are a good educational medium because they contain linguistic knowledge and positive cultural values so that they must be kept and preserved by their supporting communities. The role of the government is very important to support the preservation of this proverb.

    Analysis of The Aiken Index to Measure The Content Validity of The Wolio Language and Culture Preservation Model Instrument

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    This research aims to determine the content validity of the Wolio language and culture preservation model measurement instrument. This type of research is development research, using quantitative descriptive methods. The research subjects consisted of 9 experts, namely lecturers and teachers who understand the Wolio language and culture preservation model. Experts assess each item of the instrument statement. The instrument uses an ordinal rating scale and consists of 3 indicators. The collected data was analyzed using the Aiken's V formula. As a result, of the 15 instrument statement items, the content validity coefficient was greater than 0.74, indicating that all items were valid. There are 13 items in the very good category and 2 items in the good category. So this instrument is very suitable for use in measuring or assessing models of sociolinguistic preservation of language and culture

    Character Education Values in Indonesian Proverbs

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    Indonesian proverbs contain positive cultural values which are part of the character education of the Indonesian people. Therefore, this study aims to explain the values of character education in Indonesian proverbs. This research method is descriptive qualitative. Data were collected from Indonesian proverb books. Data analysis was carried out by identifying and classifying the proverbs based on the educational values they contain. This study finds that Indonesian proverbs have a minimum of 13 character education values: religious, honesty, discipline, justice, hard king, humility, independence, love of knowledge, loyalty, courage, frugal living, and social care. These values are very important for the younger generation. Therefore, the use and preservation of Indonesian proverbs in learning or the world of Indonesian education are very important to continue

    Sara Kidina in Buton: The Perspective of History, Culture and Quality of Life

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    This article aimed to explain the existence of ‘Sara Kidina’, a traditional institution that has survived to this day in Buton. Sara Kidina means a government or small institution that deals with legal and religious issues. This study used a descriptive qualitative model. Data were collected through a literature search and in-depth interviews with key informants. According to the results, the Sara Kidina institution has survived for approximately 423 years. Since its formation during the reign of the fourth Sultan of Buton, DayanuIkhsanuddin, Sara Kidina’s duties and functions have not significantly changed, even though the Buton sultanate system has ended. Sara Kidina functions to take care of the Butonese people, both now and in the hereafter. In carrying out these customary, legal and religious processions, Sara Kidina has an organizational structure with assigned duties. During the Sultanate of Buton, four Bhisa were included in the Sara Kidina structure because of their extensive knowledge of legal, religious and mysticism issues. At present, Sara Kidina is still functioning well in serving the needs of the community. This shows the strong influence of these institutions in the social and cultural life of the Butonese people. Therefore, government policy alignments are expected to support the existence of the Sara Kidina institution. Keywords: institutional existence, Sara Kidina, History, Buton culture, quality of lif

    Languange Learning Adapatation Model In The Era of Society 5.0

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    This article aims to explain the adaptation model of language learning in the 5.0 society era. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data used a library study on various studies of Language learning in the 5.0 era of society. The data were then identified and analyzed to build an understanding of the adaptation model of language learning in the 5.0 era as a form of response to future learning. The results of this study indicate that the adaptation model of Language learning to the era of society 5.0 is closely related to mastery of the field of Language which is integrated with mastery of the latest Information Technology, and mastery of 21st-century skills, namely creative thinking, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, and collaboration. However, the adaptation process and its results are largely determined by the ability of lecturers, students, and supporting facilities and infrastructure so that they can run well

    The Pandemic A Leap Of Faith - Covid-19 Vaccine Fatwa in Indonesia Religious Institutions Independence and Rival Politics

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    Imagine where we are in 2019. We are still living in best possible way, we gather, we socialize, and we celebrate plenty of things together with our loved one without worry. The 2019 is just two years ago, but in certainly feels like longer than that. Now, we are at the year of 2021. The pandemic has beeb with us for 17 months now. The countres all over the worlds loosen and tighten its boreder as the pandemics evolve into certainty when the vaccinations held. Indees, the catastrophic of the pandemics didn't just leave us behind, many of us losing out loved one and in grief. Yet we are still hopeful of the future especialyy when Science nurtured our thinking while God is with all of us at heart

    A Model of Wolio Language Maintenance Strategies in Society 5.0

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    This study aims to describe the Wolio language maintenance strategy model in the 5.0 era of society. This study uses qualitative research methods within the scope of sociolinguistic studies. Data were collected through library studies, and field studies. The results of this study describe five models of strategies for maintaining the Wolio language as a mother tongue, namely: 1) strengthening the preservation of Wolio customs and culture, 2) strengthening the role of Wolio traditional and cultural institutions, 3) strengthening the role of government, 4) strengthening the role of the family, and 5) strengthening the use of the latest communication and social media. The results of this study indicate that language maintenance in era 5.0 still requires the involvement of various elements, the government, the community, parents, and traditional leaders. In addition, language maintenance must be carried out by maintaining community traditions and customs because languages ​​that lose their culture will die slowly, and traditional traditions that lose their language will lose their sacredness. The use of the latest social media is also very important in maintaining language to respond to the 4.0 revolution. If not, the language will begin to be abandoned by its speakers, especially the younger generation, because they are considered inflexible, not prestige and left behind, or old-fashioned.


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    This thesis described the addressing system of Wolio language based on sociolinguistic approach. This research analyzed the addressing system based on its form and distribution, the classification of its meaning and explained the pattern of the usage of term of address along with the factors that influence the addressing choice. The approach of this research is sociolinguistics. It was conducted in three stages. Firstly, the data were collected by using observation method with the technique of non-active participatio