16 research outputs found

    Zhivaia Starina in 2016

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    The Methodological Principles of Setting Up Soil Monitoring in Protected Areas

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    The article discusses the methodology of organizing soil monitoring in the territory of Eastern Fennoscandia. The history of developing monitoring studies of soils is presented. The main stages of monitoring are shown. Soil monitoring requires an adequate selection of indicators to match the type of impact and the mission of the monitoring. The importance of complex studies in soil monitoring is shown. It is noted that it is possible to change the monitoring objects in response to the increase in anthropogenic impact. The need for international cooperation in monitoring the natural environment in connection with global climate change is discussed. Continuous and consistent observations based on integrated research are what enable a reliable assessment of the current state of the natural environment in protected areas. This particularly applies to soil monitoring in valuable UNESCO heritage sites (e.g., rock art – White Sea and Lake Onega petroglyphs). Keywords: natural environment, protected areas, soil monitorin

    Катойконимы в локальной печати конца ХХ – начала XXI в. (случай Твери)

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    The paper deals with names with which the local press referred to Tver inhabitants as a whole at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21th centuries. The author analyzes the dynamic of their use from the 1990s, when the historical name Tver was restored, to the 2010s (studying statistical data for the use of these katoikonyms in Tver press, as well as some texts in local media which contain the local community’s reflections about the names for Tver inhabitants). The study reveals both preferences of different local media, and the influence of philological recommendations on the language of media. In 1990, when the city Tver was given back its original name, one of the local newspapers published an article by professor R. D. Kuznetsova (Tver State University), where the katoikonym tverityane pl. (tverityanin sing., tverityanka sing. f.) was declared to be the most appropriate due to its appearance in the historical period of forming “all-Russian national norms of language” and its usage in the Russian literature of the 19th century. This variant was not very characteristic for the local usage of the 20th century (unlike the others), but due to the linguistic recommendations it gained normative status and asserted itself in almost half of the local media. In the rest of the media other variants were used: tveritchi pl. (tverich sing., tverichanka sing. f.) or tverichane pl. (tverichanin sing., tverichanka sing. f.). The recommendations mentioned above also furthered the marginalization of the variant tveryaki pl. (tveryak sing., tveryachka sing. f.), which was almost wholly forced out from the local newspapers. The author considers the success of the intentional reactualization of the least popular onym to be caused by the long period (almost 60 years) when the city Tver carried the name of Kalinin, and any derivates from the name Tver were thus forced out to the periphery of usage.В статье рассматривается употребление названий жителей Твери в местной печати (преимущественно в газетах) конца ХХ – начала XXI в. Прослеживается динамика их использования с 1990 г., когда городу было возвращено историческое имя, и до 2010-х годов. Выявляются предпочтения различных вариантов в отдельных СМИ и влияние филологических рекомендаций на язык газет. Так, название тверитяне (тверитянин, тверитянка), практически не свойственное местному узусу ХХ в., благодаря рекомендациям лингвистов приобрело статус нормативного и утвердилось почти в половине местных газет. В других газетах в качестве основных сегодня приняты названия тверичи (тверич, тверичанка) либо тверичане (тверичанин, тверичанка). Кроме того, рекомендации способствовали маргинализации названия тверяки (тверяк, тверячка), к настоящему времени почти полностью вытесненного со страниц газет

    Amplicon metagenomics of dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) as a proxy for lemur (Primates, Lemuroidea) studies in Madagascar

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    Dung beetles (Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) are among the most cost-effective and informative biodiversity indicator groups, conveying rich information about the status of habitats and faunas of an area. Yet their use for monitoring the mammal species, that are the main providers of the food for the dung beetles, has only recently been recognized. In the present work, we studied the diet of four endemic Madagascan dung beetles (Helictopleurus fissicollis (Fairmaire), H. giganteus (Harold), Nanos agaboides (Boucomont), and Epilissus splendidus Fairmaire) using high-throughput sequencing and amplicon metagenomics. For all beetle species, the ⅔–¾ of reads belonged to humans, suggesting that human feces are the main source of food for the beetles in the examined areas. The second most abundant were the reads of the cattle (Bos taurus Linnaeus). We also found lower but significant number of reads of six lemur species belonging to three genera. Our sampling localities agree well with the known ranges of these lemur species. The amplicon metagenomics method proved a promising tool for the lemur inventories in Madagascar

    A new species of the endemic Madagascan scarab beetle genus, Madecorphnus grebennikovi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae): morphological description and DNA barcode

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    Frolov, Andrey V., Akhmetova, Lilia A., Vishnevskaya, Maria S. (2020): A new species of the endemic Madagascan scarab beetle genus, Madecorphnus grebennikovi (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae): morphological description and DNA barcode. Zootaxa 4808 (2): 373-378, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4808.2.

    New data on trophic associations of dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Scarabaeinae) and lemurs (Primates, Lemuroidea) in Madagascar

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    Resource use and diet specialization of Madagascan dung beetles has been little studied especially concerning the possible associations between specific dung beetle and lemur species. Pilot studies have demonstrated that amplicon metagenomics is a promising tool for the lemur inventories. In the present contribution, we report new results of the gut content analysis of three endemic Madagascan dung beetles species: Helictopleurus clouei (Harold), Epilissus apotolamproides (Lebis) and Nanos dubitatus (Lebis). Amplicon metagenomics revealed trophic associations of these species with Eulemur sanfordi (Archbold), Eu. fulvus (É.Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire), and Cheirogaleus crossleyi (Grandidier), respectively. The reads of other mammal species, revealed by the analysis, including putative contaminations, are discussed

    Changement majeur dans la prise en charge de l’asthme

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    Selon les nouvelles recommandations, il n’y a plus de place pour l’utilisation des bêta-agonistes à courte durée d’action seuls dans le traitement de l’asthme chronique, en raison d’un risque accru d’exacerbations sévères et de mortalité. La prise en charge actuelle se base sur l’utilisation combinée de corticostéroïdes inhalés et de formotérol en traitement de fond mais également en traitement de secours, grâce à l’action à la fois rapide et prolongée du formotérol. Le/la généraliste doit évaluer, avec la collaboration du/de la patient-e, les facteurs modifiables liés au mauvais contrôle de l’asthme et lui fournir un plan de traitement afin qu’il/elle puisse reconnaître et gérer les symptômes d’une exacerbation d’asthme. La place du/de la spécialiste est réservée aux stades avancés de la maladie et en cas de doute lors de la pose du diagnostic.According to the latest recommendations, there is no longer place for the use of short-acting beta-2 agonist alone in chronic asthma treatment, due to an increased risk of severe exacerbations and exacerbation-related mortality. Current management of asthma is based on the use of inhaled corticosteroids in combination with formoterol as maintenance and as rescue treatment, thanks to the rapid and prolonged action of formoterol. General practitioners must evaluate, with the patient's collaboration, the treatable factors linked to poor asthma control. They should provide patients with a written treatment plan in order to help patients recognize and manage asthma exacerbation. The place of the pulmonary specialist is currently reserved for the advanced stages of the disease and in case of diagnostic doubt