10,226 research outputs found

    Study of performance of nitrification process

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    AbstractThe objective of this paper was to study the static behavior and the performance of an experimentally validated model for nitrification process using a single reactor high activity ammonia removal over nitrite (SHARON) process. The model consists of mass balances of total ammonium, total nitrite, ammonium oxidizers, and nitrite oxidizers. The steady state analysis allowed the construction of practical diagrams that show the effect of operating conditions (dilution rate and ammonium feed concentration) as well as kinetic parameters on the performance of the bioreactor. The focus is made on the region that allows for the conversion of ammonium to nitrite and the prevention of further oxidation of nitrite to nitrate. The findings of this study are applicable which can delineate the effect of process variables on the performance of the bioreactor

    Restorative Justice Approach on The Under Age (Minors) Violator of The Traffic Case Accident (Laka) That Lead to Death in Polres Majalengka

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    The research is qualitative research in the form of descriptive analysis using sociological juridical approach. Types and sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collected through the study of literature and interviews, while the juridical analysis using qualitative analysis. The approach used for the treatment of children in conflict with the law based on values, principles and norms. Pure approach puts the welfare and well-being approach to legal intervention. The punishment model approach to restorative justice called today considered more feasible. For the sake of freedom and rights of the child (fundamental rights and freedom of children) as well as the various interests related to the welfare of children. A limiting factor in the application of Restorative Justice against children in violation of the Act Traffic is due to the factor of legislation often misinterpretation, the factor of law enforcement is the lack of knowledge and skills of investigators in solving criminal cases traffic, factors of infrastructure, a factor of society who do not know information about Restorative justice, Cultural factors personal character actors and victims and their families who do not support the case outside of court settlement or peace. Efforts of traffic guards to avoid conflicts / complaints by victims neutral officer, the offender is directed to the relationship and extend our condolences to the victims, conduct deliberations and request assistance from the Institute of Corrections.Keywords: Restorative Justice; Traffic Accident; Child Actors

    Pattern of management of oro-facial infection in children: A retrospective

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    AbstractBackgroundThe purpose of this study was to determine the distribution and management of orofacial infection in children treated at one of the major hospitals in Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia over a 12-month period during the year 2014.MethodsData from the clinical records of 94 children (33 girls, 61 boys; aged 2–14years) who presented for treatment of orofacial infection at the emergency dental department of the military hospital in Jeddah during a 12-month period. Patients were treated with antibiotic therapy. A favorable outcome was determined based on length of hospital stay.ResultsThe results indicated that the most common cause of odontogenic infection in Saudi children was dental caries (88%). The primary posterior teeth (84%) were considered to be a major source of infection. The most commonly affected teeth were the primary first molars (34%), followed by the primary second molars (31%). Six children were hospitalized; four of these stayed less than 4days, which was considered a short hospital stay. The most common treatment was antibiotics as 93% received a type of antibiotic.ConclusionsThe most common cause of odontogenic infection was dental caries which has been treated with antibiotic prescription and dental procedures

    The Teaching Writing Approaches: Genre: Solution Toward “UN†Reading Test Phenomenon

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    Kemampuan menulis Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu kemampuan berbahasa yang dianggap paling kompleks karena melibatkan berbagai kemampuan kognitif dan linguistik. Secara konvensional, pembelajaran menulis dilakukan dengan pendekatan genre dimana siswa mengembangkan karangan secara bertahap mulai dari penggalian ide hingga merevisi karangan. Proses itu sendiri tidak terlalu jelas tahapannya, namun secara umum meliputi kegiatan penggalian ide, penyusunan draf, dan perbaikan/revisi. Pengamatan perhadap pembelajaran menulis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pemantauan yang pasti terhadap proses menulis, dalam arti, proses yang dilakukan dengan susah payah tersebut hanya diakui melalui penilaian terhadap produknya, yaitu draf terakhir atau hasil karangan. Dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, menulis paragrap merupakan keterampilan yang paling mudah diukur dengan menggunakan test obyektif sehingga paling banyak digunakan dalam Ujian, seperti Ujian Nasional, Ujian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, Ujian Kenaikan Kelas, dan bahkan Ulangan Harian. Ini membuktikan bahwa kemampuan menulis harus dipandang sebagai keterampilan yang sangat penting sehingga peserta didik perlu mendapat pembelajaran yang baik supaya mereka mahir dalam memahami wacana berbahasa Inggris

    Tutupan Terumbu Karang dan Kelimpahan Ikan Terumbu di Pulau Nyamuk, Karimunjawa

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    Indonesia merupakan suatu Negara kepulauan dengan berbagai biodiversitas yang melimpah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui status terumbu karang, kelimpahan ikan terumbu, dan indeks ekologis dari terumbu karang dan ikan terumbu diperairan pulau Nyamuk, Karimunjawa. Pengambilan data terumbu karang dilakukan dengan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT) dengan panjang 100 m sejajar garis pantai dan ikan terumbu dengan metode visual sensus dengan panjang 100 m sejajar garis pantai. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 4 site yaitu utara, barat, selatan, dan timur dengan dua kedalaman berbeda yaitu 3 dan 10 meter. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa prosentase tutupan terumbu karang terbesar berada pada site utara dengan prosentase 66,59% di kedalaman 3 meter dan 42,77% pada kedalaman 10 meter, dan untuk kelimpahan ikan terumbu pada site selatan di kedalaman 10 meter dengan jumlah 12400 individu/ha dan 7600 individu/ha pada kedalaman 3 meter. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa keadaan terumbu karang dan ikan terumbu diperairan pulau Nyamuk, Karimunjawa masih tergolong baik. Kata Kunci : Terumbu karang, Ikan Terumbu, Pulau Nyamu


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh turunnya harga saham emiten sektor mining di tahun 2011 - 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk, mengetahui gambaran profitabilitas yang diukur dengan Return on Equity (ROE), nilai pasar yang diukur dengan Price to Book Value (PBV), dan harga saham emiten sektor mining di Bursa Efek Indonesia, serta untuk menguji pengaruh Return on Equity (ROE) dan Price to Book Value (PBV) terhadap harga saham. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dan verifikatif, dengan menggunakan pengujian hipotesis. Alat analisis yang digunakan meliputi regresi linier berganda, korelasi, uji f dan uji t. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder ROE, PBV, dan harga saham penutupan emiten sektor mining yang listing tahun 2011 – 2015. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah, nilai profitabilitas, nilai pasar, dan harga saham di bursa selama tahun 2011 – 2015 mengalami trend pertumbuhan yang negatif, dan Return on Equity (ROE) secara signifikan berpengaruh positif terhadap harga saham, dan Price to Book Value (PBV) secara signifikan berpengaruh positif terhadap harga saham. ;--- This research based ondeclining stock price of mining sector emitenat year 2011 - 2015. This researchpurposeare, to knowdescribe of profitabilitythat measuredby Return on Equity (ROE), market valuemeasured by Price to Book Value (PBV), andstock price of mining sector emiten inBEI, andtoexamineinfluence of Return on Equity (ROE) and Price to Book Value (PBV) to stock price. Research method that used in this research aredescriptive and verivicative method, with use ofhipothesys examination. Analysys Toolsthat used are,multiple linear regression, correlation, f test and t test. Data thathave been usedaresecondary dataof ROE, PBV, and closing price of emiten mining sectorthat listing at 2011 – 2015. This research have resulted, value of profitability, market value, andstock priceinBEIat 2011 – 2015 hadnegative trend of growth, and Return on Equity (ROE), and Price to Book Value (PBV) each have positive effectsignificantly tostock price


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    This article reviews the recent trends of Oman's electricity sector before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The impacts of the pandemic on the Main Interconnected System (MIS) of Oman were analyzed using hourly load data. The analysis shows that the MIS demand declined as a result of the decrease in economic activities during the lockdown. In addition, the MIS demand experienced temporal and geographical variations: the former is demonstrated by a shift in peak demand hours, while the latter is represented by a reduction in Muscat's urban areas' load compared with those of other areas

    Autonomous Mobile Robot Power Management System

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    The most important part of an autonomous mobile robot is its power management in order to avoid any deadlock. A system was developed to identify the time when the autonomous mobile robot needed to return for battery recharge through an alarm of the battery error detection. The design of this system is a car-like mobile robot with two front steering wheels and two rear driving wheels. The steering gear motor turns the entire front-wheel assembly a number of degrees to the left or right of the straight-ahead. The drive motor is mounted to one of the rear wheels and both rear wheels are fixed to the rear axle. The gear motor can drive both of them at the same time. This mobile robot is kinematically constrained body, which can be modelled as a 2D object translating and rotating in the horizontal plane. The discharge parameters are the battery voltage and the battery capacity. The values of these two discharge parameters are function of the battery suitability to the load. Using a microcontroller-based circuit with current and temperature sensors did achieve the battery management process. The battery temperature and voltage sensors provide information for the changed battery status. The current sensor monitors the current delivered from the battery during the discharge time. From identifying the value of the current, the applied load to the mobile robot can be known. From the sensed current the system can generate a suitable countdown time to estimate the remaining battery lifetime under load. The time is updated as the load is changed

    Optical Beat Interference in Optical Communication System

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    Subcarrier Multiplexing (SCM) can be used to increase the capacity of any optical network. Both Single-Optical-Carrier (SOC) and Multiple- Optical-Carrier (MOC) SCM systems can be employed. However, in SCMMOC systems, when two lasers carrying subcarrier channels operate with very close spaced wavelength, beating between the lasers and beating between the lasers and Four-Wave Mixing (FWM) terms can occur. This will increase the noise at the photodetector. This type of noise is called Optical Beat Interference (OBI) and it is dependent on the accumulated Chromatic Dispersion (CD) experienced transmission. This thesis establishes a new approach to reduce OBI by suppressing the optical carrier. The effect of OBI in the presence of FWM is also examined and analyzed. Additionally, applications of OBI in optical communications are investigated, particularly for measuring CD and the modulator frequency chirp.The new approach for OBI reduction uses optical carrier suppression. This method achieved a 28 dB improvement in the Carrier-To- Interference (CIR) ratio. In addition, OBI penalty in SCM-MOC network in the presence of FWM is studied mathematically and verified through a simulation exercise, which shows that the maximum number of subcarrier or the bandwidth of the SCM-MOC system will be limited by Main-Beating and FWM-Beating when FWM is present. The novel technique for CD measurement is performed by simultaneously launching a pump and probe optical signals at ol angular optical frequency separation, and two phase-conjugated terms into the SMF. The relative power of the beat frequencies that appear after the photodetector at 01 and at 201 is used to determine the accumulated CD. This technique was successfully demonstrated using a Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA) as a phase conjugator to achieve a 19 dB relative power variation as a result of up to 1900 ps/nm CD change. A new method to measure the modulator frequency chirp parameter using OBI is performed in two steps. In the first step, the frequency separation between two optical signals passing through a phase conjugator is changed, produces a resonance reference frequency as a result of the accumulated fiber CD. In the second step, an RF modulated signal passes through the same length of fiber as in the first step. A second resonance frequency is produced as a result of fiber CD and modulator chirp. The difference between the two resonance frequencies is used to measure the modulator chirp. The new method achieves a measurement range of * 5 and maximum resonant frequency of 8.1 GHz at an accumulated CD 1632 ps/nm


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    Kemampuan menulis Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu kemampuan berbahasa yang dianggap paling kompleks karena melibatkan berbagai kemampuan kognitif dan linguistik. Secara konvensional, pembelajaran menulis dilakukan dengan pendekatan genre dimana siswa mengembangkan karangan secara bertahap mulai dari penggalian ide hingga merevisi karangan. Proses itu sendiri tidak terlalu jelas tahapannya, namun secara umum meliputi kegiatan penggalian ide, penyusunan draf, dan perbaikan/revisi. Pengamatan perhadap pembelajaran menulis tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pemantauan yang pasti terhadap proses menulis, dalam arti, proses yang dilakukan dengan susah payah tersebut hanya diakui melalui penilaian terhadap produknya, yaitu draf terakhir atau hasil karangan. Dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, menulis paragrap merupakan keterampilan yang paling mudah diukur dengan menggunakan test obyektif sehingga paling banyak digunakan dalam Ujian, seperti Ujian Nasional, Ujian Tengah Semester, Ujian Akhir Semester, Ujian Kenaikan Kelas, dan bahkan Ulangan Harian. Ini membuktikan bahwa kemampuan menulis harus dipandang sebagai keterampilan yang sangat penting sehingga peserta didik perlu mendapat pembelajaran yang baik supaya mereka mahir dalam memahami wacana berbahasa Inggris.Kata Kunci: Teaching Writing, Genre Approaches, “UN†Reading TestÂ