9 research outputs found

    Implementasi Netralisator Uv-C Dalam Upaya Mengurangi Airborne Disease Di Pondok Pesantren Ar-Ridwan Al-Maliky Bojonegoro

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    Pendidikan pondok pesantren yang merupakan hasil perjuangan ulama bertujuan memperdalam al-Quran, hadist, kitab ulama salaf dan khalaf. Ar-ridwan Al-maliky adalah salah satu pondok pesantren yang berdiri pada 2016 di Bojonegoro dengan jumlah santri semakin meningkat. Namun di tahun 2020 wabah covid-19 menyebar hingga ke lingkungan pesantren sehingga kegiatan pesantren terganggu. Telah Banyak upaya yang dilakukan pesantren untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit ini diantaranya dengan disinfeksi lantai, dinding, dan lain-lain. Namun upaya tersebut tidaklah cukup karena penyakit dapat menyebar melalui udara (airborne). Sinar Uv-C memiliki energi tinggi yang dapat berfungsi membunuh virus dan bakteri dengan cepat yang efektif, sehingga berpotensi sebagai netralisator udara. Model pengabdian yang dilakukan dengan metode partisipatif. Santri ikut mengimplementasikan netralisator di ruang berkumpul, kemudian diadakan sosialiasi kerja alat, dan penggunaan yang diakhiri evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan terdapat perubahan udara ruangan selama satu minggu ditandai dengan kesegaran santri meningkat. Sedangkan pemahaman santri tentang penggunaan dan penanggulanan alat menunjukkan respon baik diatas 80%


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    During the COVID-19 pandemic period, every education unit requires an online learning process, not only for theoretical courses, but also for practical courses, including analytical chemistry practicum courses. Student perceptions of online lectures can help students in implementing the process lectures during the Covid 19 pandemic, because a good and correct lecture will help students improve their understanding and knowledge of students. This study aims to find out students perception about online practicum in analytical chemistry. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The sample was taken using simple random sampling consisted of 45 students. Data were obtained using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Student perceptions were seen from three aspects, teaching and learning process, the ability of lecturers, facilities and infrastructure which were assessed using a likert scale. The data analysis by qualitative analysis, consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.  Student perceptions in all aspects have a mean of 64.95% so that students 'perceptions of online practicum in analytical chemistry are positive. Students' perceptions of teaching and learning aspects have a value of 69.57% which indicates a positive perception, on aspects of lecturer competence have a value. 77.90% which shows a positive perception of the infrastructure aspect has a value of 47.39% which indicates a positive perception. Keywords: students perceptions; online practicum; Analytic Chemistr

    Perbandingan Aktivitas Ekstrak Daun Tapak Dara (Catharanthus Roseus) dan TBHQ Sebagai Antioksidan Minyak Goreng Terhadap Fotooksidasi UV-C

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    Cooking oil is one of the sources of human energy with a total consumption of 290 million tons/year by the public. The largest use of cooking oil is the household sector which generally gets its oil from traditional markets. The oil that is traded in the market is often not covered properly so that it is easily exposed to sunlight. The light that hits the oil can cause damage, including the formation of peroxide compounds. Efforts to overcome the damage include adding natural antioxidants as an alternative to synthetic antioxidants. This study aims to determine the impact of 254nm ultraviolet photooxidation on the containment of oil oxidation by the addition of tapak Dara leaf extract and TBHQ. The oil was photo oxidized with variations of 1, 3, 6, and 12 hours to determine the hold. To determine the quality of the oil, three parameters of sample testing were carried out, namely free fatty acid content, peroxide number, and water content. The results of photooxidation showed that cooking oil with tapak Dara leaf extract had lower holding activity than TBHQ. This value was measured on the peroxide number and free fatty acid content, while the measurement of the water content of the measured containment activity was better with a value that met SNI, namely <0.1

    Hubungan Status Gizi dan Aktivitas Fisik dengan Kejadian Hipertensi Remaja

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    Adolescence is peak height velocity that affect changes in body composition, rapidgrowth on weight, bone mass, pysical activity and nutritional status. Overweight and lack ofphysical activity are risk factors of hyertension in adolescents. Overweight adolescents havea 4,85 times risk of developig hypertension compared to adolescents with normal nutritionalstatus. Lack of physical activity has 7,86 times the risk of developing hypertension thanadolescents with active physical activity. Hypertension in adolescents increase risk ofmorbidity and mortality in adults. This study aim to determine the correlation between nutritional status and physicalactivity with hypertension in adolescents. A quantitative research with cross sectional designwas developed.  Respondents in this study were 75  college students. Data analysis usingSpearman’s Correlation test. Proportion of obesity and overweight was 20%.  Physical activity of the respondentsbelongs to light category. The incidence of hypertension I 14,67% and hypertension II2,67%. Results shows that there was correlation between nutritional status and physicalactivity with hypertension in adolescents.Keywords :  nutritional status, physical activity, hypertension, adolescents

    Pendampingan Pelaksanaan Aktivitas Fisik untuk Meningkatkan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh sebagai Upaya Pencegahan COVID-19

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    Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) penyakit yang menyebar dan berkembang sangat cepat di beberapa negara bahkan sampai ke indonesia. Upaya pencegahan COVID-19 dapat dilakukan oleh manyarakat yakni dengan menjaga jarak, mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir atau menggunakan handsanitizer, memakai masker dan melakukan aktivitas fisik. Aktivitas fisik dapat meningkatkan fungsi sistem kekebalan tubuh melalui mekanisme pengaktifan sel imun dan pelepasan mediator proinflamasi dan anti inflamasi sehingga dapat menurunkan risiko tertular penyakit menular seperti COVID-19. Program pengabdian kepada masyaraat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang aktivitas fisik, sistem kekebalan tubuh dan pelaksanaan aktivitas fisik untuk sistem kekebalan tubuh sebagai upaya pencegahan COVID-19. Edukasi pelaksanaan aktivitas fisik untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan target sebesar 16,67%, kegiatan pendampingan menunjukkan 86,67% target telah melakukan aktivitas fisik dan hasil evaluasi kegiatan menunjukkan program berhasil karena program target telah melakukan aktivitas fisik setiap ahrinya 30 menit atau salam seminggu minimal 3-5 aktivitas

    Penggunaan dan Identifikasi Ekstrak kasar Tinta Cumi-Cumi (Loligo sp.) sebagai Pewarna (DYE) dalam pembuatan Sel Surya Pewarna Tersensitisasi (SSPT)

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    ABSTRAK Tinta cumi memiliki sifat fisik berwarna hitam pekat. Tinta cumi memiliki kandungan melanin. Berdasarkan sifat fisik tersebut, tinta cumi berpotensi untuk digunakan sebagai sel surya pewarna tersensitisasi (SSPT). Dengan alasan tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: mengetahui karakteristik absorpsi UV-Vis, color reader dan mengetahui keberadaan alkaloid dalam ekstrak kasar tinta cumi. Mengetahui efek lama perendaman elektroda TiO2 dalam ekstrak kasar kasar untuk pembuatan sel surya pewarna tersensititasi (SSPT). Penelitian ini meliputi: preparasi sampel, tinta cumi didapatkan dari cumi- cumi dengan berat basah 1 kg, kemudian diekstrak dengan HCl 0,5 M. identifikasi ekstrak kasar dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis dan color reader. Pengujian alkaloid dengan uji reagen. Pengujian Daya dan efisiensi dilakukan terhadap perendaman elektroda TiO2 dengan lama 10 menit, 1 jam, 24 jam dan 48 jam. Hasil karakterisasi UV-Vis menunjukkan, ekstrak kasar tinta cumi memiliki serapan tertinggi pada 212 dan 252 nm di daerah UV, dan memiliki kesamaan dengan eumelanin sintesis pada 340 dan 433 nm. Hasil karakterisasi color reader menunjukkan kesamaan warna dengan eumelanin yaitu kuning kemerahan. Hasil pengujian alkaloid menunjukkan hasil positif. Pengukuran tertinggi dihasilkan dalam perendaman 1 jam dengan menghasilkan daya sebesar 2,343 × 10-4 mW dan 3,48 × 10-2 % untuk efisiensi. ABSTRACT Squid ink has physical properties of black dense. It has melanin contents. Based on this physical properties, squid ink potentially for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). For this reason, this research aims to: knowing the characteristics of UV-Vis absorption, color reader and Knowing the presence of alkaloids in the crude extract of squid ink. Knowing the effect of immersion time TiO2 electrodes on crude extract for Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). This research encompass: sample preparation, squid ink obtained from the wet weight of 1 kg squid, than extracted with HCl 0,5 M. Identification of crude extract with UV-Vis spectrophotometer and color reader. Alkaloid testing with reagents test. Power and efficiency testing with soaking the TiO2 electrode by time 10 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hour and 48 hour. UV-Vis characterization showed, the crude extract of squid ink has highest absorption at 212 and 252 nm in the UV region, and have similarities with synthesis eumelanin in 340 and 433 nm. In color reader characterization indicate similarities squid ink color with the eumelanin, it’s reddish yellow. The results of alkaloid test show positive result. The highest measurement at 1 hour immersion with producing power of 2,343 × 10-4 mW and 3,48 × 10-2 % for efficiency

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi PEG-600, Kecepatan Putar Dan Suhu Anil Terhadap Lapisan Tipis Timbal Zirkonat Titanat

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    Keramik Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 atau disebut PZT telah luas pemanfaatannya dalam dunia elektronika yang dibuat sebagai lapisan tipis. Metode sintesis sol-gel telah banyak digunakan untuk pembuatan lapis tipis PZT. Sol hasil sintesis harus tahan terhadap hidrolisis oleh keberadaan molekul air agar tidak terjadi presipitasi dalam hasil solnya yang menyebabkan mol menjadi tidak stoikiometri. PEG-600 adalah salah satu senyawa penstabil sol terhadap reaksi hidrolisis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek penambahan PEG-600 terhadap sol PZT yang dihasilkan dan pengaruhnya terhadap lapisan. Perlakuan penambahan kecepatan putar dan suhu anil dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek teknik terhadap ukuran kristal dan homogenitas lapisan tipis. Penelitian ini menggunakan variasi penambahan PEG-600 dalam perbandingan asam asetat:PEG-600 = 1:5, 2:4, 3:3, 4:2, 5:5 yang dilapiskan pada substrat silikon dengan variasi kecepatan putar 1500 dan 2500 rpm serta variasi suhu anil 650 dan 700°C. Hasil sintesis menunjukkan sol terbaik terdapat pada rasio 1:5, 2:4, 3:3 dan 4:2 yang tanpa ditemukan presipitasi. Hasil pelapisan pada substrat ditemukan lapisan yang homogen pada variasi 2:4 dan 3:3 yang teramati dengan hkl (101), (201), (210) dan (002). Penambahan kecepatan putar dan suhu anil pada lapisan tipis PZT menyebabkan ukuran kristal meningkat dengan hasil lapisan yang merata dan terlihat semakin membentuk penggabungan butiran kristal (coalescence) pada rasio 2:4 dan 3:3

    Hair Growth Activity Test of Hair Tonic that Contain Combination of Green Tea Leaf Extract and Celery Leaf Extract

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    Hair loss is an abnormality where the amount of hair is less or more than normal with or without visible thinning. Excessive hair loss can lead to baldness. The prevalence of hair loss in women aged 14-28 years in Jakarta is 50%, and in Surabaya, it occurs in 53.3% of hijab users. One of the formulations that could be used to prevent hair loss is hair tonic formulations. Hair tonic is a cosmetic formulation that functions to stimulate hair growths, both in normal hair and in hair loss and baldness. Hair tonic can be developed from natural ingredients such as green tea leaves, celery leaves, or a combination of both. Green tea leaves contain epigallocatechin-3-gallate and flavonoids which have hair growth activity, while celery leaf (Apium graveolens L.) contain apigenin compounds that have hair growth activity. This research aims to formulation and evaluation of hair tonic contain ethanol extract of green tea leaves (Camellia Sinensis L.), celery leaf (Apium grave lens L.), and a combination of ethanol extract of green tea leaves (Camellia Sinensis L.) and celery leaf (Apium grave lens L.) in guinea pigs. This study is an experimental type of quantitative research with a true experimental design. laboratory and Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Hair tonic formulations were made with 6 formulations given to 6 groups of guinea pigs with a total of 4 guinea pigs in each group. The formulations used were negative control, positive control of celery leaf extract, positive control of green tea leaf extract, formulation of 1 green tea leaf 7,5% and celery leaf extract 2,5%, formulation of 2 green tea leaf 5% and celery leaf extract 5%, formulation 3 green tea leaf extract 2,5% and celery leaf extract 7,5%. Evaluation of hair tonic formulations was carried out by physical evaluation with organoleptic tests and pH tests. Evaluation of hair growths activity observed the hair growth of guinea pigs every 7 days for 28 days and measured it with a caliper. The results of the organoleptic test of organoleptically stable hair tonic formulations were assessed from the color, smell, and texture that did not change. The results of the pH test met the requirements for the skin's pH value of 4.5-6.5. The results of the hair growth test on hair tonic formulations showed that all formulations could grow hair in guinea pigs. Green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis L) extract, celery leaves (Apium grave lens L), and the combination of green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis L) extract and celery leaves (Apium grave lens L) extract can be formulated and used as hair growth in guinea pigs. The best grow hair fast formulation is a combination of green tea leaves extract: celery leaves extract is 2,5%:7,5%

    Daya terima konsumen terhadap jelly drink belimbing wuluh

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    Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) is a well-known traditional medicinal plant that thrives in Indonesia. The amount of fruit production per year can reach 1500 pieces per plant but is easily damaged, its shelf life is short, the taste of sour fruit causes not many people to consume the fruit fresh, in addition, have a low selling price and economic value. Therefore to increase the storage capacity, selling price, and economic value it is necessary to process into functional foods such as jelly drinks. This study aims to determine consumer acceptance of Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) jelly drink products. The method of this research was the design of random group. The first factor is the concentrate of carrageenans (1%; 1,5%; 2%) and the second factor is the concentrate of sugars (13%, 15%). Observations on Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) jelly drink (taste, color, aroma, suction power, and mouthfeel) by 25 untrained panelists. Organoleptic test data were analyzed by nonparametric statistical methods using the Friedman test. The results showed that the best treatments on consumer acceptance of jelly drink Belimbing wuluh (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) in an organoleptic manner was obtained from treatment with 1,5% carrageenan and 15% sugar with a product value of 2,39 with a mean value of panelist favorability to taste on 6,23; the color on 7,76; aroma on 7,19; suction power on 8,5; mouthfeel on 7,54