159 research outputs found

    The definition of recurrent shoulder dislocation in tramadol induced seizure patients

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    Background: Prevalence of recurrent shoulder dislocation in patients taking tramadol has not been studied yet; so, this study aims to study the recurrent shoulder dislocation following tramadol induced seizure. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 205 patients with recurrent shoulder dislocation complaints (2 or more) referred to Shafa Orthopedic and Iranmehr hospitals Tehran, Iran, from October 2012 to October 2014 were studied. Data on patient history and physical examination, patient demographic information such as age, sex, age at first dislocation, total number of dislocation, cause of the first dislocation, history of tramadol use, number of dislocation following tramadol induced seizure, history of other drugs use, the dominant hand, involved side, direction of dislocations and greater tuberosity fracture was recorded using a pre-designed questionnaire. Categorical variables were compared by chi-square test and the means were compared with student T-test. Results: In this study, 50 patients (24.4) suffered from tramadol induced seizures and recurrent shoulder dislocation. Results showed that there was a significant relationship between the number of dislocation and tramadol use (P = 0.02). Recurrent shoulder dislocation following tramadol induced seizure was significantly associated with greater tuberosity fracture of humerus (P = 0.04); in 49 out of 50 patients (98) dislocation was of anterior type. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that tramadol induced seizure may increase the risk of recurrent shoulder dislocation. Furthermore, the prevalence of greater tuberosity fracture in shoulder dislocation increases following tramadol induced seizure; and anterior shoulder dislocation is the most common type of dislocation following tramadol induced seizure

    The role of the tumor suppressor gene, FBW7, and mechanisms of its inactivation in cancer

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    The F3box protein FBW7 is a tumor suppressor and SCF ubiquitin ligase targeting several key oncoproteins for proteasomal degradation. In this thesis we addressed whether the FBW7 gene is inactivated by mutations in various human tumor types and explored alternative mechanism(s) for the inactivation of FBW7. We also explored how inactivation of FBW7 relates to substrate degradation (including cyclin E, Notch1 and c3 Myc) and its potential prognostic significance. Furthermore, we have investigated novel regulatory mechanism(s) for FBW7 expression and activity. Our results demonstrate that FBW7 is a general TSG, which is frequently inactivated by mutations (with an average mutation frequency of 6 ) in various malignancies. Heterozygous missense mutations altering specific arginines residues required for efficient substrate interaction are the most frequent mutations in FBW7. Our functional analysis indicates that heterozygous mutations might act in a dominant3negative manner. The highest mutation frequency was observed in cholangiocarcinomas and pediatric T3cell acute lymphocytic leukemias (T3ALL) (35 and 31 , respectively). We also found that FBW7 gene mutation is an infrequent event in several malignancies, including breast cancer and pediatric B3ALL. This finding prompted us to investigate whether alternative mechanism for regulation and inactivation of FBW7 occurs in cancer, including promoter hypermethylation and miRNA induced repression. Our results demonstrate that both the 5’3UTR and the 3’3UTR of FBW7 is epigenetically regulated. The promoter of FBW7β is frequently hypermethylated in primary breast tumors and its inactivation is associated with improved survival in certain patient subgroups. Similarly, mutational inactivation of FBW7 and/or NOTCH1 in T3ALL is also associated with increased overall survival. Analyses focusing on the 3’UTR of FBW7 revealed that FBW7 expression is regulated by miR327a, a putative oncogenic miRNA. miR327a was identified as a critical repressor of FBW7 expression during cell cycle progression with potential consequences for FBW73mediated turnover of cyclin E. These results indicate that miR327a serves an important cell cycle regulatory function by repressing FBW7 and at specific cell cycle stages, but releasing it from repression during the G1 to S3phase transition. In summary, our findings demonstrate that FBW7 is inactivated by several different 3 mechanisms, including mutation, deletion, promoter methylation and possibly miRNA3 induced repression of gene expression. Our pre3clinical analysis further suggests that inactivation of FBW7 in certain malignancies might be associated with improved survival, thus implicating FBW7 as a potential prognostic predictor in the some cancers

    Seven new records of mosses in Iran

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    Based on the survey of bryophytes in W Azerbaijan, Mazandaran and Yazd provinces of Iran, seven species of mosses namely, Bryum algovicum, B. creberrimum, B. klinggraeffi, and B. mildeanum (Bryaceae), Grimmia plagiopodia (Grimmiaceae), Orthotrichum rivulare (Orthotrichaceae), Didymodon sinuosus (Pottiaceae) are found as new records for the Iranian bryoflora

    A Systematic Review and Synthesis of Empirical Research on “Knowledge Leadership”: A New Insight in the Field of Knowledge Management

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    This paper aims to synthesize findings drawn from studies on knowledge leadership to identify the key trend of research in the knowledge management literature over the past two decades. A systematic literature review was performed over a data set of 149 related studies published in the international journals indexed by the WoS, SCOPUS, ProQuest, Google Scholar, Emerald Insight, and Elsevier databases between 2001 and 2021. The findings conceptualized the nature of “knowledge leadership” and revealed six core themes focusing on multiple leadership styles, knowledge leadership for learning, effective KM leadership, leader-member exchange, and customer knowledge leadership. Additionally, the content analysis revealed the importance of knowledge leaders being more transformational, distributed, empowering, and visionary. It has been widely reported that transformational leadership is a significant driver of knowledge management practices in the organization. This study provides an integrated picture of effective knowledge leadership for managers and practitioners that significantly depends on a paradigm shift from hierarchical structures and traditional models of leadership to the use of shared, distributed, and networking leadership. Given this increasing interest in studying the role of leadership in KM, it is interesting to investigate the research trend of knowledge leadership in the KM literature.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.20.4.11.

    The study on fishing and resource management of bony fisheries within southern Caspian Sea

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    The project of the Study on fishing and resource management of fisheries within Southern Caspian Sea was conducted on the base of an agreement made between fisheries organization (Shilat) and the Iranian fishery research organization (IFRO) signed in 2010. In this library-based study the current situation of bony fish fisheries and biology of these species has been surveyed in Iranian waters of the Caspian Sea . In this survey internal and external environmental factors of bony fishes activities were considered. Using SWOT analysis method, current situation of fisheries was investigated..One of the most important strategies for conserving anadromous species such as Caspian kutum , common carp, roach, bream and …. is rehabilitation of the natural spawning ground in rivers, coastal lagoon specially Anzali lagoon .By conducting this strategy not only restocks of bony fishes is done ,but also reduced the cost of artificial restocking programs and releasing fingerlings .In short term , it is nessesary to enhance the stocks of the species that have low catch is done by huge releasing of the fingerlings and study the qualification of the program

    Allele-Specific Deletions in Mouse Tumors Identify Fbxw7 as Germline Modifier of Tumor Susceptibility

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have been successful in finding associations between specific genetic variants and cancer susceptibility in human populations. These studies have identified a range of highly statistically significant associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and susceptibility to development of a range of human tumors. However, the effect of each SNP in isolation is very small, and all of the SNPs combined only account for a relatively minor proportion of the total genetic risk (5–10%). There is therefore a major requirement for alternative routes to the discovery of genetic risk factors for cancer. We have previously shown using mouse models that chromosomal regions harboring susceptibility genes identified by linkage analysis frequently exhibit allele-specific genetic alterations in tumors. We demonstrate here that the Fbxw7 gene, a commonly mutated gene in a wide range of mouse and human cancers, shows allele-specific deletions in mouse lymphomas and skin tumors. Lymphomas from three different F1 hybrids show 100% allele-specificity in the patterns of allelic loss. Parental alleles from 129/Sv or Spretus/Gla mice are lost in tumors from F1 hybrids with C57BL/6 animals, due to the presence of a specific non-synonymous coding sequence polymorphism at the N-terminal portion of the gene. A specific genetic test of association between this SNP and lymphoma susceptibility in interspecific backcross mice showed a significant linkage (p = 0.001), but only in animals with a functional p53 gene. These data therefore identify Fbxw7 as a p53-dependent tumor susceptibility gene. Increased p53-dependent tumor susceptibility and allele-specific losses were also seen in a mouse skin model of skin tumor development. We propose that analysis of preferential allelic imbalances in tumors may provide an efficient means of uncovering genetic variants that affect mouse and human tumor susceptibility

    Computer Games and Religious Education

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    Education is to be considered as a special form of communication not restricted to a mere exchange or transmission of messages but aiming at learning. Educational media have, throughout the years, played a major part in this regard, and the advent of new technologies has contributed greatly to their advancement. Among these one can refer to computer games that have stood in the forefront due to their specific features. Despite a former insistence on their negative effects and their consequent dismissal, recent research has taken their positive impact into consideration. One is their possible involvement in educational programs. Their special place in teaching different subjects, ranging from physical skills to class lessons, has been recognized by experts and led to the supply of some products. Meanwhile, studies on the practical possibilities of this media in religious fields, especially Islam, are rare. The purpose of this article is to search the possibilities of this media in helping achieve an effective teaching. The thesis is that utilizing the players’ stated reason for their hobby can better assist in developing suitable educational games. One significant capacity of the media is its interactional feature. After examining what and how the games teach, some challenging aspects of them in religious teaching are considered. This has paved the way for more exact experiments in the future

    Scalable Techniques for Security and Anonymity in Distributed Systems

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    Security and privacy in distributed systems are long-standing hard problems. On the one hand, solutions for anonymous communications over the Internet are either vulnerable to traffic analysis or offer poor performance. On the other hand, compromises within enterprises remain hard to track down due to complex dependencies between hosts, applications, and their data.In this thesis, I develop two solutions to improve the anonymity vs. performance trade-off for communications over the Internet. LASTor improves performance of Tor by modifying path selection algorithm and it also mitigate traffic analysis attack by detecting common autonomous system (AS) across the entry and exit segments of a circuit and avoiding using those paths. LASTor reduces median latencies of visiting top 200 websites by 25% while the false negative rate of not detecting a potential snooping AS from 57% to 11%. Next solution, Innominate, is a new framework for anonymous online communication that both offers traffic analysis resistant strong anonymity and scalable performance. Innominate adopts relay-based technique for low latency communication, however instead of a single client servers as a relay, group relay is used to provide strong anonymity.As of security inside enterprises, I develop DeltaTrack, the first enterprise attackforensics system that leverages differential dependency tracking to automate the pruning of irrelevant nodes and edges in the backtracking graph. DeltaTrack continuously monitors system call events from all hosts and summarizes their common execution behaviors in a reference model. Then, the reference model is leveraged to prune away frequently observed events across many hosts since they are unlikely to be relevant to the intrusion. DeltaTrack can reduce the number of nodes and edges of the backtracking graph by up to 131x and 512x, respectively, while maintaining its accuracy