212 research outputs found

    Dialogic Communication and Public Relations Websites: A Content Analysis of the Global Top 250 PR Agencies

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    Past research has shown that dialogic communication has essential characteristics that foster two-way communication between organizations and their stakeholders. This study investigates how public relations firms incorporate the principles of dialogic communication on their websites. The top and bottom 50 websites from the Holmes report on Top 250 Global PR agency rankings were content analyzed. Kent and Taylor’s (1998, 2003) five principles of dialogic communication were applied to find out if public relations firms incorporate the principle of dialogic communication effectively on their websites, provide relevant information for stakeholders and prospective clients, and if there are differences between PR rankings in terms of website usability and the dialogic loop. Findings reveal that bottom 50 PR websites are not as dialogic as the top 50 PR websites. In addition, the study revealed that both top and bottom to a considerable extent incorporated the principles of dialogic communication

    Diffusion Modeling of Impurities Through the Molybdenum Back Contact of CIGS Solar Cells

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    CIGS is a major technology in photovoltaics and depends heavily, as any other PV technology, on the capacity to achieve the highest efficiency possible to compete on the market. Alkaline elements, notably sodium and potassium, play a key role in this matter as they enhance the open circuit voltage and the fill factor of the CIGS solar cells. However, this effect exists only for very specific concentration of sodium and potassium. These impurities typically diffuse through the soda-lime glass substrate. Via modeling of the SIMS data, we try to understand and predict the diffusion mechanisms of these impurities from the glass through the molybdenum into the CIGS absorber layer. We therefore try to understand the appropriate modeling parameters that could include: grains and grain boundaries size and geometry, diffusivity in the grain and the GBs, variation of these parameters as a function of deposition process parameters such as power, pressure, Tss, and post-deposition temperature treatment. Mathematical modeling is done using MS Excel and COMSOL Multiphysics

    The application of magnetic particles for DNA isolation from selected vegetable products

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    Mikrometóda izolácie DNA s využitím magnetických nosičov je značným zjednodušením a urýchlením procesu izolácie DNA. Cieľom diplomovej práce bolo izolovať DNA mikrometódou z potravín rastlinného (paradajkového) pôvodu pomocou magnetických nosičov a porovnať rozdiely v kvalite izolovanej DNA v závislosi od typu prípravy homogenátu, typu magnetických nosičov, ale aj od typu rastlinného výrobku, použitého pre izoláciu. Výsledky boli ďalej vyhodnotené s ohľadom na množstvo, čistotu a amplifikovateľnosť izolovanej DNA v PCR. Najoptimálnejším bol postup izolácie DNA s použitím magnetických častíc P(HEMA-co-GMA) alebo HPS B-M-NH2. DNA z testovaných rastlinných potravinových výrobkov bola izolovaná v dostatočnom množstve a kvalite pre použitie v konvenčnej PCR. Neboli zistené rozdiely v amplifikovateľnosti DNA skladovanej pri -20 °C po dobu viac ako pol roka.Micromethod of DNA isolation using magnetic particles is one of the modern technological methods used in DNA isolation, and makes the process simpler, more effective and faster. The main aim of this study was to isolate the DNA from various plant (tomato) food products, using different types of magnetic particles. The results were compared and the quantity, purity and the possibility of amplication of the isolated DNA among samples were found to be different. The DNA isolation method using magnetic particles P(HEMA-co-GMA) or HPS B-M-NH2 was shown to be the most effective in achieving the above mentiond parametres. DNAs from the analysed samples of plant food products were isolated in sufficient quantity and quality to be used in the conventional PCR. Differences in the possibility of the amplification of the isolated DNA stored at -20 °C during more than a half year were not found.


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     Dewasa ini perusahaan asuransi di Indonesia berlomba-lomba untuk melakukan pendekatan kepada calon nasabah dengan mengerti indikator yang dapat membentuk keputusan pembelian polis asuransi jiwadiketahui juga masyarakat memiliki tingkat pengetahuan atau informasi yang beragam tentang produk asuransi, namun memiliki tingkat inklusi keuangan yang rendah hal ini membuat penulis tertarik untuk menulis apa yang menjadi dasar keputusan masyarakat untuk melakukan pembelian produk keuangan terutama dalam hal perasuransian melalui analisis pengaruh citra merek dan kepercayaan terhadap keputusan pembelian dengan pengetahuan sebagai moderator produk asuransi. Penelitian ini terdapat data-data yang telah penulis kumpulkan untuk mengukur pengaruh citra merek, tingkat kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap industri asuransi dan tingkat pengetahuan untuk melihat dasar keputusan pembelian masyarakat membeli asuransi.Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis deskriptif yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan data sehingga hasil dapat ditafsirkan. Berdasarkan analisis Penulis menemukan pengaruh variabel citra merek dan kepercayaan sebagai peluang mendukung pembelian, maka terdapat indikasi bahwa masyarakat lebih mempertimbangkan membeli polis asuransi jika ada pihak yang lebih dipercaya untuk menjelaskan mengenai produk asuransi Prudential. Penemuan lainnya bahwa semakin tinggi pengetahuan, nasabah tidak lagi melihat merek dalam memutuskan pembelian produk asuransi. Kata kunci: asuransi, citra merek, kepercayaan, pengetahuan dan keputusan pembelianDAFTAR PUSTAKA Abdillah, W., dan Hartono, J. (2015). Partial Least Square (PLS)- Alternatif Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dalam Penelitian Bisnis. Yogyakarta: C.V ANDI OFFSET. Alba, Joseph W. and J. Wesley Hutchinson (1987), “Dimensions of Consumer Expertise,” Journal of Consumer Research, 13 (March), 411–45 Arikunto, Suharsimi. Manajemen Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. 2007. Buchari,  Alma.   Manajemen   Pemasaran   dan   Pemasaran  Jasa.    Edisi  Revisi.   Bandung:Alfabeta, 2011. Chaudhuri, Arjun., Holbrook B Morris (2006). The chain of effects from brand trust and brand affect to brand performance : The Role of Brand. Jpurnal of Marketing, vol. 65, No. 2. Halaman 81-93. Coulter, et.al. (2005). The Evolution of Consumer Knowledge and Sources of Information: Hungary in Transition. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 33, No. Page. 28-54 Engel, James F., Roger D Blackwell, dan Paul W Miniard. 199 Perilaku Konsumen, Alih bahasa Budiyanto, Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara.   16 Fathoni, H. Abdurrahmat.Metodologi Penelitian dan Teknik Penyusunan Skripsi. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta. 2006. Ferdinand, Augusty .2006, “Metode Penelitian Manajemen”, Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang Freddy, Rangkuti. 2006. Teknik Mengukur dan Strategi Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan. Jakarta: Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.  Foster, Bob. Manajemen Ritel. Bandung: Alfabeta. 2008. Ghozali, Imam, Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan program IBM SPSS 21. Semarang:Badan Penerbit Universitas Diponegoro, 2013 Hawkins,  Del  I,  Roger  J.  Best  and  Keneth  A.  Coney.    Consumer  Behaviour:  BuildingMarketing Strategi, 10th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill. 2007.Hariyadi, Edi dan Abdi Triyanto, Peran Agen Asuransi Syariah dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Masyarakat tentang Asuransi Syarah”,Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam SEBI,Jurnal Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah, Vol. 5 No. 1, April, 2017. Heriyati, Pantri dan Septi. 2010. Analisis pengarus Brand Image dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan pembelian Konsumen pada Handphone Nexian. Journal of Bussines Strategy and Execution. Vol 4 No2, Hal. 171-205. Husein Umar,Metode Penelitian Untuk Skripsi Dan Tesis Bisnis, Jakarta : PT RajaGrafindo Persada. 200 Keller, Kevin L, 2003, “Conseptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based BrandEquality,”Journal of Marketing, (January), pp. 1-22. Kotler, Philip, dan Kevin Lane Keller. Manajemen Pemasaran (judul asli: Marketing Management), edisi ketiga belas, jilid 1. Penerjemah Bob Sabran. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga. 2009. Kotler, Philip, diterjemahkan oleh Hendra Teguh dan Ronny A. Rusli, 2002, Manajemen Pemasaran Edisi Millenium 1, PT. Renhalindo,Jakarta Lau, Geok Then and Sook Han Lee. 1999. Consumers Trust in a Brand and the Link to Brand Loyalty. Journal of Market Focused Management. Vol No. 4, 341-370. Lee,Y.C.,W.L.Wu,Y.C.Lin,C.K Lee.2010. The effect of word of mouth, knowledge, andpromotions on purchase intention of medical cosmetics.The International Journal ofOrganizational Innovation6(3):96-105. Lin, N.H. dan B.S.Lin. 2007. The Effect of Brand Image and Product Knowledge on Purchase Intention Moderated by Price Discount. Journal of International Management Studies:121-132. Loudon, David L., and Della Bitta, Albert J. Consumer Behaviour,4th  edition, New York :Mc.Graw Hill. 1993. 17 Lupiyoadi,  Rambat   dan  A.Hamdani.Manajemen   Pemasaran  Jasa.    Edisi  Kedua.   Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2006. Mangkunegara, A. A. Anwar Prabu. 2002. Perilaku Konsumen. Bandung : PT. Refika Aditama Mayer, R. C., Davis, J. H., & Schoorman, F. D. (1995). An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review, 20, 709 –73  Peter, J. Paul dan Jerry C. Olson. 1999.Perilaku Konsumen dan Strategi Pemasaran. Edisi Keempat, Jilid 1.Jakarta: Erlangga. Sahetapy, Jeofer Pratama. 2013.Diferensiasi Produk, Strategi Merek, Pengaruhnya Terhadap Keputusan pembelian Meubel UD Sinar Sakti Manado. Jurnal Manajemen. Vol.1, No.3, Hal. 411-420 __________________________ (2002). Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy. Sixth edition. New York : Mc Graw-Hill Companies __________________________ (2008).Perilaku Konsumen dan Strategi Pemasaran.Edisi 8. Terjemahan. 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Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis Indonesia Vol 5 No. 3. Zainuddin Zakaria et al, 2016. The Intention to Purchase Life Insurance: A Case Study of Staff in Public Universities.Procedia Economics and Finance 37, pp. 358 – 36

    Effect of Aloe vera gel on some haematological parameters and serum electrolytes in high salt loaded Wistar rats

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    This study investigated the effect of Aloe vera gel on some haematological parameters and serum electrolytes in high salt loaded rats. Twenty (20) male Wistar rats (180-250 g) were randomly assigned into 4 groups (n=5): Control- received 0.2 ml normal saline; Aloe-received 600 mg/kg of Aloe vera gel orally once daily; Salt-fed (SF) received high salt diet (8% NaCl in feed + 1% NaCl in H2O); Saltfed-treated (SF+Aloe) received high salt diet + Aloe vera gel. All groups had access to rat feed and water throughout the duration (six weeks) of treatment. Blood samples were collected from each animal via cardiac puncture for analysis. Red blood cell (RBC) count, haemoglobin (Hb) concentration and packed cell volume (PCV) were significantly (p<0.05) increased in SF and SF+Aloe groups compared with control and Aloe groups. Total white blood cell count was significantly (p<0.001) decreased in SF group compared with control and Aloe groups and increased (p<0.001) in SF+Aloe group compared with SF group. Neutrophil and lymphocyte counts were significantly increased and decreased respectively in SF+Aloe group compared with control (p<0.01), Aloe (p<0.05) and SF (p<0.001) groups. Na+, K+ and Cl- concentrations were significantly increased in SF and SF+Aloe group compared with control and Aloe groups. HCO3- concentration was significantly increased in Aloe and SF+Aloe groups compared with control. High salt diet (HSD) caused alterations in red cell indices and posed threat to the immune system of rats. Aloe vera could not reverse these alterations but exhibited an immune-stimulatory effect. Both Aloe vera and HSD caused electrolyte imbalance. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.131828

    Theoretical Analysis of Experimental Data of Sodium Diffusion in Oxidized Molybdenum Thin Films

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    In this work, the diffusion process of sodium (Na) in molybdenum (Mo) thin films while it was deposited on soda lime glass (SLG) was studied. A small amount of oxygen was present in the chamber while the direct-current (DC) magnetron sputtering was used for the deposition. The substrate temperatures were varied to observe its effect. Such molybdenum films, with or without oxidations, are often used in thin film solar cells, either as back contact or as hole transport layers. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) was used to quantify the concentration of the species. A grain diffusion mechanistic model incorporating the effect of grain and grain boundary geometrical shape and size was developed. The model was used to provide an in-depth theoretical analysis of the sodium diffusion in molybdenum thin films that lead to the measured SIMS data. It was observed that not only diffusion coefficients should be considered when analyzing diffusion processes in thin films but also the ratio of grain boundary size to grain size. Both depend on substrate temperature and directly affect the amount of diffused species in the film. The data were analyzed under the light of the film growth speed versus diffusion front speed, the effect of oxygen content, and the effect of substrate temperature on the overall diffusion process. The temperature inversely affects the ratio of grain boundary size and grain size and directly affects the diffusion coefficient, which leads to a preferable temperature at which the highest amount of alkali can be found in the film

    Laparoscopic splenectomy experience in the University Hospital ‘‘Dr. José Eleuterio González’’

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    To present the laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) experience at the ‘‘Dr. José E. González’’ University Hospital from January 2008 to October 2014. Methods: Retrospective and descriptive analysis of clinical and surgical aspects of all patients who underwent laparoscopic splenectomy from January 1st 2008 to October 31st 2014 at the ‘‘Dr. José Eleuterio González’’ University Hospital. Results: Laparoscopic splenectomies were performed on 14 patients, with a mean age of 20.6 years. Indications for splenectomy included the following diagnosis: idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 71%; hereditary spherocytosis, 14%; sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, 7%; pyruvate kinase deficient hemolytic anemia, 7%. Mean operative time was 177.5 min. Mean intraoperative hemorrhage was 223.5 ml. Conversion to laparotomy occurred in one patient (7%) associated with uncontrollable bleeding with splenomegaly. Accessory spleens were identified in 3 patients (21%). Mean spleen weight was 187.5 g. Mean postoperative hospital stay was 3.35 days. There was no surgical re-intervention. The 4 trocar right lateral decubitus approach was the preferred method for all patients. Conclusions: LS can be performed as a safe and effective procedure in benign hematological diseases in our everyday environment

    Alteration in biochemical indices following administration of seafood (Thais coronata) extract

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    Seafood consumption has been a way of life to most people especially those that leave in riverine areas, because seafoods are known to contain many nutrients that are essential for healthy living. Consequently, this research therefore seeks to investigate the effect of these nutritive components of Thais coronata on biochemical indices of albino Wistar rats. Fourty five male albino Wister rats weighing between 180-220 g were assigned into 3 groups of fifteen rats each in metabolic cages and were given rat feed and drinking water ad libitum. Two test doses (low dose 7.0 mg protein/ml and  high dose 52 mg protein/ml) were selected  and  administered  to  two  groups  of  rats  orally  and  daily  for  six  weeks,  while  a third group of rats served as the control, n = 15. At the expiration of the feeding period, blood samples were obtained from all the rats via cardiac puncture for the analysis of the various biochemical indices. Both the low and high doses of the extract produced significant increases in HDLc (P<0.001) compared with control. k (P<0.001), HCO3- (P<0.01) and Ca2+ (P<0.001) were also significantly increased in the  extract treated groups. The extract groups had significant reductions in ALT (P<0.001), ALP (P<0.001), Na+ (P<0.001) and Cl- (P<0.001) compared with control. Also Tc (P<0.001), TG (P<0.001), LDL (P<0.001) and VLDLc (P<0.001) were significantly decreased in the extract treated group. In conclusion seafood consumption is of immense benefit to health because it serves to regulate the lipid profile, electrolytes and enzyme concentrations in blood. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.58078

    Mucinous cystadenoma of the liver with ovarian-like stroma: the need for complete resection

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    Cystadenoma of the liver is a rare neoplasm. Although many cystadenomas are asymptomatic, symptoms can include abdominal pain, postprandial epigastric discomfort, and nausea. Dramatic changes in hepatic imaging techniques have been helpful for diagnosing cystic lesions of the liver, such as simple cyst, hydatid cyst, cystadenoma, cystadenocarcinoma, and metastatic neuroendocrine tumors. However, it remains difficult to differentiate cystadenoma from cystadenocarcinoma for multiseptated cystic hepatic lesions with papillary projection on computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Here we report the case of a 47-year-old woman with several months of postprandial discomfort and abdominal fullness. CT and MRI revealed multiseptated cystic lesions with papillary excrescences. A left hemihepatectomy was performed. Histology showed a benign mucinous cystic tumor with ovarian-like stroma

    Long-term Follow-up of Laparoscopic Splenectomy in Patients with Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura

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    Laparoscopic splenectomy (LS) has been reserved for intractable and relapsing immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) despite medical treatment. With further experiences of LS in ITP, we investigated long term outcomes of LS, especially newly developed morbidities, and tried to find predictive factors for favorable outcomes. From August 1994 to December 2004, fifty-nine patients whose follow-up period was more than 12 months after LS were investigated. After a long-term follow-up (median 54 months, range 12.5-129 months), a complete response (CR) was found in 28 patients (47.5%), partial response in 24 (40.7%), and no response in 7 (11.9%). The relapse rate during follow-up periods was 15.2%. The rapid response group (p=0.017), in which the platelet count increased more than twice of the preoperative platelet count within 7 days after LS, relapsing after medical treatment (p=0.02), and the satisfactory group as the initial result of LS (p=0.001) were significant for predicting CR in univariate analysis, but only the initial satisfactory group was an independent predictive factor for CR in multivariate analysis (p=0.036, relative risk=6419; 95% CI, 1.171-35.190). Infections were the most frequent morbidities during the follow-up period, which were treated well without mortality. LS is a safe and effective treatment modality for ITP. Active referral to surgery might be required, considering complications and treatment results related to long-term use of steroid-based medications