63 research outputs found

    Myasthenie - spondylarthropathies: association fortuite ? A propos d’un cas et revue de la littérature

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    Propos Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient atteint d’une myasthénie associée à une spondylarthropathie. Cette observation est originale de part sa rareté, six cas seulement on été rapportés dans la littérature et le problème que pose cette association : est ce qu’elle est fortuite ou impliquerait-elle d’autres facteurs génétiques qui restent à prouver ?Observation Monsieur J.H. âgé de 32 ans, aux antécédents de myasthénie depuis 2002, était hospitalisé en avril 2004 pour polyarthrite chronique bilatérale et asymétrique évoluant depuis un an, touchant le poignet gauche, les inter phalangiennes proximales des 3ème et 5ème doigts droits et le genou droit associées à des talalgiesbilatérales et une douleur des articulations sacro-iliaques. La biologie montrait un syndrome inflammatoire modéré, des facteurs rhumatoïdes faiblement positifs et un typage HLA B7 et B17. Le bilan radiologiquemontrait une arthrite des mains, une enthésite calcanéenne et permettait de suspecter une sacro-iliite bilatérale qui était confirmée par un scanner. L’évolution était bonne sous anti- inflammatoires nonstéroïdiens pendant 6 mois. Il consulte en janvier 2006 pour le même tableau associé à une sècheresse buccale et oculaire. Le bilan trouvait une VS à 20, des facteurs rhumatoïdes faiblement positifs mais desAAN positifs à un taux 1/160 homogènes avec des anti SSA. Les radiographies standard montraient une carpite stade II gauche. L’examen ophtalmologique a confirmé le syndrome sec oculaire. La biopsie des glandes salivaires accessoires a montré un syndrome de Gougerot Sjögren grade 2 de Shisholm


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    32 pInternational audienceL'obtention de nanoparticules (NPs) manufacturées et les propriétés physico-chimiques spécifiques qu'elles présentent autorisent aujourd'hui des applications de plus en plus nombreuses et innovantes. La quantité de nanoparticules manufacturées mises sur le marché est en constante augmentation et elles sont aujourd'hui présentes dans de nombreux produits de consommation courante. Cela alimente un débat croissant sur les coûts environnementaux et sociétaux qui pourraient dépasser les bénéfices escomptés par l'utilisation des nanotechnologies en général et des nanomatériaux ou nanoparticules (i.e. taille < 100 nm) en particulier. Elles sont devenues un enjeu majeur de santé publique du point de vue de la toxicité potentielle qu'elles pourraient engendrer dans les écosystèmes. Les nanoparticules peuvent en effet présenter un risque écotoxicologique (dispersion et dégradation dans l'environnement) et un risque en termes de santé humaine (exposition au poste de travail par exemple). Il est donc nécessaire d'évaluer la persistance, le devenir et l'impact de ces nouveaux polluants sur les écosystèmes et sur la qualité des ressources naturelles (eaux, cultures, etc...). Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de cette étude était de mieux cerner l'état physique et chimique des NPs dans des concentrations représentatives des niveaux de toxicité observés et dans des conditions proches de celles des milieux naturels. Elle s'est focalisée sur l'eau de Seine, représentative des eaux naturelles de surface qui sont un des vecteurs principaux de la dispersion de ces NPs manufacturées. Les NPs étudiées ici sont produites en grande quantité et largement utilisées dans différents domaines industriels : il s'agit de NPs d'oxydes de zinc (ZnO) et de dioxyde de titane (TiO2). L'analyse des NPs de ZnO par XPS a mis en évidence l'existence d'un cœur de ZnO et d'un coquille de Zn(OH)2 en surface. Parallèlement, des NPs enrobées ont été étudiées et caractérisées, afin de mettre en évidence le rôle de l'enrobage organique sur la solubilité des NPs. Les expériences de mesures de solubilité des nanoparticules manufacturées en milieu naturel ont été réalisées par utilisation combinée des techniques de DMT et d'UF, associée à des calculs thermodynamiques. Il s'avère que la forme nanoparticulaire du TiO2 n'est pas davantage soluble que ses homologues microparticulaire ou macroparticulaire. A l'inverse, une fraction non négligeable des nanoparticules d'oxydes de zinc est rapidement dissoute dans l'eau de Seine. Puis les NPs sont "piégées" dans des phases secondaires carbonatées, ce qui peut signifier leur isolement par rapport au milieu et donc l'arrêt des réactions impliquant les NPs, soit une forme de passivation des nanoparticules. Le comportement des NPs dans le milieu est donc en grande partie contrôlé par la couche directement à leur surface (Gélabert et al., 2014; Sivry et al., 2014) : la couche d'hydroxydes de zinc contrôle le Ks apparent, l'enrobage organique augmente la vitesse et le taux de dissolution des NPs et, enfin, la formation d'une gangue carbonatée emprisonne les NPs et provoque potentiellement leur passivation

    Health promoting potential of herbal teas and tinctures from Artemisia campestris subsp maritima: from traditional remedies to prospective products

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    This work explored the biotechnological potential of the medicinal halophyte Artemisia campestris subsp. maritima (dune wormwood) as a source of health promoting commodities. For that purpose, infusions, decoctions and tinctures were prepared from roots and aerial-organs and evaluated for in vitro antioxidant, anti-diabetic and tyrosinase-inhibitory potential, and also for polyphenolic and mineral contents and toxicity. The dune wormwood extracts had high polyphenolic content and several phenolics were identified by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array-mass-spectrometry (UHPLC-PDA-MS). The main compounds were quinic, chlorogenic and caffeic acids, coumarin sulfates and dicaffeoylquinic acids; several of the identified phytoconstituents are here firstly reported in this A. campestris subspecies. Results obtained with this plant's extracts point to nutritional applications as mineral supplementary source, safe for human consumption, as suggested by the moderate to low toxicity of the extracts towards mammalian cell lines. The dune wormwood extracts had in general high antioxidant activity and also the capacity to inhibit a-glucosidase and tyrosinase. In summary, dune wormwood extracts are a significant source of polyphenolic and mineral constituents, antioxidants and a-glucosidase and tyrosinase inhibitors, and thus, relevant for different commercial segments like the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and/or food industries.FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology [CCMAR/Multi/04326/2013]; Portuguese National Budget; FCT [IF/00049/2012, SFRH/BD/94407/2013]; Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) [12M8315N]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is corporate environmental disclosure associated with firm value? A multi-country study of Gulf Cooperation Council firms

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.open access articleSeveral studies have found a relationship between corporate social and environmental disclosure and firm value or accounting profitability. Where environmental disclosure has been the focus, though, only single-country studies have been published; and most of the previous research concerns the developed world. This study examines the association between corporate environmental disclosure (CED) and firm value (FV) in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, where CED has been increasing from its previous low base. Findings from a multi-country sample of 500 firm-year observations using a 55-item unweighted environmental disclosure index suggest that CED is significantly and positively related to FV as measured by Tobin’s Q (TBQ). The relationship is robust to using a weighted version of the disclosure index, individual countries and environmental disclosure sub-indices. Some evidence of a positive relationship between CED and return on assets (ROA) is also found, but even where statistically significant, the relationship is much weaker than in the case of TBQ. For empirical and theoretical reasons, we recommend that future studies pay greater attention to market-based proxies, if possible when investigating the value relevance of CED in both developed and developing countries. Our results suggest that both managers and policymakers in GCC countries should take a positive view of expanded CED

    Increase of canine leishmaniasis in a previously low-endemicity area in Tunisia

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    An epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) was carried out in nine districts of Sfax, in the southern central part of Tunisia. Sera from 250 dogs were tested by two serological methods: the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and the counter-immunoelectrophoresis. Seven to eight months later, before the next season of transmission, seropositive dogs from the first test were re-examined and a second sampling was performed. Infection status was assessed by serology and by other methods. PCR, in vitro culture and direct examination were applied on blood and other samples (bone marrow, liver, lymph node, spleen and cutaneous biopsies). The seroprevalence of the infection in dogs was 6 %. Infection was then confirmed by at least one other method. The PCR is the method which agreed most with serology, all seropositive dogs were found PCR-positive. The sensitivity of the direct examination and the culture was only 33 % and 55 % respectively as compared with serology. A similar value of seroprevalence has been observed previously in Sousse, in the northern central part of Tunisia. The present report suggests a significant increase of CanL in the Sfax area and confirms that the disease is continuing to move southwards in Tunisia

    Increase of canine leishmaniasis in a previously low-endemicity area in Tunisia

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    An epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) was carried out in nine districts of Sfax, in the southern central part of Tunisia. Sera from 250 dogs were tested by two serological methods: the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and the counter-immunoelectrophoresis. Seven to eight months later, before the next season of transmission, seropositive dogs from the first test were re-examined and a second sampling was performed. Infection status was assessed by serology and by other methods. PCR, in vitro culture and direct examination were applied on blood and other samples (bone marrow, liver, lymph node, spleen and cutaneous biopsies). The seroprevalence of the infection in dogs was 6 %. Infection was then confirmed by at least one other method. The PCR is the method which agreed most with serology, all seropositive dogs were found PCR-positive. The sensitivity of the direct examination and the culture was only 33 % and 55 % respectively as compared with serology. A similar value of seroprevalence has been observed previously in Sousse, in the northern central part of Tunisia. The present report suggests a significant increase of CanL in the Sfax area and confirms that the disease is continuing to move southwards in Tunisia

    Polarization chaos and random bit generation in nonlinear fiber optics induced by a timedelayed counter-propagating feedback loop

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    We demonstrate that the nonlinear interaction in an optical fiber between an incident beam and its backward delayed replica leads to a chaotic dynamics of its output polarization state, enabling a powerful scrambling process that can be exploited for generates random bits.</p

    Increase of canine leishmaniasis in a previously low-endemicity area in Tunisia

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    An epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis (CanL) was carried out in nine districts of Sfax, in the southern central part of Tunisia. Sera from 250 dogs were tested by two serological methods: the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test and the counter-immunoelectrophoresis. Seven to eight months later, before the next season of transmission, seropositive dogs from the first test were re-examined and a second sampling was performed. Infection status was assessed by serology and by other methods. PCR, in vitro culture and direct examination were applied on blood and other samples (bone marrow, liver, lymph node, spleen and cutaneous biopsies). The seroprevalence of the infection in dogs was 6 %. Infection was then confirmed by at least one other method. The PCR is the method which agreed most with serology, all seropositive dogs were found PCR-positive. The sensitivity of the direct examination and the culture was only 33 % and 55 % respectively as compared with serology. A similar value of seroprevalence has been observed previously in Sousse, in the northern central part of Tunisia. The present report suggests a significant increase of CanL in the Sfax area and confirms that the disease is continuing to move southwards in Tunisia
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