377 research outputs found

    Herpetofaunal inventory of Van province, eastern Anatolia, Turkey

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    In this study, amphibian and reptile diversity in the province of Van (eastern Anatolia, Turkey) was surveyed. For this purpose, four herpetological excursions (20 days in total) were conducted covering all the districts of the province in 2014. In this paper, up-to-date herpetofaunal inventory of Van Province, including two urodelian, four anuran, two chelonian, 15 saurian (lizards), and 14 ophidian (snakes) species (six amphibians and 31 reptiles in total) is presented. To the best of our knowledge, Salamandra infraimmaculata, Heremites auratus, Dolichophis jugularis, Eirenis modestus, and Telescopus fallax were recorded for the first time in the province of Van. Additionally, the first published print record of Stellagama stellio in Van Province is presented. The major threat to the herpetofaunal diversity in surveyed habitats was found as human-origin habitat degradation. With the georeference database obtained in this study, it will be possible to determine the actual distribution ranges of the species and to guide decision-makers. The results of the study will provide a useful basis for future monitoring studies and distribution information will contribute to the conservation of the species of interest.Bu çalışmada, Van ilinin (Doğu Anadolu, Türkiye) kurbağa ve sürüngen biyoçeşitliliği araştırılmıştır. Bu amaçla, 2014 yılında tüm ilçeleri kapsayacak şekilde toplam 20 gün olmak üzere dört arazi çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu yayında Van iline ait güncel herpetofauna envanteri sunulmaktadır. Elde edilen verilere göre güncel olarak Van ilinde iki kuyruklu kurbağa, dört kuyruksuz kurbağa, iki kaplumbağa, 15 kertenkele ve 14 yılan olmak üzere toplam altı amfibi ve 31 sürüngen türü bulunmaktadır. Salamandra infraimmaculata, Heremites auratus, Dolichophis jugularis, Eirenis modestus ve Telescopus fallax türleri bu çalışma ile Van’dan ilk defa kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca daha önce Van ilinden fotoğraf ile kaydedilen Stellagama stellio ise basılı makale kaydı olarak ilk kez verilmiştir. Çalışma yapılan habitatlarda herpetofauna çeşitliliğini tehdit eden en önemli faktör insan kaynaklı habitat parçalanması olarak bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada elde edilen coğrafi referans veri tabanı ile türlerin güncel dağılışlarının belirlenmesi mümkün olacaktır ve bu veriler karar-vericileri yönlendirecektir. Çalışmanın sonuçları gelecekte yapılacak izleme çalışmaları için temel oluşturacaktır ve dağılış verileri türlerin koruma planlarına katkı sağlayacaktır.T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığ

    Reproductive Outcome After Surgical Treatment of Endometriosis – Retrospective Analytical Study

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the reproductive outcomes of patients after surgical treatment of endometriosis. Material and Methods: The study included 100 infertile women, aged 21 to 41 years, who underwent surgical treatment of endometriosis. From January 2007 to January 2012, excision of endometriosis was performed by operative laparoscopy or laparotomy. Demographic, clinical, surgical and reproductive outcomes of 52 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Result: Twenty-three pregnancies (44%) were obtained in 52 patients, resulting in 16 term pregnancies, 4 spontaneous abortions under 16 weeks gestation, 2 spontaneous abortions at 20 gestational weeks and 1 ectopic pregnancy. Twenty nine patients did not achieve pregnancy and 68.9% (20/29) of them were treated with IVFICSI. Spontaneous pregnancies were obtained within 7 months after the surgery, whereas IVF-ICSI pregnancies were obtained within the period of 11 months. Seven patients were stage I, 14 patients stage II, 19 patients stage III, and 12 patients stage IV according to the American Fertility Society (AFS) Classification of Endometriosis. The pregnancy rate was 57% in stages I-II, 47% in stage III, 16% in stage IV endometriosis; and the rate of term pregnancies was 83%, 66%, and 0%, respectively. Seven pregnancies (7/14) were obtained in patients with bilateral endometriosis and 5 of them resulted in term pregnancy. Sixteen pregnancies (16/38) were obtained in patients with unilateral endometriosis and 11 of them resulted in term pregnancy. Conclusion: After surgical treatment of endometriosis, the pregnancy and live birth rates seem to be improved. Reproductive outcome is closely associated with the AFS score. Bilaterality of endometriosis does not affect pregnancy outcome

    Female Urethral Malignant Melanoma With Vesical Invasion: A Case Report

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    We report a 75-year-old female with a primary urethral malignant melanoma. A mass protruding from inside the urethra was detected on physical examination. Abdominopelvic magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass extending from the urethra with dimensions of 4 × 2 cm, and periurethral heterogenous fatty planes consistent with infiltration. The histopathologic examination was consistent with HMB45(+) malignant melanoma. We performed cystourethrectomy and bilateral inguinal and pelvic lymphadenectomy in one session. The pathology report revealed primary malignant melanoma of the urethra invading the inferior bladder wall. The patient received no adjuvant therapy because of cardiopulmonary morbidities and the presence of multiple pulmonary metastases. The patient eventually died 13 months after surgery

    Analysis of psychological factors and sexual life in postmenopausal women: A cross-sectional study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the psychological and sexual experiences of postmenopausal women. Method: This cross-sectional study included 100 females (50 postmenopausal and 50 nonmenopausal women). The symptoms of menopause were assessed by the Menopausal Symptoms Scale (MRS), psychological symptoms were assessed by the Symptoms Check List (SCL-R 90), and sexual functions were evaluated by the Arizona Sexual Experience Scale (ASEX) and the Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS). Results: The findings indicated that mean scores of all subscales of the SCL-R 90 were significantly higher among postmenopausal women in comparison with non-menopausal women. No significant differences were found between postmenopausal and non-menopausal women in terms of sexual satisfaction. However, mean scores of vaginusmus and anorgasmia subscales of the GRISS were significantly higher in postmenopausal women than non-menopausal women. Discussion: This study showed that menopause may affect women’s mental health because of its psychological consequences. Although menopause can influence sexuality because of physical consequences, findings indicated that menopausal women tend to report they still have sexual satisfaction. Multidimensional health care including psychological support could be efficient for menopausal women

    Autogenous shrinkage properties of high performance cement based products

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    Yüksek performanslı ve yüksek dayanımlı betonların üretimiyle, otojen rötre kavramı büyük bir önem kazanmıştır. Çimento miktarı yüksek, su/çimento oranı çok düşük seviyelerde olan bu betonlarda yeterince su bulunmamasından dolayı otojen rötrenin salt kimyasal faktör dışında kendiliğinden kurumanın yol açtığı bir fiziksel etkiyle de arttığı gözlenmiştir. Otojen rötrenin yüksek performanslı betonlarda, kuruma rötresi mertebesine erişmesiyle konu ilgi çekmeye başlamış ve konu üzerindeki araştırmalar yoğunlaşmıştır. Çimentoların çeşitli bileşenlerinin, kimyasal ve mineral katkıların bu rötre üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırıldığı çok sayıda araştırma mevcuttur. Portland çimentolarının minör bileşenleri olan alkalilerin, çok düşük miktarlarına karşın betonların işlenebilme, dayanım, dürabilite ve rötre özeliklerini önemli ölçüde etkilediği bilinmektedir. Bu deneysel çalışmada yüksek performanslı betonların otojen rötreleri üzerinde çimento bileşenlerinin (özellikle çözünen alkali içeriğinin) ve süperakışkanlaştırıcı katkının etkileri araştırılmış, bu iki faktörün hidratasyon süreci üzerindeki etkileri üzerine yoğunlaşılmıştır. Çalışmada değişik kimyasal bileşenlere sahip çimentolar kullanılarak hamur numuneler üretilmiş, bu numunelerin otojen rötreleri belirlenmiştir. Bu çimentoların hidratasyon aşamaları da çeşitli yöntemlerle takip edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak çimento bileşenlerinin (özellikle çözünen alkali içeriğinin) ve süperakışkanlaştırıcı kullanımının otojen rötre üzerindeki etkileri belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen ana sonuç şöyle özetlenebilir; çimentolardaki çözünen alkali miktarları FKOR büyüklüğünü arttırma yönünde etkinlik taşımktadır. Bunun yanında C3A, C4AF, (SO3/çözünen alkali oranı) ve incelik parametreleri de FKOR’yi etkileyen etkenler arasında dikkate alınmalıdır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yüksek performasnlı beton, otojen rötre, hidratasyon, çözünen alkali. Autogenous shrinkage concept has started to gain more importance since the high performance-high strength concretes were began to be utilized for structural purposes. These concretes are generally designed with high cementitious materials contents and low water to cementitious material ratios. It is observed that, due to lack of water in capillary pores in these concretes, autogenous shrinkage increases under the effects of not only the chemical factors but also the physical effects. Autogenous shrinkage has started to draw attention with having the same magnitude of drying shrinkage, and the research dealing with this concept has been intensified.  There are numbers of investigations focusing on the effects of various components of cements, chemical and mineral admixtures on this shrinkage. It is well known that, alkalis, which are the minor components of Portland cements, affect the workability, strength, durability, and shrinkage properties of concretes drastically despite their low percentage in cement. These components also affect the hydration process of Portland cement crucially. Therefore, it is inevitable that the soluble alkalis existing in cement will have an effect on the autogenous shrinkage which became more important due to its use in the production of high performance concretes (HPC). Superplasticizers are indispensable ingredients of HPCs. Besides reducing the water to cement ratio, these admixtures also affect the hydration rate and morphology of the hydration products. In this experimental study; effects of cement components (especially soluble alkali content) and superplasticizers on the autogenous shrinkage were investigated. The effects of these two factors on the hydration process were also focused on.  Moreover, discussions were done on the definition of autogenous shrinkage. "Physicochemical Autogenous Shrinkage" term was attributed as to define this shrinkage which is mainly caused by physicochemical effects. Cement paste specimens were produced using cements having different chemical compositions. Autogenous shrinkages of these specimens were obtained by means of volumetric measurement technique. Measurements of volumetric changes was taken in water by means of Archimet balance. Hydration degree of these paste specimens were obtained by non-evaporable water technique. Heat of hydration values were also measured by means of semi-adiabadic calorimeter. The rate of hydration reaction was determined. Capillary pore size distributions were also obtained with Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter (MIP) technique. As a result, the effects of cement components (especially soluble alkali content) and superplasticizers on the autogenous shrinkage of HPC's were determined. Moreover, critical time periods for physcochemical autogenous shrinkage were obtained and the characteristic behavior of this shrinkage were exlained by hydration kinetics. Relations between capillary pore ratio and physcochemical autogenous shrinkage were determined. The main results obtained from this experimental study can be drawn as following: 1) Physicochemical autogenous shrinkage has three main phases for the pastes with low water to cement ratios containing superplasticizer. Generally, these stages were not observed for the specimens which do not contain superplasticizer. However, as an exceptional case, some specimens which do not include superplasticizer could show similar steps as the specimens having superplasticizer. 2) Although, lower hydration heats and hydration degrees were obtained for the lower water to cement ratio specimens, higher values of physicochemical autogenous shrinkage were measured. It was determined that the most effective factor in gaining the physicochemical shrinkage was the released heat values which show the rate of hydration. Higher physicochemical autogenous shrinkage values are measured for the cement pastes which have the higher values of released heat. Microporosity test results have shown that the increasing ratio of capillary pores to total pores causes to increase in physicochemical autogenous shrinkage. Soluble alkali contents were also found to be effective on the. Cements having higher soluble alkali contents exhibited higher physicochemical autogenous shrinkage. It was also concluded that besides the soluble alkali contents in cement, C3A, C4AF contents and SO /soluble alkali ratio are effective parameters and they should be taken into consideration.  Keywords: High performance concrete, autogenous shrinkage, hydration, soluble alkali

    A new mathematical model for tuberculosis epidemic under the consciousness effect

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    Compared to many infectious diseases, tuberculosis has a high mortality rate. Because of this, a great deal of illustrative research has been done on the modeling and study of tuberculosis using mathematics. In this work, a mathematical model is created by taking into account the underlying presumptions of this disease. One of the main novelties of the paper is to consider two different treatment strategies namely protective treatment for the latent populations from the disease and the main treatment applied to the infected populations. This situation can be regarded as the other novelty of the paper. The susceptible, latent, infected, and recovered populations, as well as the two mentioned treatment classes, are all included in the proposed six-dimensional model's compartmental framework. Additionally, a region that is biologically possible is presented, as well as the solution's positivity, existence, and uniqueness. The suggested model's solutions are carried out as numerical simulations using assumed and literature-based parameter values and analyzing its graphics. To get the results, a fourth-order Runge-Kutta numerical approach is used


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    Glukoz 6 Fosfat Dehidrogenaz (G6PD) eksikliği, en sık görülen kalıtsal hastalıklardanbiridir ve X'e bağlı kalıtımsal geçiş gösterir. G6PD enzimi bütün dokularda bulunur.Pentoz Fosfat Yolunun (PFY) ilk basamağını katalize eden bu enzimin eksikliğinde;infeksiyon, bazı ilaçların kullanımı veya bakla yenmesi sonrasında neonatal sarılıkveya akut hemolitik anemi gelişebilir. Özellikle mitokondriyal yapıları olmayaneritrositler için PFY'u NADPH üretimi için tek kaynaktır. G6PD eksikliği olaneritrositlerde NADP'den NADPH'e dönüşüm normal düzeyde olmadığı için oksidatifhasara yatkınlık meydana gelir ve hemoliz oluşur. Oksidatif hasara uğramış olaneritrositlerde, hemolize artmış duyarlılığın nedeni tam bilinmemektedir. G6PD eksikliğinebağlı akut böbrek yetmezliği gelişebilecek olan bir komplikasyondur.Makalemizde fava yeme öyküsü sonrasında hemoliz ve akut böbrek yetmezliği gelişen;takibinde G6PD enzim eksikliği saptadığımız olgumuzu sunduk. Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency is the most commonhereditary disease and in hereditary by recessive X linked. G6PD enzyme exists in alltissues. It catalyses the first step of penthose phosphate pathway. In this enzymedeficiency, neonatal jaundice and acute hemolytic anemia may occur after infection,use of some drugs or favism. Especially the erythrocytes that do not acquiremitochondria, penthose phosphate pathway is the only resource for NADPHproduction. Because of the transformation of NADP to NADPH is not normal level inthe erythrocytes with G6PD deficiency, the susceptibility of oxidative damage increasesand hemolyses occurs. In the erythrocytes exposed to oxidative injury, the reason ofincreased sensitivity to hemolysis is not well known. The occurring of acute renalfailure in the adult with G6PD deficiency is a well known complication. We presentedin our case report, a case whom hemolysis and acute renal failure developed afterfavism and the follow ups G6PD enzyme deficiency is determined.

    Eating patterns of Turkish adolescents: a cross-sectional survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Adolescence is a crucial period for development of dietary behaviors that continue into adulthood and influence the risk of chronic diseases later in life. The aim of this study was to determine the eating patterns of adolescents' and their compliance with the Food Guide Pyramid.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>625 students, aged between 11-15 years, from an elementary school in Istanbul, Turkey were enrolled in this cross-sectional survey. A questionnaire of eating patterns (QEP) was administered to all participants. QEP is consisted of questions assessing the knowledge and behaviors on healthy eating, factors affecting food choice, physical activity status and demographical variables. Height and weight of all participants were measured. Physical activity status was determined by questioning about participation in regular sport activities, how much time spent watching TV, playing computer games or doing homework.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age of the participants was 12.15 ± 1.15 and 50.5% were female. According to body mass index (BMI) percentiles, 8.3% (52) were obese and 10.2% were overweight. 51% had breakfast every day and only 1.9% met all the recommendations of the Food Guide Pyramid. Among the participants, 31% have fast food at least once every day and 60.8% skip meals. When participants were asked to rate the factors effecting their food choice according to a 10 point Likert scale, the highest mean scores (high impact on food choice) were for the factors; family, health, body perception, teachers and friends; 7.5 ± 3.1, 7.4 ± 3.1, 6.1 ± 3.2, 4.8 ± 3.3 and 4.2 ± 3.0 respectively. Total mean time spent on all passive activities (TV, computer, reading homework etc) per day was 9.8 ± 4.7 hours.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study we have demonstrated that, adolescents do not have healthy eating patterns. Educational interventions should be planned to decrease the health risks attributable to their eating behaviors.</p