256 research outputs found

    The Characteristics of the Letter of Dād and the Miracle of Al-Qur’an

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    Since ancient times, Arabic has been an actively used language. Arabic language is also renowned as the language of Al-Qur’an (Muslim’s holy book). However, it is important to notice that the Arabic language used for communication is certainly different from that used in the Qur’an, which is also called the classical Arabic language (qodîmah). This Qur’anic Arabic has various unique characteristics. This paper elaborates some specificities and uniqueness of Arabic letter Dād that no other languages in this world bear similarities. Thus, it cannot be denied if this language is used to represent the verses of the Qur’an. Although some challenges were later found in pronouncing this letter after the Qur’an is read by all Muslims throughout the world. The letter Dād, found in the 15 order of the Hijaiyah alphabet has a very close relation to the uniqueness of the Qur’anic Arabic. In fact, the existence of this letter seems to answer the mystery of why the al-Qur’an was revealed by using clear Arabic (bi lisânin ‘arobiyyin mubînin). This paper will also discuss the characteristics of Dād and its uniqueness which make the proof of the authenticity of the language, which also explains why the language, among all other languages in the world is chosen to be the language of Al-Qur’an.     Keywords: Arabic, al-qur’an, Hijaiyah, qodîmah, quranic languag

    Analisis Tingkat Kerusakan Penggunaan Lahan Akibat Banjir Lahar Pasca Erupsi Gunungapi Merapi Tahun 2010 Di Sub Das Kali Putih

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    Kali Putih merupakan salah satu sungai yang terkena banjir lahar akibat erupsi Gunungapi Merapi. Peristiwa tersebut menyebabkan sebagian besar wilayah di sekitar Kali Putih mengalami kerusakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui daerah yang terkena luapan banjir lahar, mengetahui penggunaan lahan yang mengalami kerusakan akibat banjir lahar, dan menganalisis tingkat kerusakan penggunaan lahan akibat banjir lahar di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah interpretasi penggunaan lahan melalui citra penginderaan jauh dan tracking area luapan banjir lahar menggunakan GPS. Pengambilan sampel untuk uji ketelitian penggunaan lahan menggunakan area random sampling. Penentuan tingkat kerusakan penggunaan lahan dilakukan dengan kegiatan cek lapangan pada daerah yang terkena luapan banjir lahar. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah daerah yang terkena luapan banjir lahar terletak di 4 desa di Kecamatan Salam yang terdiri atas Desa Gulon 75.417,95 m2 (9,19 %), Desa Jumoyo 396.999,26 m2 (48,36 %), Desa Seloboro 140.612,76 m2 (17,13 %), dan Desa Sirahan 207.877,32 m2 (25,32 %). Penggunaan lahan yang terkena luapan banjir lahar antara lain adalah kampung sebesar 125.936,63 m2 (15,34 %), kebun campuran sebesar 539.573,13 m2 (65,73 %), pendidikan sebesar 16.837,01 m2 (2,05 %), sawah sebesar 74.008,02 m2 (9,02 %), dan tegalan sebesar 64.552,50 m2 (7,86 %). Tingkat kerusakan penggunaan lahan di daerah penelitian disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor antara lain adalah jarak dari sungai dan kemiringan lereng


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    Non-formal and informal education is a part of national education that has a broad target. It has large target, geographical variation, and differences in need and demand. To reach this target, this Directorate General is supported by technical and educational staff. The staff are demanded to provide the community with high quality services. They must have personal, social, professional, and academic competences. Although all of these competences have important roles, but this article only discusses personal and social competences. Personal competence gives a strong foundation to deal with all problems, and social competence gives a foundation for human interaction. Both competences influence individual success and reflect the commitment and integrity in their duties

    Analisis Standar Kualifikasi Akademik Guru SD di Kecamatan Kras Kabupaten Kediri

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    The study with title of “Analisis Standar Kualifikasi Akademik Guru SD di Kecamatan Kras Kabupaten Kediri” have to know abstract leval of academic qualified teacher of elementary school  in subdistrict of Kras in Kediri District. Research data is quantitative data was analysed by descriptive, because in this study to analyse of academic qualified standard teacher of elementary school  in subdistrict of Kras in Kediri District. The result of this study showed that counted 174 teacher of elementary school  (77%) in subdistrict of Kras in Kediri District which have achieved academic qualified from total 226 teacher of elementary school. This means that counted 52 teacher of elementary school (23%) academic qualified including which qualify. Amount 23%  the predominated by teacher bachelor (DII) is counted 17 teacher (7,5%). This amount including low if as compared to academic qualified which nationally qualify


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    In general, this study aims to find out how the implementation of BPJS Health policies and what factors influence the implementation of BPJS Health policies in Bekasi District Hospitals. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data used is interviews with key informants of approximately one month. The results of the study indicate that in general the implementation of the BPJS Health policy at the Bekasi District Hospital is quite satisfactory, although there are still obstacles that must be overcome and repaired. According to the results of the study, based on the approach to the smooth implementation of routine functions and the approach to realizing the desired impact proposed by Randall B. Repley and Grace A. Franklin, several obstacles were found. Among them are the claims of BPJS Health participants at the Bekasi District Hospital that have not been paid by the BPJS Health and the revenue deficit experienced by the Obligation section

    Observation of Schrinkage Indications in Excavator’s Bracket Casting Using Film Based Radiography

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    Experimental studies have been conducted to examine the casting quality of the excavator’s bracket sample using film-based conventional radiography. Referenced standards are ASME Section V Article 2 and/or ASME E94 about radiographic examination. There are 26 areas that have been exposured for the entire surface of the bracket sample. Under viewing, area number 13 revealed the most severe defects. Therefore area number 13 is discussed in this study.  Area number 13 of the bracket sample with the thickness of 16 mm was exposured using Co-60 gamma rays radiation source with activity of 80 Ci. The exposure was performed from the distance of 360 mm for 27 second. The D7 medium speed radiographic film was used to record the latent image of the exposured sample. The exposured film was then developed in chemical solutions to convert the latent image into permanent image or radiograph. The radiograph is analyzed using a light viewer to see whether there are any indications in the sample being examined. Under viewing, indications of distributed shrinkage in the casting body were apparently observed. These indications are fall into category of C4 according to the radiograph album of ASME E446 standard for steel casting with thickness up to 2 in. (50.8 mm). Defects of C4 are categorized as bad. The experiment concludes that the casting quality of the excavator’s bracket is poor and it is recommended that the bracket should be repaired and re-tested radiographically. Otherwise, the bracket sample is prohibited to use for services because of unsafe reason