10 research outputs found
Psikiyatri kliniğinde yatan hastalarda tiroid işlevtestleri kullanmanın etkinliği
Objective: The main aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of thyroid function screening in psychiatric patients upon hospitalization in Turkey. Method: A retrospective examination of 538 consecutive inpatient admissions to a general hospital psychiatry unit was conducted. Patients were diagnosed based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Biochemical and thyroid function tests (TFT) were performed. Chi-square and t-tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: TFT were performed on all 538 inpatients, but test results could be found for only 419 patients in the hospital data files. Therefore, these 419 patients were used in the current study. The study population consisted of adolescents and adults and ages varied between 14 and 81. The group included 226 male patients (53.9%) and 193 female patients (46.1%). Sixty-two patients (14.8%) had at least one TFT result outside of the normal ranges. Two of these patients (0.5%) had hyperthyroidism, 1 patient (0.2%) had hypothyroidism, 14 (3.3%) patients had subclinical hyperthyroidism, 21 patients (5.0%) had subclinical hypothyroidism, while 24 (5.7%) of the abnormal results were accepted as unclear findings. Psychotherapeutic drug use was also examined in the patients with abnormal TFT, but no correlation was found between therapy and abnormal TFT. Conclusions: Effectiveness of screening psychiatric patients for thyroid disease seems to be questionable, except for specific patient groups such as those with alcohol abuse. Although the results of this study did not show a correlation between psychotherapeutic use and TFT, these results need to be confirmed by controlled studies in larger patient populations.Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı hastaneye yatırılarak tedavi edilen psikiyatri hastalarında tiroid işlevlerini taramanın etkinliğinin belirlenmesidir. Yöntem: Bir genel hastanenin psikiyatri kliniğine yatırılan 538 hasta geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir. Hastaların tanıları DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) tanı kriterlerine göre konulmuştur. Biyokimyasal tetkikler ve tiroid fonksiyon testleri (TFT) yapılmıştır. İstatistiksel analiz için ki kare ve t-testleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: TFT 538 hastanın tümünde yapılmıştır, ancak hastane dosyalarından yalnızca 419 hastanın test sonuçlarına ulaşılabilmiştir. Çalışmaya 14-81 yaş arasındaki ergen ve erişkinler dahil edilmiştir. Çalışma grubunun 226’sı erkek (%53.9) ve 193’ü kadın (%46.1) hastalardan oluşmuştur. 62 Hastada (%14.8) en az bir TFT sonucu normal sınırların dışında bulunmuştur. Bu hastalardan ikisinin (%0.5) hipertiroidizmi, birinin (0.2%) hipotiroidizmi, 14’ünün (3.3%) subklinik hipertiroidizmi, 21’inin (5.0%) subklinik hipotiroidizmi varken 24’ünün (5.7%) anormal test sonuçları laboratuar hatası olarak kabul edilmiştir. Anormal TFT sonuçları olan hastalarda psikoterapotik ilaç kullanımına da bakılmış ancak kullanılan ilaç tedavisi ile normal TFT sonuçları arasında bir ilişki saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: Alkol kullanımı ile ilişkili bozukluklar gibi spesifik hasta grupları dışında psikiyatrik hastaları tiroid fonksiyonları açısından taramanın etkinliği şüpheli görünmektedir. Her ne kadar bu çalışmanın sonuçları TFT sonuçları ve psikoterapotik ilaç kullanımı arasında bir korelasyon göstermiyor olsa da bu alanda daha geniş hasta gruplarında yapılacak olan kontrollü çalışmalara ihtiyaç bulunmaktadır
A comparison of implicit memory performance in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer type dementia patients
Amaç: Örtük bellek, bilginin bilinçsiz, otomatik ve farkında olmaksızın hatırlanması olarak tanımlanmaktadır ve bu açıdan açık bellekten farklıdır. Bu çalışmada, hafif bilişsel bozukluğu olan hastalar, ATD hastaları (farklı evrelerdeki) ve sağlıklı kontrol grubu örtük bellek performansı açısından karşılaştırılmıştır. Yöntem: Çalışmaya HBB tanısı olan 19, ATD tanısı olan 23 hasta alınmıştır. ATD?lı hastalardan 11?i hafif-orta, 12?si ağır evrededir. Kontrol grubu yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi ve el tercihi açısından hasta gruplarıyla eşleştirilmiştir. Klinik değerlendirme için DSM-IV ve NINCDS-ADRA tanı ölçütleri kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: 4x3 faktörlü ANOVA sonucunda, bilgi işleme düzeyi değişkeninin temel etkisi ile grup ve bilgi işleme düzeyi değişkenlerinin ortak etkisi anlamlı bulunmuştur. Grup değişkeninin temel etkisi anlamlı değildir. Sonuç: HBB ve ATD hasta grupları örtük bellek görevinde benzer performans göstermişlerdir. HBB ve ATD hasta gruplarında örtük bellek performansı korunmuştur. Buna karşın, hasta gruplarının, örtük bellek performansı bilgi işleme düzeyi manipülasyonuna göre değişebilmektedir. Sonuç olarak, ATD?ın klinik değerlendirmesinde örtük bellek görevlerinin kullanılması önemlidir.Objective: Implicit memory, defined as the recollection of knowledge unconsciously, automatically, and without being aware of it, is different than explicit memory, in which knowledge is recollected consciously, while being aware of it. In the present study, the implicit memory performance of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer?s type dementia (ATD) (different stages) were compared to healthy controls. Method: The study included 19 MCI patients and 23 ATD patients (11 mild-moderate and 12 severe stage ATD). Control subjects were matched to the patient groups according to age, gender, education, and hand preference. DSM-IV and NINCDS-ADRA diagnostic criteria were used for clinical assessment. Results: The 4 × 3 ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of the level of processing, and group and level of processing interaction effect was also significant. Group main effect was not significant. Conclusion: MCI and ATD groups performed similarly on the implicit memory task. Implicit memory performance was intact in patients with MCI and ATD; however, implicit memory performance of the patient groups differed according to the level of processing manipulation. For that reason, implicit memory tasks should be used for clinical diagnosis in ATD
Hatay’da lise öğrencilerinde madde kullanımı, bazı psikolojik özellikler ve şiddet : Kesitsel bir çalışma
Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of substance use among high school students and to examine the relationship between substance use and violence and psychological features. Patients and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 23 high schools in Hatay in 2006 using a questionnaire consisted of General Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Results: A total of 1629 students were given study questionnaire. Lifetime substance use prevalence was 38.8 for cigarette smoking, 30.5 for alcohol use, 30.1 for being drunk, 13.9 for regular smoking, 7.1 for volatile substance use, 1.1 for marijuana use, 0.8 for drug use such as heroin, ecstasy, and cocaine. Anxiety scores were higher in smokers while self esteem and self efficacy scores were higher in alcohol users. Exposure to physical violence and use of physical violence within the last year were higher in smokers and in all substance users. Conclusion: Cigarette, alcohol and volatile substances were frequently used among adolescents. The results show that high anxiety is related with smoking, high self esteem and self efficacy are related with alcohol use. Substance use is associated with exposure to and use of violence.Amaç: Bu çalışmada lise öğrencilerinde madde kullanımı sıklığını saptamak ve madde kullanımı ile şiddet ve psikolojik özellikler arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amaçlandı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: 2006 yılında Hatay’daki 23 lisede yapılan bu kesitsel çalışmada şiddet ve madde kullanımına ilişkin verilerin yanı sıra özgüven, özsaygı, sosyal destek ve sürekli kaygı ölçeklerinin yer aldığı bir anket uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Toplam 1629 öğrenci anketi doldurdu. Madde kullanım yüzdesi sıklık sırasına göre, hayat boyu sigara deneme 38.8, hayat boyu alkol kullanma 30.5, sarhoş olma 30.1, düzenli sigara içme 13.9, uhu, tiner, bali gibi uçucu bir madde koklama 7.1, hayat boyu esrar 1.1 ve hap, eroin, kokain gibi uyuşturucu veya uyarıcı bir madde kullanımı 0.8 olarak elde edilmiştir. Sigara kullananlarda sürekli kaygı, alkol kullananlarda özgüven ve özsaygı puanları yüksek bulunmuştur. Sigara ve diğer madde kullananlarda hayat boyu ve son bir yıl içinde şiddete uğrama ve şiddet uygulama daha yüksek idi. Sonuç: Sigara, alkol ve uçucu madde kullanımı lise öğrencilerinde yaygındır. Bulgularımız sürekli yüksek kaygının sigara kullanımında, yüksek özgüven ve özsaygının ise alkol kullanımında etkili olabileceği yönündedir. Madde kullanımı ile şiddet uygulama ve şiddete uğrama birliktelik göstermektedir. Amaç: Bu çalışmada lise öğrencilerinde madde kullanımı sıklığını saptamak ve madde kullanımı ile şiddet ve psikolojik özellikler arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amaçlandı. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: 2006 yılında Hatay’daki 23 lisede yapılan bu kesitsel çalışmada şiddet ve madde kullanımına ilişkin verilerin yanı sıra özgüven, özsaygı, sosyal destek ve sürekli kaygı ölçeklerinin yer aldığı bir anket uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Toplam 1629 öğrenci anketi doldurdu. Madde kullanım yüzdesi sıklık sırasına göre, hayat boyu sigara deneme 38.8, hayat boyu alkol kullanma 30.5, sarhoş olma 30.1, düzenli sigara içme 13.9, uhu, tiner, bali gibi uçucu bir madde koklama 7.1, hayat boyu esrar 1.1 ve hap, eroin, kokain gibi uyuşturucu veya uyarıcı bir madde kullanımı 0.8 olarak elde edilmiştir. Sigara kullananlarda sürekli kaygı, alkol kullananlarda özgüven ve özsaygı puanları yüksek bulunmuştur. Sigara ve diğer madde kullananlarda hayat boyu ve son bir yıl içinde şiddete uğrama ve şiddet uygulama daha yüksek idi. Sonuç: Sigara, alkol ve uçucu madde kullanımı lise öğrencilerinde yaygındır. Bulgularımız sürekli yüksek kaygının sigara kullanımında, yüksek özgüven ve özsaygının ise alkol kullanımında etkili olabileceği yönündedir. Madde kullanımı ile şiddet uygulama ve şiddete uğrama birliktelik göstermektedir
The Intercontinental Schizophrenia Outpatient Health Outcomes (IC-SOHO) study: baseline clinical and functional characteristics and antipsychotic use patterns in Turkey
Objective: In this study, our main objective is to describe the baseline findings of the Intercontinental Schizophrenia Outpatient Health Outcomes(IC-SOHO) study in Turkey.Method: The IC-SOHO study is an ongoing prospective, three-year non-interventional observational study of schizophrenia treatment, clinicalcharacteristics and mental health services utilization in Turkey. The study population consisted of non-hospitalized patients who had started orswitched into a new antipsychotic.Results: The baseline findings of the IC-SOHO study (Turkish Subset) appear to reflect clinical features of schizophrenia patients in Turkey (n=692).Overall the patients were moderately to markedly ill (66.7%) and already overweight (46.4%) and obese (7.3%) when they entered the study.Functionally the majority of patients were not involved in social activities, could not care for themselves and were unemployed. Substance andalcohol dependency/abuse was not a major problem in this study population. The majority of patients at baseline were treated with anantipsychotic (86.1%) and oral typicals antipsychotics were the most commonly used drugs 6 months prior to the study. Sexual adverse events werethe most frequently reported amongst the surveyed adverse events and overall compliance/adherence was moderate.Conclusion: The baseline IC-SOHO findings highlighted various clinical and functional characteristics and antipsychotic use patterns in a group ofschizophrenic outpatients in a naturalistic setting in Turkey. Once completed, the IC-SOHO study will add further information to this knowledge base
The prevalence and clinical features of the night eating syndrome in psychiatric out-patient population
Konuk, Numan/0000-0002-6815-9750; Ankarali, Handan Camdeviren/0000-0002-3613-0523; Sevincer, Guzin/0000-0002-8244-8647WOS: 000349742800013PubMed: 25483852Objective: In this study we aimed to investigate the prevalance and clinical correlations of night eating syndrome (NES) in a sample of psychiatric outpatients. Method: Four hundred thirthy three consecutive psychiatric out-patients older than 18 years were evaluated in the outpatient clinics using clinical interview according to the DSM-IV with regard to psychiatric diagnosis. Participants were also screened for presence of NES utilizing both clinical interview and self report based on Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) instruments. Sociodemographic and clinical features such as age, gender, education level, socioeconomic level and body mass index (BMI) were also recorded. The Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Symptom Checklist-90 Revised (SCL-90R) were administered. Results: Based on the proposed diagnostic criteria of the NES via utilizing clinical interview method, 97 (32 male, 65 female) of the sample met diagnostic criteria for NES. The point prevalence of NES was 22.4%. No statistically significant differences were found between the two groups in terms of age, gender, marital status, education and BMI. The patients with NES had higher NEQ, BSQ and SCL-90R subscale scores than patients without NES. Prevalance of depressive disorder, impulse control disorder, and nicotine dependency was higher among patients with NES. No differences were found with regard to the medication (antipsychotics, antidepressants and mood stabilizers). Conclusion: Night eating syndrome is prevalent among psychiatric outpatients and associated with depression, impulse control disorder, and nicotine dependency. Body dissatisfaction and higher symptom severity are also other risk factors for the development of NES. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
The reliability and validity of Turkish version of the Night Eating Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatient population
WOS: 000340477600008Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of Turkish Version of the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) in psychiatric out-patient population as a measure of severity of the night eating syndrome (NES). Methods: We examined the factor structure, internal consistency and validity of the NEQ in Turkish. First, we translated NEQ into Turkish and than back-translation into English; correction and semantic adaptation and assessment of the understanding of the questionnaire. We made the diagnosis of NES according to psychiatric examination. We administered the NEQ in 433 patients and the re-test in 141 participants two weeks later. Result: The instrument showed satisfactory internal consistency with an overall Cronbach a of 0.69. Intradass correlation for the test re-test total score was 0.96. The ninety seven patients had NES with psychiatric examination. The area under ROC curve defined as 0,904. For cuff-of point of 18 in NEQ both sensitivity and spesificity were as 90.7% and 73.8%. The confirmatory factor analysis of the NEQ yielded a similar four factor solution as the original scale. Conclusions: We found that Turkish version of NEQ is valid and has good diagnostical performance, and high internal consistency
The reliability and validity of Turkish version of the Night Eating Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatient population
WOS: 000340477600008Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of Turkish Version of the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) in psychiatric out-patient population as a measure of severity of the night eating syndrome (NES). Methods: We examined the factor structure, internal consistency and validity of the NEQ in Turkish. First, we translated NEQ into Turkish and than back-translation into English; correction and semantic adaptation and assessment of the understanding of the questionnaire. We made the diagnosis of NES according to psychiatric examination. We administered the NEQ in 433 patients and the re-test in 141 participants two weeks later. Result: The instrument showed satisfactory internal consistency with an overall Cronbach a of 0.69. Intradass correlation for the test re-test total score was 0.96. The ninety seven patients had NES with psychiatric examination. The area under ROC curve defined as 0,904. For cuff-of point of 18 in NEQ both sensitivity and spesificity were as 90.7% and 73.8%. The confirmatory factor analysis of the NEQ yielded a similar four factor solution as the original scale. Conclusions: We found that Turkish version of NEQ is valid and has good diagnostical performance, and high internal consistency
The prevalence and clinical features of the night eating syndrome in psychiatric out-patient population
Objective: In this study we aimed to investigate the prevalance and clinical correlations of night eating syndrome (NES) in a sample of psychiatric outpatients
The reliability and validity of Turkish version of the Night Eating Questionnaire in psychiatric outpatient population
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of Turkish Version of the Night Eating Questionnaire (NEQ) in psychiatric out-patient population as a measure of severity of the night eating syndrome (NES). Methods: We examined the factor structure, internal consistency and validity of the NEQ in Turkish. First, we translated NEQ into Turkish and than back-translation into English; correction and semantic adaptation and assessment of the understanding of the questionnaire. We made the diagnosis of NES according to psychiatric examination. We administered the NEQ in 433 patients and the re-test in 141 participants two weeks later. Result: The instrument showed satisfactory internal consistency with an overall Cronbach a of 0.69. Intradass correlation for the test re-test total score was 0.96. The ninety seven patients had NES with psychiatric examination. The area under ROC curve defined as 0,904. For cuff-of point of 18 in NEQ both sensitivity and spesificity were as 90.7% and 73.8%. The confirmatory factor analysis of the NEQ yielded a similar four factor solution as the original scale. Conclusions: We found that Turkish version of NEQ is valid and has good diagnostical performance, and high internal consistency