3,007 research outputs found

    Task Based English Language Teaching in Saudi Intermediate Schools

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    This study investigates the effectiveness and appropriateness of a constructivist instructional practice for EFL. It strives to determine whether adopting Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) is a more effective means to increase students’ reading comprehension when compared to that of the traditional teaching method. It also attempts to gain understandings that accompany TBLT implementation through constant comparison and contrast them with those that accompany the traditional teaching method. The mixed-method study covers quasi-experimental approach that uses one pretest and several posttests to collect quantitative data, as well as classroom observation and researcher log to collect qualitative data. The independent variable is the use of TBLT and the dependent variable is the students’ reading comprehension achievement scores. A Two-Factor Split Plot analysis with pretest as the covariate is used for analyzing the quantitative data. The analysis of qualitative data includes synthesis, rich, and detailed descriptions for classroom observation and grounded theory for researcher log data. Keywords: Task Based Language Teaching, Constructivist Instructional Practice

    In-Vitro Comparison of Aerosol Drug Delivery in Pediatrics Using Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler, Jet Nebulizer, and Vibrating Mesh Nebulizers

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    Background: Aerosol therapy has been established as an efficient form of drug delivery to pediatric and adult patients with respiratory diseases; however, aerosol delivery to the pediatric population is quite challenging. While some studies compare jet nebulizer (JN), vibrating mesh nebulizer (VMN), or JN and pMDI, there is no study comparing these three devices in pediatric and young children. The aim of this study quantifies aerosol deposition using JN, VMN, and pMDI/VHC in a simulated pediatric with active and passive breathing patterns. Methods: Each aerosol generator was placed between manual resuscitator bag (Ambu SPUR II Disposable Resuscitator, Ambu Inc, Glen Burnie, MD) and infant facemask (Mercury Medical, Cleanwater, FL), which was held tightly against the SAINT model. Breathing parameters used in this study were Vt of 100 mL, RR of 30 breaths/min, and I:E ratio of 1: 1.4. Active and passive breathing patterns were used in this study with aerosol device; active breathing pattern was created using a ventilator (Esprit Ventilator, Respironics/Philips Healthcare, Murrysville, PA) connected to a dual chamber test lung (Michigan Instruments, Grand Rapids, MI), which was attached to an absolute filter (Respirgard II, Vital Signs Colorado Inc, Englewood, CO), to collect aerosolized drug, connected to the SAINT model. Pediatric resuscitator bag was run at 10 L/min of oxygen and attached to aerosol generator with facemask. In passive breathing pattern, SAINT model was attached to test lung and ventilated using the resuscitator bag with the same breathing parameters. Each aerosol device was tested three times (n=3) with each breathing patterns. Drug was eluted from the filter and analyzed using spectrophotometry. The amount of drug deposited on the filter was quantified and expressed as a percentage of the total drug dose. To measure the differences in the inhaled drug mass between JN, VMN, and pMDI/VHC in active or passive breathing, one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) was performed. To quantify the difference in aerosol depositions between the two breathing patterns, independent t-test was performed. A p \u3c 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Although the amount of aerosol deposition with the JN was the same in passive and active breathing without any significant difference, the VMN was more efficient in active breathing than the JN (p = 0.157 and p = 0.729, respectively). pMDI/VHC had the greatest deposition in the simulated spontaneous breathing (p=0.013) Conclusion: Aerosol treatment may be administered to young children using JN, VMN, or pMDI/VHC combined with resuscitator bag. Using pMDI/VHC with resuscitator bag is the best choice to deliver albuterol in spontaneously breathing children. Further studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of these aerosol generators with different type of resuscitator bag and different breathing parameters

    Durability of multi layered plasma and HVOF coatings

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of variable compositional coating layers on their mechanical and chemical behaviour under certain environments typically experienced in the Oil and Gas Industry. The research centers on using thermal spray coating techniques such as the HVOF and plasma spray equipment. The coating was applied onto selected carbon steel substrates (API-5L, Schedule-40, Grade-B) to simulate the material application used in oil and gas components that subject to corrosion and corrosion-erosion phenomena. The coating was deposited using three layers of coatings with various combinations of sprayed powders to create graded multi-layered coating. WC-12Co powders with two different powder structures (micro-sized powders and nano-sized agglomerated into micro-sized powders – nano-structured) were mixed at different ratios with AMDRY (9954 and 995M) powders to enhance the mechanical behaviour, wear, and corrosion protection (Hardness, corrosion, erosion-corrosion) of the coatings. The surface morphology and the elemental composition of the coatings were examined using SEM and EDS techniques. The results indicated that coating deposited by the HVOF (60% Micro WC-12Co and 40% Micro AMDRY 9954) was the most effective coating system in preventing corrosion. If the erosion is the dominant concern, then replacing the Microsized WC-12Co powder with the Nanosized WC-12Co powder is effective for protecting materials from wear caused by erosion-corrosion. The addition of the AMDRY powder to the original WC-Co powders helped to lower the overall coating porosity, enhanced the corrosion protection, and improved the overall erosion–corrosion performance, which addresses issues currently faced in the Oil/Gas industry. A Design of Experiment (DOE) technique may be used to optimize the powders blending ratios to give better results in future work

    Study On the Parasites of Falcons in the United Arab Emirates

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    Sakers Falco cherrug, Gyrfalcons Falco rusticolus, Peregrines Falco peregrilllls, in addition to Hybrids (saker X gyrfalcon, or gyrfalcon X peregrine), were found to be the most popular species of falcons in United Arab Emirates (UAE). The importance of falcons and falconry in Arabia was highlighted with a brief history of falconry in Arabia. The study focused on the prevalence of intestinal parasites (coccidia, helminthes and nematodes) and blood parasites (Haemoproteus sp. and Leucocytozoon sp.) as well as ecto-parasites (Ticks and Mites) of these falcons, with discussion on the possible sources of infection in view of the epizootiology of these parasites. 100 falcons, 89 females and 11 males, were studied at random. Of these 100 falcons, 50 falcons were considered as resident falcons having spent a period of 1-4 years in the UAE, the rest (50 falcons) with less than 1-year residence were considered imported falcons . The falcons were identified, thin blood smears were taken stained with Giemsa, examined for blood parasites and positive smears were identified. Fresh feces were collected for macroscopic examination to recognize adult worms, segments of tapeworms or fly larvae, then fecal materials were prepared (direct and floatation methods) for microscopic examination to detect protozoan cyst and helminthes eggs. Three techniques: feathers inspection, insecticide spray, and shaking the body in full sun light, were used for collecting ecto-parasites. The results were presented in term of numbers and percentages of non-infected and infected imported and resident falcons in relation to species and sex. 52% (26/50) of imported falcons showed parasitic infections, while 38% (19/50) of resident falcons were found to be infected. The results were compared with those of other researchers. Emphasis was also laid on the pathological aspects of parasitic infection in falcons. Recommendations that would lead to significant decrease in the infection rates in falcons in the UAE were made


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    Rigid pavement or cement concrete pavement is a construction (pavement) with aggregate and raw materials and uses cement as a binding material. Rigid pavements have good compressive strength, but in contrast to flexural strength, this is due to their brittle nature, so when planning rigid pavements, fiber is added to the concrete mixture in the hope of increasing the elastic or flexible properties of the rigid pavement itself. This study aims to analyze the effect of adding polypropylene fibers to a mixture of rigid pavement concrete with a variation of 0.1%; 0.3%; 0.5%; 0.7%; and 1.0% by weight of cement. Control test objects without using polypropylene fiber. The number of cylindrical specimens of 15x30 cm was 30 pieces. Compressive strength test. The results showed that the compressive strength were optimum at 0.30%.Perkerasan kaku atau perkerasan beton semen adalah konstruksi (perkerasan jalan) dengan agregat dan bahan baku serta menggunakan semen sebagai bahan pengikat. Perkerasan kaku memiliki kuat tekan yang baik, namun berbeda dengan kuat lentur, hal ini dikarenakan sifatnya yang getas, sehingga pada saat merencanakan perkerasan kaku, ditambahkan serat pada campuran beton dengan harapan dapat meningkatkan sifat elastis atau lentur dari perkerasan kaku itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh penambahan serat polypropylene pada campuran beton perkerasan kaku dengan variasi 0,1%; 0,3%; 0,5%; 0,7%; dan 1,0% berat semen. Benda uji tanpa menggunakan serat polypropylene sebagai benda uji kontrol. Jumlah benda uji berbentuk silinder 15x30 cm sebanyak 30 buah. Uji kuat tekan Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kuat tekan optimum pada kadar serat polypropylene 0,30% terhadap berat seme

    Effect of Magnetic and Perturbation Parameters on Blood Flow Distribution through an Artery

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    The motion of the blood inside an artery is investigated under the transverse magnetic field. The velocity and temperature variation of the blood flow motion are solved by perturbation technique. We considered the magnetic field is constant and viscosity of the fluid distribution depends on temperature. We derived flow rate and wall shear stress during the flow of blood through the human artery. We analyzed the effect of temperature profiles, flow rate and wall shear stress during the propagation of blood. It is observed that the human will die with respect to the increase temperature in the blood flow distribution

    The Genetics of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Current Insights

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that results in loss of the upper and lower motor neurons from motor cortex, brainstem and spinal cord. Whilst the majority of cases are sporadic, around 10% show familial inheritance. ALS is usually inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, though autosomal recessive and X-linked inheritance do occur. To date, 24 of the genes at 26 loci have been identified; these include loci linked to ALS as well as to FTD-ALS, where family pedigrees contain individuals with frontotemporal dementia with/without ALS. The most commonly established genetic causes of FALS to date are the presence of a hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the C9ORF72 gene (39.3% FALS) and mutation of SOD1, TARDBP and FUS, with frequencies of 12-23.5%, 5% and 4.1% respectively. However, with the increasing use of next generation sequencing of small family pedigrees, this has led to an increasing number of genes associated with ALS. This review provides a comprehensive review on the genetics of ALS and an update of the pathogenic mechanisms associated with these genes. Commonly implicated pathways have been established, including RNA processing, the protein degradation pathways of autophagy and ubiquitin-proteasome-system as well as protein trafficking and cytoskeletal function. Elucidating the role genetics plays in both FALS and SALS is essential for understanding the subsequent cellular dysregulation that leads to motor neuron loss, in order to develop future effective therapeutic strategies

    Kalman Filter of Dynamic Hierarchical Model

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    In a specific way, the dynamic hierarchical model has been presented alongside with the derivation of the final formula of the Kalman filter. The filtering coefficient used along with the equations necessary for the filtering process has also been determined. Most of the related works were studied which gave rise to the problem statement of filtering problems placed under the case of st = . Most of the basic concepts of the dynamic hierarchical linear model were also displayed based on some previous works. A mathematical formula was also formulated and derived to calculate the dynamic hierarchical Kalman filter model, which results in a repetitive measure to estimate the model parameters. The proposed derived formula reduces the error associated with the model and achieves a successful optimal estimation of the parameters. This proves that the Kalman coefficient is the best filtering for any normal probability distribution and provides the least variance among the estimates. This study also provides an illustrative example of the model with the filtering process concerned. It was further illustrated that the findings can be used in practical applications, which reveals the fields that can be investigated in this area

    Remote Sensing Of Turbidity Mapping From Digital Camera Imagery.

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    A complete set of normal digital camera data and ground-based measurements are used to test an algorithm for retrieval of turbidity distribution in the Prai Estuary, Penang, Malaysia

    Use of evidence based pharmacotherapy for cardiovascular disease in Scotland

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Clinical guidelines, based on the results of randomised controlled trials, state that effective secondary prevention therapies should be prescribed following a diagnosis of particular CVD unless there are contraindications. Although evidence shows that use of evidence based pharmacotherapies after diagnosis of CVD reduces mortality and disease progression, many inequalities exist in prescribing practice. Many studies have documented that women and the elderly are less likely to receive evidence based therapies than men and the young, respectively. Greater socioeconomic deprivation has also been shown to be associated with lower rates of prescribing of therapies. However, prior studies have all focussed on one particular CVD or failed to adjust for confounders. Also, few studies have examined trends in the prescribing of evidence based pharmacotherapies over time and documented whether prescribing inequalities are static, narrowing or widening. This project aims to describe the pharmacotherapy received by patients with CVD in Scotland, and to describe the factors associated with prescribing of evidence based pharmacotherapy. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study I examined a linked database of primary care records (Continuous Morbidity Records) and secondary care records (Scottish Morbidity Records) covering 238064 individuals in Scotland (approximately 6% of the total population) from 1997 to 2005. Patients with a first diagnosis (defined as a first hospitalisation or first recording of the diagnosis in primary or secondary care) of myocardial infarction (MI), angina, and peripheral arterial disease (PAD) were identified. Patients who died within the first 30 days of diagnosis/first hospitalisation were excluded from further analysis. Data on prescribing of evidence based therapies (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI)/angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), β-blockers, statins and antiplatelet agents [aspirin or clopidogrel]) within 30 days of diagnosis was obtained from primary care database records. Multivariable logistic regression was conducted to examine the association between prescribing of evidence based pharmacotherapies and age, sex, socioeconomic status, comorbidities and year of diagnosis. Results: Between 1997 and 2005, 4305 (83.4%) patients with a first diagnosis of MI, 7210 (98.6%) with angina, and 3385 (95.8%) with PAD had survived to 30 days after their first diagnosis. Increasing age was associated with lower odds of being prescribed evidence based therapies. This association persisted after adjustment for sex, socioeconomic status, year of diagnosis, and comorbidities. In general, older patients ≥ 85 were significantly less commonly prescribed evidence based therapy (EBTs), however they were significantly prescribed nitrates (OR 1.29; 95% CI 1.05-1.59, P<0.01) for angina. Generally men were more likely to be prescribed evidence based therapies than women. After adjustment, prescribing of evidence based therapies was significantly higher in men with a MI for β-blockers (OR 1.18; 95% CI1.04-1.33, P< 0.01), ACEI/ARBs (OR1.26; 95% CI1.05-1.47, P< 0.01) in angina, and statins in men (OR 1.39; 95% CI1.01-1.93, P< 0.04) with PAD and coronary heart disease (CHD). In contrast, men diagnosed with isolated PAD were significantly less commonly prescribed statins than women (OR 0.73; 95% CI0.59-0.91, P< 0.004). Prescribing of evidence based therapies varied negligibly between the most deprived and least deprived patients. These minor differences disappeared after adjustment except for β-blockers which were significantly less likely to be prescribed for patients who had been diagnosed with angina and were residing in quintile 9 compared to the least deprived area (OR 0.76, 95% CI 0.58-1.00, p= 0.05). Prescribing of evidence based therapies increased between 1997 and 2005, particularly for ACEIs/ARBs, β-blockers, statins and antiplatelet agents. Generally the presence of comorbidities was associated with lower odds of being prescribed evidence based therapies. When comparing prescribing rates between the different diagnoses, patients with a first MI were more likely to be prescribed ACEI/ARBs, β-blockers, statins, aspirin and clopidogrel compared to angina. All evidence based therapies were less likely to be prescribed for those with PAD compared to patients with a MI or angina. Conclusion: In conclusion, I have shown that prescribing of evidence based therapies has improved over time, though rates remain low. Prescribing evidence based therapies is inequitable, though not always significant, for age, sex, and socioeconomic status. Concomitant disease decreased the odds of being prescribed evidence based therapies. More studies are needed to identify the reasons for the prescribing inequalities and low rates observed. Further studies are needed to examine the existence of other inequalities in using evidence based therapies such as dosing and to find strategies to improve prescribing rates