105 research outputs found

    Determination of Variability in Ambient Conditions During Cold Storage of Aronia Fruits

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    In this research, temperature and relative humidity in a cold store with an evaporative cooling system were investigated during one-month cold storage of Aronia melanocarpa Nero fruits. Ambient temperature and relative humidity were measured by sensors at 36 points for different levels (top, medium and base level). The research was carried out in accordance with the randomized plot design for the purpose of storing Aronia melanocarpa in a cold store at +3 degrees C for 1 month. The results were evaluated by using variance analyses and descriptive statistics. In addition, spatial variability maps were created for evaluating of temperature and relative humidity variation at different levels. Variation of the temperature was determined between 3.40 degrees C and 5.32 degrees C for top level, 3.80 degrees C and 5.49 degrees C for middle level and 3.92 degrees C and 5.51 degrees C for base level at 3 degrees C storage temperature. Coefficient of variations was determined as 11.47% for top level, 11.48% for middle level and 7.10% for bottom level for temperature. The relative humidity values were changed between 74.00% and 88.09%. Mean coefficient of variation of the relative humidity varied between 3.22% and 4.43%. According to the results; distributions of the temperature and relative humidity for different levels were not uniform. Reason of high variability between measurement of the temperature and the relative humidity for different levels in the cold store was the distribution of the cold air. The cold air was ventilated by an evaporator and distributed according to the design of the cold store (dimensions, shape, and materials) and placement of fruit cases. Different storage conditions were determined at different levels in the cold store during storage of Aronia fruits in this research. In addition, there is generally one temperature/relative humidity sensor located back of the door inside the cold store used to control the cooling system. Measurement of the temperature and relative humidity from one point in a cold store is not enough to give an idea about the ambient conditions of the cold store. When storing agricultural products, the use of more temperature/relative humidity sensors in the cold store will enable the actual situation of the temperature and relative humidity values to be taken into account to control the operation of the cooling system. Additional cold air distribution systems such as ventilator, air curtains and placement of fruit cases may help to improve air distribution and decrease the spatial variability of the storage conditions in the cold store.Kirklareli Commodity Exchange; Salkim FidancilikAuthors would like to thank to Kirklareli Commodity Exchange and Salkim Fidancilik for their support to this research


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    Spatial distribution the ambient temperature, relative humidity and air velocity were determined for different storage temperatures such as 0 oC, 1 oC, 2 oC and 3 oC in an experimental cold store. Mapping software were used to show the variability. Spatial distribution of the temperature and the relative humidity was not uniform in the cold store. Reason of bad spatial distributions was bad spatial distribution of air velocity distributed by evaporator. A temperature and/or a relative humidity sensor are used in cooling systems to measure temperature and relative humidity. The umber of sensors are not enough to determine variability of temperature and relative humidity. There should be additional sensors located different places to give idea for cold storage

    Estimation of air distrubition due to different blade angles of vents computational fluiddynamics in a cold store

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    Araştırmada; soğuk depo içerisinde hava dağılımını sağlayan menfezlerin kanat açıları 0º-0º-0º, 0º-0º45º ve 0º-22.5º-45º olarak kurgulanmış ve elma dolu depo için sıcaklık, hava hızı ve bağıl nemindağılımı hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (CFD) yöntemleri kullanılarak modellenmiştir. CFDmodellerden elde edilen veriler farklı kanat açılarının ortam koşullarının depoda yersel değişkenliğiüzerindeki etkisini karşılaştırmak için kullanılmıştır. Senaryo 1 (0º-0º-0º)için dolu depoda yapılan menfez kanat açısı modelleme değerlendirmelerinde sıcaklıklar 1.85 ºC ile 2.01 ºC arasında değişirken Senaryo 2 (0º-0º-45º)ve Senaryo 3'de (0º-22.5º-45º) kanat açıları sıcaklıkları 1.85ºC ile 1.95ºC arasında görülmüştür. Hava hızının modellenmesi için sınır şartı, belirlenen senaryolara göre 1.525 m/sile 3.99 m/s arasında seçilmiştir. Belirlenen bütün senaryolar için depo içerisindeki hava hızı modeldeğerleri 0.03 m/s ile 0.12 m/s arasında değişkenlik göstermiştir. Modellemede bağıl nem sınır şartı%88 olarak belirlenmiştir. Orta düzlemden alınan bağıl nem model değerleri bütün kanat açıları için %87 ile %88 arasında değişmiştir. Araştırmada menfez kanat açılarının CFD modelleri ile elde edilensonuçlar dikkate alındığında; soğuk depolama açısından 0º-0º-45ºile 0º-22.5º-45º kanat açıları modelleri istenen değerlere daha yakın çıkmıştır. Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği ile 3 farklı kanat açısının ortamkoşullarının değişimi üzerindeki etkisinin araştırıldığı bu çalışmanın sonucuna göreSenaryo 2 (0º-0º45º) ve Senaryo 3 (0º-22.5º-45º) deki menfez açılarının sonuçları elma depolamada gereksinim duyulansıcaklık, hava hızı ve bağıl nem değerlerine Senaryo 1 (0º-0º-0º)'den daha yakın olduğu için önerilmektedirIn this research, the angle of the blades assumed to be 0º-0º-0º (Scenario 1), 0º-0º-45º(Scenario 2) and 0º-22.5º-45º (Scenario 3) for pressure and vacuum vents in an experimental cold storage fully loadedwith apple were used, and distrubutions in ambient temperature, air velocity and relative humidity weremodelled by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods. Data determined from CFD Models were used to compare the effect of different blade angle scenarios on spatial ambient temperatures inthe storage. Spatial ambient temperatures varied between 1.85ºC and 2.01ºC for Scenario 1 (0º-0º-0º) whereas they were 1.85ºC and 1.95ºC for Scenario 2 (0º-0º-45º)and Scenario 3 (0º-22.5º-45º). Boundary conditions for modelling air velocity were accepted between 1.525 m/s and 3.99 m/saccording to the determined scenarios. Air velocity data determined using CFD models for 3 scenariosvaried between 0.03 and 0.12 m/s. Boundary condition of relative humidity for CFD modelling assumedto be 88%. Relative humidity model data determined from the middle plane of the cold storage changedbetween 87% and 88% for all blade angles. According to the CFD results, the values of Scenario 2 (0º0º-45º)and Scenario 3 (0º-22.5º-45º) were found to be close to the required value for a apple coldstorage. According to the results of this study regarding the effect of different blade angles of vents onambient factors changing in an experimental cold storage, the blade angles in Scenario 2 (0º-0º-45º)and Scenario 3 (0º-22.5º-45º) were suggested because their results were more close to the required ambienttemperature, air velocity and relative humidity values for apple storage than Scenario 1 (0º-0º-0º

    CFD Modelling of Two Different Cold Stores Ambient Factors

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    AbstractObjective of the research was to determine ambient temperature and relative humidity distributions of two different cold stores which have two different cooling systems. One of the cold store which is called as Cold store-I, has classical cooling system such as compressor, condenser and evaporator. Second called Cold store-II, has air conditioning system for cooling, cold air ventilation and aspiration systems, and humidification system. Computational fluid dynamics was used for modelling of distribution of temperature and relative humidity of cold store walls. Storage temperature and relative humidity were assumed 2°C and 90%, respectively. Boundary conditions were set as; Inlet-Surface of fluid inlet, Outlet-Surface of fluid outlet, and walls-solid, proof against flow of fluid. A tetrahedral mesh was created by using ANSYS 14.0 and calculation finished when accessing a solution. Turbulence was modelled using the k-ɛ (k-epsilon). Spatial distribution in two cold stores for two different cooling systems were modelled and evaluated in this research. Data determined from CFD models were compared for both cold stores. Cold store-II was better than Cold store-I because it has air distribution holes located on ceiling

    CFD Modelling of Ambient Factors in A Tractor Cabin for Summer Conditions

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    Bu araştırmada, yaz koşullarında traktör kabini içinde sıcaklık ve hava hızı dağılımı, Hesaplamalı Akışkanlar Dinamiği (HAD) kullanılarak modellenmiş ve sensör ölçümleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırmada materyal olarak kabinli bir traktör, Testo R1-177H1 sıcaklık ve bağıl nem sensörleri, Testo 435 hava hızı ölçüm sensörü kullanılmıştır. Ortam koşullarının dağılım modellerinin tahmini için Ansys Fluent programı kullanılmıştır. HAD modellemede oluşturulan ağ yapısında eleman sayısı 1074644'dür. Ağ tipleri prizmatik ve hegzagonaldir. Motor yüzeyi ve insan vücudundan ısı akısı vardır. Ayrıca, konveksiyon ve radyasyon ısı transferi olduğu HAD modelde kabul edilmiştir. Ölçümler maksimum dış ortam sıcaklığı 46.4°C alınarak ve kabin içinde sürücü varken laboratuvar koşullarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ölçülen ve modelden elde edilen sıcaklık ortalamaları sırasıyla 12.4°C ve 15.9°C'dir. Ölçüm ve model arasındaki ortalama fark 3.5°C'dir. Sıcaklık için HAD modelin ölçüm değerlerine yakınsaması %28.2 olmuştur. Hava hızı değerlerinde ise ölçülen ve modelden elde edilen ortalamalar sırasıyla 7.3 m/s ve 7.6 m/s olarak belirlenmiştir. Ölçüm ve model değerleri arasındaki ortalama fark ise 0.3 m/s olmuştur. Model tahmini %4.1 olarak bulunmuştur.In this study, distributions of temperature and air velocity in a tractor cabin were modelled with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) method and compared with measured data for summer conditions. A tractor with airconditioned cabin, Testo R1-177H1 temperature and relative humidity sensors, and Testo 435 air velocity sensor were used as material. Ansys Fluent software was used to estimate distribution models of ambient factors. Number of the elements of CFD model was 1074644 in mesh structure. Types of meshes were prismatic and hexagonal. There was heat flux from surface of engine and human body. In addition, convection and radiation heat transfer was assumed for modelling. Measurements were realised for 46.4°C outside temperature and driver was in tractor cabin in laboratory conditions. Average of temperature measurements and CFD Models estimations were 12.4°C and 15.9°C, respectively. Mean difference between measurements and CFD model estimations was 3.5°C. CFD Model accuracy for measurements of ambient temperature was 28.2%. Mean measured and estimated air velocities were calculated as 7.3 m/s and 7.6 m/s, respectively. Mean difference between measurements and model estimations was 0.3 m/s. Accuracy of the model estimation was for air velocity 4.1%

    Manüel Kontrollü Elektrik Direnç Nokta Kaynak Makinesinde Pnömatik Kontrolün Geliştirilmesi

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    Bu çalışmada; tarım makineleri imalatında kullanılan, manüel kontrollü elektrik direnç nokta kaynak makinesi, yeniden revize edilerek otomasyona uygun hale getirilmiştir. Sistemin dönüştürülmesinde pnömatik devre elemanlarından yararlanılmıştır. Sistemde istenilen basınç ve kaynak periyodu ayarlanabilmektedir. Revize edilen makine ile 2 mm kalınlığındaki St37 sac malzemeden hazırlanan test parçaları, 6 bar basınçta, 4 sn'lik kaynak periyodunda ve 8 kVA görünür güç uygulanarak birleştirilmiştir. İkinci uygulamada ise aynı özelliklerdeki test parçalan tecrübeli bir kaynak teknisyeni tarafından manüel olarak birleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada her iki uygulama için, kaynak bölgesine çekme-makaslama testleri ve soyulma direnci testleri yapılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçlar incelendiğinde makinenin istenilen şekilde çalıştığı saptanmıştır. Sistem de uygulanan akım, gerilim ve kaynak basıncı sabit tutulduğu için gerçekleştirilen birleştirmelerde ölçülen çekme-makaslama ve çekme-soyulma dirençlerinde büyük farklılıklar ölçülmemiştir. Kaynak yöntemi, çekme-makaslama ve çekme-soyulma dirençleri arasındaki ilişki önemli bulunmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: Elektrik direnç nokta kaynağı, pnömatik, kaynak bölgesi, çekme-soyulma testi, basınçIn this research; manual electrical resistance spot welding machine which is used in manufacturing of agricultural machineries fit to automation by revised. Pneumatic cylinder and valve were used in the modification process from mechanical control to automation. System can be adjusted for a determined welding pressure and time. St37 sheet iron in 2 mm thickness were connected under the condition of 6 bar pressure, 4 sec. welding period and 8 kVA apparent power established by electrode in modified welding machine. Second test was realized by an experienced welder for same test conditions. Both for research applications, the tensile-shear and peel resistance tests applied on the weld zone and the tests results compared. According to the results; it is determined that the modified welding machine worked well for adjusted conditions. There are no big differences for measured tensile strength and tensile peel resistance because applied current, voltage, and pressure were constant during the welding in the tests. Relationships between welding methods and tensile shear and tensile peel resistance was found significan

    High-coverage whole-genome analysis of 1220 cancers reveals hundreds of genes deregulated by rearrangement-mediated cis-regulatory alterations.

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    The impact of somatic structural variants (SVs) on gene expression in cancer is largely unknown. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole-genome sequencing data and RNA sequencing from a common set of 1220 cancer cases, we report hundreds of genes for which the presence within 100 kb of an SV breakpoint associates with altered expression. For the majority of these genes, expression increases rather than decreases with corresponding breakpoint events. Up-regulated cancer-associated genes impacted by this phenomenon include TERT, MDM2, CDK4, ERBB2, CD274, PDCD1LG2, and IGF2. TERT-associated breakpoints involve ~3% of cases, most frequently in liver biliary, melanoma, sarcoma, stomach, and kidney cancers. SVs associated with up-regulation of PD1 and PDL1 genes involve ~1% of non-amplified cases. For many genes, SVs are significantly associated with increased numbers or greater proximity of enhancer regulatory elements near the gene. DNA methylation near the promoter is often increased with nearby SV breakpoint, which may involve inactivation of repressor elements

    Retrospective evaluation of whole exome and genome mutation calls in 746 cancer samples

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    Funder: NCI U24CA211006Abstract: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) and International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) curated consensus somatic mutation calls using whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS), respectively. Here, as part of the ICGC/TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG) Consortium, which aggregated whole genome sequencing data from 2,658 cancers across 38 tumour types, we compare WES and WGS side-by-side from 746 TCGA samples, finding that ~80% of mutations overlap in covered exonic regions. We estimate that low variant allele fraction (VAF < 15%) and clonal heterogeneity contribute up to 68% of private WGS mutations and 71% of private WES mutations. We observe that ~30% of private WGS mutations trace to mutations identified by a single variant caller in WES consensus efforts. WGS captures both ~50% more variation in exonic regions and un-observed mutations in loci with variable GC-content. Together, our analysis highlights technological divergences between two reproducible somatic variant detection efforts

    CFD Modelling and Validation of Ambient Factors in Evaporative Cold Store for Peach Storage

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    Spatial variation of temperature and relative humidity were estimated with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) at top, middle and base levels for peach storage at +1oC and 90% relative humidity and verified with measured data in a cold store with evaporative cooling system. Ansys Fluent Software was used for CFD modelling. CFD models were vali-dated with sensors measurements. Results were eval-uated by using descriptive statistics, relative error and variance analyses. Relative error of the CFD model was calculated as 9.77 for the ambient temper-ature and 1.29 for relative humidity for peach storage. The developed CFD models estimated the ambient factors with an acceptable error in the evaporative cold store for peach storage. © 2022,Latin American Applied Research. All Rights Reserved.110O047; Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Araştirma Kurumu, TÜBITAKThe authors would like to express their gratitude to Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for supporting the project (Project No 110O047). Data used in this article were taken from the Final report of the project

    Investigation of Ambient Factors Spatial Variability in Cold Stores by Using Management Zone Analysis

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    The main objective of this research was to determineand manage spatial variability of ambient temperature, relative humidity andair velocity in a cold storage using management zone analysis methods.  Ambient temperature, relative humidity and airvelocity of an experimental cold storage were measured using 36 temperature andrelative humidity  sensors.  Sensor installation was performed on gridscale at three levels (base, middle and top) such as to monitor the coldstorage conditions of the total volume.  Surfermapping system (Golden software Inc.) was utilized to create the maps of themeasured parameters and the collected data were analyzed by MZA software whichperformed fuzzy clustering to delineate the full cold storage, half full coldstorage and empty cold storage.  Theresults indicated that there is significant spatial variation of the basic storageparameters such as temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in the coldstorage, which denotes the significance of management zones delineation inthese facilities so as to maximize the storag