68 research outputs found

    Strategi Pemasaran untuk Meningkatkan Volume Penjualan pada Kedai Kopi Siliwangi Juanda 8 Samarinda

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui analisis SWOT yang dilakukan Kedai Kopi Siliwangi dalam melakukan bauran pemasaran dan mengetahui implementasi pemasaran dalam upaya meningkatkan volume penjualan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dan tergolong sebagai penelitian lapangan (field research). Dalam mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dalam implementasi SWOT di Kedai Kopi Siliwangi Samarinda dalam kekuatan terdapat kualitas produk yang dihasilkan, harga terjangkau, promosi penjualan langsung, dan lokasi yang strategis. Dalam kelemahan terdapat kurangnya konsentrasi kerja pegawai, keuntungan yang kecil, tidak ada tempat pembuangan air, dan jangkauan promosi yang tidak luas. Dalam peluang terdapat luasnya pangsa pasar, memperluas tempat usaha, dan kebutuhan masyarakat yang berkembang. Dalam ancaman terdapat munculnya pesaing baru dan kondisi jalan. Kemudian di dalam implementasi strategi pemasaran dalam meningkatkan volume penjualan, Kedai Kopi Siliwangi menjalankan strategi porduk dengan menemukan supplier yang murah, strategi harga dengan membuat harga yang terjangkau, strategi tempat dengan menemukan lokasi yang strategis, dan strategi promosi dengan metode promosi word of mouth

    Transformasi Somba Opu dari Bandar Niaga ke Objek Wisata Sejarah

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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang transformasi Somba Opu melalui kisahnya di masa lalu dan masa kini dengan menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kisah Somba Opu di masa lalu terbagi dalam tiga babak besar: pembangunan Benteng Somba Opu, penciptaan Somba Opu sebagai bandar niaga, dan pembentukan jaringan perdagangan internasional melalui kebijakan mare liberum dan pelabuhan bebas. Semua ini menjadikan Somba Opu tumbuh sebagai kota pelabuhan kosmopolitan dunia. Di masa kini, kisah Somba Opu terbagi dalam dua babak: usaha penemuan kembali Somba Opu melalui eskavasi arkeologis, serta transformasinya menjadi objek wisata sejarah yang penting bagi pelajar dan publik untuk memahami sejarah Sulawesi Selatan pada abad XVI hingga XVII

    Pentahelix Collaboration Concept as an Effort to Accelerate Poverty Reduction in the Covid-19 Situation in the City of Mataram

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    Pentahelix concept collaboration as an instrument to accelerate poverty alleviation in the Covid-19 situation in the City of Mataram. The Pentahelix concept is a form of the ability of elements (Government, Academics, Private, Community, Media) to build harmonious synergies in responding to accelerated poverty reduction amid the Covid-19 situation. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews and documentation. The research results of the Pentahelix collaboration process (Government, Academics, Private, Community, Media) in poverty alleviation in the City of Mataram have been well established. This can be seen from the negotiations that took place between the government as a policymaker and other Pentahelix elements. Commitment from every element in Pentahelix in every poverty alleviation policy and program in the Covid-19 situation in the City of Mataram which was carried out as the implementation of a joint decision. the involvement of various actors such as the Government, Academics, Private, Community, and Media, especially in alleviating poverty in the City of Mataram due to the Covid-19 Pandemic is going well


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    Purpose: This study explored the relationship between learning ambiance and academic attainment of health and physical education students at secondary school level. Methods: A survey of 800 (males=400; females=400) randomly selected from 40 secondary schools was conducted to collect the required information. However, after elimination of some spoilt questionnaires; the researchers finally used 768 valid questionnaires for data analysis. Results: The analyzed information stated that the current student teaching and learning facilities in the chosen region were discovered not up to the mark, so these facilities have an adverse effect on learners, academics. Therefore, a major portion from both the groups of gender fell in the category of low achievement. Conclusion: The findings of the study also revealed   girls reporting lesser academic achievement might be due to societal norms and domestic pressure. Recommendations: The findings of the study may help the teachers to work in collaboration with their respective head of the institution to establish an arsenal of strategies that could inoculate students against low and average academic achievements by providing a conducive to learning environmen

    Macrolide and fluoroquinolone resistance in helicobacter pylori isolates: An experience at a tertiary care centre in Pakistan

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    Objective: To assess fluoroquinolone and clarithromycin susceptibility pattern along with the types of genomic mutations involved in the resistance of Helicobacter pylori isolates.Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted at the Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, from June 2009 to July 2010, and comprised 162 gastric biopsy samples which were tested with GenoTypeHelicoDR (Hain Lifescience GmbH, Germany), a reverse hybridisation multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) line probe assay (LiPA). Also, 23S rRNA (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) gene was analysed with three-point mutations at A2146G, A2146C and A2147G for clarithromycin, and gyrA gene was analyzed at two codon positions 87 and 91 for fluoroquinolone susceptibility testing. SPSS 19 was used for statistical analyses.Results: Clarithromycin resistance was seen in 60 (37.0%) of the isolates mainly involving mutation at A2147G (85%) followed by A2146G (n=35; 21.6%) and A2146C (n=19; 11.6%). Fluoroquinolone resistance was noted in 101(62.3%) isolates, while gyrA mutations at codon 87 was seen in 64 (39.6%) and at codon 91 in 66 (40.6%). Isolates showing combined resistance to both antibiotics were 44 (26.9%).Conclusion: High rate of resistance to fluoroquinolones was seen despite the fact that the drug was not part of the first-line anti-helicobacter therapy. There was moderate increase of clarithromycin resistance beyond the cutoff rates where empirical use of this antibiotic is abandoned. The findings warrant the need for pre-treatment susceptibility testing in Helicobacter pylori infections, especially in Pakistan where burden of disease is high and very limited data is available, to improve patient care by providing targeted therapy

    Cardiovascular Endurance Of Rowing Athletes’ Performance: Study At South Sulawesi

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    This study aims to investigate the level of cardiovascular endurance of South Sulawesi Rowing Athletes. This research one of evidence the education of sports science research. The population in this study was South Sulawesi Rowing Athletes which joined the national competition. The sample in this study was 16 people using purposive sampling techniques with the consideration that the sample was chosen was a Rowing Athlete in South Sulawesi Province who competed at the National competition PON XX at Papua. The results reveal that the data analysis concluded that, 50% of athletes from the total sample were in the category of enough, and 31, 2 % of the total sample were in a good category. The other category 18.8% of the total sample were in the very good category. This study could be one of the description of the cause of rowing athletes in South Sulawesi province wined a gold medal at the Indonesia national competition. Keywords: Cardiovascular Endurance, National Competition, Rowing Athletes

    Monozygotic and Dizygotic Twins Differences in Fingerprint Patterns of Swat District

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    Background: The identification of individual is important for both legal and humanitarian reasons. It is of great importance because every individual exists as an entity in a society and is dealt with as such by the legal system. The most commonly used method for identification is fingerprinting which relies on the uniqueness of ridges present on thumbs and fingers. These are unique in arrangements and remain constant throughout an individual’s life. Fingerprints of no two individuals are same even if they are twins. The power of discrimination of the basis of fingerprinting is about one in 64 billion. The study was designed to carry out analysis of fingerprints from mono and dizygotic twins and to differentiate them on the basis of fingerprinting.Methods: This was a prospective cross-sectional study carried out among 30 pairs of twins including 17 pair of monozygotic twins and 13 pair of dizygotic twins. After taking an informed expressed consent, the participants were asked to press their individual fingers on the stamp pad. They were asked to then put and roll the stamped finger onto an A4 size paper on which blocks for each finger were already made. Both left and right hands were fingerprinted and with the help of magnifying glass, different types were identified including Arches, Composite type, Loops and Whorls. SPSS software was used for data analysis.Results: There was 7.6% of Arch type, 6.1% of tented arches, 1.5% of plain arches, 62.32% of loops, 6.66% of double loop, and 3.83% of central pocket loop, 44.83% of ulnar loop, 7% of radial loop, 0.83% of accidental loop, 29.93% of whorls, 9% of plain whorl and 20.1% of central the pocket whorl.Conclusion: When the left and right thumbs are compared with each other using eight (8) points, there are matches on the first six (6) points, matching percentage for each of these pairs of fingers is 75%. But when the both fingers were rotated on 180° and compared, the matching percentage was 87.5%. These 8 points fingerprinting can be used to distinguish twins.Keywords: Fingerprint; Identification; Twin; Monozygotic; Dizygotic

    Edukasi Pemasaran Digital dan Perhitungan Harga Pokok Penjualan di Desa Lambangsari, Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi

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    The fast development of the world affects changes in various sectors, one of which is business. The situation is becoming increasingly difficult with the Covid-19 pandemic situation which limits the mobility of business actors in doing business. Based on this background, the Bekasi Kab 02 KKN-T group carried out digital marketing and HPP education activities aimed at providing solutions to overcome marketing issues during the pandemic and making MSMEs able to compete well in this era. This program was implemented 3 times with a combination of online and offline activities on July 2021. The total participants involved in this activity were 15 people. We carry out digital marketing and HPP education with a hybrid discussion method with online socialization and education as well as practices that are carried out directly at MSME locations. The results showed that based on the pre and post tests conducted by eight participants, there was an increase in the number of participants who answered correctly on four of the six questions and even all participants answered correctly on two questions. A total of 6 from 8 participants got an increased score from before the presentation of the material. While the other 2 from 8 participants did not show any change in score. This result shows that the activity can increases the knowledge of MSME actors in using Instagram to make online sales and increases understanding of the calculation of basic commodities.The fast development of the world affects changes in various sectors, one of which is business. The situation is becoming increasingly difficult with the Covid-19 pandemic situation which limits the mobility of business actors in doing business. Based on this background, the Bekasi Kab 02 KKN-T group carried out digital marketing and HPP education activities aimed at providing solutions to overcome marketing issues during the pandemic and making MSMEs able to compete well in this era. This program was implemented 3 times with a combination of online and offline activities on July 2021. The total participants involved in this activity were 15 people. We carry out digital marketing and HPP education with a hybrid discussion method with online socialization and education as well as practices that are carried out directly at MSME locations. The results showed that based on the pre and post tests conducted by eight participants, there was an increase in the number of participants who answered correctly on four of the six questions and even all participants answered correctly on two questions. A total of 6 from 8 participants got an increased score from before the presentation of the material. While the other 2 from 8 participants did not show any change in score. This result shows that the activity can increases the knowledge of MSME actors in using Instagram to make online sales and increases understanding of the calculation of basic commodities

    Performance analysis and control of a novel 7-level active neutral point clamped (ANPC) topology

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    This paper introduces a novel 7-level active neutral-point clamped (ANPC) switched capacitor multilevel inverter (SCMLI) with voltage-boosting capabilities. The proposed converter can produce seven levels and a voltage boosting of 1.5 times with a single dc source. For boosting the voltage, two self-balanced switched capacitors and two dc link capacitors with active neutral point are used with nine switches. For controlling the output voltage, the level-shifted modulation technique and modified nearest level control technique is used. The performance of the converter is evaluated with both modulation techniques. The operation of the proposed SCMLI and the design of capacitors for the proposed circuit is discussed in detail. The proposed topology can eliminate the leakage current and has reduced voltage stress across switches which makes it suitable for solar photovoltaic applications. The proposed converter is compared with some other recently introduced converters in terms of voltage gain, the number of components used, and the voltage stress across the switches. For verifying the performance of the proposed circuit, the experimental and simulation results are presented in the paper. The experimental results closely agree with the simulation and theoretical studies. The total harmonic distortion (THD) in the output voltage and efficiency is compared with both modulation techniques. 2023 The Authors. IET Power Electronics published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.Scopu
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